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View Full Version : New Sooner Tradition: Borrowing crappy in game stadium ideas.

Tear Down This Wall
10/28/2012, 10:09 PM
The stupid jumbo screen exhortations to scream louder and blah, blah, blah is sick enough. It's 193% Aggy. Probably perfected at the K-State's and O-State's of the world. Oklahoma fans know when to scream. It's gayer than gay. Please, let it end.

Notre Dame, though, brought out the worst of the athletic department:
(1) "Striping the stadium": As it's "White Outs", "Black Outs", and "Chartreuse Outs" aren't gay enough, we go with the striping. Pointless. Why do we have to engage is this type of stolen, unoriginal crap anyway?

(2) "White towels to wave": The only people in the stadium that should have been given white flags to raise was our defense on third down. Towel waving is a gay and pointless and unoriginal as jumbo screen exhortations to yell and color coordinating the fans.

(3) "Oklahoma offense": Series two, I believe it was...the series after we'd had the 16 yard loss on the snap, the Jumbo Screen Elves throw up the gayest of all gay - a video offense brag, telling our opponents how fast and efficient we are, and naming the players. This is worse than the defensive scream louder exhortations. So, f'ing bush league.

(4) "Gary Glitter's Rock and Rock, Part 2": Despite the fact that it really only belongs in hockey arenas, we drag this garbage out...like millions of other sporting programs, amateur and pro, around the world.

(5) "Tolling Bell": This overplayed hand used to be reserved for third down. Last night, the Jumbo Screen Elves pressed it on second downs as well. And, with the Irish rushing yards piling up on the left side of the screen after each play, perhaps is was the bell tolling against us. Either way - stupid, trite, overplayed, etc. Just end it.

I really do fear we're going the way of Texas. Not content to just kick *ss, we've now got to jump the shark with Fonzie for every home game. Maybe the only thing missing is what Mark Cuban has given the Dallas Mavericks the "Maverick Maniacs."


10/28/2012, 10:14 PM
i disagree about Oklahoma fans knowing when to yell...

i do agree that they need to work on some of the video junk though

on the other hand, the striped stadium did look fairly cool
