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View Full Version : Why was Landry still playing in Q4...Blake needed that time on the field

10/7/2012, 10:28 AM
Unless stoops plans on signing a freshman QB to start next year, why isn't he letting Blake have some game time practice?
This is not new , stoops has done this all along and we paid the price when Bradford was injured twice, and when white went down as well. Is he so stubborn about this ? Even the announcers were critical of our coach on this issue.

Can we expect Blake to make the transition seamlessly next year..? it is never that simple. I recall tebow had a similar limited role in his senior year, but not sure he had such limited time on the field before starting. Plus, is Blake as tebow?

10/7/2012, 10:42 AM
We've already had two bye weeks. Landry and the entire team still needs the work. It was good to see players like Frank Shannon & Julian Wilson play well and Duron Neal get some quality time.

10/7/2012, 10:48 AM
Unless stoops plans on signing a freshman QB to start next year, why isn't he letting Blake have some game time practice?
This is not new , stoops has done this all along and we paid the price when Bradford was injured twice, and when white went down as well. Is he so stubborn about this ? Even the announcers were critical of our coach on this issue.

Can we expect Blake to make the transition seamlessly next year..? it is never that simple. I recall tebow had a similar limited role in his senior year, but not sure he had such limited time on the field before starting. Plus, is Blake as tebow? I have always wondered that about Bob and his QBs .He has never played his back-ups unless forced to by injuries.

10/7/2012, 11:09 AM
Why would you play your back up up by only 28 going into the 4th?

The offense has looked anemic all season until last night. You played just your 2nd game in a month. The first team needed more time on the field.

That said, Bell knows the offense. And I suspect that when/if he starts next year the offense will be tweaked differently. Hell I think it will be no matter who the starter will be next year. The only pure pocket passer we have coming back next year is Drew Allen, the rest are very mobile QBs.

Next recruiting class we have cody Thomas committed to OU. 2014 we are going heavily after Justin Hansen.

10/7/2012, 11:15 AM
We win and the moaning continues.

10/7/2012, 11:37 AM
Landry if anything else clearly needs the reps. I am at the point where I don't want to see Bell even with a minute to go in a blow out. Let Bell have the 2 yard TD runs and leave the QB'ing to Landry.

Of course, playing Bell all the time and sitting Landry would be fine too.

10/7/2012, 11:52 AM
Mate, Landry played yesterday as we have been wanting him to play. No need to slag him when he does an excellent job.

10/7/2012, 11:55 AM
Unless stoops plans on signing a freshman QB to start next year, why isn't he letting Blake have some game time practice?
This is not new , stoops has done this all along and we paid the price when Bradford was injured twice, and when white went down as well. Is he so stubborn about this ? Even the announcers were critical of our coach on this issue.

Can we expect Blake to make the transition seamlessly next year..? it is never that simple. I recall tebow had a similar limited role in his senior year, but not sure he had such limited time on the field before starting. Plus, is Blake as tebow?
Sam Bradford made a pretty seamless transition after Paul Thompdon left. That's generally what the off-season is for. But I do agree... Blake's not redshirting or suspended... do what gives with playing the known commodity when the green QB desperately needs experience/improvement? It's not like Landry is going to win a Heisman this year.

10/7/2012, 11:56 AM
He'll get plenty of reps... Next year. :)

10/7/2012, 11:59 AM
He'll get plenty of reps... Next year. :)

Basically. As of now I'd like for Landry to get more comfortable with the receivers. I liked what I saw out of Neal too.

I Am Right
10/7/2012, 12:10 PM
Freshman QB's need the reps, Jones is a freshman and wait a minute, never mind!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/7/2012, 01:00 PM
Basically. As of now I'd like for Landry to get more comfortable with the receivers. I liked what I saw out of Neal too.Neal may be from St Louis, but he loves the OU program. We didn't have to work very hard to recruit him, it seems. IMO, the kid wants to play really badly, and he has the skills.

10/7/2012, 01:03 PM
With 2 byes and Texas coming up, Landry needed the playing time.

10/7/2012, 01:13 PM
I think they were working on timing routes. Stills dropped a bunch of balls too. I bet Stoops pushes Norvell to get him to figure out why he's having such a bad slump. Kenny had 7 catches but Shepard, Brown, Neal and Millard nearly had as many yards.

Williams 130 all-purpose yards were impressive yesterday. With him having success it should get Defenses to be worried and take some heat off our WRs. They need to start catching the balls LJ puts in their hands. Metoyer? Not even in the game yesterday. ZERO CATCHES? We need him to better than that.

10/7/2012, 01:36 PM
Landry needs to practice way into the 5th quarter !!

Salt City Sooner
10/7/2012, 03:18 PM
We win and the moaning continues.
Death & taxes dude; death & taxes.

10/7/2012, 03:39 PM
Landry needs to practice way into the 5th quarter !!

I was thinking it was more that the WRs need to feel what his balls feel like in their hands. :D

10/7/2012, 04:05 PM
Landry was still play late in the 4th when we had a big lead because Bob stoops is head coach. Haven't you seen an OU game in the past 10 years? :)

Curly Bill
10/7/2012, 04:10 PM
Landry was still play late in the 4th when we had a big lead because Bob stoops is head coach. Haven't you seen an OU game in the past 10 years? :)

This^^^^^^ Bob apparently doesn't believe in getting the backup QB any meaningful playing time, excepting the Belldozer package that's more gimmick than it is true QB play, and that's regardless of the score or situation.

Tear Down This Wall
10/7/2012, 04:11 PM
Unless stoops plans on signing a freshman QB to start next year, why isn't he letting Blake have some game time practice?
This is not new , stoops has done this all along and we paid the price when Bradford was injured twice, and when white went down as well. Is he so stubborn about this ? Even the announcers were critical of our coach on this issue.

Can we expect Blake to make the transition seamlessly next year..? it is never that simple. I recall tebow had a similar limited role in his senior year, but not sure he had such limited time on the field before starting. Plus, is Blake as tebow?

In most seasons, I'd agree with you. And, in fact, I've led the choir in singing this one several times throughout the years.


...this year is different.

The only returning receiver this year was Stills. Brown, Shepherd, Metoyer, and the rest do not yet have the chemistry with Landry that is built over years of practices and seasons. This group does not and will not have that luxury.

Thanks for Jaz Reynolds and the other WRs who didn't return, it's urgent that this group of receivers and Landry get as much time together as possible...even if it means keeping them in the game longer than necessary.

The road only get tougher from here on out. Shepherd is coming along nicely. Still needs to keep growing in his role as lead dog. Everyone else needs to get on the same page as Landry and pronto. The more reps - in game and in practice - the better for us as the year wears on.

Curly Bill
10/7/2012, 04:19 PM
You guys saying LJ needs more time with his young receivers and stuff are making great points, and there's truth in that, but we all know that if LJ and all his receivers had been playing together for 4 years, Bob still wouldn't give the backup QB any meaningful playing time. It's just not in Bob's DNA to play the backup.

10/7/2012, 04:23 PM
Well Bill, its also the first time Stoops has had the same QB for 4 years. Hell the first time he has had one for 3 years.

Heupel, 2 years
White 2 years
Hybl 1 year
Bradford 2+ years
Bomar 1 year
Thompson 1 year
Jones 3+ years.

10/7/2012, 04:52 PM
I've stayed in the stadium after being ahead by a large margin. Coach Stoops does play the backups when we are well ahead, just not nearly as soon as most of us would like.

10/7/2012, 04:58 PM
We win and the moaning continues.


Curly Bill
10/7/2012, 05:11 PM
This is a message board - not a support group. Of course this is the place people are gonna come to express complaints.

...and just because we won, and it was a really good win, that doesn't mean things are now perfect!

10/7/2012, 05:18 PM
Key players being sidelined with injuries has played a large part in the reasons we have actually lost games, so I understand it when people get concerned about putting them at risk, however in this case, this season, with the 2 byes and Texas coming up, I think its an unjustifiable concern and can see Stoops reasoning behind leaving our starters in.

10/7/2012, 05:26 PM
This is a message board - not a support group. Of course this is the place people are gonna come to express complaints.

...and just because we won, and it was a really good win, that doesn't mean things are now perfect!
Well no ****. And I expressed my opinion.

Curly Bill
10/7/2012, 05:29 PM
Well no ****. And I expressed my opinion.

Cool - you want a cookie now?

10/7/2012, 05:33 PM
Cool - you want a cookie now?
No thanks. I just had a cupcake.

I agree about things not being perfect. I want to live in a perfect OU football world where we can see the second and third teams in for most of the second half. yeah

10/7/2012, 05:39 PM
It was clearly intentional as there were many bench guys on the field for most 4th qtr. I think the theory of getting the receivers reps with LJ makes sense, but only Bob can tell us (if he decides to). LJ is still our best hope to win the conference, so I certainly have no issue with it. Both LJ and all the receivers will have to perform next week for us to have a shot. The horn D may not be nearly as good as expected, but they did put pressure on Geno Smith and they will put plenty on LJ too.

10/7/2012, 06:28 PM
Bell was jumping up and down making sure he was warm. I felt bad for him that he didn't get many snaps. That said...there are reasons why Josh/Jay and Bob made the decision to leave Landry in. Maybe it was to help our 5th Year Senior to up his stats? Maybe LJ wanted to stay in? Who the hell knows. Bottomline is....someone got their way.

10/7/2012, 06:53 PM
Unless stoops plans on signing a freshman QB to start next year, why isn't he letting Blake have some game time practice?
This is not new , stoops has done this all along and we paid the price when Bradford was injured twice, and when white went down as well. Is he so stubborn about this ? Even the announcers were critical of our coach on this issue.

Can we expect Blake to make the transition seamlessly next year..? it is never that simple. I recall tebow had a similar limited role in his senior year, but not sure he had such limited time on the field before starting. Plus, is Blake as tebow?

Uh, Stoops' decisions to play the QB when the game was in hand had nothing to do with eh Bradford and White injuries. That having been said, I think he should have put Blake in as well when the game was in hand.

10/7/2012, 07:35 PM
You guys saying LJ needs more time with his young receivers and stuff are making great points, and there's truth in that, but we all know that if LJ and all his receivers had been playing together for 4 years, Bob still wouldn't give the backup QB any meaningful playing time. It's just not in Bob's DNA to play the backup.

Bob just doesn't put in back-ups until typically the last one or two possessions. Like you said, it's not in his DNA.

One thing OU does that isn't like a lot of other teams, rotate along the offensive and defensive lines. We have 5 O-line starters, but we'll play 7 or 8 guys (when healthy). Similar on defense. Even last year, when we had two studs at DE, we rotated in King, Washington, even Ndulue. So, at the end of the game, you're typically seeing (at least on defense), you're seeing 3rd and 4th string guys.

I Am Right
10/7/2012, 08:05 PM
I refuse to drink the kool aid, Landry is still Landry.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/7/2012, 08:12 PM
Speaking of Ndule, how is Kasitate doing?

Tear Down This Wall
10/8/2012, 11:45 AM
You guys saying LJ needs more time with his young receivers and stuff are making great points, and there's truth in that, but we all know that if LJ and all his receivers had been playing together for 4 years, Bob still wouldn't give the backup QB any meaningful playing time. It's just not in Bob's DNA to play the backup.

I agree with you there. I've been on that train for many years. This year, for the offense, it's different.

Up four or five TDs, starters need to give way to backups on the defensive side this year. But, I know it's not really like Stoops. He's the anti-Switzer in that regard.

10/8/2012, 12:44 PM
Given the circumstances of this season I understand why Landry was still in this game. However, Bob's penchant for keeping QBs in well after the game is in hand seems contrary to his preference to not have his QB running the ball much.

If one of those is deemed an unnecessary risk, then it appears they both would be.