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11/8/2012, 02:05 AM
The real story. I was looking through the nation wide exit poll data and could clearly see where Mitt, the GOP and all the rest of us are screwing this up.

Are you:
Total/ Obama/ Romney
47%/ 45%/ 52%
53%/ 55%/ 44%
Sample: 26517 respondents

I guess women buy into that whole women's reproductive rights garbage that team O was spewing.

In which age group are you?
Total Obama Romney
19%/ 60%/ 37%
27%/ 52%/ 45%
38%/ 47%/ 51%
65 or over
16%/ 44%/ 56%
Sample: 26413 respondents

Our education system is seriously fooked. Thats on all of us because we know its been like this for decades.

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Total/ Obama/ Romney
25%/ 86%/ 11%
41%/ 56%/ 41%
35%/ 17%/ 82%
Sample: 24910 respondents

What the hell could be more moderate than Mittens? If that large a voting block defining themselves as moderate then the definition of "Moderate" needs to be examined and revised.

2011 total family income:
Total/ Obama/ Romney
Under $50,000
41%/ 60%/ 38%
31%/ 46%/ 52%
$100,000 or more
28%/ 44%/ 54%
Sample: 24157 respondents

Yes, I guess Tocqueville was right

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."

How often do you attend religious services?
Total/ Obama/ Romney
42%/ 39%/ 59%
40%/ 55%/ 43%
17%/ 62%/ 34%
Sample: 5131 respondents

Chalk another one up for Tocqueville

The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage. That is a commonplace truth, but one to which my studies are always bringing me back. It is the central point in my conception. I see it at the end of all my reflections.

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? (CHECK ONLY ONE)
Total/ Obama/ Romney
Foreign policy
5%/ 56%/ 33%
Federal budget deficit
15%/ 32%/ 66%
The economy
59%/ 47%/ 51%
Health care
18%/ 75%/ 24%
Sample: 10798 respondents

Mitt didn't do near enough to separate himself from Obama on this one.

Who is more to blame for current economic problems?
Total/ Obama/ Romney
Barack Obama
38%/ 5%/ 94%
George W. Bush
53%/ 85%/ 12%
Sample: 5359 respondents

This is partly the medias fault for covering for Obama and partly Mitts fault for not hanging this around Obamas neck.

Really though, what did the wise old men running the GOP expect? How did they expect to get out the conservative vote if the kingmakers are only willing to put up Obamalite. Same as McCain, is what they got.

I say to hell with it all. Vote all of the jerks out, I don't care what it costs us in the short term, because if we don't then we will get nowhere in the long term. If conservatives don't start sending a real message then we will be in the same place in 4 years except it will be Jeb Bush instead of Mitt.

And please stop with all the grade school crap about abortion, gay rights and marijuana, we got more important issues than whether or not 2 dudes (or gals) are smoking pot and diddling each other.

11/8/2012, 02:56 AM
Not sure I agree with you about Women on the whole reproductive rights thing being why they voted that way. I think it's part of it maybe. It definitely got a lot of liberal Women to come out of the woodwork but I think they really kept emotions low when responding to many of the idiots in races that brought up Rape and Abortion.

We have a lot of Women in the Workforce. Many are the Bread winners in the Family now. President Obama was really good at getting their votes as well as many other groups.

I've seen Nate Silver on talking about his book, "The Signal and the Noise, Why so many predictions fail but some don't".

The guy evidently hit it on the nail except for a race in North Dakota maybe?

His Algorithms and use of data were incredibly correct. It's why so many "EXPERTS" are preparing to pay up on bets and predictions they were absolutely wrong about.

11/8/2012, 10:22 AM
Not sure I agree with you about Women on the whole reproductive rights thing being why they voted that way. I think it's part of it maybe. It definitely got a lot of liberal Women to come out of the woodwork but I think they really kept emotions low when responding to many of the idiots in races that brought up Rape and Abortion.

We have a lot of Women in the Workforce. Many are the Bread winners in the Family now. President Obama was really good at getting their votes as well as many other groups.

But WHY????!!! Why on earth would any halfway intelligent woman who is the primary earner for the family ever consider voting Obama? Because her secret wish is to work harder for less money to put on the table?
Nope, the women who voted for Obama are the welfare moms, the minority moms (not saying they are the same people as the welfare moms), and the women who have partaken of the blue Kool-aid that's being served up daily in the media. Women like me--- women who are smart, self-sufficient, and who are in charge of how everything is run in their families did not vote Obama. Any woman who voted Obama because they buy into the rhetoric that Mitt was going to take control of their uterus away from them is just flat ignorant and needs to learn to think for themselves rather than believe everything the left spoon feeds them.

hawaii 5-0
11/8/2012, 10:42 AM
And please stop with all the grade school crap about abortion, gay rights and marijuana, we got more important issues than whether or not 2 dudes (or gals) are smoking pot and diddling each other.

You should send this to the House of Representatives and ask them to change their important agenda.


11/8/2012, 10:47 AM
I work with many women. They are highly educated and make between $150k-$250 from what I know about my companies pay scale. They all have masters degrees in technical or marketing fields and they all opening supported Obama. Your assumption about halfway intelligent women is not correct.

11/8/2012, 10:50 AM
You know what really happened? It was like that Simpsons episode where Homer is angrily sitting at home after an election imposes a curfew on younger adults like him that won by 1 vote.

Marge: I really wish that you would have voted, Homer.
Homer: Pbbbth, it wouldn't have mattered.

Certain voting bases turned up in elections on Tuesday, and it wasn't the Homer Simpsons. Their candidate won. The Homer Simpsons sat at home going "Pbbbth, it wouldn't have mattered" the next day after seeing the election results when they didn't turn up to vote, or even register to vote.

Next time, register to vote. And if you registered to vote, actually vote! And if you don't do either, you are Homer Simpson. Fat, lazy, stupid Homer Simpson.


11/8/2012, 03:44 PM
But WHY????!!! Why on earth would any halfway intelligent woman who is the primary earner for the family ever consider voting Obama? Because her secret wish is to work harder for less money to put on the table.

What has Obama taken away from intelligent hard working people? Except for the individual mandate which shouldn't apply in this case, where has he raised taxes? All I remember is him extending the Bush tax cuts.

Talk about the deficit and what it will mean to us and the future but right now I don't see how Obama has changed much with respect to the taxes that you pay.

Maybe I'm missing something.

Frankly, I think we need a balanced approach to the deficit. We need more taxes and spending cuts. That's the only way we're going to solve the problem. I think those who signed the pledge to never increase taxes are just as responsible as those who want to ignore the deficit altogether.

11/8/2012, 03:54 PM
I work with many women. They are highly educated and make between $150k-$250 from what I know about my companies pay scale. They all have masters degrees in technical or marketing fields and they all opening supported Obama. Your assumption about halfway intelligent women is not correct.

And apparently they still choose to vote with their vag's than with their brains, no matter how well educated they are.

11/8/2012, 03:55 PM
Tax the rich all you want it won't even come close to the revenue needed to stop the fall. We need spending cuts. Ya know like BIG ****ING BIRD. :rolleyes:

11/8/2012, 05:59 PM
Not sure I agree with you about Women on the whole reproductive rights thing being why they voted that way. I think it's part of it maybe. It definitely got a lot of liberal Women to come out of the woodwork but I think they really kept emotions low when responding to many of the idiots in races that brought up Rape and Abortion.

We have a lot of Women in the Workforce. Many are the Bread winners in the Family now. President Obama was really good at getting their votes as well as many other groups.

I've seen Nate Silver on talking about his book, "The Signal and the Noise, Why so many predictions fail but some don't".

The guy evidently hit it on the nail except for a race in North Dakota maybe?

His Algorithms and use of data were incredibly correct. It's why so many "EXPERTS" are preparing to pay up on bets and predictions they were absolutely wrong about.

Read The Bell Curve and see how the demographic trend of increasing number of households headed by women is working out for the country.

11/8/2012, 06:13 PM
The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage. That is a commonplace truth, but one to which my studies are always bringing me back. It is the central point in my conception. I see it at the end of all my reflections.

Morals arent solely derived from religion. Carry on...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
11/8/2012, 06:20 PM
But WHY????!!! Why on earth would any halfway intelligent woman who is the primary earner for the family ever consider voting Obama? Because her secret wish is to work harder for less money to put on the table?
Nope, the women who voted for Obama are the welfare moms, the minority moms (not saying they are the same people as the welfare moms), and the women who have partaken of the blue Kool-aid that's being served up daily in the media. Women like me--- women who are smart, self-sufficient, and who are in charge of how everything is run in their families did not vote Obama. Any woman who voted Obama because they buy into the rhetoric that Mitt was going to take control of their uterus away from them is just flat ignorant and needs to learn to think for themselves rather than believe everything the left spoon feeds them.Too bad what you said is so long. Shorten it up for a great signature. At least until the speech cops are on the scene.

11/8/2012, 07:10 PM
But WHY????!!! Why on earth would any halfway intelligent woman who is the primary earner for the family ever consider voting Obama? Because her secret wish is to work harder for less money to put on the table?
Nope, the women who voted for Obama are the welfare moms, the minority moms (not saying they are the same people as the welfare moms), and the women who have partaken of the blue Kool-aid that's being served up daily in the media. Women like me--- women who are smart, self-sufficient, and who are in charge of how everything is run in their families did not vote Obama. Any woman who voted Obama because they buy into the rhetoric that Mitt was going to take control of their uterus away from them is just flat ignorant and needs to learn to think for themselves rather than believe everything the left spoon feeds them.

I don't speak for my Wife. I am just telling you I think she voted Obama and I also can confirm to you that many other of the Women she worked with did too. It seems you are attacking me when what I said was that I think President Obama did a great job at getting their votes. I'm not sure where all this talk of Welfare Women comes from unless you (Like Karl Rove) just refuse to accept the real numbers about the Women who voted in this election. According to the Reuters Center for American Women and Politics, every presidential election (http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/fast_facts/voters/documents/genderdiff.pdf) since 1980 has seen the number of female voters surpass that of males by between four to seven million votes. The 2012 presidential election was proof; women comprised (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/11/07/winners-and-losers-from-election-2012/) 53 percent of the total national vote.

Whether or not you think they are all a bunch of stupid idiots and that only Ladies like you really know what's good for them and that over half of them are just Welfare Moms who are a blight on America won't change the fact that they didn't all vote for Romney. What I think is awful is your response to how they voted. 55% of the Women who voted...voted for President Obama and even though you wish to fume about them being a bunch of uneducated twits and think you know better....the majority of Women obviously didn't agree with you and I would venture to say that the many other Women who didn't or couldn't or weren't eligible to vote, probably wouldn't see things your way either and if they had voted...I'm betting the 55% for Obama would have been even higher.

As far as my Wife goes...I know she likes this statement...she forwarded it from an email she got from a very successful Woman she works with....

FYI...this was written by my Pastor who is also my Realtor. He sent me this and I was very moved by his words after this election was over. I hope you find this as interesting as I do....

"One thing that I find extremely interesting is the assumption that Liberals or Democrats or Progressives are not believers. Just because WE do not believe that a man has a right to brutalize a woman OR even a very young girl, impregnate her and then request visitation or joint custody of her child does not mean we are not believers. Just because we believe in equal rights "love one another," for ALL Americans doesn't mean we don't read the Bible. We just interpret the teachings of Christ a little differently. Republicans believe ONLY in the right to life. Once you draw your first breath out of the womb, you are fair game. You can starve. You are on your own. If your mother is unmarried or poor, she should NOT have had a baby, but you WANT all pregnancies to come to term, and if you ask me, this is hypocrisy. And this is why you lost the election. Because in YOUR minds, women are chattel. They... should "obey" ANY man. They should accept sexual advances unwanted or not and then they should be punished by being FORCED by the Government to take responsibility for a man's behavior by being REQUIRED to give birth and then shunned because she is a whore. Republicans denigrate women, period. You act as if you are smarter or more capable of managing our lives. You are not. You can't even manage the zipper on your pants. You want to stop losing elections? You want to stop making people afraid of you? Stop being so damn scary. And stop being so sanctimonious while ignoring every child on the planet that is starving to death, or abandoned, or alone in this world. Just stop being so arrogant. And just so you know, there are millions of Americans who are Christians or Jews or have a God they believe in and pray to. And just so you know, many of them feel their prayers were answered last night. Don't try to tell us otherwise. You have lost all credibility with hate and arrogance. Jesus doesn't like arrogance. He never said so, he just threw them out of the temple. Consider yourselves thrown out of the temple last night."

Now...I'm not trying to argue with you but there just seems to be a whole lot of folks that stayed quiet, deleted those Republican Spam Emails they got the last 4 years and just decided not to even try and discuss their views with the many who have been so venomous about President Obama and instead they just went to the polls and served Romney and everyone who supported him a huge bowl of STFU.

Some will STFU and others won't but the one thing I know is this....

President Obama and his Wife and lovely two children will remain in the White House for the next four years and the History Books will reflect how the American People....no matter how stupid Romney Supporters think they are....went to the polls on November 6th, 2012 and re-elected him to a 2nd Term as President of the United States.

11/8/2012, 07:21 PM
I work with many women. They are highly educated and make between $150k-$250 from what I know about my companies pay scale. They all have masters degrees in technical or marketing fields and they all opening supported Obama. Your assumption about halfway intelligent women is not correct.

Doesn't mean they have any common sense.
My peer group is mostly made up of professional women in the health care field. Not only are we very logical people, we can see the impending train wreck that is Obamacare.

rock on sooner
11/8/2012, 07:41 PM
Doesn't mean they have any common sense.
My peer group is mostly made up of professional women in the health care field. Not only are we very logical people, we can see the impending train wreck that is Obamacare.

Respectfully, read and understand the ACA. In the short term costs will
go up. As the withholding from insurance,hospital, and doctors for over
testing, unnecessary procedures, too much cya for malpractise insurance
goes by the wayside plus the fact that nearly everyone, including the
young, healthy ones begin to participate the cost will go down. It will
benefit the deficit by many billions. 30+ million folks will be insured, so
many preventive care procedures will be in place to catch major illness
early, pre existing conditions covered (to cut down on the ER), the doughnut
hole will be closed for seniors. Insurance across state lines. so many things
that are good and helpful. If that is your train wreck, then so be it.

11/8/2012, 07:58 PM
Of all of the controversial, hated aspects of Obama's presidency, Obamacare is the one that baffles me. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank, promoted the idea of an individual mandate in the 1980s. Romney implemented it in MA. If it's a train wreck, GOP thinkers were the ones who built it. Obama just set it in motion.

The confusion arises from the fact that 20 years ago, I held the view that as a technical matter, some form of requirement to purchase insurance was needed in a near-universal insurance market to avoid massive instability through "adverse selection" (insurers avoiding bad risks and healthy people declining coverage). At that time, President Clinton was proposing a universal health care plan, and Heritage and I devised a viable alternative -Stuart Butler, Heritage Foundation (This is from a USA today article in Feb.)

11/8/2012, 08:03 PM
As far as my Wife goes...I know she likes this statement...she forwarded it from an email she got from a very successful Woman she works with....

What a bunch of militant feminist crap that pastor spewed out. Bet he preaches from "The Color Purple" more often than from the Bible.

Those of you on the left are complaining about being mis-characterized by the right, and you just shared an email that proves just how guilty the left is of that very thing. And I'd bet dollars to dimes that those "evil evangelicals" that he dubs as not giving a crap about conceived children have given and devoted far more money to foster homes and other programs to aid such children than his congregation ever even hinted at.

11/8/2012, 08:17 PM
Doesn't mean they have any common sense.

Jane...you ignorant...


Damn girl....ease up. Let the Doctors handle this. It's time they stepped up and quit putting so much on folks with technical trade education levels. If they hadn't allowed Insurance Companies to push them around 30 years ago they wouldn't be in this shape. Common Sense was lost years ago and you have been getting over paid for being their file clerks. It will do you some good to get back to emptying bed pans.

11/8/2012, 08:36 PM
What a bunch of militant feminist crap that pastor spewed out. Bet he preaches from "The Color Purple" more often than from the Bible.

Those of you on the left are complaining about being mis-characterized by the right, and you just shared an email that proves just how guilty the left is of that very thing. And I'd bet dollars to dimes that those "evil evangelicals" that he dubs as not giving a crap about conceived children have given and devoted far more money to foster homes and other programs to aid such children than his congregation ever even hinted at.

All I'm saying is that his view came from the Religious Right. Now you want to try calling people who are from the Religious Right who were turned off by so much venomous rhetoric into Dirty Liberals. I am trying to show how many folks stayed quiet and didn't get into debates with many of you and instead were turned off by the crazies in the Tea Party that the GOP were also afraid to have discussions with. So much so that Romney never came up with a real message or plan to fix the Economy. Instead the entire Campaign was based on what the GOP Candidates who cut each other's throats in the debates said about each other. Billionaires and Super Pacs then became the voice of the Republican Party and those of us who were looking for answers and specific plans watched Romney turn back into a Moderate who began to agree with everything President Obama did the last four years. If you agree with the President....why do we need to replace him?

Bottomline is...we didn't replace him. Bottomline is the Billionaires and Millionaires who were sucked into dumping all that money to fire the President were shocked on Tuesday night when instead he was given four more years and Romney's Political Career was torn to shreds.

As far as complaining goes....the only complaint I have is that so many folks are still in a State of denial. We can all just quit talking again and continue to let all of you complain for another four years. We are kind of getting used to it. I'm not sure that it's a very healthy thing for you to do but "Hey!"....it's a free Country and now you can even move to Colorado or Washington and hit a few bongs as long as you avoid smoking on Federal Land.

11/8/2012, 08:37 PM
StoopTroop, count me as another person who finds your "pastors" words offensive, divisive, and bitter. It is phonies like her that cause me to stay out of churches of any type. BTW, even though I am a self-proclaimed agnostic I can't see a scenario in which Christ would have said anything like what your pastor wrote in her e-mail. That fact that she sees herself as superior to other people of faith is all you need to know about her character. Just another hypocrite shrouded in religious trappings.

11/9/2012, 09:22 AM
I personally voted for Romney (not like it matters, we're in Oklahoma) but I don't hold it against my female peers who voted for Obama.

The Republican Party's representatives said a lot of stupid things this election cycle that made me cringe and likely influenced women voters. Rape?! You crusty old men wanna talk about RAPE?! **** off! Seriously.

Republicans must choose candidates more carefully, knowing that one of them in a presidential election cycle represents them ALL and can impact ALL Republicans running for office. They must also choose their words more carefully, or at least not be STUPID enough to make RAPE comments?

Seriously, you all wanna talk stupid and uneducated, maybe making offhanded rape comments should come to mind before women that vote for Obama?

Anyways, if more women than men are turning out to vote, and men voted for Romney more than Obama and you're upset that Obama won, don't blame the women that exercised their right to vote, but rather, blame the Homer Simpsons that stayed home, didn't bother to register to vote or didn't vote after registering because "it wouldn't have mattered."

11/9/2012, 09:25 AM
We need real world candidates. None of these people are in touch with reality or the struggles of working, functioning people. Until this happens, we will continue down this road.

11/9/2012, 09:38 AM
We need real world candidates. None of these people are in touch with reality or the struggles of working, functioning people. Until this happens, we will continue down this road.

Do we have the technology to clone Dr. Tom Coburn yet? :D

11/9/2012, 09:49 AM
Damn girl....ease up. Let the Doctors handle this. It's time they stepped up and quit putting so much on folks with technical trade education levels. If they hadn't allowed Insurance Companies to push them around 30 years ago they wouldn't be in this shape. Common Sense was lost years ago and you have been getting over paid for being their file clerks. It will do you some good to get back to emptying bed pans.

LOL, you know damned good and well what I do and trust me, its way beyond "technical trade level", "file clerking" and "emptying bed pans."

Just because you didn't like my POV concerning women voters doesn't mean you need to attack the job I do. Sheesh, didn't realize you felt so threatened that you had to do that because it didn't start out as anything personal against you. Then again, I should have remembered your extreme paranoia as of late.

Trust me, it will not ever happen again as you will now be on permanent iggy.

11/9/2012, 09:54 AM
Do we have the technology to clone Dr. Tom Coburn yet? :D

Would be great, but he's not electable nationwide due to his common sense and the lack of it nationwide.

11/9/2012, 10:20 AM
Would be great, but he's not electable nationwide due to his common sense and the lack of it nationwide.

Remember how he was elected in the first place: By being the alternate choice.

I was not in Oklahoma yet, but from what I read, his Muskogee Congressional district had an incumbent that he and his Democrat opponent wanted ousted, so when that incumbent was out in the primary, the two didn't care who won, because at least the incumbent was out (Coburn won).

Then, I actually do remember his first Senate race --- Kirk Humphries was the national Republican choice for the Senate seat. Bob Anthony was another candidate with state political experience (corporation commish). Coburn was again, the alternative, oddball not-national-party choice. I didn't see a ton of TV ads for him, I'm not even sure I saw one TV ad for him (but saw tons of Kirk Humphries crap). Once again, Coburn wins.

Maybe the answer isn't Coburn clones. Maybe states just need to have their own average non-politician citizens step up and say "I'm not a professional politician nor do I aspire to be one. Elect me because I'm one of you and I promise I won't stay in office for life and return to being one of you after I've served a term or two"

11/9/2012, 10:38 AM
Remember how he was elected in the first place: By being the alternate choice.

I was not in Oklahoma yet, but from what I read, his Muskogee Congressional district had an incumbent that he and his Democrat opponent wanted ousted, so when that incumbent was out in the primary, the two didn't care who won, because at least the incumbent was out (Coburn won).

Then, I actually do remember his first Senate race --- Kirk Humphries was the national Republican choice for the Senate seat. Bob Anthony was another candidate with state political experience (corporation commish). Coburn was again, the alternative, oddball not-national-party choice. I didn't see a ton of TV ads for him, I'm not even sure I saw one TV ad for him (but saw tons of Kirk Humphries crap). Once again, Coburn wins.

Maybe the answer isn't Coburn clones. Maybe states just need to have their own average non-politician citizens step up and say "I'm not a professional politician nor do I aspire to be one. Elect me because I'm one of you and I promise I won't stay in office for life and return to being one of you after I've served a term or two" What made me like Tom is that he stuck to his principles rather than give in to temporary expediency or shallow partisanship, yet even when he knew he couldn't everything his way he behaved like gentleman and treated even his opponents with respect.

11/9/2012, 11:58 AM
I didn't read the whole post from the preacher but I think this part needs to be emphasized:

Once you draw your first breath out of the womb, you are fair game. You can starve. You are on your own. If your mother is unmarried or poor, she should NOT have had a baby, but you WANT all pregnancies to come to term, and if you ask me, this is hypocrisy

There is a lot of hypocrisy in the conservative stance as it pertains to abortion and healthcare.

They want to force a child to be born. I agree in most cases.
Many of them don't want society to be responsible for the child's welfare if the parent can't do so.
They don't think the child deserves the right to healthcare.

Now let's take Terry Schiavo to emphasize just how contradictory their statements are. The insurance for Terry Schiavo had long been used up. Conservatives don't want to provide healthcare for those who need it but they were happy to make the state pay the considerable cost to keep a brain dead person alive.

(Note: I recognize these views on abortion, healthcare, and Terry Schiavo do not represent all conservatives.)

11/9/2012, 01:27 PM
All I'm saying is that his view came from the Religious Right. Now you want to try calling people who are from the Religious Right who were turned off by so much venomous rhetoric into Dirty Liberals. I am trying to show how many folks stayed quiet and didn't get into debates with many of you and instead were turned off by the crazies in the Tea Party that the GOP were also afraid to have discussions with. So much so that Romney never came up with a real message or plan to fix the Economy. Instead the entire Campaign was based on what the GOP Candidates who cut each other's throats in the debates said about each other. Billionaires and Super Pacs then became the voice of the Republican Party and those of us who were looking for answers and specific plans watched Romney turn back into a Moderate who began to agree with everything President Obama did the last four years. If you agree with the President....why do we need to replace him?

Bottomline is...we didn't replace him. Bottomline is the Billionaires and Millionaires who were sucked into dumping all that money to fire the President were shocked on Tuesday night when instead he was given four more years and Romney's Political Career was torn to shreds.

As far as complaining goes....the only complaint I have is that so many folks are still in a State of denial. We can all just quit talking again and continue to let all of you complain for another four years. We are kind of getting used to it. I'm not sure that it's a very healthy thing for you to do but "Hey!"....it's a free Country and now you can even move to Colorado or Washington and hit a few bongs as long as you avoid smoking on Federal Land.

So if that's all you're saying, why post that rubbish? And his view didn't come from the religious right. It came from his fellow leftists who must somehow convince themselves that they're more caring, even though stats have shown they do far less than conservatives concerning charitable giving.

11/9/2012, 02:05 PM
Now...I'm not trying to argue with you but there just seems to be a whole lot of folks that stayed quiet, deleted those Republican Spam Emails they got the last 4 years and just decided not to even try and discuss their views with the many who have been so venomous about President Obama and instead they just went to the polls and served Romney and everyone who supported him a huge bowl of STFU.

Some will STFU and others won't but the one thing I know is this....

President Obama and his Wife and lovely two children will remain in the White House for the next four years and the History Books will reflect how the American People....no matter how stupid Romney Supporters think they are....went to the polls on November 6th, 2012 and re-elected him to a 2nd Term as President of the United States.

This is good stuff I just had to put it up again.

And as far as what the pastor said, it was a bit of a rant and ramble, but the part about the hypocrisy of some vociferous right-to-lifers who stop caring as soon a birth occurs -- and who tell the poor woman she should not have had a baby -- is bang spot on. No wonder some of the RW Howlers are offended.

11/9/2012, 02:20 PM
For those of you who feel that Mittens lost because he was insufficiently pressing the social conservative agenda, go ahead and nominate Santorum or some other true believer in the cause next time around. The nation is split pretty much 30-40-30 (quibble with me on single digits if you must, the essence of that statement is true). The folks who want to federally mandate their religious views are living inside the Republican party and have basically hijacked that party. It is now the party of legislating religion and precious little else. So long as it remains so, the Republicans will lose the center by a greater or lesser margin, holding only those who simply can't bear to vote for a Democrat. Do the math. That equates to the Dems having a permanent majority.
Why is it so hard for Republicans to get that attempting to legislate personal morality is a bad idea? It would seem a principle that should be central to any party founded on the concept of personal liberty. Are the social conservatives so afraid that their ideas and values are not shared and have no rational or logical cogency? Do they believe that the only way to 'convert' their fellow citizens is at the point of a policeman's gun?
I find myself in the odd situation of having been deserted by my party. The Democrats are essentially socialism-lite but don't have a firm enough grasp on poli-sci to even realize it. So, I can't go there. And the Republicans have abandoned sanity and any memory of what they stood for in order to placate a mass of mouthbreathing beedles who want to 'take back America' to someplace we haven't been since Cotton Mather was trying his best to install a Protestant inquisition in North America 4 centuries ago. And the Libertarians, attractive though they are, fundamentally reject the foreign policy lessons of the last 150 years and try to pretend that, if we all try really hard to ignore it, the world will go away.

A pox on all their houses.

11/9/2012, 02:28 PM
StoopTroop, count me as another person who finds your "pastors" words offensive, divisive, and bitter. It is phonies like her that cause me to stay out of churches of any type. BTW, even though I am a self-proclaimed agnostic I can't see a scenario in which Christ would have said anything like what your pastor wrote in her e-mail. That fact that she sees herself as superior to other people of faith is all you need to know about her character. Just another hypocrite shrouded in religious trappings.

You no read so goooood.

It wasn't my Pastor. It wasn't even my Wife's. It was forwarded to us from someone we respect and think has a right to feel however she wants and have a relationship with whatever Church or Pastor she wants. This was America the last I looked and she and her Pastor are welcome to their views.

I think you may also miss our point here. We don't hate people we don't agree with. Even Agnostics who's life hangs on the Almighty Dollar that still has the words...."In God We Trust" on them.

I used to have a real problem with hypocrites until I realized no one religion or agnostic or atheist walk this World without being a hypocrite about something. I truly began to realize that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". After some reflection and soul searching I have never had to much worry of the hypocrite. Instead I accept that I am not perfect and that you aren't either. We live in an imperfect World.

You may have zero respect for that Woman's beliefs or her Pastor's but we do and we think we have more in common with her than the Financial God of Money you seem to embrace, trap and surround yourself with.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

11/9/2012, 03:10 PM
"One thing that I find extremely interesting is the assumption that Liberals or Democrats or Progressives are not believers. Just because WE do not believe that a man has a right to brutalize a woman OR even a very young girl, impregnate her and then request visitation or joint custody of her child does not mean we are not believers. Just because we believe in equal rights "love one another," for ALL Americans doesn't mean we don't read the Bible. We just interpret the teachings of Christ a little differently. Republicans believe ONLY in the right to life. Once you draw your first breath out of the womb, you are fair game. You can starve. You are on your own. If your mother is unmarried or poor, she should NOT have had a baby, but you WANT all pregnancies to come to term, and if you ask me, this is hypocrisy. And this is why you lost the election. Because in YOUR minds, women are chattel. They...should "obey" ANY man. They should accept sexual advances unwanted or not and then they should be punished by being FORCED by the Government to take responsibility for a man's behavior by being REQUIRED to give birth and then shunned because she is a whore. Republicans denigrate women, period. You act as if you are smarter or more capable of managing our lives. You are not. You can't even manage the zipper on your pants. You want to stop losing elections? You want to stop making people afraid of you? Stop being so damn scary. And stop being so sanctimonious while ignoring every child on the planet that is starving to death, or abandoned, or alone in this world. Just stop being so arrogant. And just so you know, there are millions of Americans who are Christians or Jews or have a God they believe in and pray to. And just so you know, many of them feel their prayers were answered last night. Don't try to tell us otherwise. You have lost all credibility with hate and arrogance. Jesus doesn't like arrogance. He never said so, he just threw them out of the temple. Consider yourselves thrown out of the temple last night."

Today's Soonerfans post challenge: in one paragraph, come up with no fewer than 20 strawmen, and then knock them all over.
