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9/18/2012, 08:38 PM
Beating Jimmy Carter II should be a cake walk.

Here's a few lines from the folks at National Review:

"In fairness to Romney, I do think he believes things. The problem is he doesn’t have an organic understanding for politics or conservatism — I think I was the first to say a while back, he speaks conservatism as a second language. So when he tries to express his ideas he either sounds too detached or as if he’s parroting the idiom of a language he doesn’t fully understand.

That’s the problem with what he says in that video. It’s not that everything he says is wrong, it’s just that it’s wrong enough to both hurt him and make it hard to defend what he’s saying. Ironically, I think if he were less articulate (like George W. Bush) or even spoke with a foreign accent, this would be more clear. But it is precisely because he is such a precise speaker that he gets himself in so much trouble."

9/18/2012, 08:41 PM
Guess we will see come November

9/18/2012, 08:42 PM
I kind of agree with this juan. He'll probably lose to an idiot. He should be ashamed.

9/18/2012, 08:42 PM
Did you watch the COMPLETE Vid? Ya know the one You Obammy supporters snuck ?


9/18/2012, 08:43 PM
I kind of agree with this juan. He'll probably lose to an idiot. He should be ashamed.

okie. If he loses to an Idiot it will be because of Idiots
Jes sayin

rock on sooner
9/18/2012, 08:52 PM
okie. If he loses to an Idiot it will be because of Idiots
Jes sayin

Vet, his answer to the question, was "raise millions of dollars". Seems ta me
that he wants to buy tha thing. Did I miss something?

9/18/2012, 08:53 PM
okie. If he loses to an Idiot it will be because of Idiots
Jes sayin

I can't deny that.

9/18/2012, 08:54 PM
Romney is not a good candidate. He needs to just forget the MSM and get out a strong anti-government spending message.

hawaii 5-0
9/18/2012, 08:54 PM
Since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth Romney is entitled to be President.


9/18/2012, 08:57 PM
Since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth Romney is entitled to be President.


Naw we need to reelect that Community organizer

9/18/2012, 08:57 PM
Vet, his answer to the question, was "raise millions of dollars". Seems ta me
that he wants to buy tha thing. Did I miss something?

So ya sayin Obammy an OOprah didnt buy it in 08?

rock on sooner
9/18/2012, 09:01 PM
So ya sayin Obammy an OOprah didnt buy it in 08?

Nope, McCain wuz an izjit, along with Miz Pailn...

9/18/2012, 09:02 PM
Vet, his answer to the question, was "raise millions of dollars". Seems ta me
that he wants to buy tha thing. Did I miss something?

Was that different than Obama in 2008?

9/18/2012, 09:07 PM
Romney is not a good candidate. He needs to just forget the MSM and get out a strong anti-government spending message.

He is poorly managed and he needs both a new speech writer and campaign manager. I think he is an okay candidate but he is just not very likeable.

hawaii 5-0
9/18/2012, 09:21 PM
Anyone know a way to move money to the Caymans and Switzerland?

U. S. Banks aren't good enough for some 'Americans'.


hawaii 5-0
9/18/2012, 09:22 PM
He is poorly managed and he needs both a new speech writer and campaign manager. I think he is an okay candidate but he is just not very likeable.

I can't get over those jeans he wears when he's trying to be a 'regular' guy.

I've always hated designer jeans.


9/18/2012, 09:27 PM
Anyone know a way to move money to the Caymans and Switzerland?

U. S. Banks aren't good enough for some 'Americans'.


Why is this such a big deal? Any prudent person with a large amount of liquid assets would be sure and spread some of it around to reduce risk. How smart would be if wealthy Russians kept all their money in the bank in 1997? Or Argentines 2003?

9/18/2012, 09:27 PM
Anyone know a way to move money to the Caymans and Switzerland?

U. S. Banks aren't good enough for some 'Americans'.


Certainly can't understand why everyone doesn't keep their money in American banks...they're too big to fail.

rock on sooner
9/18/2012, 09:31 PM
I can't get over those jeans he wears when he's trying to be a 'regular' guy.

I've always hated designer jeans.


Jus guessin...he spends $250 or so on those jeans and turns to
look at Ann and she says "that'll work." Then, I'll roll up my sleeves
and show my Patek, smile and everyone will love me. I'm one of
them! Yeah, I know, that's not nice, but, geez, everything the guy
says or does points to that description....

9/18/2012, 11:39 PM
Nope, McCain wuz an izjit, along with Miz Pailn...


9/18/2012, 11:43 PM
Romney needs a home run in the first debate. Unfortunately, he swings a bat like Ted Baxter.

9/18/2012, 11:44 PM

And in 04 Yall had ? Ya Know the Guy who liked to deer hunt.
"He was in Wisconsin the other day, pretending to be a regular guy, and was asked what kind of hunting he preferred. 'I'd have to say deer,' said the senator. 'I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach. ... That's hunting.'


hawaii 5-0
9/18/2012, 11:57 PM
Funny that one.

Remember when Dlck Cheney shot that guy in the face?


9/19/2012, 12:02 AM
Funny that one.

Remember when Dlck Cheney shot that guy in the face?

Yea that was hilarious wernt it?
Was he crawlin on his belly with his 12 gauge?

9/19/2012, 12:02 AM
Funny that one.

Remember when Dlck Cheney shot that guy in the face?


Was that something like Kerry fragging himself and getting a purple heart for it? I don't remember.

Maybe it was like that time Ted Kennedy went for a drive over a bridge? I forget.

How about that hoot of a time when our President looked us in the eye and said "I didn't have sex with that woman!"

Man, those are some funny funny ones.

9/19/2012, 12:06 AM
Was that something like Kerry fragging himself and getting a purple heart for it? I don't remember.

Maybe it was like that time Ted Kennedy went for a drive over a bridge? I forget.

How about that hoot of a time when our President looked us in the eye and said "I didn't have sex with that woman!"

Man, those are some funny funny ones.

No , No , No,
Kerry got a BS for Runnin his swift boat into shore Jumpin out (while leaving his command exposed ) Runnin down some wounded Gook KID and Killing him. Now that a Hero and why HE got Swift Boated

9/19/2012, 01:05 AM
Since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth Romney is entitled to be President.


Matters? Jealous?

How is it that a guy that has money can't also be a regular guy? I'm betting your and my definition of "regular" differs too much.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/19/2012, 01:22 AM
Beating Jimmy Carter II should be a cake walk.
Here's a few lines from the folks at National Review:

"In fairness to Romney, I do think he believes things. The problem is he doesn’t have an organic understanding for politics or conservatism — I think I was the first to say a while back, he speaks conservatism as a second language. So when he tries to express his ideas he either sounds too detached or as if he’s parroting the idiom of a language he doesn’t fully understand.

That’s the problem with what he says in that video. It’s not that everything he says is wrong, it’s just that it’s wrong enough to both hurt him and make it hard to defend what he’s saying. Ironically, I think if he were less articulate (like George W. Bush) or even spoke with a foreign accent, this would be more clear. But it is precisely because he is such a precise speaker that he gets himself in so much trouble."Have you noticed he's not the one who has taken the country down the shi*ter, spent tax money (and borrowed money, and newly printed money) on his campaign contributors, and bogus investments that go under , and nationalized industries(auto companies) and is in process of destroying the coal industry, as he promised he would, and is preventing a lot of production of oil and gas, etc., etc., etc.,

IOW, 1) Just HOW STUPID do you think we are, and 2)this election is ALL about getting rid of obama, and his gang of bandits. orange juice can-R/ Obeary.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/19/2012, 01:41 AM
Vet, his answer to the question, was "raise millions of dollars". Seems ta me
that he wants to buy tha thing. Did I miss something?You are shameless and transparent, and representative.

9/19/2012, 02:18 AM
Vet, his answer to the question, was "raise millions of dollars". Seems ta me
that he wants to buy tha thing. Did I miss something?

Funny how now that a Repub is out-fundraising a Dem, the Repub is accused of "buying tha thing." Did you have a problem with the Dems "buying tha thing" in 2008? Or are you just pissed that conservatives and Repubs are using their money less for philanthropy and more for their political interests?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/19/2012, 02:37 AM
Funny how now that a Repub is out-fundraising a Dem, the Repub is accused of "buying tha thing." Did you have a problem with the Dems "buying tha thing" in 2008? Or are you just pissed that conservatives and Repubs are using their money less for philanthropy and more for their political interests?ALL the Left knows is political malfeasance. Making money by ligit means, and making ends meet (receipts vs expenditures in the private sector) is not only way alien to them, the private sector is actually the enemy to our Leftist lampreys.

9/19/2012, 06:06 AM
Romney needs a home run in the first debate. Unfortunately, he swings a bat like Ted Baxter.

He is Ted Baxter!

rock on sooner
9/19/2012, 08:25 AM
You are shameless and transparent, and representative.

Know what, I am wrong, Romney isn't trying to buy it, Adelson ($42M so far),
Perry, Anderson, Koch brothers are the ones trying to buy it. Rove is directing
the show.

I don't know about shameless and transparent, but I am representative... of
the polar opposite to most of the righties on this board. We can't even agree
to disagree.

9/19/2012, 08:33 AM
Have you noticed he's not the one who has taken the country down the shi*ter, spent tax money (and borrowed money, and newly printed money) on his campaign contributors, and bogus investments that go under , and nationalized industries(auto companies) and is in process of destroying the coal industry, as he promised he would, and is preventing a lot of production of oil and gas, etc., etc., etc.,

IOW, 1) Just HOW STUPID do you think we are, and 2)this election is ALL about getting rid of obama, and his gang of bandits. orange juice can-R/ Obeary.

Like I said, it should be a cake walk and he's blowing it.

9/19/2012, 08:38 AM
I think it was LLL that made a statement in another thread about letting Romney and Obama stand their ground and seeing where America stands.
I agree with this. No more ruses, no more carefully crafted speech by professional speech writers. Be who you are. Say you what you mean and let the citizenry decide what they want.
But regardless of who wins and loses, it doesn't mean the country has "lost its way" or the country is turning into a "fascist state." It just means the country is pretty well ideologically divided, and probably by a close margin. I think we know which states are going to go Red or Blue.

9/19/2012, 08:46 AM
As someone mentioned earlier, I am seeing shades of Kerry in the Romney campaign effort. Democrats thought that with W's declining popularity and unpopular moves such as the Iraq war, the response to the 9/11 attack, errors such as Abu Gharib (sp?) and Guantanamo Bay etc etc etc, that Kerry would be able to oust W. without too much issue.

But Democrats forgot that this was the president that won by hanging chads in 2000.

Now Republicans seem to be of a similar mindset. Obama presided over high unemployment, disasters, declining union power, declining middle class wealth, you name it. Surely any candidate they put up would be able to oust unpopular Obama.

Republicans may forget that this was the president that was the first minority to win the Oval Office.

Just like W. found a way to win regardless of circumstances, so did Obama. Oh, Al Gore has already won Florida! (no) Al Gore surely will take his home state! (no) Al Gore is a sitting vice president with Air Force Two at his disposal and inherits a great Clinton economy! Voters will overlook that whole impeachment/Monica crap (no) and they don't view Al Gore as a boring talking tree stump (no).

Let's see if I can do a similar one for Obama... Barack Obama is too young and experienced compared to war veteran McCain for voters to take seriously! (no) McCain is too trusted by voters to be grouped with unpopular Republicans on the national political scene! (no) Choosing Palin to be a running mate is not a mistake, especially when you consider that Obama chose Biden (well... no) Obama may have raised lots of money, but that will make no difference in this election! (no) Hope and change are just silly catchphrase words that will not connect with voters (no)

I am starting to think President Obama will be re-elected. Perhaps it's time for Republicans and Super PACs to focus on control of Congress, instead

9/19/2012, 09:51 AM
Badger, who will take Wisconsin?

9/19/2012, 10:03 AM
Badger, who will take Wisconsin?

I was just up there for a wedding, but admittedly, I was mostly babysitting Baby Badger, not looking out for Romney/Ryan or Obama/Biden signs :)

I think that if the election were today, Romney/Ryan would take it, because communities have seen positive effects of the Scott Walker dealio to end collective bargaining with many public employees. For example, local governments can now shop around for insurance coverage, rather than just have the unions (kickback kickback kickback) get their own insurance coverage, which was entirely funded by the local governments, regardless of what it provided or who the provider was or how much it cost. The crazies of Madison and Milwaukee will lock-step for whoever the Democrats (read: unions) tell them to vote for, but the rest of the rural state goes however they want.

But I am a realistic badger here - Romney/Ryan are a few gaffes away from losing swing states that they would otherwise carry, Wisconsin included.

Both campaigns should stick with common ground areas and don't try to tread water in the extremist areas, because that'll pull you under... and for the love of gee golly gosh, remember that this is the age of technology and that everything you say and do everywhere is on someone's cell phone ready to be posted to Youtube.

Gun to my head? Obama takes Wisconsin this November, just like Gore took Wisconsin in 2000 (but it was close!)

rock on sooner
9/19/2012, 10:44 AM
Current polling shows Obama +10 over R/R in WI..

9/19/2012, 11:22 AM
And in 04 Yall had ? Ya Know the Guy who liked to deer hunt.
"He was in Wisconsin the other day, pretending to be a regular guy, and was asked what kind of hunting he preferred. 'I'd have to say deer,' said the senator. 'I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach. ... That's hunting.'

Now we know there is a strong correlation between hunting ability and success in governance

9/19/2012, 11:29 AM
Current polling shows Obama +10 over R/R in WI..

Don't believe political polls in Wisconsin. They notoriously told pollsters that they were voting en masse for Jesse Jackson for president in the Dem primary... and then didn't :)

Swing states really have trouble making up their damn mind. It's like comparing the Bart-killing-policy to the Selma-killing-policy to them. They're not hardcore Democrats like California, nor are they hardcore Republicans like Oklahoma. They are hardcore moderates, which means their minds are always changing... and driving candidates crazy.

9/19/2012, 11:46 AM
Now we know there is a strong correlation between hunting ability and success in governance

Boy Just when I think you cant get any dumber:bri:

hawaii 5-0
9/19/2012, 11:46 AM
Matters? Jealous?

How is it that a guy that has money can't also be a regular guy? I'm betting your and my definition of "regular" differs too much.

Well, for starters I don't know even one regular guy with an elevator for his cars.

I don't know one regular guy who would go on vacation and make his dog ride on top of the car.

I could go on and on.

I like his hair tho.


hawaii 5-0
9/19/2012, 11:51 AM
Don't believe political polls in Wisconsin. They notoriously told pollsters that they were voting en masse for Jesse Jackson for president in the Dem primary... and then didn't :)

Swing states really have trouble making up their damn mind. It's like comparing the Bart-killing-policy to the Selma-killing-policy to them. They're not hardcore Democrats like California, nor are they hardcore Republicans like Oklahoma. They are hardcore moderates, which means their minds are always changing... and driving candidates crazy.

It'll be close one way or the other.

If Romney doesn't get Ohio, not much else matters.


9/19/2012, 12:08 PM
Now we know there is a strong correlation between hunting ability and success in governance

But yet Teddy Roosevelt, as featured on ESPN last night, can never win the Washington Nationals seventh inning stretch mascot race. :(

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/19/2012, 12:34 PM
Know what, I am wrong, Romney isn't trying to buy it, Adelson ($42M so far),
Perry, Anderson, Koch brothers are the ones trying to buy it. Rove is directing
the show.

I don't know about shameless and transparent, but I am representative... of
the polar opposite to most of the righties on this board. We can't even agree
to disagree.Know what? buh-bye

9/19/2012, 12:39 PM
Know what, I am wrong, Romney isn't trying to buy it, Adelson ($42M so far),
Perry, Anderson, Koch brothers are the ones trying to buy it. Rove is directing
the show.

I don't know about shameless and transparent, but I am representative... of
the polar opposite to most of the righties on this board. We can't even agree
to disagree.

I'll agree to disagree with most of your positions Rock On.

hawaii 5-0
9/19/2012, 12:42 PM
A lot of times I agree with the Righties. I just don't always post about it.

Same with the Libs.

This place would be boring if eveyone agreed all the time.


rock on sooner
9/19/2012, 12:52 PM
A lot of times I agree with the Righties. I just don't always post about it.

Same with the Libs.

This place would be boring if eveyone agreed all the time.


Same can be said about snarky remarks, right RLIMC?
Thanks Okie, I have learned a good deal about oil and NG
from you...

9/19/2012, 01:47 PM
Same can be said about snarky remarks, right RLIMC?
Thanks Okie, I have learned a good deal about oil and NG
from you...

I actually should have said some of your positions rock on. There are probably a number of positions we agree on.

hawaii 5-0
9/19/2012, 01:50 PM
That's the spirit !!

Moderation Rules !!!

...and Moderators Rock !!!!


9/19/2012, 01:53 PM
Funny how now that a Repub is out-fundraising a Dem, the Repub is accused of "buying tha thing." Did you have a problem with the Dems "buying tha thing" in 2008? Or are you just pissed that conservatives and Repubs are using their money less for philanthropy and more for their political interests?

Same Democratic Party and Obama that want to supress early, or absentee voting for the military!

Seeing all the libs swarm like a bunch of sharks, makes me feel more confident for an end to this madness after "a one term proposition".

9/19/2012, 01:54 PM
Once again, the media makes the story rather than reporting it.

So someone taped a speech that wasn't supposed to be taped. Romney made some comments in that speech that ruffled some feathers. I'd bet everything I've got that Obama has had a thing or two to say that would ruffle feathers, but it didn't get recorded. This is all an attempt by the left wing media to sway voters.

Then the whole blow up about Romney's comment during the attack and riots in the ME. The United States had an ambassador and 3 other citizens murdered, and the overwhelming story was about Romney's comment. Really?

I'm not overly impressed with Romney, but I'm less impressed with Obama. I don't care what they wear, or say to a group they're trying to raise money from, I care where they stand on the future of this country and how we're going to get there. The rest is just media rhetoric, that grew tiresome years ago.

9/19/2012, 01:54 PM
Here's an idea: Republicans take Congress, Obama keeps the White House, just like Clinton's second term.

We will grow to Dot Com Bubble highs like the mid to late 90s, Obama can tout that as his legacy like Clinton loves to these days while Republicans pretty much control stuff while seeking to impeach their little rival Obama.

It's a compromise. Give you Oval Office, give us Congress. For the greater good. For a repeat of the 90s!

9/19/2012, 02:26 PM
Same Democratic Party and Obama that want to supress early, or absentee voting for the military!

Seeing all the libs swarm like a bunch of sharks, makes me feel more confident for an end to this madness after "a one term proposition".

That spin is bs and you know it.

9/19/2012, 04:13 PM
So someone taped a speech that wasn't supposed to be taped. Romney made some comments in that speech that ruffled some feathers. I'd bet everything I've got that Obama has had a thing or two to say that would ruffle feathers, but it didn't get recorded. This is all an attempt by the left wing media to sway voters.

The next time Romney falls over in a forest, his people need to make sure no one is around to hear the thud.

Mississippi Sooner
9/19/2012, 04:17 PM
Same can be said about snarky remarks, right RLIMC?
Thanks Okie, I have learned a good deal about oil and NG
from you...

It's funny. When Okie and Skysooner get to talking about petroleum stuff, my eyes cross a little bit. But then, I find that I can't look away. Maybe it's just my roots, but that stuff fascinates me.

9/21/2012, 12:19 AM
You just can't make this $hit up ....


9/21/2012, 07:18 AM
Juan...you got the family all registered for the upcoming election? I've got some spare SS#s if you need them.

9/21/2012, 08:32 AM
Juan...you got the family all registered for the upcoming election? I've got some spare SS#s if you need them.
I swear on Leroy Selmon's grave, the truth is, my wife Maria is a registered pub. She came to the U.S. when Carter was President and became attracted to Reagan's optimism over the Carter malaise. But lately she been disillusioned with the pubs and is thinking about switching parties.

I have two sisters-in-law who became citizens this year. I think one will being interested in voting, not sure about the other.

9/21/2012, 09:03 AM
I swear on Leroy Selmon's grave, the truth is, my wife Maria is a registered pub. She came to the U.S. when Carter was President and became attracted to Reagan's optimism over the Carter malaise. But lately she been disillusioned with the pubs and is thinking about switching parties.

I have two sisters-in-law who became citizens this year. I think one will being interested in voting, not sure about the other.

Would her disillusionment be over immigration?

rock on sooner
9/21/2012, 09:30 AM
The next time Romney falls over in a forest, his people need to make sure no one is around to hear the thud.

LOL...only problem with that is that Romney would be alone
all the time...

9/21/2012, 11:45 AM
It's funny. When Okie and Skysooner get to talking about petroleum stuff, my eyes cross a little bit. But then, I find that I can't look away. Maybe it's just my roots, but that stuff fascinates me.

It can be boring to a layman, but I can say that since 2001 the industry has had a technical revolution that unlocks all sorts of potential around the world. I think that is what you are picking up on. It is exciting to be a part of it, and I was with a company that was in it almost since the beginning. George Mitchell was the one that discovered it and then Devon Energy bought them. That's where I was exposed to it.

Mississippi Sooner
9/21/2012, 12:11 PM
It can be boring to a layman, but I can say that since 2001 the industry has had a technical revolution that unlocks all sorts of potential around the world. I think that is what you are picking up on. It is exciting to be a part of it, and I was with a company that was in it almost since the beginning. George Mitchell was the one that discovered it and then Devon Energy bought them. That's where I was exposed to it.

I sorta grew up in the industry on the most blue collar level. My dad was a driller on a little single rig that my godfather owned. Back in the late 70s - early 80s, when it seemed like everyone with two nickles to rub together wanted to drill a well, my dad couldn't keep help. These guys when come out, he'd hire them and they would work a week or two until they got their first paycheck, and then they'd disappear into the night. So, when I was 15, he started letting me work with him when he was down a man. No, it wasn't legal, but I was paid under the table and nothing was ever made of it. It was some of the hardest work I've ever done, and I wouldn't trade those days for anything. Plus, I was making the princely sum of $7.00/hr while my friends were making minimum wage flipping burgers. Then, 1982 happened and it all went swirling down the commode.

9/21/2012, 12:14 PM
I sorta grew up in the industry on the most blue collar level. My dad was a driller on a little single rig that my godfather owned. Back in the late 70s - early 80s, when it seemed like everyone with two nickles to rub together wanted to drill a well, my dad couldn't keep help. These guys when come out, he'd hire them and they would work a week or two until they got their first paycheck, and then they'd disappear into the night. So, when I was 15, he started letting me work with him when he was down a man. No, it wasn't legal, but I was paid under the table and nothing was ever made of it. It was some of the hardest work I've ever done, and I wouldn't trade those days for anything. Plus, I was making the princely sum of $7.00/hr while my friends were making minimum wage flipping burgers. Then, 1982 happened and it all went swirling down the commode.

I was from an oil family too although a different route. My dad was a petroleum engineer and while life was tough for a number of years he managed through it. He left right after the 1982 crash and formed his own one man company. I worked for him and learned about mapping and prospecting. From there it was a tough go for 10 years out of college but then 2001 happened and the world changed.

9/21/2012, 12:33 PM
I was from an oil family too although a different route. My dad was a petroleum engineer and while life was tough for a number of years he managed through it. He left right after the 1982 crash and formed his own one man company. I worked for him and learned about mapping and prospecting. From there it was a tough go for 10 years out of college but then 2001 happened and the world changed.

I remember the bumper stickers people had on their cars and trucks....

"Please Lord....let there be another Oil Boom, I promise I won't **** it all away this time."

Mississippi Sooner
9/21/2012, 12:45 PM
I remember the bumper stickers people had on their cars and trucks....

"Please Lord....let there be another Oil Boom, I promise I won't **** it all away this time."

Heh. The most popular bumper sticker I remember, from when the boom was still going, was "Please don't tell my folks I work in the oil patch. They still think I'm a piano player in a whorehouse."

Ah yeah. Oil field humor.

9/21/2012, 02:16 PM

And all those other folks who sat on stage time and again with Romney arguing about who would be the best Candidate for the GOP Nominee while she was driving around in a bus with her face plastered on the side of it while people continued to ask her if she was going to run for the GOP Nominee. So many corn dog eaters wanting to fire someone because they think he's incompetent.

Today the Dow is 13,612.61.....

9/21/2012, 02:18 PM
Heh. The most popular bumper sticker I remember, from when the boom was still going, was "Please don't tell my folks I work in the oil patch. They still think I'm a piano player in a whorehouse."

Ah yeah. Oil field humor.


9/21/2012, 02:22 PM
I remember the bumper stickers people had on their cars and trucks....

"Please Lord....let there be another Oil Boom, I promise I won't **** it all away this time."

Tulsa had a lot of community pools and other city perks from oil money. Alas, many pools have fallen into disrepair and are either getting closed completely or turning into splash pads.

Oh, what our state could do with another oil boom...

Mississippi Sooner
9/21/2012, 02:32 PM
Tulsa had a lot of community pools and other city perks from oil money. Alas, many pools have fallen into disrepair and are either getting closed completely or turning into splash pads.

Oh, what our state could do with another oil boom...

Back during the boom, they were really living it up out in the western part of the state. Towns like Elk City, Clinton and Weatherford (the Anadarko Basin, in other words) were growing so fast that contractors couldn't keep up with demand.

And then in 1982, when it all went bust, all activity ceased. I used to think one of the most depressing things in the world was to drive through there back in the mid-80s and see all those half-completed subdivisions, and acres and acres of drilling equipment that had been foreclosed upon. Sometimes I wondered (I was much younger then) if Oklahoma could possibly survive that.

9/21/2012, 03:07 PM
Would her disillusionment be over immigration?

She's tired of them treating her like a Democrat!

9/21/2012, 03:15 PM
She's tired of them treating her like a Democrat!

Well they should be ashamed.

9/21/2012, 03:58 PM
Tulsa had a lot of community pools and other city perks from oil money. Alas, many pools have fallen into disrepair and are either getting closed completely or turning into splash pads.

Oh, what our state could do with another oil boom...

The state has another oil boom. Seriously. The Mississippian play, the Atokan in western Oklahoma and the Hunton are all going to be huge targets.