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View Full Version : so who looked more "Presidential" in the debate?

10/23/2012, 02:21 AM
To me Obama had some instances where he looked Presidential, but other where he looked childish with his pot shots at Romney. Like Romney is some kind of idiot or something.

Romney had some instances where he looke Presidential. And he never tried to make Obama look or feel like an idiot.

IMO, Romney looked more Presidential. I think the debate was more of a tie though.

10/23/2012, 02:28 AM
I think Romney looked the part he is auditioning for. I took personal offense to some of Obama's comments tonight. This debate only solidified my choice for this election. While I know both candidates are capable, I feel that one is clearly better for the problems that lay ahead.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/23/2012, 02:31 AM
Bye, bye, beary, bye-bye.
I guess you know you're on your own,
It seems you just got lost somewhere out in the world
And you left us here to face it all alone

So bye, bye beary baby bye-bye
can't say it's been all that good
Now I guess you know you're on your own

10/23/2012, 02:55 AM
I'm so tired of Obamas quick, pert tone of voice. I thought Romney was much more effective in showing that he can agree to disagree and work with both sides of the aisle. Romney spoke more about his plans and visions and less about Obama. Obama, on the other hand did a lot of finger pointing. Romney was more Pro-'My Views Are', where Obama was more Anti-Romney.

10/23/2012, 03:00 AM

Independents thought Obama won the debate, but evidently hated the way he won it and are now more likely to vote for Romney. Interesting.

My wife and I were not happy with the meek and mild Romney and the condescending jerk-wad Obama. But I guess it worked for Romney.

We'll see where the polls are in a few days and know then.

One telling sign to me was at the very end when the two of them were hugging their wives, Obama had a very unpleasant look on his face. Romney was grinning from ear to ear. I'm sure that's trying to read too much in to it, but it was very noticeable.

10/23/2012, 03:16 AM
LLL I think a lot of it has to do with Obama doesn't want the job anymore.

Its either that, or he is so full of himself that he really thinks Romney and everyone else is beneath him.

Or it could be that he just flat out depises Romney and doesn't want to ever share the same stage with him...

Or finally, it could be because he knows that America will not vote for him!

Me personally, I just thi k he is so full of himself and arrogant that he just doesn't know any better.

10/23/2012, 07:24 AM
Romney looked like the incumbent with a 20 point lead.

Obama looked like Mondale in '84, basically a blathering idiot.

10/23/2012, 08:10 AM
One telling sign to me was at the very end when the two of them were hugging their wives, Obama had a very unpleasant look on his face. Romney was grinning from ear to ear. I'm sure that's trying to read too much in to it, but it was very noticeable.

Evidently you didn't hear about the incident with the grape juice in The Green Room.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/23/2012, 09:18 AM
Romney looked like the incumbent with a 20 point lead.

Obama looked like Mondale in '84, basically a blathering idiot.Niiiice! You GO, Beary!

10/23/2012, 09:23 AM
Evidently you didn't hear about the incident with the grape juice in The Green Room.

Nope. What happened?

Curly Bill
10/23/2012, 09:25 AM
Obammy many times looked at Romney like Romney had taken his lunch money, and Obammy knew there was nothing he could do about it.

10/23/2012, 09:54 AM
Obama was an arrogant, condescending tool who refused to speak in anything but pointless obvious generalities. At this point (after four years of running the show, or at least listening real careful-like when Hillie gives her briefings), you'd think he could do a 30,000 ft level overview explaining his policy. You'd be wrong. Or maybe there's just no policy to explain.

Romney had the infectuous enthusiasm of someone who'd just discovered something brand new and wonderful. "Look! Foreign policy! Wow, this is great! Who knew this was out there! I'm so excited!" I especially liked when he said that Syria was Iran's 'path to the sea'. For the record, Syria and Iran share no border (Iraq is between them). Syria has about 50 miles of coastline on the Med; Iran borders a little thing called 'The Persian Gulf' and also the gulf of Oman and also the Caspian Sea with around 1,500 miles of coastline. It's a quibble, but for god's sake, someone buy the man an atlas. And, for someone who was apparently involved in money managing kinds of activities over the past 30 years, you'd think he'd have some sort of feel for China. In that, too, you'd be wrong.

Highly disappointing debate, neither one showed much more than you'd expect from a well read college junior who'd just declard a poli sci major. It is to be devoutly hoped that neither one dabbles too much in foreign affairs henceforth as neither seems to have an interest in it or a gift for it.

10/23/2012, 10:24 AM
Romney looked more presidential and trustworthy. He did look enthused too. "I want this job because I want to get things done."

The most baffling statement of the night was when Obama said, "And the way you define small businesses include folks at the very top. They include you and me. That's not the kind of small business promotion we need."


So now he's a small businessman? It made no sense to me at all.

10/23/2012, 10:26 AM
LLL I think a lot of it has to do with Obama doesn't want the job anymore.

Well, he did hear there might be a similar job opening in the near future in Cuba....

10/23/2012, 10:33 AM
I think he was referring to income level alone, which can of worms I will refrain from opening at this moment. Suffice it to say that neither one would fit any meaningful definition of small businessman.

10/23/2012, 10:48 AM
Obama was an arrogant, condescending tool who refused to speak in anything but pointless obvious generalities. At this point (after four years of running the show, or at least listening real careful-like when Hillie gives her briefings), you'd think he could do a 30,000 ft level overview explaining his policy. You'd be wrong. Or maybe there's just no policy to explain.

Romney had the infectuous enthusiasm of someone who'd just discovered something brand new and wonderful. "Look! Foreign policy! Wow, this is great! Who knew this was out there! I'm so excited!" I especially liked when he said that Syria was Iran's 'path to the sea'. For the record, Syria and Iran share no border (Iraq is between them). Syria has about 50 miles of coastline on the Med; Iran borders a little thing called 'The Persian Gulf' and also the gulf of Oman and also the Caspian Sea with around 1,500 miles of coastline. It's a quibble, but for god's sake, someone buy the man an atlas. And, for someone who was apparently involved in money managing kinds of activities over the past 30 years, you'd think he'd have some sort of feel for China. In that, too, you'd be wrong.

Highly disappointing debate, neither one showed much more than you'd expect from a well read college junior who'd just declard a poli sci major. It is to be devoutly hoped that neither one dabbles too much in foreign affairs henceforth as neither seems to have an interest in it or a gift for it.

I'd give Romney a break on the path to the sea statement. He's 65 years old. At that age, it's common to make information processing mistakes when talking - like calling your best friend by the wrong name..... or how Bob Schieffer said, "Obama bin Laden." Probably had "Iran is path to sea" in a few memory pockets, and got confused.

He seems as knowledgable about foreign policy as most governors who run for president, or more so.

10/23/2012, 10:53 AM
Well, he did hear there might be a similar job opening in the near future in Cuba....

Now that is frigan funny.

10/23/2012, 11:05 AM
For the record, Syria and Iran share no border (Iraq is between them). Syria has about 50 miles of coastline on the Med; Iran borders a little thing called 'The Persian Gulf' and also the gulf of Oman and also the Caspian Sea with around 1,500 miles of coastline. It's a quibble, but for god's sake, someone buy the man an atlas.

I took it to mean that Syria was Iran's "path to the outside world" but he mis-spoke. Surprised Obama and his snarky attitude last night didn't jump on it.

10/23/2012, 11:07 AM
I'd give Romney a break on the path to the sea statement. He's 65 years old. At that age, it's common to make information processing mistakes when talking - like calling your best friend by the wrong name..... or how Bob Schieffer said, "Obama bin Laden." Probably had "Iran is path to sea" in a few memory pockets, and got confused.

He seems as knowledgable about foreign policy as most governors who run for president, or more so.

It was a quibble. What was more dangerous, in my view, was his seeming inability to speak intelligently about China. That's been the major economic/business story of the past generation and Romney was supposedly the gold star pupil in that rodeo. His take on China was to repeat the claim that China manipulates their currency. And, of course, they do; any nation that has a non-floating currency does, to one degree or another. And, so what? Is that the sole reason US jobs have gone overseas? Is it even an important contributing reason? 'No' and 'probably not'. And neither of those answers are particularly debateable. So, was Romney clueless regarding global economic trends? Or did he think his audience couldn't follow such arcana? (For another troubling insight, look for David Stockman's article in Time last week in which he explains Bain's basic model and denies that said model has anything at all to do with business.)
There is a troubling parallel between his current China bashing (when he knows he'll have to come back and play nicey nicey with them if elected) and his brimstone and fire social conservatism of the primary debates...compared with the brisk stroll to the center he's taken since winning the nomination.
I'm beginning to wonder if the man has any thoughts or convictions and, if so what they are? Or does he simply spout whatever his handlers feel is the right note to sound in whatever venue they find themselves.
That said, I repeat my criticisms of Obama with added venom.
Ollie this is a fine mess we're in.

10/23/2012, 11:10 AM
I took it to mean that Syria was Iran's "path to the outside world" but he mis-spoke. Surprised Obama and his snarky attitude last night didn't jump on it.

You're probably right and that makes two of us. I have to wonder, though, if Romney doesn't understand that Iran will incresingly tilt its business emphasis towards its natural market of India. India can consume 100% of Iran's oil forever and is perfectly happy to do so. Our sanctions hurt Iran, but provide a nifty little subsidy for India's smaller oil traders.

10/23/2012, 11:51 AM
Considering Romney's about face on pretty much everything (http://mittromneyflipflops.com/), I agree with the above inquiry. What does he actually believe in? I find it kind of upsetting that he is just saying whatever his handlers tell him to say in order to appeal to whatever audience he is in front of. Facts don't matter, prior positions are irrelevant. He changes according to the blowing of the political winds. The bottom line is that we have no idea what sort of president he'll be because we don't know what Romney is, except maybe by what he's said behind closed doors. We're battling for the soul of democracy here. A vote for Romney is a vote to turn the american election into American Idol where form is more important than substance and substance actually doesn't matter even a little bit.

10/23/2012, 11:56 AM
It was a quibble. What was more dangerous, in my view, was his seeming inability to speak intelligently about China. That's been the major economic/business story of the past generation and Romney was supposedly the gold star pupil in that rodeo. His take on China was to repeat the claim that China manipulates their currency. And, of course, they do; any nation that has a non-floating currency does, to one degree or another. And, so what? Is that the sole reason US jobs have gone overseas? Is it even an important contributing reason? 'No' and 'probably not'. And neither of those answers are particularly debateable. So, was Romney clueless regarding global economic trends? Or did he think his audience couldn't follow such arcana? (For another troubling insight, look for David Stockman's article in Time last week in which he explains Bain's basic model and denies that said model has anything at all to do with business.)
There is a troubling parallel between his current China bashing (when he knows he'll have to come back and play nicey nicey with them if elected) and his brimstone and fire social conservatism of the primary debates...compared with the brisk stroll to the center he's taken since winning the nomination.
I'm beginning to wonder if the man has any thoughts or convictions and, if so what they are? Or does he simply spout whatever his handlers feel is the right note to sound in whatever venue they find themselves.
That said, I repeat my criticisms of Obama with added venom.
Ollie this is a fine mess we're in.

I'm irritated by Romney's China bashing there as well. My theory is that during the primaries he was throwing a bone to the Pat Buchanan wing of the party in his fight for the nomination, so it's part of his rap. But if he's not a free market guy then he's losing out on the best attribute of the pub party.

10/23/2012, 11:56 AM
You got to be ****in me

10/23/2012, 11:58 AM
Considering Romney's about face on pretty much everything (http://mittromneyflipflops.com/), I agree with the above inquiry. What does he actually believe in? .

He believes small business drives the economy and that government should let them.
He believes socialism doesn't work.

That's all I need to know. Let him say anything to get elected to carry out that agenda.

I fault McCain for not doing all he could have done to get elected. Romney is not making that mistake.

10/23/2012, 11:59 AM
I'm irritated by Romney's China bashing there as well. My theory is that during the primaries he was throwing a bone to the Pat Buchanan wing of the party in his fight for the nomination, so it's part of his rap. But if he's not a free market guy then he's losing out on the best attribute of the pub party.

Meh... China bashing = kissing Ohio's azz. Iran bashing = kissing pro-Israel folks' azz.

10/23/2012, 12:00 PM
He believes small business drives the economy and that government should let them.
He believes socialism doesn't work.

What has Obama done which is socialist?

10/23/2012, 12:08 PM
A vote for Romney is a vote to turn the american election into American Idol where form is more important than substance and substance actually doesn't matter even a little bit.

You do realize the extremely thick irony there don't you?

10/23/2012, 12:19 PM
You do realize the extremely thick irony there don't you?

Not at all. Obama delivered on a lot of his agenda and was obstructed on most everything else. Hell, the 'pubs even as late as September blocked a jobs bill for veterans. They don't give a crap who they hurt as long as they block Obama's agenda. That's another thing we as an electorate can't accept--one side not even coming to the table.

10/23/2012, 12:35 PM
Considering Romney's about face on pretty much everything (http://mittromneyflipflops.com/), I agree with the above inquiry. What does he actually believe in? I find it kind of upsetting that he is just saying whatever his handlers tell him to say in order to appeal to whatever audience he is in front of. Facts don't matter, prior positions are irrelevant. He changes according to the blowing of the political winds. The bottom line is that we have no idea what sort of president he'll be because we don't know what Romney is, except maybe by what he's said behind closed doors. We're battling for the soul of democracy here. A vote for Romney is a vote to turn the american election into American Idol where form is more important than substance and substance actually doesn't matter even a little bit.

So Obama has never changed his stance?

He was going to bankrupt electrical companies that used coal but now is on board with them and their "clean coal"...we can't seem to find a place to store a relatively small amount of nuke waste but we can somehow find a way to store a couple of cubic miles of compressed CO2 for eternity...

He wanted to tax the snot out of ng with his cap and trade policy but now acts as if the producers are his friends...

Continues to talk about energy independence while touting solar and wind which will do nothing to help energy independence...

There is no integrity in politics...it is all about spewing rhetoric, true or not, to get a vote...any vote...

10/23/2012, 12:36 PM
Not at all. Obama delivered on a lot of his agenda and was obstructed on most everything else. Hell, the 'pubs even as late as September blocked a jobs bill for veterans. They don't give a crap who they hurt as long as they block Obama's agenda. That's another thing we as an electorate can't accept--one side not even coming to the table.

Obama was Mr. Present in the senate. He had no record to run on at all. His idea of a press conference is The View, Jon Stewart, and David Letterman.

He is the quintessential celebrity President. If he weren't black he would not have even made a wave in his primaries let alone become President.

Only you kool-aid drinkers would think otherwise.

As for his agenda, it's so popular HE doesn't even run on it. He is running against Bush again with Romney as the stand in.

If it's so freaking popular he would be touting it to high heaven. Believe me, one thing I've learned about him is when possible he likes to puff out his chest and crow.

10/23/2012, 12:37 PM
Not at all. Obama delivered on a lot of his agenda and was obstructed on most everything else. Hell, the 'pubs even as late as September blocked a jobs bill for veterans. They don't give a crap who they hurt as long as they block Obama's agenda. That's another thing we as an electorate can't accept--one side not even coming to the table.

Thank God a lot of his retarded policies were obstructed...some with help of his own party.

10/23/2012, 12:38 PM
Not at all. Obama delivered on a lot of his agenda and was obstructed on most everything else. Hell, the 'pubs even as late as September blocked a jobs bill for veterans. They don't give a crap who they hurt as long as they block Obama's agenda. That's another thing we as an electorate can't accept--one side not even coming to the table.

A jobs bill for veterans is a noble cause but it is only pandering to the military vote and does little to help the economy...is hiring a vet somehow better for the economy then when an unemployed non vet is hired?

Create jobs and the vets will get hired if they are qualified...

Bourbon St Sooner
10/23/2012, 12:40 PM
It was a quibble. What was more dangerous, in my view, was his seeming inability to speak intelligently about China. That's been the major economic/business story of the past generation and Romney was supposedly the gold star pupil in that rodeo. His take on China was to repeat the claim that China manipulates their currency. And, of course, they do; any nation that has a non-floating currency does, to one degree or another. And, so what? Is that the sole reason US jobs have gone overseas? Is it even an important contributing reason? 'No' and 'probably not'. And neither of those answers are particularly debateable. So, was Romney clueless regarding global economic trends? Or did he think his audience couldn't follow such arcana? (For another troubling insight, look for David Stockman's article in Time last week in which he explains Bain's basic model and denies that said model has anything at all to do with business.)
There is a troubling parallel between his current China bashing (when he knows he'll have to come back and play nicey nicey with them if elected) and his brimstone and fire social conservatism of the primary debates...compared with the brisk stroll to the center he's taken since winning the nomination.
I'm beginning to wonder if the man has any thoughts or convictions and, if so what they are? Or does he simply spout whatever his handlers feel is the right note to sound in whatever venue they find themselves.
That said, I repeat my criticisms of Obama with added venom.
Ollie this is a fine mess we're in.

Uh, dude, cause they ain't talking to folks that actually know something about how the global economy operates. This isn't an academic exercise. They are talking to joe sixpack undecided voter in Ohio who only knows that he can't find a job because greedy fat-cat gave all the jobs to chinaman.

This is why I can't watch more than 10 minutes of any debate. I really tried a couple of times. American politics is dumbed down 8 second sound bites that folks that attended our ****ty public schools and spend their time watching reality tv can understand.

10/23/2012, 12:41 PM
A jobs bill for veterans is a noble cause but it is only pandering to the military vote and does little to help the economy...is hiring a vet somehow better for the economy then when an unemployed non vet is hired?

Create jobs and the vets will get hired if they are qualified...

No no no. There's no symbolism to be milked in just getting everyone hired.

We need class warfare. More class warfare!

10/23/2012, 12:41 PM
Those vets didn't need a bill just for them....Hell, Hussein was going to have millions of green energy jobs to go along with all of those shovel ready ones.

10/23/2012, 12:42 PM
What has Obama done which is socialist?
Surely you jest.
I was going to respond. Then I thought I would Google it to get a concise answer.

I typed in the Google bar, "Is Obama..."
and "Is Obama a socialist" popped up.

I really did laugh out loud.

So if you want a couple of hours of reading to educate yourself, you know what to do.

10/23/2012, 12:45 PM
Surely you jest.
I was going to respond. Then I thought I would Google it to get a concise answer.

I typed in the Google bar, "Is Obama..."
and "Is Obama a socialist" popped up.

I really did laugh out loud.

So if you want a couple of hours of reading to educate yourself, you know what to do.

Hey come on, was Lenin REALLY a communist before the Czars fell? Heck noes. Did he pass one single communist agenda before the Czar was murdered? Heck to noes again.

Ducks. It's all about the ducks.

10/23/2012, 12:50 PM
Uh, dude, cause they ain't talking to folks that actually know something about how the global economy operates. This isn't an academic exercise. They are talking to joe sixpack undecided voter in Ohio who only knows that he can't find a job because greedy fat-cat gave all the jobs to chinaman.

This is why I can't watch more than 10 minutes of any debate. I really tried a couple of times. American politics is dumbed down 8 second sound bites that folks that attended our ****ty public schools and spend their time watching reality tv can understand.


10/23/2012, 12:56 PM
In terms of substance, Mitt Romney offered absolutely nothing in regards to foreign policy that differed from that of the current adminsistration. He agreed on Libyia, Syria, Iran, the use of drones, etc...

Still puzzled how anyone can see any daylight between these two caricatures.

10/23/2012, 01:11 PM
In terms of substance, Mitt Romney offered absolutely nothing in regards to foreign policy that differed from that of the current adminsistration. He agreed on Libyia, Syria, Iran, the use of drones, etc...

Still puzzled how anyone can see any daylight between these two caricatures.

Why would anyone expect any big difference between the two?

Three options to handle the situation
1. The current method
2. Bomb the **** out of them method
3. Do nothing method

The general populace does not approve of the last two choices...though option 3 is gaining traction...

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 01:13 PM
After all the agreeing Romney gave the President last night I now think that Obama has Romney's vote.

What got me was that after almost a year of Romney's complaining about Obama setting a time line of 2014 for US Forces getting out of Afghanistan would only aid the terrorists and weaken the Afghans, now Romney has flipped yet again and agreed that he would get the troops out in 2014.

I never saw that one coming.

I also never saw Romney try to claim credit for the Auto Bailout either.

Proof again that Romney has sold his soul and will say anything to get elected.

An act of a desparate man.


10/23/2012, 01:31 PM
Why would anyone expect any big difference between the two?

Three options to handle the situation
1. The current method
2. Bomb the **** out of them method
3. Do nothing method

The general populace does not approve of the last two choices...though option 3 is gaining traction...

Yes, I agree with that sentiment but I hardly expect some of the anti-rationalist jet set to buy into the notion that *gasp* the Socialist is just like the Mormon.

One can hope option 3 is gaining traction.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 01:45 PM
I'm glad this was the last debate.

After last night Romney is now agreeing with Obama.

Nothing left to argue about.

(till Romney flips yet again in a few days/hours.)


10/23/2012, 02:00 PM
Uh, dude, cause they ain't talking to folks that actually know something about how the global economy operates. This isn't an academic exercise. They are talking to joe sixpack undecided voter in Ohio who only knows that he can't find a job because greedy fat-cat gave all the jobs to chinaman.

This is why I can't watch more than 10 minutes of any debate. I really tried a couple of times. American politics is dumbed down 8 second sound bites that folks that attended our ****ty public schools and spend their time watching reality tv can understand.

I suppose you're right; it's just depressing since the one (Obama) seems to think this is the right way to conduct business, and the other (Romney) seems not to understand that he's playing a game.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 02:58 PM
Uh, dude, cause they ain't talking to folks that actually know something about how the global economy operates. This isn't an academic exercise. They are talking to joe sixpack undecided voter in Ohio who only knows that he can't find a job because greedy fat-cat gave all the jobs to chinaman.

That pretty much sums it up.


10/23/2012, 03:00 PM
Surely you jest.
I was going to respond. Then I thought I would Google it to get a concise answer.

I typed in the Google bar, "Is Obama..."
and "Is Obama a socialist" popped up.

I really did laugh out loud.

So if you want a couple of hours of reading to educate yourself, you know what to do.

Surely you jest.

If you were logged in to your Google account when you typed that search, that just shows you've made similar searches in the past. Even that aside, the fact that folks have been searching for actual socialist things Obama has done doesn't mean they found anything.

10/23/2012, 03:04 PM
A jobs bill for veterans is a noble cause but it is only pandering to the military vote and does little to help the economy...is hiring a vet somehow better for the economy then when an unemployed non vet is hired?

Create jobs and the vets will get hired if they are qualified...

Then pander away. Veterans take a break in their careers which is a disadvantage all on its own. When they come back, they also often have other physical or mental issues to work through as well. I'm definitely in favor of preferences to level the playing field in their favor. The current levels of homelessness and mental illness among veterans are unacceptable. The Obama administration has drastically improved mental health services and has proposed (but been blocked by the GOP House) in approving tax credits for businesses which hire vets.

10/23/2012, 03:08 PM
Romney was looking to solidify his gains among women. My wife tells me that women do not appreciate intense, argumentative, negative male personalities. I asked her why she married me then and quickly told her not to answer that.

10/23/2012, 04:53 PM
I'm glad this was the last debate.

After last night Romney is now agreeing with Obama.

Nothing left to argue about.

(till Romney flips yet again in a few days/hours.)


Yeah, your dumbass can stop acting as if Dear Leader hasn't flip flopped on any damn thing!

Just STFU and leave out your ignorance and stupidity....please!



hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 05:27 PM
The only thing missing from last night's debate was Romney leading the group in a round of Kum Bah Yah.

I'm surprised the real conservatives haven't denounced his azz.

Having said that I understand that Oklahomans overwhelmingly wanted Rick Santorum.


10/23/2012, 05:38 PM
Sounds to me like one candidate was behaving in the debate as if his sources are telling him he's in great shape two weeks out and should be careful not to blow it. And the other was behaving as if his sources are telling him he's in real trouble, and had better try to knock the other guy out.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 07:39 PM
To me it seemed Romney went into a Prevent Defense.

I couldn't believe he agreed with Obama almost on every topic.

I thought Romney would nail Obama on Libya. He didn't.

I never thought Romney would give a timeline for troops to leave Afghanistan.

I never thought Romney wouldn't have a 10th graders basics of World geography, thinking Iran needed Syria to get sea access.

I expected Romney to act Presidential. Instead he acted like a vacuum cleaner salesman.

And I'm not buyin'.


10/23/2012, 07:41 PM
Sounds to me like one candidate was behaving in the debate as if his sources are telling him he's in great shape two weeks out and should be careful not to blow it. And the other was behaving as if his sources are telling him he's in real trouble, and had better try to knock the other guy out.

To me it seemed Romney went into a Prevent Defense.

I agree with both of these statements.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 07:46 PM
Personally I'm not a fan of the Prevent Defense.

OK, at least in relation to football.


10/23/2012, 07:49 PM
And I'm not buyin'.


Face it. You weren't buying into Romney, unless he was half black, cocky, young, and with socialist views.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 07:49 PM
I saw on TV today where a bunch of Nations were polled as to who they would favor as President.

The only one to vote for Romney was Pakistan.


10/23/2012, 07:54 PM
I saw on TV today where a bunch of Nations were polled as to who they would favor as President.

The only one to vote for Romney was Pakistan.


how did they poll a nation? A random sample of citizens or did they ask the head dude?

10/23/2012, 07:57 PM
I saw on TV today where a bunch of Nations were polled as to who they would favor as President.

The only one to vote for Romney was Pakistan.


Yeah, while nations like Venezuala endorses Obama, and probably donates to his campaign.

IMO, You are probably one of those that believes everything the tv tells you.

10/23/2012, 08:15 PM
sorry, I forgot to post the one from the second debate. Someone find the Taiwanese version please. Their first one was gold.


hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 08:19 PM
Yeah, while nations like Venezuala endorses Obama, and probably donates to his campaign.

IMO, You are probably one of those that believes everything the tv tells you.

They shot JR ?


10/23/2012, 08:47 PM
I saw on TV today where a bunch of Nations were polled as to who they would favor as President.

The only one to vote for Romney was Pakistan.


I guess that poll ignored Israel too.

10/23/2012, 08:54 PM
I tried to watch this debate, but then more important things came up like I needed to go schedule a root canal.

Seriously, if any farkers are still hanging around that read this, please take the "bitch stole my fish" source pic and insert Obama and Romney's heads in places of the little black kid and the white girl. Cause that pretty much sums up how I felt how this debate turned out.

10/23/2012, 08:59 PM
They shot JR ?


They shot Jim Ross? Get out of here! When?

10/23/2012, 09:47 PM
I got a chuckle out of the Romney baby leaning out of Romneys arms wanting to be held by Obama. Upon seeing that out of the corner of his eye, the babys father took him away. Babies are so sweet. They'll love on anyone. :D

10/23/2012, 09:54 PM
I got a chuckle out of the Romney baby leaning out of Romneys arms wanting to be held by Obama. Upon seeing that out of the corner of his eye, the babys father took him away. Babies are so sweet. They'll love on anyone. :D

Maybe the baby thought he looked like curiou.....oh nevermind!

10/23/2012, 10:05 PM
The only thing missing from last night's debate was Romney leading the group in a round of Kum Bah Yah.

I'm surprised the real conservatives haven't denounced his azz.

Having said that I understand that Oklahomans overwhelmingly wanted Rick Santorum.

You mean like Obama was singing Kumbahya all around the middle east, except to our Israeli allies, who he shunned? Obama apologized for the United States during that whole Middle Eastern tour and insulted our intelligence during the debate by calling it something else when Romney called him out on it?

10/23/2012, 10:19 PM
You mean like Obama was singing Kumbahya all around the middle east, except to our Israeli allies, who he shunned? Obama apologized for the United States during that whole Middle Eastern tour and insulted our intelligence during the debate by calling it something else when Romney called him out on it?

No no no, he never actually said, out loud, I AM SORRY, or I APOLOGIZE, so it is wrong to call it an apology tour.


In our newspaper they had a fact check thing that just about said the above thing. SOOOOOO stupid.

10/23/2012, 11:17 PM
No no no, he never actually said, out loud, I AM SORRY, or I APOLOGIZE, so it is wrong to call it an apology tour.


In our newspaper they had a fact check thing that just about said the above thing. SOOOOOO stupid.Right, and he never bowed to the Middle Eastern idols either. He was just straightening his tie. :D

10/24/2012, 02:18 PM
There is a lady I work with and the topic of the debate came up.

I usually don't talk politics at work, but I had to ask her one question. But first this is what she said:

She said, "I want Obama to win the election. I don't have anything against Romney, but we don't need drastic changes right now. We need to get our problems fixed and not create new ones."

Now, I agree, we don't need new problems and we do need to fix the ones we have already. But I asked her this:

"You don't want any changes so you will vote for Obama thinking Romney will create a new set of problems. What has Obama done to attempt to fix any problems we are all facing now?"

She couldn't couldn't answer the question.

I went on, "gas prices are over $2 a gallon more now than when Obama took office. Has he opened up federal lands for new rigs? No. In fact he has shrunk the federal lands that oil companies can drill on. Did he approve a major pipeline from Canada? No. He didn't. But he made a political move and gave a speech in Cushing, OK."

"Has he made heallthcare more affordable? No. But he has socialized it."

"Has he made efforts to make our education rival that of other G8 nations? Not at all"

I then asked her this, "Obama had two years, after he was elected, that he could have got almost everything he wanted done done, thanks to a large majority in the House and a filibuster proof Senate. Why didn't he take advantage of it? Was it because he was lazy. Or was it because even those in his own party didn't like his agenda?"

The lady had no answers. She did say though that Romney comes across as a rich snob. So I then asked her if she watched the debates. She said no.

Lol this is an older woman in her 60s and white. And she is an OSU alumni...lol

So that should explain everything...lol.

10/24/2012, 02:25 PM
There is a lady I work with and the topic of the debate came up.

I usually don't talk politics at work, but I had to ask her one question. But first this is what she said:

She said, "I want Obama to win the election. I don't have anything against Romney, but we don't need drastic changes right now. We need to get our problems fixed and not create new ones."

Now, I agree, we don't need new problems and we do need to fix the ones we have already. But I asked her this:

"You don't want any changes so you will vote for Obama thinking Romney will create a new set of problems. What has Obama done to attempt to fix any problems we are all facing now?"

She couldn't couldn't answer the question.

I went on, "gas prices are over $2 a gallon more now than when Obama took office. Has he opened up federal lands for new rigs? No. In fact he has shrunk the federal lands that oil companies can drill on. Did he approve a major pipeline from Canada? No. He didn't. But he made a political move and gave a speech in Cushing, OK."

"Has he made heallthcare more affordable? No. But he has socialized it."

"Has he made efforts to make our education rival that of other G8 nations? Not at all"

I then asked her this, "Obama had two years, after he was elected, that he could have got almost everything he wanted done done, thanks to a large majority in the House and a filibuster proof Senate. Why didn't he take advantage of it? Was it because he was lazy. Or was it because even those in his own party didn't like his agenda?"

The lady had no answers. She did say though that Romney comes across as a rich snob. So I then asked her if she watched the debates. She said no.

Lol this is an older woman in her 60s and white. And she is an OSU alumni...lol

So that should explain everything...lol.

women should only be allowed to buy groceries and breast feed

10/24/2012, 02:47 PM
Who are they going to breast feed and how did they get there if the only activity allowed is grocery buying.

Short sighted, my friend. Got to think these things through.

10/24/2012, 02:57 PM
Right, and he never bowed to the Middle Eastern idols either. He was just straightening his tie. :D

Well, getting it caught in their zippers did leave it a wrinkled mess.

10/24/2012, 03:22 PM
I saw on TV today where a bunch of Nations were polled as to who they would favor as President.

The only one to vote for Romney was Pakistan.


Was another question in the poll something like:

Would you like to grind American into a fine powder under your boot heel?


Do you think American should be cut into little pieces and served as petit fours to the rest of the world?