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View Full Version : Old Timer So. Baptist Dad not wanting to vote for a Mormon...

10/15/2012, 09:49 PM
My Dad is 81, been a Southern Baptist deacon for about 45 yrs. He's standing on principle to not vote for Romney, because of the LDS view of Jesus.

Okay, no big deal, he lives in the Reddest of Red states, and his non-vote truly will not matter.

But he'll bring this up from time-to-time when we share a meal, like tonight. Dad is by nature sort of a contrary-type personality; he likes to toss out statements that are far from neutral, just to see what sort of splash he gets. If he knew how to use a computer, he'd be quite a troll!

Since there is no way to assuage his view, I always counter with what I consider a bullet-proof position. The next prez is likely to be selecting 2-3 Supreme Ct justices. Those appointees will be making decisions that will directly affect his grand children's lives for decades. Do you want Romney or BHO making those appointments?

This invariably leads into a discussion of gay "marriage"... and my Dad seems uncertain once again.

We don't ever get hot about these things (my bro is a different story). But should I just not take his bait, or should I keep on trying to defend my choice? Or what would be an alternative reply?

Not a big deal in any case, just wanted to see what the obamafest bros thought.

10/15/2012, 10:01 PM
So, he's willing to vote for a Muslim????

10/15/2012, 10:01 PM
You're dad sounds like a good guy, and a good man of conviction. Its too bad he's in this predicament.

Mormonism is pretty out there for some good Southern Baptists. Just ask him to look at the two men. Who better represents his life's view? Who seems more genuine?

10/15/2012, 10:19 PM
Heh... even the hint that Dad would vote for BHO is wildly amusing! I don't believe he has ever voted for a demo prez candidate... he's sure not gonna start now! I once heard Dad say my grandpa was probably the only guy in OK to vote against FDR 4 times. Pa would come outta the grave and kick Dad's butt if he were to vote for BHO...

10/15/2012, 10:24 PM
So, tell him all about Black Liberation Theology which is basically a front for Marxism. Yeah that's the better ticket.

10/15/2012, 11:05 PM
Teach him to use a Puter and show him to the Hideout. Sounds like Fun :congratulatory:

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/15/2012, 11:13 PM
If religious qualms are a bigger problem than the constitution or national defense, he might be better off not voting?

10/15/2012, 11:45 PM
I don't try to influence the votes of family members. If they ask, I will give my opinion. But it doesn't bother me if they think differently.

10/15/2012, 11:49 PM
I don't try to influence the votes of family members. If they ask, I will give my opinion. But it doesn't bother me if they think differently.
Boy, it does me. I have been working on my wife and have managed to turn her from the dark side. Ooops. That's not racist. That's a Star Wars refere.........oh never mind.
