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View Full Version : That stupid Twilight film twist everyone's talking about (SPOILERS)

11/16/2012, 11:56 AM
You wanna know what it is? DO YOU?

Well I AM GOING TO TELL YOU (based off of the Internet, so only believe if you believe the Internet)









Okay, just the Twi-hards and the curious non-Twilight fans left? Whew.

The moment the twist ending began there was no question this wasn’t in the book. Seeing the head of the Cullen family’s head separated from his body made my jaw drop. The girl sitting next to me started muttering, “This wasn’t in the book. This wasn’t in the book. This wasn’t in the book.”

As the sight of Carlisle’s beheading, the Cullens attack the Volturi. We see favorites die. Jasper. Seth. Over and over. Then these moments of vindication as someone kills the Volturi. Watching Alice take out the psychopathic little Jane, who just murdered Jasper, elicited cheers from the audience.

We watch as beloved characters are ripped to pieces and, some, set on fire. Solace from watching the Aro dying helped quell the tears of the teenagers in the audience.

They almost killed Edward.

Bella nearly bit it.

Then we discover this 20-minute epic battle that showed the movie killing off just about every beloved character was the vision Alice showed Aro to prove it wouldn’t end well if he tried to move against them.

This is why I say it was brilliant: That movie had zero action. This allowed the story arc to pick up the pace and show a real battle scene. It’s also nice to be able to surprise people who are so convinced they already know what words will come out of Bella’s mouth.

What was your reaction to seeing your favorite Twilight characters killed on screen? Did you like the twist ending? If you were to see the movie again, do you think you’d still enjoy that scene or since you know it’s a fake out would it lose power?


Really, I was so unimpressed when I tried to read the first book that I didn't care what would happen... but then they had to go on and on about OMG TWIST that I had to look it up.

Now... you know how obsessed some people are with this series.

If not, imagine Harry Potter ending with Hermione, Harry, Ron, and every other character everyone grew to love suddenly was brutally slaughtered by the enemy in an epic battle at the end.

And then... Harry wakes up rubbing his damn forehead scar, revealing it was just a dream.

Lol. We fooled you!

And now... all the fangirls in the theater are bawling uncontrollably, screaming, shocked, shaking their heads exclaiming "THAT wasn't in the book!"

And that was the Twilight movie theater scene across the country, apparently.

Lol. They fooled you!


PS: I did not write this account of the spoilers, just everything before and after said spoilers. I have no idea who any of these characters are or why we should be crying over them. Boo hoo.

11/16/2012, 12:31 PM
Dean's gonna be pissed.

11/16/2012, 12:55 PM
Dean's gonna be pissed.

I'm sure he would have been... if that had been the end to the Potter movie.

Seriously... if you have a teenage daughter or a cougar wife... be very afraid after they view Part 2 :P

11/16/2012, 01:38 PM
I haven't read that crap but form what I've heard, your original post had more words in it than the books.

11/16/2012, 02:13 PM
I haven't read that crap but form what I've heard, your original post had more words in it than the books.

Actually, IMHO, the book was bogged down by descriptions of EVERYTHING. No imagination required whatsoever because EVERYthing was described. No C.S. Lewis short read with room for the movies to expand... this was driveling drivel, endless endless drivel.

And in my defense, I didn't write most of my original post :P

11/16/2012, 02:55 PM


11/16/2012, 05:06 PM
Dean's gonna be pissed.

Why? Cause dead Cedric Diggory is a vampire now?

11/16/2012, 05:19 PM
Twilight is ghey

11/16/2012, 06:17 PM
Actually, IMHO, the book was bogged down by descriptions of EVERYTHING. No imagination required whatsoever because EVERYthing was described. No C.S. Lewis short read with room for the movies to expand... this was driveling drivel, endless endless drivel.

And in my defense, I didn't write most of my original post :P
Yeah, I've heard it was written for 12 year olds to read. Hear that Dean!

11/16/2012, 07:02 PM
Yeah, I've heard it was written for 12 year olds to read. Hear that Dean!

Thats cool. Did you know the average American reads at about the 6th grade level?

11/16/2012, 07:50 PM
Thats cool. Did you know the average American reads at about the 6th grade level?
Well that's obvious. Just look at the most recent election.

11/16/2012, 09:19 PM
Well that's obvious. Just look at the most recent election.

Dude, you're giving them waaaaay too much credit. Those were the kinnygarten folk. Obama? He black, right? Well den yeah, yo. Meh.

The brothers I don't blame. The stupid whites? Oh hells yes. You know who you are.

11/17/2012, 04:37 AM
Geez Dean. I'm sorry

11/17/2012, 08:03 AM
I'm sure he would have been... if that had been the end to the Potter movie.

Seriously... if you have a teenage daughter or a cougar wife... be very afraid after they view Part 2 :P

:mad: Now now...my wife's never seen the movies or read the books...besides, she's too busy being 9-months pregnant and getting ready to move overseas.

11/18/2012, 02:34 AM
No one should ever try to compare Twilight to Potter.


11/18/2012, 02:44 AM
No one should ever try to compare Twilight to Potter.



11/18/2012, 07:10 PM
No one should ever try to compare Twilight to Potter.


I bought a shirt yesterday. It's got Severus Snape in the upper corner and Cedric Diggory in the lower and in-between it says "No Diggory, vampires do not sparkle. 50 points from Hufflepuff.

Hell, I had to buy it.

11/19/2012, 09:13 AM
:mad: Now now...my wife's never seen the movies or read the books...besides, she's too busy being 9-months pregnant and getting ready to move overseas.

OK, but many airlines have rules about infant flying so I hope the two aren't gonna be too close together! that'd be kind of stressful on both mom and baby too :D


11/19/2012, 10:20 AM
I bought a shirt yesterday. It's got Severus Snape in the upper corner and Cedric Diggory in the lower and in-between it says "No Diggory, vampires do not sparkle. 50 points from Hufflepuff.

Hell, I had to buy it.

Where did you find this shirt? I would love to get one myself.

11/19/2012, 10:24 AM
If we lose to Poke again, I am going to be a sad badger...

11/19/2012, 11:29 AM
Where did you find this shirt? I would love to get one myself.


I bought one of the owl post shirts for my wife, and a couple others for myself. It's a great place to shop.

11/19/2012, 08:07 PM
OK, but many airlines have rules about infant flying so I hope the two aren't gonna be too close together! that'd be kind of stressful on both mom and baby too :D

The wife is ready to pop any time now...and if she doesn't by November 29th, then my daughter gets an eviction notice served.

We're not moving til mid-January...the military docs won't medically clear my daughter til at least 4-6 weeks...and we need to get her govt. passport...

11/20/2012, 10:22 AM
We flew when baby badger was about 12 weeks old. Give her a bottle/pacifier during takeoff/landing and you'll be fine.

Most passengers will avoid sitting near you at all costs, so you will likely have a middle seat open if you fly Southwest (or if the flight isn't full, as they'll probably try to reseat the one assigned next to you).

The toddlers on the flights are far more annoying on flights... but people without children don't know that :D

11/20/2012, 08:05 PM
The parents are more annoying than the kids. Nobody stifles/has control over their kids these days. It sucks to fly with screaming kids and parents who just coo "c'mon johnny, want some more candy?" Meh.

11/20/2012, 09:14 PM
I heard the Volturi turned Mitt at a Kum N Go.


11/21/2012, 10:19 AM
What's almost worse than screaming children on flights though are the annoying people who think you actually want to hear their life story ad nauseum on a 2 hour flight. I can at least to a certain extent tune out the screaming toddler, but the adult sitting right next to me who won't STFU when I'm clearly trying to end the conversation politely makes me want to punch a brick wall.

Oh, and if you're extremely heavy.... do. not.ever.book.the.middle.seat. Seriously, is your brain unable to comprehend basic physics?

11/21/2012, 08:30 PM
Bwa ha ha...I finally hijacked a thread.

Anywho...we're flying from here to Dayton in mid-January and leaving from there for Europe...visiting all my friends and extended family on the east coast. Flying Southwest so we get our free checked bags (having enough stuff to get us started in Germany is gonna be a PITA with just two bags apiece, but it'll have to do) and can have the freedom of seating. However, I think that we're probably gonna fly Delta to Dusseldorf, as they're the only US carrier to fly into there (and Uncle Sam wants us to fly US carriers as much as possible), so that means some unfortunate people will have to deal with us for 8-9 hours on an overnight flight...oh well.