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View Full Version : I am not going to defile sappstuf's America, **** Yeah! post...

10/30/2012, 02:25 PM
But thought I would comment here...

Hey The Socialist! What are those pointy things at the end of the rifles in the first pic? Uhmmm???

Could they be ---- bayonette's?

10/30/2012, 02:29 PM
Bayonettes are useful when flanked with a cavalry charge on the flank. It is recommended that trenches be dug and razor wire be laid so not met in the open field with a cavalry charge. Also, it is very helpful to use artillery barrages from nearby battleships to weaken the enemy position.

10/30/2012, 02:58 PM
* It's also helpful to use reinforcements when watching Americans die in real time.

bye, bye hussein

10/30/2012, 03:09 PM
In Basic Infantry training while going thru thr bayonet course, The Drill Sargent, Said If you are In hand to hand Combat and yer bayonet gets stuck in Bone or what have you simply Pull the trigger and the Recoil will dislodge the Bayonet

Uh Sarge? can ya tell me another way? , Cause if I got any bullets left they aint gonna be none of that hand to hand sh*t

hawaii 5-0
10/30/2012, 03:09 PM
The quote was "less bayonets" not "no bayonets".


rock on sooner
10/30/2012, 03:19 PM
Well, just for the record, there were 4,355,000 soldiers that fought in WWI. It is
reasonable to assume that a bayonet was standard issue. Currently, the Army has
419155 bayonets in inventory, the Marines have 195334 in inventory with plans to
buy approximately 170000 more. There are currently 176 horses in the Army. In
1916-17 we had mounted cavalry. Based on the above info, the prez was correct
during the debate. Just sayin'...

rock on sooner
10/30/2012, 03:20 PM
In Basic Infantry training while going thru thr bayonet course, The Drill Sargent, Said If you are In hand to hand Combat and yer bayonet gets stuck in Bone or what have you simply Pull the trigger and the Recoil will dislodge the Bayonet

Uh Sarge? can ya tell me another way? , Cause if I got any bullets left they aint gonna be none of that hand to hand sh*t

I bet your drill sargeant drilled you a lot!:biggrin:

10/30/2012, 10:41 PM
In Basic Infantry training while going thru thr bayonet course, The Drill Sargent, Said If you are In hand to hand Combat and yer bayonet gets stuck in Bone or what have you simply Pull the trigger and the Recoil will dislodge the Bayonet

Uh Sarge? can ya tell me another way? , Cause if I got any bullets left they aint gonna be none of that hand to hand sh*t

You kick the f***er in the chest.

The Brits mounted a bayonet charge during the taking of the Fauklands. It pretty much broke the Argentina army and they did it again in Iraq. It is a very effective weapon and psychological tool.



rock on sooner
10/31/2012, 08:24 AM
Basic training in the AF didn't have bayonets involved, besides the
M1 carbine wasn't designed for it. But, if I was in combat and some
bat **** crazies charged my position with fixed bayonets, right after
I ran out of ammo and grenades, I'd probably consider discretion as
the better part of valor and retreat to fight another day.