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9/29/2012, 03:44 PM

9/29/2012, 06:07 PM
Paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research, www.jcer.info, not authorized by any candidate or candidates comMITTee.


9/29/2012, 09:31 PM
Paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research, www.jcer.info (http://www.jcer.info), not authorized by any candidate or candidates comMITTee.


Too funny. Thanks for sharing.

9/30/2012, 02:16 PM
Just what we need more hatred, screaming and kids cursing at us, all narrated by a racist.

9/30/2012, 02:20 PM
Hopefully all the independants will wake up to the threats to our freedoms and Republic as we know it!

10/1/2012, 09:30 AM
You guys better Wake The F*ck Up!


Bourbon St Sooner
10/1/2012, 12:49 PM
Get off my lawn so I can sleep!! Stupid ****ing kids!!

10/1/2012, 01:01 PM
Not a fan of kids dropping the f-bomb (oh, was it supposed to shock me? apparently you haven't heard of a thing called "xbox live" hehe), but Democrats need more stuff like this out there.

True story: My neighbor said a Democrat volunteer came to his door to campaign for a state candidate and he said "save your time, i'm voting for him," so the giddy volunteer asked if he could put a yard sign out and neighbor said sure. Still no sign, hehe.

Seriously, get your crap together, Democrats, especially in Oklahoma. You still have more registered voters than Republicans, you actually have a chance in some of these elections. Where are the door knockers? Where are the phone solicitors? Where are the TV, radio and newspaper commercials?!

10/1/2012, 01:21 PM
Phone solicitors? You call me and bug me about voting for whoever and it's a guarantee that I won't. I hate all those political recorded messages and crap. "Hi, this is President Be-rack Obama. If you vote for me I'll guarantee free birth control and condoms for your adolescent children." Meh.

If anybody out there still doesn't know how they're gonna vote then may I humbly submit that you need to shoot yourself in the face?

10/1/2012, 01:40 PM
Phone solicitors? You call me and bug me about voting for whoever and it's a guarantee that I won't. I hate all those political recorded messages and crap. "Hi, this is President Be-rack Obama. If you vote for me I'll guarantee free birth control and condoms for your adolescent children." Meh.

If anybody out there still doesn't know how they're gonna vote then may I humbly submit that you need to shoot yourself in the face?

I'm not just talking the presidential election. There are tons of state offices (and all five Congressional seats) that are up for grabs and they act like there's nothing going on. It's freakin' October. The election is in a month. Get your crap together.

Quite frankly, most people a phone solicitor would call in this state would be inclined to vote Repub, so no harm in trying the phones.

10/1/2012, 01:51 PM
I'm not a great fan, but I've always had a sneaking suspicion that my personal fairy god-person would likely be someone like Jackson. Or at least talk like him.

10/1/2012, 02:02 PM
I'm not a great fan, but I've always had a sneaking suspicion that my personal fairy god-person would likely be someone like Jackson. Or at least talk like him.

Samuel or Michael?

10/1/2012, 02:16 PM
Well, I meant Samuel; but I could see Tito in that role as well. It'd be like having Little Richard suddenly appear at your elbow with supernatural aid and assistance. And what, I ask, could be more hip than that?

Ton Loc
10/1/2012, 04:51 PM
Well, I meant Samuel; but I could see Tito in that role as well. It'd be like having Little Richard suddenly appear at your elbow with supernatural aid and assistance. And what, I ask, could be more hip than that?

Rick James?

10/1/2012, 04:52 PM
Awesome, but not Little Richard awesome.

I guess I could settle for the ghost of Bo Diddly.

10/1/2012, 10:43 PM

10/1/2012, 10:48 PM
Whats up with Obamas picture on the wall? Is this Cuba? Communist Russia or China? Since when is it acceptable to have a picture of "Dear Leader" on the wall. Liberals scare me.

10/2/2012, 09:58 PM
It's actually a really good video.

It's just a shame they're selling blue pills spray painted as red ones. No sell.

10/3/2012, 09:05 AM
Whats up with Obamas picture on the wall? Is this Cuba? Communist Russia or China? Since when is it acceptable to have a picture of "Dear Leader" on the wall. Liberals scare me.

North Korea. The Lingerie Football League owner said so when Mick Cornett said they couldn't move to OKC :D

10/3/2012, 10:36 AM
Not a fan of kids dropping the f-bomb (oh, was it supposed to shock me? apparently you haven't heard of a thing called "xbox live" hehe), but Democrats need more stuff like this out there.

True story: My neighbor said a Democrat volunteer came to his door to campaign for a state candidate and he said "save your time, i'm voting for him," so the giddy volunteer asked if he could put a yard sign out and neighbor said sure. Still no sign, hehe.

Seriously, get your crap together, Democrats, especially in Oklahoma. You still have more registered voters than Republicans, you actually have a chance in some of these elections. Where are the door knockers? Where are the phone solicitors? Where are the TV, radio and newspaper commercials?!

I wouldn't feel comfortable with a bunch of Democrats running through my yard.

10/5/2012, 02:46 AM
Romney looked like he drank his first Red Bull.

10/5/2012, 08:10 AM
Someone should have written their stupid little Wake Up slogan on the top of the podium Obama kept staring at.