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10/9/2012, 09:29 PM
Just way too funny ....


10/9/2012, 09:58 PM
I am trying to envision Mitt laying down some rhymes on October 16th.

You are right. That was off the hook Juan. I can see Latinos swarming to the polls like bees on a hive.....lol

10/9/2012, 10:02 PM
WAKE UP Pill Popper!:tennis:

10/9/2012, 10:04 PM
Just way too funny ....


Jaun, If I could spek you you would have it
Let me see if I can get ya some :barbershop_quartet_

10/9/2012, 10:39 PM
http://rlv.zcache.com/jimmy_carter_not_the_worst_president_anymore_poste r-r36985215bd3344cc9251d853ccf6d8b4_anft_400.jpg

10/9/2012, 10:41 PM
http://rlv.zcache.com/jimmy_carter_not_the_worst_president_anymore_poste r-r36985215bd3344cc9251d853ccf6d8b4_anft_400.jpg

Ok, Posse , Spek the Jaun fer me ok?
Yall notice I put a Capital J there
Jaun is good peeps .

10/9/2012, 10:42 PM

10/9/2012, 10:46 PM

Hook, line and sinker. Lol

10/9/2012, 10:46 PM

OK, I take it Back. **** the jaun

I forgotted he voted fer Slick Willie.
Silly assed ME.

10/9/2012, 11:38 PM
The stimulus was designed to help the country and people. Did it help some? Yes.... Did it help as much as it should have? No. Did I have a problem with the stimulus? No, because its purpose was to help people, and I'm all for helping people. Where were these threads when CEO's were making those fat bonuses?

Where were these threads when the Republican House pretty much refused to work with the President on just about everything? Record filibusters, public statements of wanting to see the President fail, I remember all of that..... And you and these people claim to love America, but yet so many want to see our President fail all because of politics? Give me a break.....

10/9/2012, 11:58 PM
Excellent, true rap!

10/10/2012, 01:33 AM
we be pub rappin!

hawaii 5-0
10/10/2012, 01:37 AM
The stimulus was designed to help the country and people. Did it help some? Yes.... Did it help as much as it should have? No. Did I have a problem with the stimulus? No, because its purpose was to help people, and I'm all for helping people. Where were these threads when CEO's were making those fat bonuses?

Where were these threads when the Republican House pretty much refused to work with the President on just about everything? Record filibusters, public statements of wanting to see the President fail, I remember all of that..... And you and these people claim to love America, but yet so many want to see our President fail all because of politics? Give me a break.....


That's supposed to be a secret.

Messiah v2.0 is comin'.

Then things can be just like they used to.


10/10/2012, 04:30 AM
The stimulus was designed to help the country and people. Did it help some? Yes.... Did it help as much as it should have? No. Did I have a problem with the stimulus? No, because its purpose was to help people, and I'm all for helping people. Where were these threads when CEO's were making those fat bonuses?

Where were these threads when the Republican House pretty much refused to work with the President on just about everything? Record filibusters, public statements of wanting to see the President fail, I remember all of that..... And you and these people claim to love America, but yet so many want to see our President fail all because of politics? Give me a break.....
You can't quantify if it helped or not to any great extent. It certainly wasn't worth the money it cost. But that's always the democrat solution throw other peoples money at the problem or regulate it or tax it. But you can sleep well on your wee little pillow because you're for helping people. Bully for you.

Just out of curiosity, what difference is it to you what private individuals in private companies make in bonuses?

Obama sent a budget to Congress, not one person voted for it. Why wont the democrats work with Obama?

I've posted before the FULL context of what McConnell said. Quit getting your news from Jon Stewart and MSNBC.

10/10/2012, 08:21 AM
Good presidents find a way to work with Congress. If anyone saw the Frontline episode on Obama and Romney, I thought it was a very fair piece. Either side could walk away and say it promoted what they like about their candidate, while the other could say it exposed flaws.

The Obama flaws being his lack of experience running a large and complicated enterprise, and his transformation from positive-thinking bridgebuilder to Washington partisan.

10/10/2012, 08:35 AM
The richest man in the world is that Mexican communications guy, right?

But Mexico is so bad that people jump the border for better opportunities here in the U.S.

So is it worth being the richest guy in the world if the country around you sucks?

Serious question. It seems like more individuals are choosing their own wealth above their country's these days :(

10/10/2012, 01:21 PM
The richest man in the world is that Mexican communications guy, right?

But Mexico is so bad that people jump the border for better opportunities here in the U.S.

So is it worth being the richest guy in the world if the country around you sucks?

Serious question. It seems like more individuals are choosing their own wealth above their country's these days :(

But . . But . . .But . . .St. :disillusionment: Rand bestowed upon us the wisdom that we're supposed to choose our own wealth above that of our country . . .

10/10/2012, 02:18 PM
Where were these threads when the Republican House pretty much refused to work with the President on just about everything? Record filibusters, public statements of wanting to see the President fail, I remember all of that..... And you and these people claim to love America, but yet so many want to see our President fail all because of HIS politics? Give me a break.....

fixed for ya

seriously? as you guy obama said in the debate SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO SAY NO...the Pubs DIDN'T want obamacare and neither did I, I'm glad they didn't "work with him"...what about him working with THEM? hell even polosi said she didn't read the damn thing before she voted...whatever..

10/10/2012, 10:11 PM
Jaun, If I could spek you you would have it
Let me see if I can get ya some :barbershop_quartet_

Now that's drinkin' music!