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View Full Version : Mack Brown declares horns down sign disrespectful

Mississippi Sooner
11/5/2012, 06:04 PM
Wants the Big 12 to do something about it. This has to be the most pitiful whine ever.


11/5/2012, 06:13 PM
I just saw that. Of course, everybody knows what's going to happen now, LMAO!

what a weenie....

11/5/2012, 06:14 PM
Wants the Big 12 to do something about it. This has to be the most pitiful whine ever.


But Mack says nothing about a school whose fight song has "OU Sucks" in it, and they even sing it that way when NOT playing OU. Amazing. Ole mack has turned into a bitter, old fool who does less with more talent than any coach in America.

11/5/2012, 06:17 PM
I think the league should discuss banning the "devil horns" anyway...it's sacreligious.

11/5/2012, 06:18 PM
****...Mack Brown....!!!

11/5/2012, 06:21 PM
I got two words for ol' happy clappy, and they ain't "let's dance."

11/5/2012, 06:21 PM
Well gee Mack, that's kind of the point.

11/5/2012, 06:23 PM
He and Texass deserve each other

11/5/2012, 06:26 PM
Well gee Mack, that's kind of the point.


11/5/2012, 06:28 PM
I only wish my middle finger were double jointed enough so I could stick it up in the air while I was doing the horns down sign.

I Am Right
11/5/2012, 06:34 PM
Well Mack can kiss my disrespectful hand sign

11/5/2012, 06:46 PM
Mack needs to put on his big girl panties and start worrying about his team, his coaches, and HIS JOB, not whine about being disrespected by a hand gesture. If he thinks that is disrespectful, I can think of a hand gesture to give Mack and all the longhorn fans that is really disrespectful. How about trying that out in the Cotton Bowl next year???

11/5/2012, 06:52 PM
I only wish my middle finger were double jointed enough so I could stick it up in the air while I was doing the horns down sign.

Almost worth breaking a finger just to check it out.

11/5/2012, 07:43 PM
I would make fun of this, but it's so pathetic, I can't.

11/5/2012, 07:57 PM

11/5/2012, 08:24 PM
Wants the Big 12 to do something about it. This has to be the most pitiful whine ever.


Mack needs to worry more about coaching football than some hand sign.

Wow, I'm offended by the sign of the devil and the color of rust.

2k2 c5
11/5/2012, 09:23 PM
Mack Brown is a still tool and needs to shut up.

11/5/2012, 09:24 PM
So THAT'S why they've been losing!!! Who'd a thunk it!

11/5/2012, 09:29 PM
Well hell, I think its direspectful for a team to score more points than OU, especially at home. Can we get the commish to start working on correcting this? Immediately

11/5/2012, 09:31 PM
Link wont open fer me
Oh well Saxet SUCCKS

11/5/2012, 09:40 PM
What a dipsh#t

Harris County Sooner
11/5/2012, 09:46 PM
Hells yeah, as others have written...that's the idea.

11/5/2012, 09:56 PM
i have a strange feeling that this may not result in the response he was hoping for.

anyone think iowa states band can put a program together before saturday to form the 'upside down' hookem sign???

11/5/2012, 10:33 PM
i have a strange feeling that this may not result in the response he was hoping for.

anyone think iowa states band can put a program together before saturday to form the 'upside down' hookem sign???

This would be awesome

11/5/2012, 10:50 PM
But Mack says nothing about a school whose fight song has "OU Sucks" in it, and they even sing it that way when NOT playing OU. Amazing. Ole mack has turned into a bitter, old fool who does less with more talent than any coach in America.

The first time I saw Texas play was at OSU; sat in the middle of big section of Horns. It made me feel proud they sang OU sucks in their fight song at Oklahoma State's stadium. Especially since we had already kicked their butt that season.

11/5/2012, 10:52 PM
I only wish my middle finger were double jointed enough so I could stick it up in the air while I was doing the horns down sign.

Good one!!!

MyT Oklahoma
11/5/2012, 11:03 PM
Oh heck Coach Brown.. you know what we say in Norman.. "It is what it is."

11/5/2012, 11:38 PM
Mack should heed the old adage Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

11/6/2012, 12:09 AM
Link wont open fer me
Oh well Saxet SUCCKS



11/6/2012, 12:32 AM
I know a way to stop a lot of it....

Don't get your *** beat by your rival every year in the Cotton Bowl.

What a sore a$$ loser.

It's probably a bit disrespectful to deball a bull and make it a Steer but we did it again this year to the tune of 63-21. I say this...I'll quit doing the down horns if every year they lose the RRSO to us....they kill BEVO right there on the field and have it processed into meat for an Oklahoma Food Bank.

11/6/2012, 12:48 AM
i have a strange feeling that this may not result in the response he was hoping for.

anyone think iowa states band can put a program together before saturday to form the 'upside down' hookem sign???

LOL - too bad they aren't playing Rice or Stanford this week.

11/6/2012, 01:10 AM
The 1st thing I thought of as well was the "OU Sucks" chant in their fight song, which doesn't bother me in the least. That they would include us in the activity surrounding every single game they play makes them look foolishly obsessed.

11/6/2012, 01:20 AM
I went ahead and gave the standard response for the article...

Dear Mack....

Please stop saying stuff like this. We like you. If you'll just try and keep from getting fired and keep on Coaching like you are....I'll consider this whole disrespect thing. 3 or 4 more years of losing to the Sooners like you have and I'll really begin to feel even more sorry for you than I do now. I might even stop the gestures as the laughing will take it's place.

11/6/2012, 01:35 AM
Well, I think it's disrespectful to take 5 million dollars a year to field a mediocre football team.

Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and start worrying about yourself you piece of ****.

11/6/2012, 03:56 AM
Now guys. We are going to be good sooner fans and let this slip by without any further repercussions. Right?

On that note: Phil, we really need a horns-down Icon for posts and such. Thanks!

11/6/2012, 04:05 AM
Poooooor texass! Atleast they have a network to cry on

11/6/2012, 06:18 AM


Thanks Bro, I hope they keep Yeller teeth ferever, hes almost as funny as our Longwinded and Rambling poster we have here .

11/6/2012, 06:45 AM
Really? I'd like to be a mouse in the room when Mack brings this up at the B12 meeting. While he's at it, he probably should point out that OU custom planting the Sooner flag on the 50 yd line after kicking Texas' butt the last two years is also disrespectful. After all, we're on Texas soil in the Cotton Bowl. He'll probably want all opposing teams they play, regardless of outcome, to stand at attention when he & his "kids" face their fans & their band plays the "Eyes of Texas", horns up at the end of the game.

I can hear Stoops' response already. He's big on fair. "OK....we'll tell our fans & players to stop the horns down as soon as you tell your players & fans to stop chanting "OU Sucks", & printing those awful "**ck OU" T shirts, and make it stick."

Get a life Mack. Respect is something that's earned, not bestowed. I thought Brown had finally figured that out, but guess not.

11/6/2012, 07:12 AM
I really never wanted to do it until now. All this will do is get a lot more folks doing it....Silly Mack..

11/6/2012, 07:25 AM

Lott's Bandana
11/6/2012, 08:27 AM



11/6/2012, 08:30 AM



Doleo the Spek Ho is really Mack? :abnormal:

11/6/2012, 09:36 AM
But, But, But, we're Texas!!!

11/6/2012, 09:55 AM
Hell no wonder his teams are soft if they get their feelings hurt this easy,what a whny lil biotch!

Bourbon St Sooner
11/6/2012, 10:06 AM
I thought we were very respectful. Our 3rd string defense gave them two garbage td's in the 4th Q so Mack could get his clapping in.

11/6/2012, 10:40 AM
Just to give some perspective on this- the reason this came up is because during the TTech game this weekend the Horns Mike Davis was flagged 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct for doing the Tech guns up after scoring a TD.

The first thing I thought was it was a chicken**** call and how could you flag that but not the horns down. It's a can of worms that the crappy Big XII refs opened up, not Mack Brown.

unfortunately, Mack has a point.

sorry to rain on the "Mack is a little baby" parade.

11/6/2012, 10:49 AM
Totally agree with Spray on this one. If officials are going to penalize UT players for sort of "mocking" the Tech gesture, then they'll have to do it for all the other teams

Mississippi Sooner
11/6/2012, 11:23 AM
Mack is a little baby because he has a long history of whining. This is just one more example.

11/6/2012, 11:31 AM
Totally agree with Spray on this one. If officials are going to penalize UT players for sort of "mocking" the Tech gesture, then they'll have to do it for all the other teams

If that is what happened (I didn't see the game), then Mack is just being a smart coach trying to work the system for a flag in his favor down the road.

But was the flag really for mocking the Tech gesture or was it for the "calling attention to oneself" BS call? In general, I hate that call unless it crosses the line into taunting. It seems the refs have cooled their jets on throwing that flag this season and let the player do some reasonable celebration.

11/6/2012, 12:03 PM
Very aggie of sMack to complain like that. Let's hope he heads the horns for a long time.

11/6/2012, 12:50 PM
Very aggie of sMack to complain like that. Let's hope he heads the horns for a long time.

Maybe aggie, but if he gets a flag on the other team for doing the horns down and it helps him win a game, he'll be a crafty aggie.

11/6/2012, 01:06 PM
He isn't complaining about the petty call. He's complaining about people using the horns down gesture.

He should have said that if his players get penalized for doing the holster gesture then they should flag them for doing the horns down as well.

11/6/2012, 01:25 PM
Just to give some perspective on this- the reason this came up is because during the TTech game this weekend the Horns Mike Davis was flagged 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct for doing the Tech guns up after scoring a TD.

The first thing I thought was it was a chicken**** call and how could you flag that but not the horns down. It's a can of worms that the crappy Big XII refs opened up, not Mack Brown.

unfortunately, Mack has a point.

sorry to rain on the "Mack is a little baby" parade.

I saw that and the Flag
The dude WAS taunting Tech with thw "Holstering The Guns " deal
deserved a penalty.
**** Mack brown

11/6/2012, 01:32 PM
He isn't complaining about the petty call. He's complaining about people using the horns down gesture.

He should have said that if his players get penalized for doing the holster gesture then they should flag them for doing the horns down as well.

Then it makes no sense for Mack to say the conference should do something about it. Not saying Mack always makes sense, but the conference can't do squat about the fans. The conference can tell the refs to throw flags for taunting in certain situations.

11/6/2012, 03:53 PM
Well gee Mack, that's kind of the point.
Well, yeah. Precisely

11/7/2012, 08:46 PM
Does that mean that I have to go back to Iraq, Kosovo and the Horn of Africa and tell all the kids that I taught the upside down hookem sign not to do it? Not gonna happen, it was one of my contributions to improving their way of life!!!!

11/8/2012, 06:53 AM
Add this one to the list of excuses MB has offered up for sa*et sucking so much, especially this season. He is saying anything to divert attention away from how bad the whorns are, lay the blame somewhere else while he slinks away with another fat paycheck as his team plays before an empty stadium.

Hey whorns, can you hear that sound? It is the rest of the college football world laughing at you!

11/8/2012, 07:41 AM
I live & work in Texas. I'm surrounded by LH fans. They're raising their eyebrows at this one also. Really? , they seem to be feeling.

11/8/2012, 07:49 AM
I have one thing to say about that.......

http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/5916/hornsdown.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/202/hornsdown.jpg/)

11/8/2012, 01:48 PM
i have a strange feeling that this may not result in the response he was hoping for.

anyone think iowa states band can put a program together before saturday to form the 'upside down' hookem sign???

It would only be upside down for one side of the stadium.

MyT Oklahoma
11/8/2012, 07:13 PM
Burp! << Just as meaningful as anything Mack has to say about football.

Texoma Sooner
11/8/2012, 08:23 PM
Someone with the skills should design a shirt stating something like " sorry coach brown this t-shirt's upside down" with a nice large pic of the horns down.

11/9/2012, 08:31 AM
Bob's opinion...

Texas coach Mack Brown drew some attention this week when in response to Longhorns receiver Mike Davis being penalized for mocking Texas Tech's "Guns Up" hand sign, he pointed out that Texas opponents mock the "Hook 'Em Horns" sign.

"The 'Horns Down' is disrespectful," Brown told reporters. "We ought to talk about that as a league."

No team turns "Hook 'Em Horns" upside down like Oklahoma. So as you might expect, Brown's comments drew return fire from Norman.

"Maybe that's the down side to having a one-handed hand signal," OU coach Bob Stoops said when asked about it after Wednesday's practice. "The bottom line is they don't seem to have a problem with it when they're doing well and they put it in everyone else's face. When they're not and someone else does it, you get it the other way. So be it."


11/9/2012, 11:36 AM
But Mack says nothing about a school whose fight song has "OU Sucks" in it, and they even sing it that way when NOT playing OU. Amazing. Ole mack has turned into a bitter, old fool who does less with more talent than any coach in America.
^What he said!

11/9/2012, 12:05 PM
Bob's opinion...


lol...that is great..you go Bob!

11/10/2012, 05:24 PM
Gotta Luv ol' yeller teefs. I hope they keep him around for a while. Love stompin' them on a reglar basis.