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View Full Version : I GOT A JOB, BEYONCES!

proud gonzo
10/24/2012, 01:18 AM
I've been looking for a year now, because I hate the place where I work. In addition, I don't think my department is going to exist after the end of the year. The writing is on the wall. So this morning I interviewed and four hours later the HR lady called and offered me the job. It's a 33% raise from my previous salary, I won't have to take the work home with me like I have for the past two years, and I won't be working for Oklahoma City's Biggest Dooshbag. I start at my new job November 5th, and not a moment too soon.

10/24/2012, 01:55 AM
I've been looking for a year now, because I hate the place where I work. In addition, I don't think my department is going to exist after the end of the year. The writing is on the wall. So this morning I interviewed and four hours later the HR lady called and offered me the job. It's a 33% raise from my previous salary, I won't have to take the work home with me like I have for the past two years, and I won't be working for Oklahoma City's Biggest Dooshbag. I start at my new job November 5th, and not a moment too soon.
I am very happy for you. Congratulations pg.

10/24/2012, 06:41 AM
Grats Punkin. Hope its all you expect

10/24/2012, 07:26 AM
Congrats! Leaving your work at work is always a good thing.

10/24/2012, 07:31 AM
Congrats! Leaving your work at work is always a good thing.

Unless yer a Professional drunk, Then ya have to be on duty 24/7 :unconscious:

Curly Bill
10/24/2012, 07:53 AM
Congrats! :)

stoops the eternal pimp
10/24/2012, 08:14 AM

Lott's Bandana
10/24/2012, 08:19 AM

no more "campus"?!!

10/24/2012, 10:50 AM

10/24/2012, 11:47 AM
You were at cheesypeake right? If so sounds about right. Congrats

10/24/2012, 06:02 PM
Congrats to ya, sounds like a step in the right direction!

10/24/2012, 06:55 PM
Congrats!!!! Buy something awesome for yourself with the extra moolah, you deserve it.

10/25/2012, 02:03 AM
Congrats, and hope the Dooshbag Bridge was worth burning.:)

proud gonzo
10/27/2012, 02:45 PM
No, I wasn't at Chesapeake. I applied for a job there, and then they decided they weren't going to fill the position at all.

I say I'm no longer working for OKC's biggest dooshbag because he was voted such: http://www.thelostogle.com/2012/08/21/worst-of-okc-worst-******-bag-2/

And this is WHY he was voted that: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156488/Christian-CEO-prays-insults-fires-25-employees-leaked-email--takes-Lords-vain-minutes-speech.html

And thanks, everybody! :D I'm pretty excited.

10/27/2012, 03:48 PM

It's best to avoid big dooshbags unless one needs a big dooshing.

10/27/2012, 04:44 PM

This guys sounds psychotic! You need to be away.

10/28/2012, 10:19 AM
After listening to his "prayer-inspired" meeting, I'm speechless.

Congrats on your new job!

All the best!

10/29/2012, 03:50 PM
No, I wasn't at Chesapeake. I applied for a job there, and then they decided they weren't going to fill the position at all.

I say I'm no longer working for OKC's biggest dooshbag because he was voted such: http://www.thelostogle.com/2012/08/21/worst-of-okc-worst-******-bag-2/

And this is WHY he was voted that: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156488/Christian-CEO-prays-insults-fires-25-employees-leaked-email--takes-Lords-vain-minutes-speech.html

And thanks, everybody! :D I'm pretty excited.
Hokey smokes, kid. That guy is as advertised. Congratulations to you!

And btw, I hope you never change that beautiful avatar. :biggrin:

10/30/2012, 03:30 PM
Very Happy for you PG. I know you had to put up with a lot. It shows character that most of us here know you already had. All the best Darlin'. You deserve it.

Also...I don't know who was singing the National Anthem this week but they had the mic cutout like it did on your Hubby. I felt so bad for them as I know this was a huge game and all eyes were on the fantastic on field presentation that the Military Personnel did in rolling out the huge US Flag.

OU really needs to get that fixed. As much money as they have spent on the system there, you would think the National Anthem would be something they could do flawlessly.

Take care and enjoy your new job. I know you must be pretty stoked.

10/30/2012, 05:19 PM
Also...I don't know who was singing the National Anthem this week but they had the mic cutout like it did on your Hubby. I felt so bad for them as I know this was a huge game and all eyes were on the fantastic on field presentation that the Military Personnel did in rolling out the huge US Flag.

OU really needs to get that fixed. As much money as they have spent on the system there, you would think the National Anthem would be something they could do flawlessly.
I can tell you exactly what happened. They moved the band, the vocalist, and his wireless transmitter an additional 150 ft. down the field from where they normally perform in order to accomodate the flag. Unfortunately nobody told the wireless operators about the extra distance so they didn't know to move the receiver accordingly. Normally the extra distance wouldn't be an issue but the rf traffic on gameday (and especially this particular gameday) is off the scale.

It was a mess, although I have to say that the crowd did a brilliant job in singing along, best I've ever heard.

10/30/2012, 07:54 PM
I can tell you exactly what happened. They moved the band, the vocalist, and his wireless transmitter an additional 150 ft. down the field from where they normally perform in order to accomodate the flag. Unfortunately nobody told the wireless operators about the extra distance so they didn't know to move the receiver accordingly. Normally the extra distance wouldn't be an issue but the rf traffic on gameday (and especially this particular gameday) is off the scale.

It was a mess, although I have to say that the crowd did a brilliant job in singing along, best I've ever heard.

I was going to say something about the crowd kicking in to help. I know I sang along too.

Just another sign that Okies know how to pickup and help when the going gets tOUgh.

Thanks for the info Pony. Hopefully they will never have that happen again.

Chuck Bao
10/31/2012, 03:00 AM
I wanted to ask you how you liked your job the last time I met you. Now, I'm glad that I didn't. That guy sounds like he has some serious god complex issues. Congrats on finding a better employer, salary and no take-home work.

11/1/2012, 04:14 PM
Congratulations, PG!

11/1/2012, 04:40 PM
whoa....I was offered a job by Tate in 2008 after graduating college. Sure glad I am not there.

proud gonzo
11/8/2012, 02:12 PM
Very Happy for you PG. I know you had to put up with a lot. It shows character that most of us here know you already had. All the best Darlin'. You deserve it.

Also...I don't know who was singing the National Anthem this week but they had the mic cutout like it did on your Hubby. I felt so bad for them as I know this was a huge game and all eyes were on the fantastic on field presentation that the Military Personnel did in rolling out the huge US Flag.

OU really needs to get that fixed. As much money as they have spent on the system there, you would think the National Anthem would be something they could do flawlessly.

Take care and enjoy your new job. I know you must be pretty stoked.

He's an opera student named Jack. I think it's karma because one of the other singers, Alex, had already called dibs on the Notre Dame game. Jack had some excuse about schedule conflicts (BS) because he wanted Notre Dame. So a dead mic is what he gets for being greedy.

proud gonzo
11/8/2012, 02:17 PM
BTW, new job is going great. Having a hard time adjusting to the schedule--getting up a lot earlier now. And with "fall back" i get up before the sun and it's dark when I get home. That's tough. And there's a steep learning curve. They don't so much train you here as give you a trial by fire. But there are four new technical writers, so at least I have company. But it's going well and the working environment is so much better than Tate, it's incredible.

11/8/2012, 05:15 PM
Glad for Ya .