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View Full Version : Obama - another 150 million wasted on 'green' jobs.

10/8/2012, 10:52 PM
More tax payer dollars wasted on mythical 'green' jobs. Like it or not, this technology is 10 to 20 years away from being a 'real' option.



Michigan Battery Plant Places Workers on Furlough (Video)

Well it looks like another it was another brilliant decision.
The workers at the Compact Power plant have been placed on rotating furloughs, working only three weeks per month.
FOX News reported:

President Obama touted it in 2010 as evidence “manufacturing jobs are coming back to the United States,” but two years later, a Michigan hybrid battery plant built with $150 million in taxpayer funds is putting workers on furlough before a single battery has been produced.

Workers at the Compact Power manufacturing facilities in Holland, Mich., run by LG Chem, have been placed on rotating furloughs, working only three weeks per month based on lack of demand for lithium-ion cells.

The facility, which was opened in July 2010 with a groundbreaking attended by Obama, has yet to produce a single battery for the Chevrolet Volt, the troubled electric car from General Motors. The plant’s batteries also were intended to be used in Ford’s electric Focus.

Production of the taxpayer-subsidized Volt has been plagued by work stoppages, and the effect has trickled down to companies and plants that build parts for it — including the batteries.

“Considering the lack of demand for electric vehicles, despite billions of dollars from the Obama administration that were supposed to stimulate it, it’s not surprising what has happened with LG Chem. Just because a ton of money is poured into a product does not mean that people will buy it,” Paul Chesser, an associate fellow with the National Legal and Policy Center, told FoxNews.com.

The 650,000-square-foot, $300 million facility was slated to produce 15,000 batteries per year, while creating hundreds of new jobs. But to date, only 200 workers are employed at the plant by by the South Korean company. Batteries for the Chevy Volts that have been produced have been made by an LG plant in South Korea.

10/8/2012, 10:56 PM
ha ha, Romney got a good dig in about Solyndra. Maybe he can throw this one top of it next debate.

10/8/2012, 11:00 PM
I am very sad when these battery operations fail. It is my opinion that battery technology could be similar in impact to the industrial revolution. The inability to effectively store electricity is a limiting factor in most alternative energy sources. (Yes, I know gas/oil is not one of them).

With that said, perhaps private investors should do the due diligence and invest in the best companies. Government isn't known for its great decision making, how could it possibly be good at long term investment?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/8/2012, 11:11 PM
This thread represents the tragic condition of the executive branch of our national government, and should be duly noted by all of voting age.

10/8/2012, 11:32 PM
I don't really fault Obama for trying to help "green energy" as potential energy sources for the future. What I do fault him for is trying to kill our current "real energy" sources before
he has viable replacements for them.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/9/2012, 12:15 AM
I don't really fault Obama for trying to help "green energy" as potential energy sources for the future. What I do fault him for is trying to kill our current "real energy" sources before
he has viable replacements for them.Nothing is viable if not affordable. IOW environmental whackoism is too expensive and damaging to be forgiven. IMHO. One should not ascribe good intentions to a leader who so wantonly spends on activities that are not sustainable, due to being uneconomical, I don't believe.

10/9/2012, 07:42 AM
Hey, easy guys, votes are expensive.

10/9/2012, 07:59 AM
mine can be had for a lot less than 150 million

10/9/2012, 08:02 AM
mine can be had for a lot less than 150 million

Hell Ill take a 30 pack of natty

10/9/2012, 08:29 AM
Obama looked totally pwn4d (not "owned," that might be considered racist, hehe) when Romney shot back after Obama complained about oil subsidies that Obama had given tons more to green energy than oil had ever received.

This reminds me of a DA election back in 2006. The incumbent was getting shot down repeatedly by the challenger in a debate and he had no good responses. The incumbent was trying to attack the challenger and the challenger would turn it around two-fold and the incumbent would have no answer.

Strange political times.

10/9/2012, 08:35 AM
how about the fact the plant was BUILT BY A SOUTH KOREA firm...that is what I see...there is a typo so maybe that isn't right..

10/9/2012, 09:03 AM
how about the fact the plant was BUILT BY A SOUTH KOREA firm...that is what I see...there is a typo so maybe that isn't right..

LG Chem is a South Korean based company.

10/9/2012, 09:21 AM
how about the fact the plant was BUILT BY A SOUTH KOREA firm...that is what I see...there is a typo so maybe that isn't right..

Why is that so surprising...we bailed out Chrysler so we could sell them to Fiat,,,

10/9/2012, 09:33 AM
lol..it isn't...just blows my mind that the United States TAXPAYERS by way of the government are giving a foreign company millions (300). I know the pubs probably do it as well...but good grief no wonder this country is in shambles...sell out the American TAXPAYERS for a buck.

10/9/2012, 10:07 AM
Nothing is viable if not affordable. IOW environmental whackoism is too expensive and damaging to be forgiven. IMHO. One should not ascribe good intentions to a leader who so wantonly spends on activities that are not sustainable, due to being uneconomical, I don't believe.

how much do we spend on unsustainable oil subsidies?

10/9/2012, 11:08 AM
how much do we spend on unsustainable oil subsidies?

Some need to understand the difference between a write off and subsidy...including the president.

10/9/2012, 11:11 AM
Some need to understand the difference between a write off and subsidy...including the president.

or at least a good investment and a bs $$ in someone's pocket stunt.

Bourbon St Sooner
10/9/2012, 11:35 AM
how much do we spend on unsustainable oil subsidies?

At least those "subsidies" go to a product that people actually want.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/9/2012, 01:31 PM
At least those "subsidies" go to a product that people actually want.Federal Govt. gets massive amounts of tax money ALL THE TIME from people buying oil and gas, since even with the high prices, is still the only energy source that is affordable for the citizens for their personal everyday use, and is the foundation for commerce in this world.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/9/2012, 01:33 PM
how much do we spend on unsustainable oil subsidies?You might want to clarify and explain there, esp the unsustainable part.

10/9/2012, 02:55 PM
I am very sad when these battery operations fail. It is my opinion that battery technology could be similar in impact to the industrial revolution. The inability to effectively store electricity is a limiting factor in most alternative energy sources. (Yes, I know gas/oil is not one of them).

With that said, perhaps private investors should do the due diligence and invest in the best companies. Government isn't known for its great decision making, how could it possibly be good at long term investment?

Korea or Japan will make us their beyotches on the batteries. It is a technology we need to excel in.

10/9/2012, 02:58 PM
yermom, what is unsustainable. The oil companies only get the same tax deduction every other manufacturing company does, and even congress specifically lowered their deduction rate compared to the other industries. So do we punish oil and if so, why? You realize punishing oil will reduce the amount of money spent on new projects, reduce well drilling and reduce your supply of gasoline, thereby making it far more expensive than what you pay today?

That is not to say we shouldn't look for other alternatives, but today the best and brightest is natural gas, CNG or LNG. Electricity may be a second, but other than that, everything else is unproven or not viable economically.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/9/2012, 03:10 PM
yermom, what is unsustainable. The oil companies only get the same tax deduction every other manufacturing company does, and even congress specifically lowered their deduction rate compared to the other industries. So do we punish oil and if so, why? You realize punishing oil will reduce the amount of money spent on new projects, reduce well drilling and reduce your supply of gasoline, thereby making it far more expensive than what you pay today?

That is not to say we shouldn't look for other alternatives, but today the best and brightest is natural gas, CNG or LNG. Electricity may be a second, but other than that, everything else is unproven or not viable economically.This will NOT assimilate into the donkey-hard skulls of the Left.

10/9/2012, 03:31 PM
yermom, what is unsustainable. The oil companies only get the same tax deduction every other manufacturing company does, and even congress specifically lowered their deduction rate compared to the other industries. So do we punish oil and if so, why? You realize punishing oil will reduce the amount of money spent on new projects, reduce well drilling and reduce your supply of gasoline, thereby making it far more expensive than what you pay today?

That is not to say we shouldn't look for other alternatives, but today the best and brightest is natural gas, CNG or LNG. Electricity may be a second, but other than that, everything else is unproven or not viable economically.

how long will it last? how much would it cost if we didn't sell our souls to the Arabs for it? is it worth being at war all the time?

hawaii 5-0
10/9/2012, 03:42 PM
We had a chance to take Irag's oil and didn't.


10/9/2012, 03:45 PM
I like to watch the show Everyday Edisons.

It's pretty well known that many ideas have come from folks who are crazy enough to think outside the box. Whether that happens via a Private Investor or a Government Funded or supported Company, they both have seemed to produce results. Anyone thinking it only comes from Private Investors are happy to believe whatever they want but a few years ago State Funded Universities were allowed to do research and Development for Companies who operate for a profit. I guess it just depends on who uses our money and not if they produce results every time. If it's about results every time....maybe the Universities should stop taking our tax money and start spending the profits the businesses get from their successes?

10/9/2012, 03:51 PM
how long will it last? how much would it cost if we didn't sell our souls to the Arabs for it? is it worth being at war all the time?

There is a 200 year supply of NG in this country right now. Oil can get there too if we develop our own resources.

That's the idea of energy independence...not being dependent on foreign oil along with eliminating 2/3 of our trade deficit or being saddled with a subservient foreign policy.

Obama's energy policy ensures we will continue import foreign oil and have to protect our oil supplies in the ME because he hamstrings our own domestic production.

10/9/2012, 06:36 PM
Obama could have cemented a second term if he had jumped with both feet into natural gas. Something affordable and abundant. The "green" energy ideas are fine, and have a place, just not when the government is already heavily in debt, and borrowing more to fund them.

10/9/2012, 07:10 PM
how long will it last? how much would it cost if we didn't sell our souls to the Arabs for it? is it worth being at war all the time?

Yermom, we have more than a 100+ years of gas reserve in the US. You don't hear about it because it is not politically correct or green.

10/9/2012, 07:23 PM
I'd convert my vehicle to CNG if they would supply the kit and there were more places to fill up. Trucks are very easy to convert. When my Wife's Family owned/was an LP Gas provider, everyone in the Family had an LP Gas conversion in their vehicle.

It was awesome for my Brother-in-law. He worked in Haskell, lived in Muskogee and went to school in Tulsa. He made that round trip 5 days a week until he graduated. He could convert to gas when he ran out of LP. The miles he could go between fill-ups was very nice considering how busy it was working at his Father's Business and going to school.

Its sad that CNG isn't available but I don't blame Obama. It could have been done long before President Obama took office. A long long time before he took office. I don't see Romney running a campaign to make CNG available to consumers on a mass scale either.

Whether CNG is green or politically correct....choosing a POTUS doesn't seem to be much of a reason to Vote Romney or Obama.

10/9/2012, 07:54 PM
And Iraqi parliament speaker Osama al-Nujafi told Al Jazeera Monday (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/06/201161962910765678.html) that the missing U.S. funds total $18.7 billion.
“Iraq’s development fund has lost around $18 billion of Iraqi money in these operations - their location is unknown,” al-Nujafi said. “Also missing are the documents of expenditure. I think it will be discussed soon. There should be an answer to where has Iraqi money gone.”
Last week, a congressional auditor (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56804.html) estimated $6.6 billion of Bush-era reconstruction funds were stolen, suggesting “the largest theft of funds in national history.”

Hmmm...Obama lost less than a billion on green energy and Bush well he lost billions in Iraq.

10/9/2012, 07:58 PM
We need alternative energy, but until the private sector really gets behind it, it'll continue it's slow pace of growth. I really don't fault the Obama administration for what they've tried to do for the "green" industry. It's the anti-oil* thing that irritates me.

*and you know what I mean. I'm not saying the administration is against oil.

10/9/2012, 10:46 PM
I'd convert my vehicle to CNG if they would supply the kit and there were more places to fill up. Trucks are very easy to convert. When my Wife's Family owned/was an LP Gas provider, everyone in the Family had an LP Gas conversion in their vehicle.

It was awesome for my Brother-in-law. He worked in Haskell, lived in Muskogee and went to school in Tulsa. He made that round trip 5 days a week until he graduated. He could convert to gas when he ran out of LP. The miles he could go between fill-ups was very nice considering how busy it was working at his Father's Business and going to school.

Its sad that CNG isn't available but I don't blame Obama. It could have been done long before President Obama took office. A long long time before he took office. I don't see Romney running a campaign to make CNG available to consumers on a mass scale either.

Whether CNG is green or politically correct....choosing a POTUS doesn't seem to be much of a reason to Vote Romney or Obama.

Bush could have done more to push ng for the transportation sector but at least he didn't try to punish ng like Obama has tried to do. Obama's cap and trade policy sought to punish ng with a 22% tax while rewarding ethanol as a favored fuel. He actually got that crap passed through the dem house in 2009...fortunately it failed in the senate.

Obama has shut down both coasts to oil and gas exploration during a time when we are importing 50% of our oil to the tune of about $1,000,000,000 a day. He has consistently sought to punish the oil and gas industry throughout his first 4 years in office while pursuing his ideological fantasies about energy.

Energy is definitely an area where there is a difference between Obama and Romney...even if Romney does nothing more than not get in the way.