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View Full Version : why deoens't obama do any service announcements for.B/B crime...

11/9/2012, 12:31 PM
that's black on black, over 90% of homicides of blacks is by blacks.

OR tell all the other black men to do their jobs and be dad's...over 65% of black children live in fatherless homes.

Just sayin..since he's half black and such a good role model.

**I'm divorced, only since 2010, kids were 16/19. BUT I still am and was very involved in their lives, school, sports, work etc. So I'm saying they don't have to live with them but I can tell from MY school the % is right for ANY INVOLVEMENT.

11/9/2012, 01:05 PM
Because the only black people he can stand to be around are those with incomes of at least seven figures.

11/9/2012, 02:18 PM
If you acknowledge a problem, you might be expected to do something about it. Blaming others hasn't seemed to help.

11/9/2012, 02:25 PM
We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child -- it's the courage to raise one.

You might recall that it was statements like this that provoked Jesse Jackson to say that he wanted to cut Obama's nuts out/off during a commercial break on Fox News. :eek: