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10/7/2012, 10:34 PM
Just curious. Is anyone here changing the party they'll vote for this year - presidential race?
I voted Republican and I'm more excited about Romney than McCain. So I'm certainly voting Republican again.
I'm not changing.

If you are, say what party you voted for last year and who you'll vote for this year.

10/7/2012, 10:48 PM
Any Jill Stein supporters?

hawaii 5-0
10/7/2012, 10:48 PM
I've already cast 7 ballots.

I'll probably vote another 3 or 4 more times.


10/7/2012, 10:55 PM
I didn't donate this time around. Just not that excited about anyone being able to fix anything. That and I am still getting emails since I donated last time. I'll never do that again.

The anti-dem in me will be pulling for Romney but I wont put any of my time/resources towards that goal. Nothing will change the path we are on.

10/7/2012, 10:56 PM
Definately voting Romney. I voted for Romney over McCain in the 08 primaries.

10/7/2012, 11:05 PM
I will not vote for McLame, ever again!

10/7/2012, 11:43 PM
I voted for the pub in 2008. If I don't sell my absentee ballot to an illegal alien, I may vote for the Libertarian Party candidate. But I'll watch the rest of the debates before making my final decision.

10/8/2012, 09:41 AM
I have never donated to any campaign. The wife and I are excited about our campaign contribution(s) this year to Romney for President as well as the out of state races we provided money for in swing state house/senate races. This year I am doing more than just vote.

hawaii 5-0
10/8/2012, 10:52 AM
I have never donated to any campaign. The wife and I are excited about our campaign contribution(s) this year to Romney for President as well as the out of state races we provided money for in swing state house/senate races. This year I am doing more than just vote.

For $50,000 I'll vote straight ticket Republican.


hawaii 5-0
10/8/2012, 10:53 AM
Actually I'll be voting for some Republicans anyway, but you can still send me $50,000.


10/8/2012, 11:28 AM
For $50,000 I'll vote straight ticket Republican.

Sounds like a true Dem...

10/8/2012, 11:30 AM
I voted for McCain in 08 I'll probably not do that again this year.

10/8/2012, 11:32 AM
You can get money for your absentee ballot?

what's the going rate? enough for me to retire in Panama?

10/8/2012, 11:40 AM
I am voting exactly like I did in 08', NOT for BHO.

10/8/2012, 12:30 PM
I am super excited to say that my wife is changing her '08 Obama vote to Romney this time. This is a very recent admission from her. She said that the way I sound so atypically worried about this election is what is swaying her.

Other people have told me that they are changing too. They always sound embarrassed or angry for their '08 vote.

I am hoping that others that voted for Obama before will be not be enthused to vote for him this time. Instead they will just stay home. That would be just about as good as not actually switching their vote.

10/8/2012, 12:32 PM
I donated three dollars to the Obama campaign...I am voting against all incumbents...

10/8/2012, 12:36 PM
I'd vote for Jill Stein if she was on the ballot, so I'll be voting for Obama. In 2008, I voted for McCain because he was centrist and reasonable compared to Obama. Now Obama appears to be more centrist and reasonable than Romney, who seems like he'll say or do anything to be elected. Romney's too fake a candidate for me to have any confidence in him.


10/8/2012, 12:46 PM
I'd vote for Jill Stein if she was on the ballot, so I'll be voting for Obama. In 2008, I voted for McCain because he was centrist and reasonable compared to Obama. Now Obama appears to be more centrist and reasonable than Romney, who seems like he'll say or do anything to be elected. Romney's too fake a candidate for me to have any confidence in him.


Hahaha...you are going to vote for a "reasonable" centrist since Jill Stein isn't on the ballot. Now that makes a lot of sense.

hawaii 5-0
10/8/2012, 02:03 PM
Sounds like a true Dem...

Maybe you should read Post #10.


hawaii 5-0
10/8/2012, 02:04 PM
I donated three dollars to the Obama campaign...I am voting against all incumbents...

I like your style, Phil. A Fresh Start.

It's still $3 more than I donated.


10/8/2012, 02:14 PM
Hahaha...you are going to vote for a "reasonable" centrist since Jill Stein isn't on the ballot. Now that makes a lot of sense.

I tend to go first for big change type folks, Jill Stein would be a breath of fresh air. I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries. I trust Obama more than Romney because Romney stands for absolutely nothing. He's basically a walking infomercial trying to sell a vote for him based on any imaginable reason. He has no stances, he reinvents himself in front of every audience. The only thing keeping him alive is the right's visceral disdain for Obama.

10/8/2012, 02:36 PM
I tend to go first for big change type folks, Jill Stein would be a breath of fresh air. I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries. I trust Obama more than Romney because Romney stands for absolutely nothing. He's basically a walking infomercial trying to sell a vote for him based on any imaginable reason. He has no stances, he reinvents himself in front of every audience. The only thing keeping him alive is the right's visceral disdain for Obama.

Big change folks regardless of the change? You voted for RP in all of the primaries but you would vote for Jill Stein if available. Talk about polar opposites.

I do understand the Romney flip flop scenario and its not good...of course Obama has been quite a flipper himself. I do have a visceral disdain for Obama's policies
on energy and Immigration so an unknown quantity like Romney looks a lot better than a known disaster like Obama.

10/8/2012, 02:47 PM
Big change folks regardless of the change? You voted for RP in all of the primaries but you would vote for Jill Stein if available. Talk about polar opposites.

At the end of the day, there's only so much a chief executive can do. Both Paul and Stein would have us out of all foreign wars, they would tell Israel and all of our other vassal states to fend for themselves. Both would have respect for the rule of law and the constitution. As for Stein's very ambitious jobs programs, no way would Congress pass those. As for Paul's very extensive reworking of federal power, Congress would fight him tooth and nail. I'm looking for a chief executive, not an emperor. If I'm voting for emperor, I don't think there's a candidate in the field I'd feel comfortable with.

10/8/2012, 03:11 PM
At the end of the day, there's only so much a chief executive can do. Both Paul and Stein would have us out of all foreign wars, they would tell Israel and all of our other vassal states to fend for themselves. Both would have respect for the rule of law and the constitution. As for Stein's very ambitious jobs programs, no way would Congress pass those. As for Paul's very extensive reworking of federal power, Congress would fight him tooth and nail. I'm looking for a chief executive, not an emperor. If I'm voting for emperor, I don't think there's a candidate in the field I'd feel comfortable with.

Ahh but the executive powers do have the potential for very large impacts to Americans. Stein being a green zealot would probably shut down all oil and gas exploration on all federal lands so production would go down and the trade deficit and national debt would go up. She would also appoint EPA green zealots that will further her agenda to reduce Oil and gas exploration on private lands further reducing exploration & production and increasing debt. Paul, on the other hand, would probably open it all up. No congressional approval needed for any of that.

10/8/2012, 03:26 PM
Stein's the only one who treats global climate change like it's a real problem. O&G probably needs to continue to be mined, but they are dead-end industries. She'd end coal and I'm fine with that.

10/8/2012, 08:37 PM
My vote is staying the same. Like most of my fellow Sooners, I'm voting against BHO. The thing I'm proud of this yr... is that my 19 yr old twins will be able to vote for the first time. Of course, they'll be voting GOP as well. I hope.

10/8/2012, 08:42 PM
My vote is staying the same. Like most of my fellow Sooners, I'm voting against BHO. The thing I'm proud of this yr... is that my 19 yr old twins will be able to vote for the first time. Of course, they'll be voting GOP as well. I hope.

WOW!! My twins just turnd 18 and registered to vote last Tuesday! They're voting GOP also. :welcoming:

We have a boy and a girl. The girl was born first. We have both doubled our votes for the GOP this year. :)

10/8/2012, 09:09 PM
landrun and ouwasp, do you live in a swing state?

10/8/2012, 09:37 PM
For $50,000 I'll vote straight ticket Republican.


Your price is waaaayyyy too high for the dems to buy it.
Lots are willing to go for cheaper.

10/8/2012, 09:45 PM
I couldn't bring myself to vote for either candidate in 2008 so I left that part of my ballot blank. I was leaning Romney but his hawkish FP speech today is making me rethink that. So as of today my choice is coming down to Romney and None of the Above.

10/8/2012, 09:56 PM
landrun and ouwasp, do you live in a swing state?

I kinda wish we lived in Ohio for just a few days next month, but we live in the Most Red of States... Oklahoma. By the way, I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool fool; I think Gov. Fallin and State Supt. Barresi are terrible and will certainly vote Demo when those two knuckleheads come up for re-election.

landrun, my twins are boy/girl as well, my son is 20 minutes older. They are the alpha and omega, no more kids...

10/8/2012, 10:03 PM
My oldest will be voting for the first time this time. He's got some idiot friend that has been trying to convince him to vote Obama. I am still having to work on him. I am confident though.

10/8/2012, 10:06 PM
My oldest will be voting for the first time this time. He's got some idiot friend that has been trying to convince him to vote Obama. I am still having to work on him. I am confident though.

I am always shocked how the youth of America vote for Obama. It is a sad commentary on the value of financial education today.

10/8/2012, 10:36 PM
I do not live in a swing state. :(
It is a red state even if I stay home. (not gonna happen though!! :) )

My daughter if 4 minutes older.

Youth vote democrat. As they grow up, they change their vote to republican. What's sad though, many never grow up and vote dem their whole life long. :)

hawaii 5-0
10/8/2012, 11:06 PM
Your price is waaaayyyy too high for the dems to buy it.
Lots are willing to go for cheaper.

Actually I was offering it to the Repubs, not the Dems.


10/8/2012, 11:13 PM
Actually I was offering it to the Repubs, not the Dems.


Pubs could buy Votes a lot cheaper than that, Just give all those who are gonna vote fer Obammy a Food Stamp card

10/8/2012, 11:25 PM
Stein's the only one who treats global climate change like it's a real problem. O&G probably needs to continue to be mined, but they are dead-end industries. She'd end coal and I'm fine with that.

Dead end industries? When is that dead end going to occur? 50 years? 100 years?

Do we mandate use of nonexistent technologies and alternative energy sources as she would have us do?

Stein would have our economy in the tanks very quickly with her energy plans and more dependent than ever on foreign oil.

Of course, if you could vote for her OR still be willing to vote for a guy like Ron Paul that would be for the least regulations, the least green energy since he would subsidize none of it and the most open exploration and use of coal it is really hard to fathom your thinking.