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View Full Version : Obama and money - we're being lied to

10/4/2012, 11:17 PM
I've heard the press claim over and over again how Romney has been given more money with a clear implication that 'the evil rich dude' is going to buy this election from you poor good ole' Americans.

If you believe the press, you're not too smart - or in the very least are pretty gullible.

Just over a month ago CNN ran this story saying Romney had more cash at then end of July than Obama and then asked, if Romney was going to buy (steal) the election.

But the truth can be found by looking at the numbers - and the NY Times reveals the truth. Here it is: http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/campaign-finance

When CNN ran their story, the Obama camp had raised over 351 million dollars. Romney had raised just over half of that at 194 million.
Obama has the money advantage - and he has it at a rate 3 times higher than the CNN story told the American people that Romney had. And they know it.

Here's the kicker, they say Romney had a 61 million dollar cash advantage, intentionally trying to deceive the American people into thinking that Romney has been given more money.
Obama has been given almost 2 times as much money and out spent Romney about 3 to 1. And the American people are so indoctrinated into this 'The Republican Party is the part of the rich' nonsnese that they believe outright lies.

The 'cash advantage' line is given so that when prudent citizens - who have enough sense to not trust the media and look for truth before swallowing what they're told- discover the reality that Obama has a huge money advantage, then CNN can claim they were 'technically' telling the truth. Because while Obama has twice as much money, he's gone through it so fast that Romney actually had more cash left over then Obama did. He's had to be frugal because he has so little money to advertise and campaign with when compared to Obama.

If you claim there isn't an intentional bias with the press to deceive the American public, you're living in denial, are a part of the deception or just gullible.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, NPR, FOX etc... there is NO JOURNALISM in this country and hasn't been for a long .. long time. Perhaps my whole life. If you think YOUR news source isn't telling you blatant lies you've been duped and need to wise up. Every claim made needs to first be examined before you accept it as truth. And for my liberal friends on this board, if you refuse to listen to Fox because they're liars (fair enough) then you're foolish to watch any other 'news' source and not realize their doing the same thing from a different slant. The wise thing is to watch them all knowing full well they're intent is to deceive you. That way you get in the very least, a answer from both points of view. If we don't do that, we've basically volunteered to have our info censored by those who tickle our ears. And we've decided to not get both sides of the story before making a choice - which in the end, really only hurts ourselves.