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10/3/2012, 09:40 PM
Funny! ... and a good reminder of where we are too.

10/3/2012, 09:43 PM

10/3/2012, 10:50 PM

10/3/2012, 11:10 PM
Heard an ad on the radio today from some survival store in Noble. At the end the guy said he was retired Air Force and yes he did build his business.

I wasn't expecting that. It gave me a good laugh.

10/3/2012, 11:54 PM
Funny! ... and a good reminder of where we are too.


10/3/2012, 11:59 PM

I don't know if its fake or not, but it is still a nice photo ... and THE TRUTH too.

10/4/2012, 12:25 AM
I don't know if its fake or not, but it is still a nice photo ... and THE TRUTH too.

Ain't it funny how you can view that truth from so many different ways.


10/4/2012, 12:29 AM
Ain't it funny how you can view that truth from so many different ways.


Ummmm, your link confirms the original post. In fact, it is lower than the OP stated, at least according to your link. Truth is so subjective, you know.

10/4/2012, 12:31 AM
Ain't it funny how you can view that truth from so many different ways.

Uh...that graph proves his point. Gas was 1.68 the day Obama took office and has steadily risen since that day. Not once has gas dipped below that since the day he took office. Or do you just not know how to read a graph?

10/4/2012, 12:33 AM
Ummmm, your link confirms the original post. In fact, it is lower than the OP stated, at least according to your link. Truth is so subjective, you know.

Uh...that graph proves his point. Gas was 1.68 the day Obama took office and has steadily risen since that day. Not once has gas dipped below that since the day he took office. Or do you just not know how to read a graph?

Yall do realize he has a hard time even with this?


10/4/2012, 12:41 AM
Uh...that graph proves his point. Gas was 1.68 the day Obama took office and has steadily risen since that day. Not once has gas dipped below that since the day he took office. Or do you just not know how to read a graph?

It also proves how the price or gas was affected by a little thing some fexan started called the War on Terror. Guys like you who play with History because of a hiccup like the election of the First minority President should realize that markets sometimes have adjustments....they usually don't last very long. In this case, from 7-7-2008 to 12-22-2008 President GW Bush should get credit for Gas falling from $4 per gallon to $1.83 and the rise after President Obama took office was all his fault?

Honestly, the rewriting of history in this case will not take place no matter how many GISs you post on the internet. The folks in the Petroleum Industry and on Wall Street know exactly why that little hiccup took place. It's about as relevant as to why gun sales increased in January 2009. I notice not many folks are complaining about the price of gold.

10/4/2012, 12:43 AM
Yall do realize he has a hard time even with this?


Now....that's a snipe. You didn't even have to use to many words either. Your parent's are very proud of you I'm sure.

10/4/2012, 12:51 AM
Now....that's a snipe. You didn't even have to use to many words either. Your parent's are very proud of you I'm sure.

Yeah, it's probably best you not critique someone else's wordsmithing.

10/4/2012, 12:58 AM
Now....that's a snipe. You didn't even have to use to many words either. Your parent's are very proud of you I'm sure.

You are sharp as a Bowling Ball, Cant slide nothing past you tonight.

10/4/2012, 01:08 AM
You are sharp as a Bowling Ball, Cant slide nothing past you tonight.

So you are confirming you had parents?

10/4/2012, 01:10 AM
So you are confirming you had parents?

Yup, They both Dead, Hows yours doing?

10/4/2012, 01:16 AM
One Dead. I was with her when she took her last breath after fighting Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer because my Father couldn't take watching her die.

Dad is fine. 85 years old. Has been having some eye trouble and I have been taking him to the Doctor. He had a quadruple bypass the same time Bill Clinton did and he's outlived most the people he was friends with when he went to Cardiac Rehab after his surgery. My Grandparents all lived until their 90's and by the looks of things....he just might make it too.

10/4/2012, 01:17 AM
One Dead. I was with her when she took her last breath after fighting Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer because my Father couldn't take watching her die.

Dad is fine. 85 years old. Has been having some eye trouble and I have been taking him to the Doctor. He had a quadruple bypass the same time Bill Clinton did and he's outlived most the people he was friends with when he went to Cardiac Rehab after his surgery. My Grandparents all lived until their 90's and by the looks of things....he just might make it too.

Good, Glad to hear about yer Dad

10/4/2012, 01:22 AM
Good, Glad to hear about yer Dad

I am so glad you are glad.

10/4/2012, 01:39 AM
Trying to use multiple links. Give me a minute

10/4/2012, 01:43 AM
Ain't it funny how you can view that truth from so many different ways.


It also proves how the price or gas was affected by a little thing some fexan started called the War on Terror. Guys like you who play with History because of a hiccup like the election of the First minority President should realize that markets sometimes have adjustments....they usually don't last very long. In this case, from 7-7-2008 to 12-22-2008 President GW Bush should get credit for Gas falling from $4 per gallon to $1.83 and the rise after President Obama took office was all his fault?

Honestly, the rewriting of history in this case will not take place no matter how many GISs you post on the internet. The folks in the Petroleum Industry and on Wall Street know exactly why that little hiccup took place. It's about as relevant as to why gun sales increased in January 2009. I notice not many folks are complaining about the price of gold.

There you go

10/4/2012, 01:52 AM
I am so glad you are glad.

Ya right.

You make me think of CK the way you keep pouting and throwing yer little fits.

10/4/2012, 06:14 AM
It also proves how the price or gas was affected by a little thing some fexan started called the War on Terror.
No doubt this is correct. I defend very few Bush era policies up to and including his energy policy. Nonetheless, there are measures and policies that the President of the United States could put into place that would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and either stabilize the price of gas or even decrease it. Obama has done none of those things. By every measure, he has been hostile and opposed any policy that allows the exploitation of our own resources as an alternative to importation. That is a fact and that's a fact that is readily apparent by your graph.

Guys like you who play with History because of a hiccup like the election of the First minority President should realize that markets sometimes have adjustments....
I quite honestly don't have a clue in hell what point you're trying to make with this incoherent written diarrhea. Do you honestly believe that my complaints with Obama are due to the fact that he is the first minority President? Do you think I'd be on Team Obama if he were white? You're delusional -- I'm not even on Team Romney and he's whiter than white. Get real.

they usually don't last very long. In this case, from 7-7-2008 to 12-22-2008 President GW Bush should get credit for Gas falling from $4 per gallon to $1.83 and the rise after President Obama took office was all his fault?
Short term spikes aren't all that revealing. I certainly don't give Bush credit for anything he did during that period to lower gas prices -- the long term trend of the increase in gas prices is what's important. The fact is, Democrats opposed measures to increase domestic production while Bush was in office and Obama doubled down on those policies when he came to office. Rather than increase domestic production in an effort to make energy more affordable (which is especially important to middle and lower class families), he has restricted domestic production and poured billions of dollars into alternative energy ventures that have failed to produce. That is a failure of policy and a failure of this President.

Honestly, the rewriting of history in this case will not take place no matter how many GISs you post on the internet.
Who exactly is rewriting history here? He posted a picture of gas prices from the beginning of Obama's term to which you posted a graph showing the average gas prices over a long-term period that proved the image to be correct and you did so in such a way that suggested the image was a lie. Talk about rewriting history...

The folks in the Petroleum Industry and on Wall Street know exactly why that little hiccup took place.
That "hiccup" took place because investors worried about an Obama energy policy that would be detrimental to the energy industry...which has proven to be correct.

It's about as relevant as to why gun sales increased in January 2009. I notice not many folks are complaining about the price of gold.
Gun sales are a symptom of the exact same problem and equally justifiable.

Nobody complains about the price of gold going up because it's a commodity that's a hedge against inflation and a failing economy. The people who buy gold are trying to insulate themselves from a weak or collapsing dollar. You mention gold as if it's some indication that the economy is doing well whereas it's actually the opposite. If the price of gold is rising then economy and the dollar are likely very weak. They are inversely proportional.

10/4/2012, 06:47 AM
Heard an ad on the radio today from some survival store in Noble. At the end the guy said he was retired Air Force and yes he did build his business.

I wasn't expecting that. It gave me a good laugh.

Guess he doesn't count that fat pension and health care benefits he gets as help from the government. Nor does he give props to all those survival school specialist who might have helped him learn his trade.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 06:52 AM
Uh...that graph proves his point. Gas was 1.68 the day Obama took office and has steadily risen since that day. Not once has gas dipped below that since the day he took office. Or do you just not know how to read a graph?


10/4/2012, 08:02 AM
No doubt this is correct. I defend very few Bush era policies up to and including his energy policy. Nonetheless, there are measures and policies that the President of the United States could put into place that would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and either stabilize the price of gas or even decrease it. Obama has done none of those things. By every measure, he has been hostile and opposed any policy that allows the exploitation of our own resources as an alternative to importation. That is a fact and that's a fact that is readily apparent by your graph.

I quite honestly don't have a clue in hell what point you're trying to make with this incoherent written diarrhea. Do you honestly believe that my complaints with Obama are due to the fact that he is the first minority President? Do you think I'd be on Team Obama if he were white? You're delusional -- I'm not even on Team Romney and he's whiter than white. Get real.

Short term spikes aren't all that revealing. I certainly don't give Bush credit for anything he did during that period to lower gas prices -- the long term trend of the increase in gas prices is what's important. The fact is, Democrats opposed measures to increase domestic production while Bush was in office and Obama doubled down on those policies when he came to office. Rather than increase domestic production in an effort to make energy more affordable (which is especially important to middle and lower class families), he has restricted domestic production and poured billions of dollars into alternative energy ventures that have failed to produce. That is a failure of policy and a failure of this President.

Who exactly is rewriting history here? He posted a picture of gas prices from the beginning of Obama's term to which you posted a graph showing the average gas prices over a long-term period that proved the image to be correct and you did so in such a way that suggested the image was a lie. Talk about rewriting history...

That "hiccup" took place because investors worried about an Obama energy policy that would be detrimental to the energy industry...which has proven to be correct.

Gun sales are a symptom of the exact same problem and equally justifiable.

Nobody complains about the price of gold going up because it's a commodity that's a hedge against inflation and a failing economy. The people who buy gold are trying to insulate themselves from a weak or collapsing dollar. You mention gold as if it's some indication that the economy is doing well whereas it's actually the opposite. If the price of gold is rising then economy and the dollar are likely very weak. They are inversely proportional.

There are a lot of problems with the fuel industry right now from what I have read. One of the big issues that has hit the east coast is the shutting down of the St. Croix Hovensa refinery which makes a number of our EPA required blended fuels. Swiss Petroplus has gone bankrupt (although it's effect are small in the US) this closure did hit the east and helped to drive up our fuel prices. In Europe it is a major issue. It is also my understanding that Conoco and Sunoco have been closing refineries and the result is a tightening of the market. From what I understand the increase in oil and the decrease in demand from US consumers has made profits on operating refineries awfully thin. As a result the gas business is not terribly profitable right now. (I am sure the oilies on this board can speak more directly to this issue)

A while back I read another interesting article that talked about how antiquated our pipeline system is in the US. Apparently, during WWII to shield ourselves from sabotage we came up with pipeline districts. If one were attacked the rest would be able to operate. Anyway, these districts do not allow the free flow of oil across this nation. So over supply in one area cannot be moved easily to reduce supply issues in another area.

If you look at the data that was posted there was clearly a change in 2005. I think history will show that there was a declining dollar, a rise in commodity prices, speculation, growth in China, instability in the ME and threats of war with Iran. None of this has changed. I think to say that energy policy can affect any of these issues in a meaningful way is wishful thinking. Even if we opened up every single inch of the US to drilling I do not think we would see more than a 50 cent change in fuel prices. As someone noted on this board oil is priced in dollars and it is a global commodity. With a policy of keeping our currency devalued I believe oil will still be above the $80 dollar a barrel mark for a long time and probably higher. The only true way to combat high oil prices is through conservation. We can withstand $5 a gallon for fuel if our cars get 20% better gas mileage.

I do not think any President can really affect oil prices and I have stopped blaming them for market conditions that are beyond their control. Energy exploration would certainly be good for jobs and I think Obama should take it on the chin for some of his policies especially when they can drive jobs. Outside of that I think we are going to see $3-$4 a gallon for gas for years to come.

Just one man's opinion for what it is worth.

10/4/2012, 11:31 PM
You guys can't pull one over on me.
When I was a yungun, I went snipe huntin' in West Verginny.
You gotta look hard for um!