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View Full Version : Obama's Big Bird ad looks like a parody

10/9/2012, 11:34 AM


Watch it before it gets pulled.

Bourbon St Sooner
10/9/2012, 11:40 AM
Maybe in his next ad Obama can explain how his treasury secretary gave out sweet heart deals to favored Wall St firms (Goldman) during the TARP bailouts.

10/9/2012, 11:43 AM
Maybe in his next ad Obama can explain how his treasury secretary gave out sweet heart deals to favored Wall St firms (Goldman) during the TARP bailouts.


The voiceover! It's like a mock movie trailer!

How can they expect people to take this sh!t seriously (after Barack Obama approves that message and all) when people are waiting for the punch line?!

Is the punch line a sleeping Big Bird going %^%&^%&% on his nest?

Again, this ad is gonna get yanked soon, isn't it?

10/9/2012, 11:47 AM
Quite possibly one of the most stupid things I've ever seen.

Bourbon St Sooner
10/9/2012, 11:52 AM
Well, I'm not sure what the message is. Is he trying to link Romney to Wall St and say that he'll cozy up to Wall St while shutting down Big Bird? If that's the case, is that going to remind anybody that Obama's Justice Department has failed to prosecute anyone linked to the housing meltdown and named as his Treasury Secretary one of the central figures of the TARP bailouts?

Or is he trying to say that we have big problems in this country and the only specific prescription that Romney can muster is eliminating subidies for Big Bird? If that's the case then I'd probably agree with him.

I think he's trying to do the former. And I realize that these adds aren't targeted at the informed, critically thinking sector of the populice, but he sure as hell can't promote himself as a Wall Street buster.

10/9/2012, 12:09 PM
Big bird aka sesame street is a billion dollar business. Is Obama seriously saying that billionaires need government handouts?

So he's actually for corporate welfare if its the right corporations?

Don't see this as a winner for them, but bless their hearts, the plane has crashed into the mountain! And they just don't know what to do, they can't just abide. ;)

10/9/2012, 12:33 PM
Big bird aka sesame street is a billion dollar business. Is Obama seriously saying that billionaires need government handouts?

I think that Sesame Street will survive if PBS doesn't. A lot of their other stuff might not, but Big Bird et al are making too much money off their Tickle-Me dolls and such to not be on another network (especially since networks are required to have educational programming daily, if I'm not mistaken).

10/9/2012, 12:38 PM
You got to be ****ting me,

Curly Bill
10/9/2012, 12:44 PM
Those donks are so silly!

10/9/2012, 01:02 PM
HEH, Sesame Street bunch say Take it down .:tennis:

The producers of "Sesame Street" released a statement on Tuesday, saying they asked the Obama campaign to pull the ad.

"Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns," Sesame Workshop said in a statement. "We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down."


10/9/2012, 01:29 PM
I want to know how getting rid of PBS is going to be the death of America?

I'm not exactly a fan of giving Tax Dollars to the Arts so that people can get paid to create Statues or contemporary works of art but I do understand the idea that we should spend some money to house or protect the many works of art that is donated or recovered to preserve History.

There's always going to be disagreements as to what is art and what isn't but I really think that Big Bird and the many characters that Jim Henson created are a huge part of Americana. Just as huge as a Norman Rockwell piece.

I really think using the PBS budget as a political budget item that needs to be axed to save America from borrowing money from China is laughable.

Romney should be ashamed of himself. I think it hurt him more than you guys know.

No candidate who was leading in the polls six weeks before the election has lost the popular vote since Thomas Dewey in 1948, according to Wlezien and Robert Erikson, a political science professor at Columbia University. They studied polling data going back to 1952 and computed a running average “poll of polls” for each presidential election.

Businessweek.com thinks you shouldn't be hanging your hat on the Kennedy/Nixon Debate theory that winning a debate will win you an election.


Also...Sesame Street (A Billion Dollar Corporation asked the Obama Campaign to take the ad down) I guess they aren't the evil threat to America that Romney thinks they are? Maybe they give the Sesame Street Show to PBS at a loss? You know...a philanthropic act of charity to a Public Broadcast System that has been good to them? Kind of like....payback? A way to keep PBS a place where kids can see The Muppets and PBS can keep their many Donors (guys like Romney) happy and giving money to them?

10/9/2012, 01:37 PM
I think the obama campaign that USED it for their own promotion....should be ashamed..

10/9/2012, 01:44 PM
Well, I'm not sure what the message is. Is he trying to link Romney to Wall St and say that he'll cozy up to Wall St while shutting down Big Bird? If that's the case, is that going to remind anybody that Obama's Justice Department has failed to prosecute anyone linked to the housing meltdown and named as his Treasury Secretary one of the central figures of the TARP bailouts?

Or is he trying to say that we have big problems in this country and the only specific prescription that Romney can muster is eliminating subidies for Big Bird? If that's the case then I'd probably agree with him.

I think he's trying to do the former. And I realize that these adds aren't targeted at the informed, critically thinking sector of the populice, but he sure as hell can't promote himself as a Wall Street buster.

Not quite...they have revenue of about 130 million a year...net assets of 350 million...

Last years tax return http://www.sesameworkshop.org/assets/291/src/Financials_Form990.pdf

Bourbon St Sooner
10/9/2012, 02:32 PM
Not quite...they have revenue of about 130 million a year...net assets of 350 million...

Last years tax return http://www.sesameworkshop.org/assets/291/src/Financials_Form990.pdf

I'm not sure what Sesame Street's revenue has to do with my post.

10/9/2012, 02:46 PM
Stoop, the part of the PBS thing goes to the liberalization of media in America and the whole focus of liberal stories on their "news" outlet shows.

I agree, Big Bird was not a good analogy. However, Romney was correct in pointing out that Sesame Street, i.e. Big Bird, make plenty of money on their own through products that they do not need Gov. subsidies. I would also think that the This Old House franchise doesn't need help.

10/9/2012, 03:28 PM
Stoop, the part of the PBS thing goes to the liberalization of media in America and the whole focus of liberal stories on their "news" outlet shows.

I agree, Big Bird was not a good analogy. However, Romney was correct in pointing out that Sesame Street, i.e. Big Bird, make plenty of money on their own through products that they do not need Gov. subsidies. I would also think that the This Old House franchise doesn't need help.

I think you miss my point. Sesame Workshop is a Non-Profit Educational Organization that brings education and literacy to over 150 countries all over the World.

I think Romney's real problem is that he thinks that everything PBS is a liberal plot against him and whatever his real message is for the 47% of Americans he doesn't give a sh*t about.

Even Fox News hired Juan Williams to try to balance things. It didn't help much but I applaud them for trying a little. It's more than Romney wants to do.

10/9/2012, 03:29 PM
I think the obama campaign that USED it for their own promotion....should be ashamed..

I agree. I think they both should let Big Bird kick them in the junk.

10/9/2012, 04:39 PM
Nothing says 'I have nothing' like embracing a seven-foot-tall yellow-feathered multi-millionaire...

10/9/2012, 05:58 PM
I'm not sure what Sesame Street's revenue has to do with my post.

I replied to the wrong post...sorry...

10/9/2012, 06:22 PM
Romney has ideas on solving the budget crisis. Obama can only fire up the inbred malcontents with, "He's going to fire Big Bird. Oscar the Grouch is maaaaaad. Cookie Monster better be worried, yo." Obama better find some substance to his campaign. People are losing interest quickly.

10/9/2012, 07:31 PM
Both sides have idiots with to much money who pay for ads that are to their benefit.

It's about time Romney closed the gap 4 weeks before the election. He was about to be put into the Micheal Dukakis Failed Presidential Campaign Museum. The thing is....it's still possible for him to take a tank ride. 3 billion is supposedly being spent to refurbish some M1 tanks that we supposedly don't need. You'd think he'd be jumping on that bait unless he has plans to attack Iran in January.


10/9/2012, 08:09 PM
You defend the Obama campaign well, ST.

10/9/2012, 08:11 PM
I just like Big Bird. President Obama better start defending himself. Standing at a podium and letting your opponent lie like a rug while you stand there wondering if your aide got the present you asked him to get for your Wife isn't going to cut it.

10/9/2012, 08:16 PM
Alotta people make good money internet shilling for the Dems. You should look into it. Might as well get paid. Lol.

10/9/2012, 08:24 PM
Alotta people make good money internet shilling for the Dems. You should look into it. Might as well get paid. Lol.

They would PAY SpongeBob PillPants ?

10/9/2012, 08:37 PM
Alotta people make good money internet shilling for the Dems. You should look into it. Might as well get paid. Lol.

I know you think that's what I'm doing but I wouldn't take money from either side. I think they are both dividing this country.

I was reading the book Rand Paul is pushing the other day. I like some of the things that he talks about in Government Bullies. It resemble the things that are being said by the Wister Troll. Maybe I should give the Troll some Brown Derby laced with insulin and illegal moonshine. He seems to be going through withdrawals since he quit making his own batches.

10/10/2012, 10:48 PM
Rumor is that big bird has been dating Monica L.!
That's an expensive costume to be getting any stains on.

BTW - So, NPR made $120 Million on the Sesame Street trademark items sales last year alone. (Non-profit?)
Bill Moyers gets royalties on all the videos of his NPR shows...DVDs made over $20 Million so far!
Wait! His NPR shows are partially paid for with my tax dollars.
Will Bill Moyers pay me back? Will Big Bird pay me back?

Curly Bill
10/11/2012, 07:25 AM
I just like Big Bird. President Obama better start defending himself. Standing at a podium and letting your opponent lie like a rug while you stand there wondering if your aide got the present you asked him to get for your Wife isn't going to cut it.

Why does this not surprise me? If I stayed hopped up on happy pills I might find it great entertainment myself.

10/11/2012, 09:08 AM
I am loving this Big Bird campaign by Obama. They latched on to this like people care. It makes them look so stupid. Don't talk real issues because you'll get buried. Try the old smoke and mirror tactic.

Ton Loc
10/11/2012, 10:03 AM
I am loving this Big Bird campaign by Obama. They latched on to this like people care. It makes them look so stupid. Don't talk real issues because you'll get buried. Try the old smoke and mirror tactic.

Please let me know when real issues get covered with real solutions. I'll not hold my breath because I would have been dead years ago. Until then, this Big Bird commercial was the funniest, strangest, and most creative political ad I've seen. 95% of you had your mind made up about it before you even watched it.

10/11/2012, 10:09 AM
Of course we have... I would love to defund CPB any time...

10/11/2012, 10:12 AM
The point, that was so well made, was that the government should not pay for things that are better done by the private sector. The message obvious to all. But the Obama campaign tries to tell us how heartless Romney is, by twisting the message, assuming that the viewer/voter is too dumb to understand what Romney was saying. It's just perfect.