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View Full Version : hey baj, meltdown thread?

10/8/2012, 03:45 PM
I miss the college football meltdown thread posts. Wonder what whornfans is doing these days, what with giving up 48 points to WVU.

10/8/2012, 04:56 PM
I understand, but in a nutshell:

1- Baby Badger fever, congestion, pediatrician, antibiotics, trouble sleeping.
2- Badger and NP both catch strep throat and start antibiotics.
3- ???
4- PROFIT!!!

Without the profit. Baby Badger now has the most energy and enthusiasm in our household. The adults are recovering streppies.

10/8/2012, 05:08 PM
Oh, the joys of parenthood. Get better soon you two.

10/8/2012, 05:25 PM
En Fuego and some Crusader are taking up the slack.

10/8/2012, 05:31 PM
When the last kid left home I didn't even cop a cold for almost 5 years. Still only catch them once an eon or so. Daycare/kids all together = the sick.

King Crimson
10/8/2012, 05:41 PM
When the last kid left home I didn't even cop a cold for almost 5 years. Still only catch them once an eon or so. Daycare/kids all together = the sick.

college is the same. back when i used to teach the nation's brightest....you give an exam and listen to the students cough and snort and sniffle and snotblow....disgusting stuff. there would be weeks where you knew it was coming.....every kid is sick and you get home on the weekend and feel like crap. classroom is a bacteria fest.

10/8/2012, 06:55 PM
Kids are disgusting if you're a germophobe. When my ex's daughter was living with me, I felt like I was dying every weekend while Little Miss Immunity was outside playing.