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11/6/2012, 06:38 PM
The first key state is Virginia. Polls close there at 7:00 ET. Romney needs this one BAAAAAAAADLY.

Ohio polls close 30 minutes later.

11/6/2012, 06:44 PM
I'm watching CNBC this evening. They got Joe Kernan right now, who isn't their best talker. Hope they upgrade in prime time.

Hope its Maria Bartiromo later.

11/6/2012, 06:46 PM
Every 4 years the 269-269 tie scenario is raised. Wouldn't that be great? The house would elect Romney and the senate would elect Biden as VP.

Instead of the team of Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin -- we would have Lewis and Lewis.

11/6/2012, 06:55 PM
I voted for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, but I'll go out on a limb and say he won't win a single state.

I predict Romney is the winner, with stronger pub turnout than expected. Of course I predicted OU would score 50 on Notre Dame.

11/6/2012, 06:57 PM
DId I hear that correctly? It's illegal to bet in Vegas on the presidential election?

11/6/2012, 06:59 PM
I think this is going to be a night to drink heavily.

11/6/2012, 07:00 PM
I just realized it will be 100 years before we have another year that is a palindrome: 2112.

I got spoiled with 2002 and 1991.

11/6/2012, 07:02 PM
Romney leads 19 to 3.

Vermont to Obama, Indiana and Kentucky to Romney.

Virginia too close to call, as expected.

11/6/2012, 07:06 PM
Romney leads 19 to 3.

Vermont to Obama, Indiana and Kentucky to Romney.

Virginia too close to call, as expected.
The socialists picked Obama. Shocking.

11/6/2012, 07:09 PM
Ill drank to that,
I went down and Voted fer Obammy, As soon as I put my ballot in the machine it went to clangin bells and flashing lights like I won sompun
Next thing I know I was drug out back by a Bunch of Red necks and had the **** kicked out of me.

11/6/2012, 07:26 PM
I think this is going to be a night to drink heavily.

Where's Carl Albert when you need him?

11/6/2012, 07:26 PM
Ill drank to that,
I went down and Voted fer Obammy, As soon as I put my ballot in the machine it went to clangin bells and flashing lights like I won sompun
Next thing I know I was drug out back by a Bunch of Red necks and had the **** kicked out of me.

They let Obama on the ballot down there?

11/6/2012, 07:31 PM
They let Obama on the ballot down there?

They put him on the Back

11/6/2012, 07:36 PM
The hillbillies (WV) went to Romney.

11/6/2012, 07:40 PM
I find it humorous that some people actually sit and watch this ****. I'll find a nice movie or something tonight and find out who won on SF.com.

11/6/2012, 07:40 PM
South Carolina racists being called for Romney.

11/6/2012, 07:42 PM
I find it humorous that some people actually sit and watch this ****. I'll find a nice movie or something tonight and find out who won on SF.com.

Yup its Out of my hands now, whoever wins wins,
Im prolly gonna Put the Ice pack on and lay down awhile

South Carolina racists being called for Romney.

Bet SouthCarolinaSooner is Hatin that :highly_amused:

11/6/2012, 07:53 PM
Georgia racist crackers go to Romney.

11/6/2012, 07:59 PM
Heard on the radio, thought this was funny.

This guy's dad lived in Chicago and voted Republican his whole life, until he died....he's been voting Democrat ever since. :)

11/6/2012, 08:04 PM
Obama wins Illinois, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, Rhode Island, DC., all enlightened peoples.

Romney wins Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, all racists.

11/6/2012, 08:15 PM
I watched Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning interview Jenna Bush about all the times she and her Family sat around waiting to see if they won or lost. Matt said he noticed how she didn't go around telling folks "When I was at the White House....". He thanked her for allowing him to interview her about it as she was in her teens when she first had to deal with it all.

The funny part was that she said one year it took so long that they all just went to bed and didn't know who won until the next morning. I think we all know which one that was. Florida held things up probably like Ohio will this year by the sound of things. We probably won't know until tomorrow if it comes down to Ohio. Pundits seem to think if Ohio is the State that hangs things up, they won't have their votes counted until past midnight there.

Sure seems like they are really trying to drag things out to sell as much commercial time as possible. I'm just peeking in from time to time. I watched CSPAN earlier this morning and they had the GW Bush and the Ross Perot concession speeches and Slick Willie's acceptance speech. For me....that was when the GOP lost me as a straight ticket voter. It's a shame they have never really recovered from the 1000 points of light, Read my Lips stuff. Both parties have done well getting rid of the 3rd party Little Generals. I suspect it's what kept Trump from running like Perot did back then.

11/6/2012, 08:21 PM
I seem to remember Ohio holding things up in 2004. My memory could be failing me though.

11/6/2012, 08:29 PM
I think you are right now that I think about it. I think we had gone to a Movie that night and when we got Home we saw that President Obama had won. I really didn't think we'd know that night either. I'd go see a movie but the Wife had a Women's meeting at Church tonight. I'm surprised our Men's club didn't get together for a few adult beverages and wait for our Wives to take us Home. :D

11/6/2012, 08:31 PM
If we lose Ohio, we must win Florida, Wisconsin, and Virginia.

11/6/2012, 08:35 PM
If we lose Ohio, we must win Florida, Wisconsin, and Virginia.

Yeah...John King on CNN really has his TV screens dialed in where he can show what happens when some of these States confirm who gets the Electoral Votes.

11/6/2012, 08:37 PM
I just realized it will be 100 years before we have another year that is a palindrome: 2112.


11/6/2012, 09:25 PM
If we lose Ohio, we must win Florida, Wisconsin, and Virginia. Do you think Obama will get all of the states with a lot of unions? I do. Thats why I'm worried. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/smilies/bitenails.gif

I'm having to watch FOX News just to remain fairly calm. :D

11/6/2012, 09:43 PM
Karl Rove just predicted Romney will take Florida, but I'm not so sure.

11/6/2012, 09:53 PM
Welfare unions states. What a disgrace. Just don't get how people vote for donks.

11/6/2012, 10:07 PM
They say Nevada is leaning Obama. It is now 18% hispanic. Wouldn't you say that it is likely that illegal hispanic voters will tip that state to Obama?
What a way to win, non-US citizens choosing our president.

Bourbon St Sooner
11/6/2012, 10:24 PM
Looks like this surge of support that the Romney folks were hoping for isn't materializing. It's really not surprising. Romney was a poor candidate.

4 more years.....of divided gov't

11/6/2012, 10:25 PM
New Mexico..Obama

11/6/2012, 10:27 PM
Does anyone remember what percentage of Oklahoma voted for McCain?

11/6/2012, 10:48 PM
Does anyone remember what percentage of Oklahoma voted for McCain?

I think 66 or 67%.

11/6/2012, 10:49 PM
It's going to be really hard for Romney to win. It's close, but it looks like 4 more years.

11/6/2012, 10:52 PM
If I didn't already have assets, I'd join up with Obama. Trouble is, they'll just take their share of whatever I've got.

11/6/2012, 10:56 PM
They say Nevada is leaning Obama. It is now 18% hispanic. Wouldn't you say that it is likely that illegal hispanic voters will tip that state to Obama?
What a way to win, non-US citizens choosing our president.

1st, Nevada won't make a difference in the national result.

2nd, Republicans need to be more concerned about the Hispanic citizen vote than mythical illegal voters. Parents who are trying to put food on their family aren't going to take a chance on deportation by sticking their necks out trying to vote.

11/6/2012, 11:03 PM
Georgia racist crackers go to Romney.

I live in Georgia.

I find it funny how these 'racists' states have a higher population of blacks than the 'enlightened' ones you mentioned.

1 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.3
3 Georgia 2,950,435 30.02
6 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38
8 Delaware 191,814 20.95
14 Illinois 1,866,414 14.88
15 New Jersey 1,204,826 14.46
21 Connecticut 362,296 10.34
28 Rhode Island 60,189 6.36


You sound like my brother, or Chris Mathews, who live in areas that are 80-90% white. Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

Truth is, they wouldn't live among blacks if they had to. Yet they call other people 'racists'.

Oh... btw, what state do you live in?

East Coast Bias
11/6/2012, 11:15 PM
All of this reminds me of what we see when the Texan message board goes into melt-down...

11/6/2012, 11:16 PM
NBC called it.

Congrats President Obama

11/6/2012, 11:18 PM
Congrats to Obama. Sad for the country.

11/6/2012, 11:23 PM
Was just discussing this with my sister.

Every election the percentage of white people voting decreases while the percentage of "people of color" increases. Every year the country goes further and further down the toilet. Coincidence? Hard to argue that it isn't.

I'm getting really tired of being in the group of people who work their assess off year after year for less paycheck, higher costs of living, and less of a voice in how this country is to be run. We're seriously thinking about taking our hard-working white assess off somewhere else while somebody else tries to fund the entitled masses.

I'm thinking Belize might be nice this time of year.

11/6/2012, 11:24 PM
Georgia racist crackers go to Romney.

I guess this was a joke??? :witless:

11/6/2012, 11:31 PM
Was just discussing this with my sister.

Every election the percentage of white people voting decreases while the percentage of "people of color" increases. Every year the country goes further and further down the toilet. Coincidence? Hard to argue that it isn't.

I'm getting really tired of being in the group of people who work their assess off year after year for less paycheck, higher costs of living, and less of a voice in how this country is to be run. We're seriously thinking about taking our hard-working white assess off somewhere else while somebody else tries to fund the entitled masses.

I'm thinking Belize might be nice this time of year.

Hell If Saxet secedes I may have to start with the Hookums deal ,
Dayum that leaves a bad taste

11/6/2012, 11:32 PM
Was just discussing this with my sister.

Every election the percentage of white people voting decreases while the percentage of "people of color" increases. Every year the country goes further and further down the toilet. Coincidence? Hard to argue that it isn't.

I'm getting really tired of being in the group of people who work their assess off year after year for less paycheck, higher costs of living, and less of a voice in how this country is to be run. We're seriously thinking about taking our hard-working white assess off somewhere else while somebody else tries to fund the entitled masses.

I'm thinking Belize might be nice this time of year.
hell yeah lets go back to segregation

11/6/2012, 11:37 PM
hell yeah lets go back to segregation

Thats exactly what she said , You young sir are a ****in idiot

11/6/2012, 11:46 PM
Was just discussing this with my sister.

Every election the percentage of white people voting decreases while the percentage of "people of color" increases. Every year the country goes further and further down the toilet. Coincidence? Hard to argue that it isn't.

I'm getting really tired of being in the group of people who work their assess off year after year for less paycheck, higher costs of living, and less of a voice in how this country is to be run. We're seriously thinking about taking our hard-working white assess off somewhere else while somebody else tries to fund the entitled masses.

I'm thinking Belize might be nice this time of year.

Dude, get the heck out of here with this BS, seriously man.....

Historically, America is nation of immigrants. Native American, the Pilgrims (British or whatever), slaves brought to the US, and a mass influx of immigrants from all nations...........Pretty much any person of "White" descent is of European ancestry. I bet your either Irish, Scottish, or German.....

So what is "white"?