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View Full Version : Two Things I Hate, Yes, Three I Detest

9/23/2012, 09:10 PM
1A, Handing the ball to a RB that is standing still.
1B, Running every single snap in the shotgun.

2. Coaches that force players into their scheme and not altering their system to fit the players they have.

3. Sunshine pumpers and chicken littles. Really, they are birds of the same feather. It's never as bad as the chicken littles would have believe and the Kool-Aid is not as sweet as the sunshine pumpers drink.

It is what it is. Few on this board thought we had a club that could make a serious run at a MNC. There is still a lot of season left and a lot of opportunities to get better.

16 6 NR 5 8 11 22 3 3 5 6 1 NR

It's been seven years since we were a consistent Top 5 club. It is what it is.


9/23/2012, 10:00 PM
U know Bob has never went 2 years in a row without winning a conference title? Well this year will probably break that streak

9/23/2012, 11:08 PM
He's also never had the turnover he's had in staff and personnel. I don't know how it's going to play out... but 2012 notwithstanding, he's done great at digging us out of a hole three times already before (1999, 2005 and 2009).

I can't fault Mike Stoops yet. It's alarming to not have a single sack or TFL, but it is what it is. The offensive problems are due to being in complete rebuilding mode. Guys like Shepard, Neal, Metoyer and Co. are just going to have to get more work and opportunities like Kelly, Iglesias, and Johnson got in 2005. Landry can play better; but neither he, nor Bell is going to look great when his guys can't block, can't stay in bounds and can't finish routes.

Everybody's going to have to pick up the pace and play better. If they don't, we may not even go to bowl game this year. UTEP, FAMU and KSU should not be able to do some of the things they've done to OU. Things like having seven seconds to throw and not a single DL getting into the backfield. David King is OUr best guy right now and even he is inconsistent (having to shuffle around so much).

9/23/2012, 11:13 PM
He's also never had the turnover he's had in staff and personnel. I don't know how it's going to play out... but 2012 notwithstanding, he's done great at digging us out of a hole three times already before (1999, 2005 and 2009).

Do we consider 1999 a "hole?" And have we really recovered from 2009? Hell, have we even really recovered from 2005?? Outside of 2008.... we've been pretty damn mediocre since then.

Edit: Relatively Mediocre would be a better term, but there is no disputing that our last seven years have been far below the first 5

9/23/2012, 11:36 PM
Do we consider 1999 a "hole?"

When you look at where the program was and what had to be done to get it rolling again, yes.

... and have we really recovered from 2009?

In 2010, we were perhaps two key injuries away from playing for a National Championship. The recruiting class of 2010 addressed some immediate needs and OU won a BIG 12 Championship and a BCS game. 2011 saw a good start and a bad finish.

Hell, have we even really recovered from 2005?? Outside of 2008.... we've been pretty damn mediocre since then.

By mentioning 2008, you almost answered your own question. We were a solid 12-2 in 2006 despite major adversity, 11-3 in 2007 with all new QBs and LBs and 2008 was much like a few years later where a couple of unfortunate injuries probably cost us the MNC.

Edit: Relatively Mediocre would be a better term, but there is no disputing that our last seven years have been far below the first 5

Agreed. By a power program's standards, not winning the MNC with that many opportunities is "meh." I think in between the lines is where you really need to look. And if I'm being picky, nothing beyond 2000 has been different. Each year, something different happens that derails us. 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 all saw moments where OU played unmotivated and lethargic, costing them critical losses that they'd have loved to have had another shot at in hindsight. The 2003 BIG 12 CCG to me was no different than last year's choke job at OSU. The 2001 Bed-lame game was no different than last year's choke job against Tech. You just can't lose those games if you're truly a championship-caliber team. 2002 at A&M was eerily similar to 2010 at A&M as the 2004 Orange Bowl was eerily similar to the 2008 Fiesta Bowl.

9/24/2012, 12:59 AM
1999 was not a hole, maybe you meant '98? '99 was a big step up from the coaching carousel days.

2005 was not a hole, it was a clear rebuilding year after everyone and his dog graduated and most were drafted in '04. It was also a great coaching job to start with a bunch of inexperienced players who barely knew how to line up and turn them into a pretty tough squad that beat a 10 opponent in a bowl game.

Since '08 things have been frustrating.

Tear Down This Wall
9/24/2012, 01:19 AM
He's also never had the turnover he's had in staff and personnel. I don't know how it's going to play out... but 2012 notwithstanding, he's done great at digging us out of a hole three times already before (1999, 2005 and 2009).

I can't fault Mike Stoops yet. It's alarming to not have a single sack or TFL, but it is what it is. The offensive problems are due to being in complete rebuilding mode. Guys like Shepard, Neal, Metoyer and Co. are just going to have to get more work and opportunities like Kelly, Iglesias, and Johnson got in 2005. Landry can play better; but neither he, nor Bell is going to look great when his guys can't block, can't stay in bounds and can't finish routes.

Everybody's going to have to pick up the pace and play better. If they don't, we may not even go to bowl game this year. UTEP, FAMU and KSU should not be able to do some of the things they've done to OU. Things like having seven seconds to throw and not a single DL getting into the backfield. David King is OUr best guy right now and even he is inconsistent (having to shuffle around so much).

Agree with about 164% of this.

9/24/2012, 04:39 AM

9/24/2012, 11:54 AM
If Adrian Peterson showed up tomorrow as a new recuit....would he be taking handoffs from the shotgun formation almost exclusively? I 100% believe he would......

9/24/2012, 12:04 PM
If Adrian Peterson showed up tomorrow as a new recuit....would he be taking handoffs from the shotgun formation almost exclusively? I 100% believe he would......

And he would still be hoofing it in the fourth quarter, bobbing his head as he runs faster and faster with defenders falling further and further behind... and he would still get tons of yards, carries and everything else to be the Heisman runner-up his froshie year and he'd still be outstanding enough despite any injuries to be an early first round pick.

...or should AD have won three Heismans and been the top overall pick...