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View Full Version : You think my threads are alcoholic and drug infested ?

11/2/2012, 01:48 PM
Well they are.

But, we are coming upon an end to the "whoops" Stoops era".......He will retire a rich man..............I can't think of anything more. Except for the BV haters....KW haters.....Chuck Long haters........Josh Hueple haters..................Dewaauuuun Miller Dads.......Preacher Landry............

Let's throw the starters for next year out there and let them play...................Bob Stoops ...ala...1999....THERE ARE NO EXCUSES.........

SORRY ..............BFU IF U DNT LIK IT 1

11/2/2012, 02:34 PM
i'M sORRY..............CARRY ON THE HOPE !

11/2/2012, 02:56 PM
But we had injuries, and the game has changed, and West Virginia is a good team, and Utah State is better than we thought..........askdlfjas;dlkfjas;lkdfjas;ldkfjas dklf

I love this board, but I hate a lot of people on it/

11/2/2012, 03:09 PM
So....are you looking for another bandwagon or just fire a Coach, Maybe bench a few players and just put in some Freshman?

11/2/2012, 03:11 PM
Let's get back to that drug and alcohol thing...

11/2/2012, 03:12 PM
Let's get back to that drug and alcohol thing...

That would be another way to approach it from the bottoms up....lol