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10/22/2012, 06:59 PM
I really dont see any point in it now,
After the 1st 2 my mind is set on Romney
I thot I would give Obama the shot to change my mind but after 2 hes not even close

10/22/2012, 07:01 PM
So who's on MNF tonight?

hawaii 5-0
10/22/2012, 07:06 PM
I really was hoping the Repubs would put up someone more Presidential.

Instead they put up Mr Etch-A-Sketch.

He11, even the Mormons don't trust him.


hawaii 5-0
10/22/2012, 07:09 PM
It'll be interesting to see what Bob Schieffer does when Romney tries to bully him and is continuously evasive with his answers.

I wanna see a real scrap.

Could someone remind me again of Romney's Foreign Policy, besides pizzing off the British at the Olympics?

Oh, and declare the Russians the #1 Foreign threat in the World.

Has he done anything?


10/22/2012, 07:27 PM
It'll be interesting to see what Bob Schieffer does when Romney tries to bully him and is continuously evasive with his answers.

I wanna see a real scrap.

Could someone remind me again of Romney's Foreign Policy, besides pizzing off the British at the Olympics?

Oh, and declare the Russians the #1 Foreign threat in the World.

Has he done anything?

5-0While you're waiting on that answer to your rhetorical question, I'll remind you that you're boyfriend hasnt done squat but put us Further into the poor house...and by poor, I don't mean a little grass hut.

Now, have a great ****ing day.

hawaii 5-0
10/22/2012, 07:46 PM
Got us out of Iraq.............................Check

Rid the World of bin Laden.................Check

Provided Health Coverage to Millions, including those with pre-existing conditions.............Check

Those right there are enough for me. Oh, there's more such as Equal Pay, recalling Don't Ask, etc.

In all fairness, Romney gets some credit for one of those goals. His RomneyCare is the Father of Obamacare.


10/22/2012, 07:52 PM
5-0 do you ever do anything beside slobber all over Baracks dick or just keep tryin to shove it up Romneys ***?

hawaii 5-0
10/22/2012, 07:55 PM
5-0 do you ever do anything beside slobber all over Baracks dick or just keep tryin to shove it up Romneys ***?

Thanks for the continued personal attacks. I have a thick skin, but your insults only confirm you've lost any argument.

I've said all along that I wish there was a better choice. Nothing wrong with wanting better for my Country.


10/22/2012, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the continued personal attacks. I have a thick skin, but your insults only confirm you've lost any argument.

I've said all along that I wish there was a better choice. Nothing wrong with wanting better for my Country.


You continually Talk up Obama while at the same time denigrating Romney
So Id say you lost

10/22/2012, 08:41 PM
This is an epic battle...so far it's been pretty one-sided.....

The Bears are doing whatever they want to the Lions!!!

10/22/2012, 08:50 PM
Obama's done lots, alright.

Transform the US from a nation of providers to a nation of dependents------check

Widen the gap between rich and poor------check

Destabilize Iraq and Afganistan-------check

Indecisive foreign policy/weakened American image------check

Deceive Americans about Libyan attack---------check

Place US on road to European style socialism and insolvency------check

10/22/2012, 09:00 PM
Obama acts like a little bitch. Why this man should be leading anything is surprising.

10/22/2012, 09:06 PM
Got us out of Iraq.............................Check

Rid the World of bin Laden.................Check

Provided Health Coverage to Millions, including those with pre-existing conditions.............Check

Those right there are enough for me. Oh, there's more such as Equal Pay, recalling Don't Ask, etc.

In all fairness, Romney gets some credit for one of those goals. His RomneyCare is the Father of Obamacare.


yeah, the not equal pay The Socialist pays his wimmen.

10/22/2012, 09:09 PM
Obama's done lots, alright.

Transform the US from a nation of providers to a nation of dependents------check

Widen the gap between rich and poor------check

Destabilize Iraq and Afganistan-------check

Indecisive foreign policy/weakened American image------check

Deceive Americans about Libyan attack---------check

Place US on road to European style socialism and insolvency------check

add $10K per family to China

the false coverage claim of people in med ins.

The secret islamist meeting at the WH with The Socialist

The Socialists confirming Iran's right to nuclear power

The kowtowing to leaders during the apologist's foreign tours.

10/22/2012, 09:14 PM
Our new foreign policy: Speak indecisively and carry a limp ____.

10/22/2012, 09:15 PM
Romney is throwing good punches. Obama has effectively thrown counter punches.

A good fight.

10/22/2012, 09:33 PM
It'll be interesting to see what Bob Schieffer does when Romney tries to bully him and is continuously evasive with his answers.

I wanna see a real scrap.

Could someone remind me again of Romney's Foreign Policy, besides pizzing off the British at the Olympics?

Oh, and declare the Russians the #1 Foreign threat in the World.

Has he done anything?


sounds like Romney is powning The Socialist. Specific and slamming the jew hating bastard.

10/22/2012, 09:46 PM
Guys...it's gonna be down to the wire. Most of the media will say either a draw or Obama won this debate. I didn't even watch and I know this.

10/22/2012, 09:50 PM
Guys...it's gonna be down to the wire. Most of the media will say either a draw or Obama won this debate. I didn't even watch and I know this.

I had it on, dint pay close attention
Id say it was an even draw

Now my question is What do the People want a Proven idiot or one in the bush

Obama got his *** handed to him in the 1st one then was only able to fight to a draw in the next 2
Do they want someone who cant do any better than that?

10/22/2012, 09:56 PM
Bob Schieffer did a good job. The questions were fair and not weighted towards one side. Did the candidates try to be more civil? Obama did talk over Romney more.
Obama got all pissy when called on the carpet. He would look all squirmy and uncomfortable. Romney would just sit and take it when being attacked, just waiting to rebut.
Obama was a little more coherent than he was in the other two debates.
This was another draw, that thankfully, probably helped the Romney cause.

10/22/2012, 10:02 PM
This was another draw, that thankfully, probably helped the Romney cause.

Ugh. That means we'll have to hear about Obama's commanding and masterful performance for the next 2 days.

10/22/2012, 10:06 PM
Why are they now setting down? I like it when their at the podiums.

10/22/2012, 10:07 PM
guess I saw a "win" for big ears...he seemed more precise in his answers...got a few good one liners in on Romney. Attacked all the "hype" that everyone else claims about Romney.

I didn't see the beginning, watching baseball...

I still think obama is full of **** though

10/22/2012, 10:11 PM
Ugh. That means we'll have to hear about Obama's commanding and masterful performance for the next 2 days.

lol, it started right after it was over. George Stephanopoulos got right on his knees, reached up with both hands to get a good grip, and proceed to deep throat the president as lustily as he could. Amazing how he can continue talking with a mouthful of presidential man meat.

10/22/2012, 10:20 PM
The Bears' defense has been awesome, but they haven't taken advantage of their scoring opportunities tonight.

10/22/2012, 10:30 PM
I'm all for this breast cancer awareness stuff, but NFL players wearing pink gloves?

10/22/2012, 10:39 PM
If the lib media is calling it a draw = big win for Romney.

the luntz group is all Romney.

10/22/2012, 10:46 PM
If the lib media is calling it a draw = big win for Romney.

the luntz group is all Romney.

is the luntz group a group of undecideds?

10/22/2012, 10:48 PM
Isn't it funny how a secure economy kept getting into the national security discussion???
Youda thought that the Schief would have kept the discussion diverted away...

10/22/2012, 10:52 PM
Bob is a lib from way back...

10/22/2012, 11:04 PM
is the luntz group a group of undecideds?

Absolutely. They're a bona fide bunch of undecided's who watch Fox regularly.

10/22/2012, 11:21 PM
The debates are invaluable for educating the American electorate, despite what Dean may claim.

Just as a example, google searches for bayonets have skyrocketed!!!!

10/22/2012, 11:24 PM
Well, the headline on CNN's site is declaring that Obama schooled Mitt...typical

10/22/2012, 11:28 PM
The debates are invaluable for educating the American electorate, despite what Dean may claim.

Just as a example, google searches for bayonets have skyrocketed!!!!I'm sure it has, because most of the dumb mother****ers voting for Obama don't have a ****ing clue what a bayonet is...Hell, the search for horses probably skyrocketed as well...dumb bastards.

10/22/2012, 11:29 PM
I'm guessing Romney sensed some sort of trap if he had gone down the Libya path? Seemed a slam dunk to make fun of Obama for acting like a crybaby over the silly video. Guess they decided to leave that one alone.

10/22/2012, 11:29 PM
EPIC FAIL......for 445 days our embassy people in Tehran,Iran were paraded around morning,noon and night! Bound,blindfolded,starved,spit upon,present while the American flag was burned daily alongside them. All you had to do is show a video from that time period on one side,then show one from a month ago on the other and ask....WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Simple answer,not a thing......muslims still HATE US ....that HAS NOT,NOR WILL IT EVER CHANGE.
Those who fail to remember the past are CONDEMNED to repeat it. This so-called "president" is the SECOND COMING OF JIMMY CARTER and if given another four years
with his cronies DINOS and RINOS (Democrats in name only) (Republicans in name only) will make Carter look like a church social in comparison. I cannot for the life of me
believe people would dare re-elect him......what really saddens me is we have the choice of the Mormon or the moron....sigh....REMEMBER 1979----DON'T RUBBER STAMP
A RETURN TO IT!!!! THIS COULD BE THE LAST "FREE?" ELECTION THIS COUNTRY EVER HAS. Romney's failure to link Obama to Carter will be his undoing...mark my word!

10/22/2012, 11:31 PM
I'm sure it has, because most of the dumb mother****ers voting for Obama don't have a ****ing clue what a bayonet is...

Obama lost the civil war re-enactors' vote with that one.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 12:26 AM
yeah, the not equal pay The Socialist pays his wimmen.

Know how many women partners Romney had while he was CEO at Bain during the 80's and 90's?



10/23/2012, 12:27 AM
CNN poll of debate watchers: Who did debate make you more likely to vote for? Obama 24%, Romney 25%, Neither 50%. #CNNDebate

Doesn't sound like anyone won.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 12:36 AM
I'm really not sure what I saw.

Romney did a good job endorsing Obama's foreign policies. There was almost no disagreement.

I expected Romney to come out swinging, expecially on Libya. Instread he acted like a puppy dog waiting to have his belly scratched.

It was like Romney was being honest and acting like the Moderate that he really is.

My guess he thinks he has the Conservative vote and was playing to the Moderates.

If Romney didn't lie so much I could almost vote for him. (except for that 47% thing. He's different behind closed doors.)

I liked that they both showed respect to Bob Schieffer.

I haven't looked about checking facts, expecially Romney's claim (lie) to provide Federal support after the auto industry went bankrupt. I thought he said it would be private investors to help them recover, which wasn't there.


10/23/2012, 12:46 AM
I'm really not sure what I saw.

Romney did a good job endorsing Obama's foreign policies. There was almost no disagreement.

I expected Romney to come out swinging, expecially on Libya. Instread he acted like a puppy dog waiting to have his belly scratched.

It was like Romney was being honest and acting like the Moderate that he really is.

My guess he thinks he has the Conservative vote and was playing to the Moderates.

If Romney didn't lie so much I could almost vote for him. (except for that 47% thing. He's different behind closed doors.)

I liked that they both showed respect to Bob Schieffer.

I haven't looked about checking facts, expecially Romney's claim (lie) to provide Federal support after the auto industry went bankrupt. I thought he said it would be private investors to help them recover, which wasn't there.


I think you mean Bush's foreign policies...

You haven't checked the facts, but you are willing to claim Romney lied.. Classic.

This is straight from Romney's Oped in the NYTimes.

The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.


Care to retract your statement?

10/23/2012, 12:53 AM
C-SPAN had phone lines for Dems, Pubs and undecided. Also a poll of who won. As one of the better Bi-partisan attempts to discuss politics that there is these days....I was surprised to see their poll with President Obama so far ahead.

CNN has it a tie.

I'm sure there will be more folks weighing in by morning.

I'm of the camp that if you are trying to beat a sitting POTUS...a tie isn't what you are looking for.

Romney's face got pretty red at times and I couldn't tell if he was mad or embarrassed. Neither would seem to be to his advantage I would think.

10/23/2012, 12:59 AM
I think you mean Bush's foreign policies...

You haven't checked the facts, but you are willing to claim Romney lied.. Classic.

This is straight from Romney's Oped in the NYTimes.


Care to retract your statement?

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.

Maybe their demise will be virtually sealed once Mitt is virtually POTUS......lol

10/23/2012, 07:24 AM
C-SPAN had phone lines for Dems, Pubs and undecided. Also a poll of who won. As one of the better Bi-partisan attempts to discuss politics that there is these days....I was surprised to see their poll with President Obama so far ahead.

CNN has it a tie.

I'm sure there will be more folks weighing in by morning.

I'm of the camp that if you are trying to beat a sitting POTUS...a tie isn't what you are looking for.

Romney's face got pretty red at times and I couldn't tell if he was mad or embarrassed. Neither would seem to be to his advantage I would think.

Obama seemed to be the angry one ....Hard to tell if obama's face turned red.

10/23/2012, 08:12 AM
Obama seemed to be the angry one ....Hard to tell if obama's face turned red.

He looked like a stool sample from a diseased arsehole

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 01:19 PM
I think you mean Bush's foreign policies...

You haven't checked the facts, but you are willing to claim Romney lied.. Classic.

This is straight from Romney's Oped in the NYTimes.


Care to retract your statement?

"The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk."

Oh, so protecting financing and assuring warranties will completely save the auto industry and the millions of auto-related jobs? Gimme a break.


10/23/2012, 01:34 PM
I think you mean Bush's foreign policies...

You haven't checked the facts, but you are willing to claim Romney lied.. Classic.

This is straight from Romney's Oped in the NYTimes.


Care to retract your statement?

How about Obama saying he didn't want to extend the US stay in Iraq...even though his administration tried for months to extend the troop timetable...but Iraq wouldn't budge...

Or Obama saying that Rom did not institute the free college ride to a Mass college to the top 25% of graduating students...when in fact it did happen on his watch...

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 01:43 PM
....or that Obama never mentioned 'acts of terror' in a speech on 9-12-12.


10/23/2012, 04:03 PM
....or that Obama never mentioned 'acts of terror' in a speech on 9-12-12.


In relation to acts of terror, just not in relation to Benghazi which he said was because of a video for two weeks afterward.

Can't have it both ways. Was it an act of terror or was it a spontaneous riot because of a video?

Obama clearly wanted it to be the video, that's not debatable.

Hillary Clinton was the first one in the administration to clearly say it was a terrorist plot related to the 9/11 anniversary.

Obama, when asked about what Clinton said on The View (that hard hitting journalistic show), Obama again said they were still investigating. Why the obfuscation then, if he had already said it was terrorism?

Because he hadn't. Because he didn't want it to be so. He had been campaigning on Al Qaeda being dead along with OBL.

He and his people screwed the pooch and got an ambassador killed through carelessness on a date which anyone with common sense should have been on high alert. 9/11.

Now the cover up.

rock on sooner
10/23/2012, 04:29 PM
How about Obama saying he didn't want to extend the US stay in Iraq...even though his administration tried for months to extend the troop timetable...but Iraq wouldn't budge...

Or Obama saying that Rom did not institute the free college ride to a Mass college to the top 25% of graduating students...when in fact it did happen on his watch...

Not exactly a free ride...the program covers $1700 in tuition per semester, does
not cover any fees or room and board. Report I read said that the fees alone
can be several thousand dollars, never mind room and board, so, while a nice
program not as Romney described.

10/23/2012, 05:20 PM
Know how many women partners Romney had while he was CEO at Bain during the 80's and 90's?


so what! If i was going to be partnering, i'd partner with certain people. Its not like Bain didn't hire women. You Fail again. What about The Socialist paying his women less, hmmm?

10/23/2012, 05:22 PM
"The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk."

Oh, so protecting financing and assuring warranties will completely save the auto industry and the millions of auto-related jobs? Gimme a break.

Better than owning failing companies that will suck in tax payers money. My taxes are not for that!

10/23/2012, 05:23 PM
....or that Obama never mentioned 'acts of terror' in a speech on 9-12-12.


no he did not! He generally spoke of acts of terror, but still attributed the murder of the amb. To the video.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 05:31 PM
no he did not! He generally spoke of acts of terror, but still attributed the murder of the amb. To the video.

Please supply the quote from the speech he made on 9-12-12, highlighting any mention of a video.

Let's get to the bottom of this........

Othewise........FAIL !!!!


hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 05:33 PM
so what! If i was going to be partnering, i'd partner with certain people. Its not like Bain didn't hire women. You Fail again. What about The Socialist paying his women less, hmmm?

Romney tried to take credit for his equality of hiring women.

The truth says otherwise....

Zero = Zero.


hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 05:34 PM
Better than owning failing companies that will suck in tax payers money. My taxes are not for that!

So you wanted the auto industry to fail just like Romney?



10/23/2012, 05:56 PM
I would rather see it go bankrupt and reorganize. Yes. All this bailout was about was preserving union pensions, period. The bail out took the pensions away from white collar Delphi employees and made whole the union pensions. It wasn't about saving an industry. If the auto industry was not filled with unionized employees, The Socialist would not have touched it.

10/23/2012, 05:59 PM
Romney tried to take credit for his equality of hiring women.

The truth says otherwise....

Zero = Zero.

has nothing to do with partners. He hired women, period. He wasn't avoiding or discriminating against them.

10/23/2012, 06:11 PM
Please supply the quote from the speech he made on 9-12-12, highlighting any mention of a video.

Let's get to the bottom of this........

Othewise........FAIL !!!!


We've been over this in depth already. Obama was blaming the death on the video for 2 weeks afterward. To the nation on Letterman (That's presidential now, I guess), and to the world at the UN. Deceptive and dishonest. Its cut and dried. The only thing lacking is media-inspired outrage, and the reasons for that have also been explored in depth.

10/23/2012, 06:54 PM
Please supply the quote from the speech he made on 9-12-12, highlighting any mention of a video.

Let's get to the bottom of this........

Othewise........FAIL !!!!


Did I miss something? Did time stop that day? Or did he not blame the video for two weeks (after he got back from Las Vegas)

So which did he believe? Barack of the rose garden? Or Barack of the view?

Neither explains his administrations botching of the security now does it?

No of course not, it was the republicans fault for not funding MORE than $2 billion for security. Seemed to be enough for actual marine security in Paris, just not in the middle east......on the anniversary of 9/11. What could possibly go wrong?

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 07:23 PM
It's really simple, folks.

At the 2nd debate Romney accused Obama of not calling the attack an act of terror or caused by terrorists until two weeks later.

It was a lie.

Obama mentioned the act of terror the very next day.

You all can line up and try to inset some video reference into Obama's speech on 9-12-12, but it's not there.

How the truth evolves isn't at issue.

What's at issue is Romney's constant lying and being called out about it.

By now I expect it. Sorry if I'm not as used to it as you bunch of patsys.


10/23/2012, 07:30 PM
I guess it's how you perceive what he said. He said "blah blah it was a riot blah blah. We won't stand for acts of terror........perpetrated by rioters" is how I heard him. He never said anything like, "Yesterday, a terrorist attack occurred at our embassy." He didn't say that because he, and his people, repeatedly called it an out of control riot, until, finally, two weeks later, "okay okay, it was a terrorist attack."

Just like Watergate, and Monicagate, it's not the initial screw up that is so bad, it's the lying to the people, and courts, that is bad.

hawaii 5-0
10/23/2012, 07:32 PM
Spin away.

Romney was still wrong and was called on it.

Read the transcript.


10/23/2012, 09:07 PM
Spin away.

Romney was still wrong and was called on it.

Read the transcript.


How then do you explain Obama repeatedly saying the Ambassador's death was the act of a mob upset by a video for 2 weeks? So what if he uses the term "act of terror"? A drive by shooting is an "act of terror". Following that utterance he repeatedly blamed it solely on a spontaneous mob and video. It is very clear what he was doing.

Denying it, while accusing others of spinning is a "flat earth" reaction. The Japanese blamed WWII on the US for 50 years, didn't make it the truth.

Who's really playing the patsy? You're sticking up for Obama while he's in the same situation as Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal.

Obama was wrong-because he was lying- and was called on it.

Watch the videos.

10/23/2012, 11:27 PM
"The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk."

Oh, so protecting financing and assuring warranties will completely save the auto industry and the millions of auto-related jobs? Gimme a break.


It doesn't take a very big person to admit they were wrong.

You failed the test miserably.

hawaii 5-0
10/24/2012, 12:58 AM
It doesn't take a very big person to admit they were wrong.

You failed the test miserably.

I'd rather just sit back and watch you and a few others implode.


10/24/2012, 08:47 AM
I'd rather just sit back and watch you and a few others implode.


If by implode, you mean watch you lie and then not be man enough to admit it, then yes, implode is the appropriate word.

hawaii 5-0
10/24/2012, 10:21 AM
If by implode, you mean watch you lie and then not be man enough to admit it, then yes, implode is the appropriate word.

Uh, that's not what I meant at all. Sad try there.

I'm not about to change anyone's mind. Neither are you.

From here on it's all fun around here.
