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10/24/2012, 05:42 PM
About Saturday's game vs. Notre Dame?

I mean, I like our chances if Landry Jones is the surgeon. But don't like our chances if he is the amputee.

Is this normal? I didn't feel this way against other top notch teams in the past, even vs. FSU.

Anyway, I just hope we win. Even if by one point!

10/24/2012, 05:48 PM
I'm not nervous because I believe if Landry plays well OU wins by 14+. If he wets the bed like he did in the KSU game the Sooners will struggle and probably lose. It's not rocket science and it certainly is not under the control of the fans.

10/24/2012, 05:53 PM
You are not alone. I am going to get a haircut, clean the car and truck, and make sure my suit is pressed. See my thread about the heart scan in South Oval.

10/24/2012, 05:58 PM
I just don't wanna see multiple 3-n-outs by the Sooner O... if and when the Sooners start clicking, the game will take care of itself. on the flip side, I do hope to see the Irish O sent to the sidelines after 3 plays... can't allow them to string together long, time consuming drives.

10/24/2012, 06:01 PM
A great defensive performance can equalize a game that looks lop-sided on paper. There is reason to respect ND, but it doesn't make me nervous.

10/24/2012, 06:04 PM
Here's how I feel about it.


We **** the bed multiple times against them and still almost managed to win.

The only way Domer even remotely has a chance against us is if they can disrupt Landry so completely that we have a -3 TO margin. Its possible, but he's already had one of those games this year. Odds are in favor that a perfect storm for our opponent isn't going to happen again. Besides, you cannot tell me this crowd isn't going to be going ape **** crazy the entire game. That will definitely factor in.

10/24/2012, 06:07 PM
Not nervous.....excited though.

10/24/2012, 06:12 PM
I aint Skeered atall

I think our O-Line will give LJ all the time he needs , Our D will be solid

The Domer fans have said they are pretty much One dimensional ,
That one dude is convinced that if they win the Time of Possession they will win the Game. I just shake my head at him

I Am Right
10/24/2012, 06:13 PM

MyT Oklahoma
10/24/2012, 06:29 PM


texas bandman
10/24/2012, 06:34 PM
Heck no. We will pound ND into submission and I'll be dancing like a drunk Irishman. :D

10/24/2012, 06:40 PM
I aint Skeered atall

I think our O-Line will give LJ all the time he needs , Our D will be solid

The Domer fans have said they are pretty much One dimensional ,
That one dude is convinced that if they win the Time of Possession they will win the Game. I just shake my head at him

Know it's not the same level of opponent, but didn't KU have the ball 40 min to our 20 min???

10/24/2012, 06:46 PM
A KO and punt return for TD's will skew that.

10/24/2012, 06:51 PM
Have you seen what we are doing? I know I have and this is WINNING! BE POSITIVE and DO NOT BE NERVOUS, JUST YELL YOUR HEART OUT AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS SOONER, DO NOT PARK IN THE TOW AWAY ZONES! :02.47-tranquillity:

10/24/2012, 07:01 PM
The last time domer tech players were in a situation like this, the current players were swimming their way up fallopian tubes.

Huge game, at night, in Norman........

They're going to fold up like an expensive suit from Men's Wearhouse.

10/24/2012, 07:06 PM
I was very nervous going into the Texas Tech game. I was a little nervous going into the Texas game. I am not nervous at all going into the ND game.

I'm not convinced their defense is as good as ESPN is hyping it to be (of course they are broadcasting the game via ABC, so they have a big reason to promote both teams). And, I've watched enough ND this year to know their offense is mediocre (at best). As was mentioned above, we lost to KSU because we played terrible and they played perfect...and KSU is better than ND. We are also a completely different team now.

10/24/2012, 07:20 PM
Maybe nervous is not the right word....anxious maybe is better? I'm not playing so nerves aren't rattled.

Anyway, I just hope some of you are correct. I hope Landry has a very solid game. And I hope the coaches have a great plan for the game.

I don't doubt the talent. I'm probably buying too much into the hype of the game. But I'm anxious!

I can see this game going much like the Tech game of 2008. Or that of the FSU game of 2010. Or even the Baylor game of 2005 where we went to OT with them.

IDK maybe the confidence in this team is still shakened.

10/24/2012, 07:22 PM
That one dude is convinced that if they win the Time of Possession they will win the Game.

How'd that work out for KU?

10/24/2012, 08:24 PM
Why be nervous now? Once KSU sealed the deal on us, the undefeated season and run to MNC was lost. Time to just enjoy the good football and dismiss the occasional bad football we play. Should be lots of enjoyment left this year! I am really excited for the game. Shrimp boil cajun fest starts about 1pm at my house.

10/24/2012, 08:25 PM
Secret It's strong enough for a man....yet made for a nervous woman.

10/24/2012, 08:48 PM
75, I think part of the problem you're having has to do with you've been exposing yourself to the green kool-aid over at penis.....er.... I mean Irishenvy. The first clue that they're clueless over there is the lame-o name of the place.

Let'em think they have the biggest, baddest defense that OUr boys have ever seen and that our O will tremble in their holy presence. Bah, let them keep the delusion for 3 more days that their team actually stands a chance. It will make it that much funnier when Badj updates the meltdown thread.

10/24/2012, 08:51 PM
Anxious? Hell yeah
Nervous? Nope
Giddy? **** yeah!

hawaii 5-0
10/24/2012, 08:51 PM
Not nervous.....excited though.

Nervous, excited yeah.

Worried? No.


10/24/2012, 08:55 PM
About Saturday's game vs. Notre Dame?

I mean, I like our chances if Landry Jones is the surgeon. But don't like our chances if he is the amputee.

Is this normal? I didn't feel this way against other top notch teams in the past, even vs. FSU.

Anyway, I just hope we win. Even if by one point!

If your that nervous don't watch this video, this Notre Dame team is really good!


10/24/2012, 09:01 PM
Sooners are good enough to play for National Championship Trophy. We can play against anyone anytime and anywhere. This is at home. No problem.

10/24/2012, 09:16 PM
75...Secret might help. It's made for a Woman.

Vet....STFU drunk. Think up something more than someone else's argument for once.

SSC....WTF are you talking about? Make a point.

You can live in the past or grow some balls and go see the game. There's nothing to be nervous about if all you have to do is turn your TV on.

Go pop another pill ST. Your drivel is mindless, so when your poppin pills, at least there's an excuse.

You should ask your doctor for a refund or sue for malpractice. He really screwed you up!

10/24/2012, 09:16 PM
I am not nervous at all, I think the Sooners will own the domers on offense and defense.

10/24/2012, 09:18 PM
75, I think part of the problem you're having has to do with you've been exposing yourself to the green kool-aid over at penis.....er.... I mean Irishenvy. The first clue that they're clueless over there is the lame-o name of the place.

Let'em think they have the biggest, baddest defense that OUr boys have ever seen and that our O will tremble in their holy presence. Bah, let them keep the delusion for 3 more days that their team actually stands a chance. It will make it that much funnier when Badj updates the meltdown thread.

Not really. Made similar post at rivals before we even played KU.

In other words, well before I even heard of that site.

That site is fun. And they have more Gregs than we do, so its worth it at least!

10/24/2012, 09:25 PM
They're going to fold up like an expensive suit from Men's Wearhouse.

hey, I see what you did, there....

Joe Kane
10/24/2012, 09:43 PM
That ksu game reminded me of the time that I was just coming out of rehab and my suspension. Nothing went right that day...

10/24/2012, 09:53 PM
Go pop another pill ST. Your drivel is mindless, so when your poppin pills, at least there's an excuse.

You should ask your doctor for a refund or sue for malpractice. He really screwed you up!

It doesn't do any good. N/M

10/24/2012, 09:53 PM
I've been nervous for the last 40 yrs...lol...

I FINALLY have tried to not worry TOO MUCH about the first drive for either team...it's a feeling out process.


10/24/2012, 10:01 PM
That site is fun. And they have more Gregs than we do, so its worth it at least!

Continue to be nervous.

10/24/2012, 10:03 PM
Also....if anyone is nervous....You can turn your labels out.


10/24/2012, 10:49 PM

Ditto the ditto.

VA Sooner
10/24/2012, 10:52 PM
Not nervous anymore... three weeks in a row of solid play.

I'm good.... game on.

10/24/2012, 10:53 PM
I'm always nervous.

But I'm still confident we'll win.

10/24/2012, 10:57 PM
I was very nervous going into the Texas Tech game. I was a little nervous going into the Texas game. I am not nervous at all going into the ND game...

So you're slowly getting over-confident. Crap, we're DOOMED.

10/24/2012, 11:08 PM
This is a very important game, unlike all the other important games. This Notre Dame series is filled with history and a need for revenge. So yeah, I'm a little nervous but I believe that if we bring our A game, and we will have to bring our A game, we will be just fine.

10/24/2012, 11:41 PM
Tim. This is THE only place I post. If you are so Happy at Rivals...you should stay there. I don't know if you post at Vet's still or not and I don't care....but if you do...based on what I know about it, you have plenty of folks there that have tried many times to help you straighten out your problems you constantly complain about.

The first thing is to accept that you are your own worst enemy. Two....think before you post.

Rivals? No wonder your you have the attitude you do. You steal ideas from people you are sexually attracted to. Try having an opinion of your own. I know you like to join Posses and Clubs but once you grow a pair....you can learn to me a man. If you can't grow them...maybe you can save up for an artificial pair and get injections for your low T.

You got all that from a couple of posts?

LMFAO seriously greg, you should probably seek help for your own issues before giving advice to someone else.

Seriously. Please stop replying to a post of mine. And if you chose to reply to a thread I'm posting in, do so without referring to me or referencing me at all.

I'm done with this sophomoric exchanges. It was fun for awhile. But no longer.

Your life and attitude towards those you once called friends have changed. All because vet took you off as vbookie mod at the hideout you got all butthurt. But before that happened, you changed. And I'm pretty sure its the drugs your doctor and dealer have you on.

That said, just stop! Seriously! Ill stop as well. As of this post, your on ignore. The only person ever to be put on ignore here....great accomplishment. But I'm done with the BS, in gest or not!

Now shew fly!

10/24/2012, 11:52 PM
I hate to be that guy, but Notre Dame hasn't seen a defense like ours. I don't expect a blowout, or a half a hundred on our part, but I do expect a solid win.

10/25/2012, 12:12 AM
curiously.. where do we go in the polls and bcs if we scald nd like we did the whorns?

10/25/2012, 12:13 AM
Up. Probably ahead of LSU.

10/25/2012, 01:11 AM
haha, so looking far into the future if bama and florida hit a roadblock and oregon lays an egg we could have rather than an all sec title game...... an all big 12 title game and a rematch with k-state.

Chuck Bao
10/25/2012, 01:29 AM
Not nervous or anxious. Just looking forward to going to the game and yelling as loud and for as long as I can.

I just wish that we could have had a SF tailgate for this one. My luck that I move back to the US to go to see the Sooners play and you guys stop with the tailgates. At least stop with that personal stuff. Nobody cares and you guys are boring.

10/25/2012, 01:33 AM
I doubt there would be an all Big 12 title.

The media pollsters wouldn't allow it to happen.

That said, I don't think Bama or Florida go undefeated. But who knows. They say the SEC is so tough, but there is always at least one team to go through the season undefeated. Yeah truly tough!

Anyway... bama and florida will match up in the SEC title game if they keep winning. So the loser will be out of the picture more than likely.

LSU likely loses another game or two. KSU may not go undefeated. Oregon, they will stumble somewhere. They haven't really played anyone yet.

Having said that. If OU wins Saturday, they are likely jumping over LSU to be the highest ranked 1 loss team.

So it sits them in the drivers seat to an NC, AS LONG AS THEY CAN KEEP WINNING.

10/25/2012, 01:47 AM
A cool place in Missouri. Run by a nice Tim I know.


10/25/2012, 01:56 AM
greg get off my nut sack.

Seriously, grow up and move on. I don't want to hold you hand. I don't want to go out on a date with you. For christ sakes, you are married and I am heterosexual.

I am flattered that you have an obsession with me, really I am. But find a new one. I sure you can find someone else!


Please note. Not sure what he is saying. But pretty sure he is trying to be clever and make a slight at me.

10/25/2012, 02:11 AM
No idea what you are talking about Tim. If you have a complaint. Take it up with MGNT. Please stop attacking me.

I have a friend in Missouri. I was born there. So were all of my Cousins. My father took us fishing up there and we would meet my Uncle there with his three Sons. Good Times. I was a bit nervous though as my Dad would bring my Uncle Coors he bought from our Trips to Colorado and my Uncle couldn't get Coors then. Coors didn't distribute beer in his parts of North Eastern Mizzou. They would get drunk after we fished and I was the only kid old enough in my Family to wrestle my Cousins so I had to go through all three of them. Talk about nervous.

That's a story Tim.

10/25/2012, 02:24 AM
No idea what you are talking about Tim. If you have a complaint. Take it up with MGNT. Please stop attacking me.

I have a friend in Missouri. I was born there. So were all of my Cousins. My father took us fishing up there and we would meet my Uncle there with his three Sons. Good Times. I was a bit nervous though as my Dad would bring my Uncle Coors he bought from our Trips to Colorado and my Uncle couldn't get Coors then. Coors didn't distribute beer in his parts of North Eastern Mizzou. They would get drunk after we fished and I was the only kid old enough in my Family to wrestle my Cousins so I had to go through all three of them. Talk about nervous.

That's a story Tim.

Okay, so ill view this post and back to ignoring you.

So its completely coincidental?

Yeah, I'm glad you are channeling your inner Obama and assuming we are all stupid.

That said, track your history of posting. You have this strange man love for me and even howard.

Let it go greg, let it go! Time to move on. Its time to just let go!


10/25/2012, 02:26 AM
Okay, so ill view this post and back to ignoring you.

So its completely coincidental?

Yeah, I'm glad you are channeling your inner Obama and assuming we are all stupid.

That said, track your history of posting. You have this strange man love for me and even howard.

Let it go greg, let it go! Time to move on. Its time to just let go!


Let it go Tim. If you want peace....go to Church.

10/25/2012, 02:28 AM
And to everyone else.

I aplogize for allowing myself to get sucked into gregs spider web. I apologize that I allowed him to ruin an otherwise great thread.


10/25/2012, 02:31 AM
And to everyone else.

I aplogize for allowing myself to get sucked into gregs spider web. I apologize that I allowed him to ruin an otherwise great thread.


There's no web and no redemption Tim. You know this. I do hope this is a new beginning for you becoming a better person from here on out. I think it will serve you and your Family well by making these needed changes.

Good Luck with your new Image.

10/25/2012, 02:32 AM
Let it go Tim. If you want peace....go to Church.

Greg, I am just glad you're a real man!

And I prayer for you and your family.

Now stop the pettiness and childishness.

And by all means please stop being a miscreant!

10/25/2012, 02:34 AM
There's no web and no redemption Tim. You know this. I do hope this is a new beginning for you becoming a better person from here on out. I think it will serve you and your Family well by making these needed changes.

Good Luck with your new Image.

I don't need your blessing nor want it to be honest.

10/25/2012, 02:36 AM
I don't need your blessing nor want it to be honest.

Nor I. Never have. I knew it was never genuine. I did try thought.

Is this where you still need to have the last word?

10/25/2012, 02:41 AM
Nor I. Never have. I knew it was never genuine. I did try thought.

Is this where you still need to have the last word?

No need for the last word, but ill say this...

It is genuine. But I just don't consider you as a friend any longer. Sorry, but it wasn't me that decided to make this crap.

But. What I said earlier was genuine none the less. Doesn't mean we have to be buddy buddy right now.

Anyway, I digress, ill let u have the last word.

10/25/2012, 02:43 AM
Damn....a whole paragraph?

Some things will never change. ROTFLMFAO.

It's not a snipe either. Happy Halloween!


10/25/2012, 03:00 AM
Okay...as Sy would say; Everybody, happy happy. :D