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View Full Version : Overrated!

9/28/2012, 09:42 PM
Yes, Overrated Mr. Young OC. I think he does not have experience to take this team to the National Championship level.

Please bring back the big giant Mark Mangino. I don't care if we have to pay more for his lunch pizza or hamburger. Just bring back that man.

Josh Heupel is overratted.

9/28/2012, 10:06 PM
Trolls gonna troll.

9/28/2012, 10:18 PM

9/28/2012, 10:39 PM
Trolls gonna troll.

Azian Is any thing BUT a troll, you aint been around Long enough to Know I guess, English is a second language for him

9/28/2012, 11:12 PM
AzianSooner rules.

Not sure I endorse his view in this post, but he's a good Joe.

9/28/2012, 11:26 PM
AzianSooner rules.

Not sure I endorse his view in this post, but he's a good Joe.

Agreed, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt on the language deal.

9/28/2012, 11:26 PM
I don't give two phucks how long he's been around...it remains to b seen

9/28/2012, 11:27 PM
I don't give two phucks how long he's been around...it remains to b seen

Then yer an a**hole also. Im pretty sure Josh was made OC way too soon myself

9/29/2012, 08:33 AM
Trolls gonna troll.

Yeah......azian isn't a troll.

In fact I agree, JH was made OC way too early and wasnt/isn't ready for it.

9/29/2012, 08:40 AM
I'd be happy to have Mangino back in any capacity. He casts a big shadow.

9/29/2012, 09:28 AM
I don't think we've seen enough of Heupel to say what he's capable of. How many TDs has this offense thrown away this year through drops, bad passes, turnovers, and penalties? The calls have been fine and if you look at the numbers our playcalling has been pretty balanced.

9/29/2012, 09:58 AM
I don't care who the poster is. Hyperbolic assertions without any supporting facts are designed to inflame a response. The guy maybe great but his post was trollish.

9/29/2012, 10:08 AM
I don't care who the poster is. Hyperbolic assertions without any supporting facts are designed to inflame a response. The guy maybe great but his post was trollish.

Another IDIOT responding ?
What part of the Dude is a Cambodian citizen and English is his second language did you miss?

9/29/2012, 10:21 AM
Olevet, your an asshat, plain and simple. Your on here too much i think and forget how real people interact with at least a modicum of courtesy. There is good natured banter then there is the stuff you and Dean spew. It makes this place a lot less fun than it used to be. Just dial it down a little.

9/29/2012, 10:31 AM
Olevet, your an asshat, plain and simple. Your on here too much i think and forget how real people interact with at least a modicum of courtesy. There is good natured banter then there is the stuff you and Dean spew. It makes this place a lot less fun than it used to be. Just dial it down a little.

What makes this place less fun is idiots like YOU, Before callin folks names as you did Azian, why dont you take a few seconds and consider the Language barrier?
Now go **** yerself

9/29/2012, 12:14 PM
I think you have to be rated to be "over-rated". He's called some good games, IMO. Most of the offensive woes are due to injuries, QB play and general offensive line play/talent. Compound that with poor defensive play/field position and that my folks is hard to pin on the OC. All IMHO of course.

9/29/2012, 12:38 PM
I don't think we've seen enough of Heupel to say what he's capable of. How many TDs has this offense thrown away this year through drops, bad passes, turnovers, and penalties? The calls have been fine and if you look at the numbers our playcalling has been pretty balanced.

Really? I have seen enough to know he is incapable of getting the most out of each of his players strengths while hiding their weaknesses.

I have seen enough that the offense he is attempting to run is well above his capacity at this point in time.

I have seen enough to know the guy has absolutely no imagination on offense or the ability to make in games adjustments.

I have seen enough to know he thinks he is playing EA Sports video games.

And I have seen enough to know he should change the offense that better suits his players!

Maybe you're correct, there isn't enough sample work to know exactly what he can do. But he isn't helping himself any when he sticks to an offense that was virtually mastered by one of the best offensive minds in all of college football.

9/29/2012, 12:47 PM
Azian Is any thing BUT a troll, you aint been around Long enough to Know I guess, English is a second language for him

No offense, OV, but...

9/29/2012, 12:49 PM
I think you have to be rated to be "over-rated". He's called some good games, IMO. Most of the offensive woes are due to injuries, QB play and general offensive line play/talent. Compound that with poor defensive play/field position and that my folks is hard to pin on the OC. All IMHO of course.

So was it the defense or play calling that created a scoop and score for KSU… What about the one vs. OSU?

That was Jones and his attempt to create something that he didn't need to.

What about going away from the run when it was actually getting yard, only to throw the ball 12 straight times?

The coaches have got to put the kids in position to make great decision and plays. And when you continue to put the players in a place they are not comfortable with, then that is on the coaches, not players.

How many sacks did KSU have versus OU? 1. That's right, just one. Guess when that happened? The second series of the of the game where Jones saw a DL run past his sight, only to overun himself out of the play. It caused Jones to get antsy. He flushed the pocket, and fumbled it. Sack, fumble, 6 points for KSU in one play.

Honestly, going over the game, again and again, the OL played pretty decent. Their biggest problem in the KSU game was the OL was trying to block 6-7 guys every passing down. And as an OL, you can't expect them to do that.
Bring in a RB or TE to help block. Do some quick slants, curls

9/29/2012, 12:53 PM
No offense, OV, but...

But, What?
No need to dog the young man because he doesn't have a precise command of the English

9/29/2012, 12:57 PM
You are correct. I should have read the whole thread.

9/29/2012, 01:08 PM
I just found it humorous considering your usual "hillbilly" English posts.

Hell, I'm Okie. Beer me.

9/29/2012, 02:00 PM
I'm fairly certain that he was brought along a little too fast. His ascension to OC at a major program was ICBM-like. Of course, 90% of this board was calling for him to be OC because he would be soooooooo much better than Kevin W.

9/29/2012, 02:25 PM
I just found it humorous considering your usual "hillbilly" English posts.

Hell, I'm Okie. Beer me.

heh, Call me any ole dayum thang ya want, I DGAS, But leave an OU grad Foreign dude alone :very_drunk:

9/29/2012, 02:26 PM
I'm fairly certain that he was brought along a little too fast. His ascension to OC at a major program was ICBM-like. Of course, 90% of this board was calling for him to be OC because he would be soooooooo much better than Kevin W.

Having read enough of Azians posts over the years I believe this is what he was trying to say

9/29/2012, 02:35 PM
:very_drunk:I don't believe I ever said anything about Azian. I do agree that Josh was a premature hire, though. I was just goofing on you (Vet) about use of the English language.

9/29/2012, 02:46 PM
:very_drunk:I don't believe I ever said anything about Azian. I do agree that Josh was a premature hire, though. I was just goofing on you (Vet) about use of the English language.

I were talkin in general, not at YOU .:excitement:

9/29/2012, 02:57 PM
I thought this was about Baylor getting rolled by WVU.

9/29/2012, 03:17 PM
I were talkin in general, not at YOU .:excitement:

Well, I believe a shot is in order then.

9/29/2012, 03:30 PM
Well, I believe a shot is in order then.

I'll Drank to that, :very_drunk: