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View Full Version : when is enough enough?

9/16/2012, 12:37 PM
When will our current president grow a pair of balls and say that there is no way the muslim world can really be dealt with?

When will he say enough is enough and throw down the gaunlet?

I'm not talking war here. I'm talking about no sending any more aid or weapons to the countries that allow for the muslim fundamenalists to be against our values and to start violent protests?

I'm talking about when will our current president say enough is enough and fully back israel? To say to hell with the arab world and those that want to kill us?

I know no matter what our government says or does, the radical ragheads will always want to kill us. It isn't because of a cartoon or video. Its because they are so blinded by a myth that its unreal.

Its because no matter what, throughout history that are has always been a violent area to live in. Those people are so easily brainwashed it isn't funny.they say they stand for the justice of islam. Bull****. They are no different than the radical christians. They teach radical views and misguidence of their own religion. Islam is not a religion of hate or war. Its actually a religion of peace, but obedience.

Obama needs to tell them to **** off and stop sending them money and weapons and food. Yeah they may cut us off from oil, but we have enough here for our own dependency.

And if they do that, then we can make a barter system with them. Oil for food!!! The USA is afterall the breadbasket of the world!!!

9/16/2012, 01:52 PM
bushel of wheat for a barrel of oil...........
oh wait.
ton of corn for a barrel of oil..........
oh wait..........
barrel and a half of corn oil for a gallon of gas...........
wait, wait, wait...............
quart of corn syrup for a glass of milk...........

no, wait again.................
glass of beer for a crust of bread...................

crap ! how do you barter nowdays ????

9/16/2012, 02:01 PM
I get a Big club when I want to Bat... er wait you said Barter never mind

9/16/2012, 02:04 PM
Stop worrying. Someone will tell you when you've had enough.

Get back in line.

9/16/2012, 11:05 PM
Gallon of alcohol for the starving child...
