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View Full Version : Question for those on the right..

rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 03:25 PM
What do you think of Romney "evolving" on the health care issue? And,
his response to the military snub question by Fox News...his only regret
about not mentioning our military and Afghanistan was that "the media
keeps repeating that fact day in and day out"...(paraphrasing)...

9/10/2012, 03:32 PM
I wouldn't say I was on the right on everything but I do think this election is about who can get the voters to ignore the real problems and concentrate on the negatives of their opponent. So I would say both those issues are just distractions.

9/10/2012, 03:43 PM
Aint kept up with either side. Dont much care what the News folk say.

rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 04:10 PM
I wouldn't say I was on the right on everything but I do think this election is about who can get the voters to ignore the real problems and concentrate on the negatives of their opponent. So I would say both those issues are just distractions.

If someone had asked that question about Obama this board would
just light up, prolly even crash..:biggrin:

9/10/2012, 04:17 PM
Our heroes in harm's way don't give a sh*t about what someone blathers on about at a political convention. The do, however care if there's enough $ for kevlar, etc. Conservatives don't have to remind our men and women in uniform that we sincerely support them...they already know. They also know that no matter what they say, liberals are spineless pussies and military votes are cast accordingly.

As far as health care, it will never be solved in any way, with this particular 300MM people.

rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 08:57 PM
Okay, congratulations. You all certainly, loudly, fervantly support and
defend your resident Flip Flopper. I even tried "evolving" and you can't
step up. You can, however, say that "we don't have to say we support
our troups, they KNOW we do. You have said to me over these weeks
that I'm elitest, arrogant, so freakin' smart, liberal. It is really clear to
anyone who can read that it is so ONE WAY on here and you all feed off
each other. Fortunately, we agree on one thing, that the Sooners are IT.
But, sadly, I find very little in the way intelligent back and forth, especially
when your guy is SUCH a weak, wishy washy, mushy mouthed jerkwad,
who never met an issue that he couldn't love from both sides, and he picked
a running mate that is a two faced, bald faced LIAR on so many counts that
my calculator broke trying to total them up!

I don't think I left anything out but I'm certain if I did someone will point it
out and really get a lot of bluster in the process.

You guys JUST can't handle the truth, as A Few Good MEN can. :smile:

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:00 PM
There's gonna be a lot of 'truth' when Romney finally releases his tax returns.

There's something big hiding in there.


rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 09:04 PM
There's gonna be a lot of 'truth' when Romney finally releases his tax returns.

There's something big hiding in there.


At this point, I don't think he can! Ann already said they wouldn't,'sides
that, the very low tax rates and/or continued (prolly legit) residual payments
from Bain that they'd struggle to explain, would take up so much time and
"distract" from the other issues....

9/10/2012, 09:09 PM
I do not like his caving on Obummercare. Sounds like focus group **** aimed at moderates who "want to get along" BS. OBummercare is wrong needs to be repealed. I am sick and tired of RINOs. I however will not vote for the Socialist in Chief, nor will I split the vote for some fringe person who has no chance.

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:10 PM
At this point, I don't think he can! Ann already said they wouldn't,'sides
that, the very low tax rates and/or continued (prolly legit) residual payments
from Bain that they'd struggle to explain, would take up so much time and
"distract" from the other issues....

He'll have some 'splainin' to do at the debates.


9/10/2012, 09:13 PM
There's gonna be a lot of 'truth' when Romney finally releases his tax returns.

There's something big hiding in there.


Just like OBUmmer is hiding something in his school papers and transcripts and his hiding from his COmmie party endorsement. I would be more afraid of what could come out about The Socialist, however the LSM will likely hide it as they did there names when buying up all The Socialist campaign memorabilia. I so am praying for a "Face in the Crowd" moment before the election...

9/10/2012, 09:14 PM
No, Bro I said I dont keep up with either side
Now it appears to me you are just trying to stir shat up.
5-0 keeps bringin up the Troop deal and the Tax thing
He knows hes just trying to stir the shat pot

Ive said all along Ima vote for Romney because I believe Hes a Better man for the Job. Im not going to get all excited about Yalls talking points cause I dont GAF about em

I will however watch the Debates and make a Final decision then . Just sayin I aint got it written in stone who ima voting for .

9/10/2012, 09:16 PM
He'll have some 'splainin' to do at the debates.


You sir are a ****ing IDIOT
You keep hounding about Romneys Taxes you sound farther out there than The so called " Birthers"

rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 09:23 PM
No, Bro I said I dont keep up with either side
Now it appears to me you are just trying to stir shat up.
5-0 keeps bringin up the Troop deal and the Tax thing
He knows hes just trying to stir the shat pot

Ive said all along Ima vote for Romney because I believe Hes a Better man for the Job. Im not going to get all excited about Yalls talking points cause I dont GAF about em

I will however watch the Debates and make a Final decision then . Just sayin I aint got it written in stone who ima voting for .

Yeah, Vet, I admit to tryin to rattle a cage or two, 'specially since earlier your
question bout why we liked Obama brought little action until you "released the
hounds". Jus think that turnabout is fair play...dint bring much play, tho...I'll
be glued to the debates! It's bout my bedtime, been up since 4'ish, need my
beauty rest..Lord knows..:biggrin:

9/10/2012, 09:29 PM
Release the hounds....LOL.

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:31 PM
You sir are a ****ing IDIOT
You keep hounding about Romneys Taxes you sound farther out there than The so called " Birthers"

We've all seen the birth certificate.

We haven't seen Romney's tax returns.

What's idiotic about that?

'so called' Birthers ???? What would you call those that still don't believe Obama is American? Trumpers?

Why would you say you're gonna vote for Romney and then say you'll watch the debates and then decide? You seem a little confused.


9/10/2012, 09:32 PM
Yeah, Vet, I admit to tryin to rattle a cage or two, 'specially since earlier your
question bout why we liked Obama brought little action until you "released the
hounds". Jus think that turnabout is fair play...dint bring much play, tho...I'll
be glued to the debates! It's bout my bedtime, been up since 4'ish, need my
beauty rest..Lord knows..:biggrin:

I woke up around 4 myself
Difference in our threads?
I sincerly wanted to Know what it was about Obama that Yall liked Not whats hes done but what it is about HIM

You sir sincerly started tryin to make the shat pot stink from the 1st stirrin :very_drunk:

rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 09:36 PM
I woke up around 4 myself
Difference in our threads?
I sincerly wanted to Know what it was about Obama that Yall liked Not whats hes done but what it is about HIM

You sir sincerly started tryin to make the shat pot stink from the 1st stirrin :very_drunk:

Well, not from the first one, but the second, yep, couldn't figger why
no one wanted to own up ta the first one. You gotta admit that
it was a fair question...

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:36 PM
"Release the Fools" is more like it.

Actually I'm not surprised. The Repubs put up Sarah Palin without vetting her.

Seems they're doing the same without vetting Romney. Didn't anyone watch the primary debates? Romney was as elusive to the other Republican candidates, especially Santorum, concerning his financial info.


9/10/2012, 09:36 PM
We've all seen the birth certificate.

We haven't seen Romney's tax returns.

What's idiotic about that?

'so called' Birthers ???? What would you call those that still don't believe Obama is American? Trumpers?

Why would you say you're gonna vote for Romney and then say you'll watch the debates and then decide? You seen a little confused.


The same reason that Romney has NO need to release his Taxes is the same reason that Obama had no need to show his BC
By you continually callin for the Tax returns Puts YOU in that same class of ****ing Idiot . Understand ? Idiot.

Now If you will read what I wrote I said Im planning on voting for Romney and Prolly will But I will listen and watch the Debates with an Open mind.
Guessing thats something you dont have nor can comprehend .

9/10/2012, 09:38 PM
Well, not from the first one, but the second, yep, couldn't figger why
no one wanted to own up ta the first one. You gotta admit that
it was a fair question...

Oh come on bro, You must be tired because that makes No sense
Go to bed
we talk tomorrow

9/10/2012, 09:39 PM
"Release the Fools" is more like it.

Actually I'm not surprised. The Repubs put up Sarah Palin without vetting her.

Seems they're doing the same without vetting Romney. Didn't anyone watch the primary debates? Romney was as elusive to the other Republican candidates, especially Santorum, concerning his financial info.



hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:40 PM
Right now I'd settle for last year's tax return. Something he's promised to release, yet hasn't.

You're not just a little curious?


9/10/2012, 09:40 PM
What do you think of Romney "evolving" on the health care issue? And,
his response to the military snub question by Fox News...his only regret
about not mentioning our military and Afghanistan was that "the media
keeps repeating that fact day in and day out"...(paraphrasing)...

Ahhhh....let's see......
Mass is a state. The U.S. is a country.
States have states rights to ruin their territory....take California, for instance.

Let's see....how about this?
Obama says that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Obama now says......we could go on for weeks.


rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 09:43 PM
Oh come on bro, You must be tired because that makes No sense
Go to bed
we talk tomorrow

Sure it does...Romney didn't say anything bout our troups or Raghead Land
and did "evolve" on health care, with a straight face even! But, yer right,
too late for any more brew.....

9/10/2012, 09:43 PM
Right now I'd settle for last year's tax return. Something he's promised to release, yet hasn't.

You're not just a little curious?


Sure I am
Id like to see a Vid of You and yer wife last night
Dont mean its any of My business But Im dayum curious about seein how yall get yer freak on

Dayum Boy Dont you think for a ****ing minute if there was ANYTHING wrong with His Taxes The IRS and Obama would be all over it?

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:45 PM
I think the count was:

Romney mentioning himself - 70

Romney mentioning the Troops - 0


9/10/2012, 09:49 PM
My question for anyone on either side is this:

Why does it seem hard for our government to get absentee ballets out to our military?

I wonder if it because the left is making it more difficult or the right?

To me it seems, and this is strictly my opinion, that the current government is scared of what those results will be. In other words that our military service personnel will vote Obama and any other Democrat out of office.

That said, I know there are a few democrats in the military. I'm related to a few of them. But they are also upset about the left wanting to cut deep into the defense budget. They are worried there won't be enough funds to supply our men and women with the best equipment. And this comes from talking to my uncle that has been in the Navy for 30+ years and who is an E9. It also comes from my brother who is a member of the 101 st airborne ranger unit for 12 years now who has seen his fair share or IDEs and combat from behind enemy lines.

It also is a concern from a cousin of mine in the air force. And a few friends of mine in the Navy.

All of these people I know cannot stand politics. They don't give a damn which side of the aisle a politician belongs too. They just want reassureance that when they are in battle or in harms way, that they have the best equipment money can buy to aid and protect them.

That all said, they are very concerned with the democrats and any and all politicians that want to drastically cut defense funding.

Do I think defense needs to take a cut? Yes, but only as the last resort and as minimal as possible.

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 09:49 PM
Sure I am
Id like to see a Vid of You and yer wife last night
Dont mean its any of My business But Im dayum curious about seein how yall get yer freak on

Dayum Boy Dont you think for a ****ing minute if there was ANYTHING wrong with His Taxes The IRS and Obama would be all over it?

Getting pretty personal with your remarks/attacks. I guess it's OK. I've got thick skin.

Romney filed for an extension and it hasn't been submitted to the IRS yet, if memory serves. I think Obama could get into trouble if he directed the IRS to snoop Romney's old returns and publish them. That's a big no-no.


rock on sooner
9/10/2012, 09:52 PM
Sure I am
Id like to see a Vid of You and yer wife last night
Dont mean its any of My business But Im dayum curious about seein how yall get yer freak on

Dayum Boy Dont you think for a ****ing minute if there was ANYTHING wrong with His Taxes The IRS and Obama would be all over it?

Only issue there, Vet, is the privacy issue that we all enjoy. That's why
I'm pretty sure that his are legal but there are just so many questions
about low tax rates and residual Bain stuff that he couldn't wiggle out
of it. The whole thing is that if he is "hiding" something and is not
honest how can he be trusted to run the country. That is EXACTLY the
argument that the Right is using against Obama. Shoot, Ima starting
ta get awake again...

9/10/2012, 09:54 PM
I think the count was:

Romney mentioning himself - 70

Romney mentioning the Troops - 0


Keep bangin yer 2 points Saltface
Romney s taxes and Oh My God He dint mention the Troops :miserable:

9/10/2012, 09:57 PM
"Release the Fools" is more like it.

Actually I'm not surprised. The Repubs put up Sarah Palin without vetting her.

Seems they're doing the same without vetting Romney. Didn't anyone watch the primary debates? Romney was as elusive to the other Republican candidates, especially Santorum, concerning his financial info.


Personally, I don't give a rats *** where either canidate was born at the moment.

I want a president that can tell his party no if he doesn't believe in what they want. I want a president that is willing to work both sides and not for political gain, but because its the right thing to do.

And frankly I do know Obama isn't that guy. Is Romney? IDK, but, like I said, I do know after 3…5 years of Obama, he isn't!

Also, who cares about financial records? All I care about on that subject is if he commited a crime or not. And he didn't. Hell our Treasurer evaded taxes and the democrat led senate (which was filibuster proof at the time) voted for his nomination. So you liberals need to jump right off that bandwagon, since its making you all look hypocritical!!!

9/10/2012, 09:58 PM
Getting pretty personal with your remarks/attacks. I guess it's OK. I've got thick skin.

Romney filed for an extension and it hasn't been submitted to the IRS yet, if memory serves. I think Obama could get into trouble if he directed the IRS to snoop Romney's old returns and publish them. That's a big no-no.


Persackery Its gettin Personal, Pay tention
So is his Taxes
Thats My Point You have NO RIGHT to see his taxes, I have No right to see a Vid of you and your wife. Understand?
Now Maybe Obama cant dig into Romneys Taxes . But the IRS can and will
So STFU about em

9/10/2012, 10:02 PM
Only issue there, Vet, is the privacy issue that we all enjoy. That's why
I'm pretty sure that his are legal but there are just so many questions
about low tax rates and residual Bain stuff that he couldn't wiggle out
of it. The whole thing is that if he is "hiding" something and is not
honest how can he be trusted to run the country. That is EXACTLY the
argument that the Right is using against Obama. Shoot, Ima starting
ta get awake again...

Ask these same questions about Obama . Dayum Guys you2 are actin like Romney is the only one with a stink in the closet

Did Obama Ever use a Passport with another name ?
Did Obama ever Lie to the Illinois Bar?

Come On this is why Politics suck
Every one wants to drag the other guys thru the shat and Mud . But Leave OUR guy alone
They all somewhat dirty and Yall know it .

9/10/2012, 10:05 PM
Still waiting for Obammers grades transcripts.
If I were to have "wasted" myself the last two years of highschool...into college.....I'd be a garbage guy in Chicago....
OH! Wait! I'd be making more, and have seniority! (smaller cans to carry)

9/10/2012, 10:05 PM
Only issue there, Vet, is the privacy issue that we all enjoy. That's why
I'm pretty sure that his are legal but there are just so many questions
about low tax rates and residual Bain stuff that he couldn't wiggle out
of it. The whole thing is that if he is "hiding" something and is not
honest how can he be trusted to run the country. That is EXACTLY the
argument that the Right is using against Obama. Shoot, Ima starting
ta get awake again...

****, a rational person would be a lot more worried about the " known" facts about Obama than anything Romney could be hiding on his tax returns.

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:06 PM
Keep bangin yer 2 points Saltface
Romney s taxes and Oh My God He dint mention the Troops :miserable:

How 'bout his signing a permanent ban on assault weapons?

How 'bout him starting Socialized Medicine in the US? Hell, he's flipped his stance on Healthcare 4 times in the past 24 hours.

How 'bout his stance on Roe v. Wade?

How 'bout his lack of desire to serve in Vietman?

How 'bout his desire to return to Reagan/Bush?

How 'bout his desire to not go after bin Laden?

These are just for starters, mind you. There's a rather long list of flips made by Romney.

I curious why the Repubs aren't the least bit concerned? Ya think he won't continue to flip?


9/10/2012, 10:11 PM
Keep bangin yer 2 points Saltface
Romney s taxes and Oh My God He dint mention the Troops :miserable:

Lol...I guess they got past Obama not wearing the American flag or not covering his heart during the national anthem...as significant as those crimes are.

9/10/2012, 10:12 PM

9/10/2012, 10:12 PM
How 'bout his signing a permanent ban on assault weapons?

How 'bout him starting Socialized Medicine in the US? Hell, he's flipped his stance on Healthcare 4 times in the past 24 hours.

How 'bout his stance on Roe v. Wade?

How 'bout his lack of desire to serve in Vietman?

How 'bout his desire to return to Reagan/Bush?

How 'bout his desire to not go after bin Laden?

These are just for starters, mind you. There's a rather long list of flips made by Romney.

I curious why the Repubs aren't the least bit concerned? Ya think he won't continue to flip?


Again you are one Dumb bastard
I too Had a "LACK of Desire to go to nam
I have stated I will keep an Open mind about MY vote , Does that make ME a flip Flopper?

Aint you got some sea shells you need to listen to?

9/10/2012, 10:13 PM

I were tryin to be Nice, Guess I coulda said " Spam Breath"

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:13 PM
I want a president that can tell his party no if he doesn't believe in what they want. I want a president that is willing to work both sides and not for political gain, but because its the right thing to do.

As a Moderate I'm right with you on this one. I'm all for compromise to move toward a common good.


9/10/2012, 10:15 PM
As a Moderate I'm right with you on this one. I'm all for compromise to move toward a common good.


If yer a "Moderate" Ill suck yer dick in the Middle of Times square

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:17 PM
Romney early quote: “It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”

Romney recent quote: “I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”

Flip-Flop (two-faced lying baslard)


9/10/2012, 10:18 PM
If yer a "Moderate" Ill suck yer dick in the Middle of Times square5-0 wouldn't know a moderate if she tripped over it...

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:19 PM
If yer a "Moderate" Ill suck yer dick in the Middle of Times square

Well better pucker up, big fella ! Here's comes the A Train !!!

I won't hold you to that but you've lost that one.


9/10/2012, 10:23 PM
Romney early quote: “It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”

Romney recent quote: “I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”

Flip-Flop (two-faced lying baslard)


Obama Early quote " Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman"

Obama Recent quote" I support Same Sex Marriage

Flip Flop ( two faced lying bastard )

9/10/2012, 10:23 PM
Well better pucker up, big fella ! Here's comes the A Train !!!

I won't hold you to that but you've lost that one.


Not by readin the Proof of yer Posts Sister

9/10/2012, 10:26 PM
Romney early quote: “It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”

Romney recent quote: “I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”

Flip-Flop (two-faced lying baslard)


So what. Maybe didn't have a desire to be there. I know quite a few vietnam vets that didn't desire to go. I also know a guy that elected to go to college so he didn't have too...but later stated he wish he would have as hindsight is 20/20.

Ask any veteran of any war and ask them if they really desired to go into war!!! I would say that a vast majority of them would tell you no they didn't desire it, but did so because they love this country!!!

Hell I didn't desire to go to the military when I was younger. Now I wish I had!!! Does that make me a flip flopper? No. It simply means, hindisght is 20/20.

And for such a "moderate" you have a lot of liberal tendancies. Saw your liberal rhetoric last presidential cycle...and it was all liberal agenda...same as now.

So please stop talking or posting that you're a moderate...because you're far from it!!!

9/10/2012, 10:27 PM
How 'bout his signing a permanent ban on assault weapons?

How 'bout him starting Socialized Medicine in the US? Hell, he's flipped his stance on Healthcare 4 times in the past 24 hours.

How 'bout his stance on Roe v. Wade?

How 'bout his lack of desire to serve in Vietman?

How 'bout his desire to return to Reagan/Bush?

How 'bout his desire to not go after bin Laden?

These are just for starters, mind you. There's a rather long list of flips made by Romney.

I curious why the Repubs aren't the least bit concerned? Ya think he won't continue to flip?


So the worst we get on healthcare is someone like Obama?

Those issues bother you or should bother conservatives?

Don't care about r v wade...either way.

Don't care about assault weapons...do you?

Did he dodge nam as much as Clinton?

Didnt ever hear about not wanting to go after bin laden...would disagree with him.

Nah, Romney doesnt have me believing he's anything but a politician and has flipped on a number of issues...except that now nationally he has had to take a more conservative stance than he did as guv of mass.

Obama has flipped on a number of issues or broken a lot of promises. But obama's record
should illustrate his less than pragmatic approach to governing and many of his policies are harmful to the country.

I know Obama won't do what's best on some primary issues and I know Romney won't **** up those issues as bad as Obama. Pretty simple choice.

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:28 PM
Why do you think I keep after Romney about his signing a permanent ban on assault weapons?

You OK with that?

I'm not. There should not be a ban on assault weapons.

Now who's the Lib?


9/10/2012, 10:29 PM

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:29 PM
So the worst we get on healthcare is someone like Obama?

Those issues bother you or should bother conservatives?

Don't care about r v wade...either way.

Don't care about assault weapons...do you?

Did he dodge nam as much as Clinton?

Didnt ever hear about not wanting to go after bin laden...would disagree with him.

Nah, Romney doesnt have me believing he's anything but a politician and has flipped on a number of issues...except that now nationally he has had to take a more conservative stance than he did as guv of mass.

Obama has flipped on a number of issues or broken a lot of promises. But obama's record
should illustrate his less than pragmatic approach to governing and many of his policies are harmful to the country.

I know Obama won't do what's best on some primary issues and I know Romney won't **** up those issues as bad as Obama. Pretty simple choice.

You're on record as saying you don't care about the Troops. I've dismissed your onions.


9/10/2012, 10:33 PM
You're on record as saying you don't care about the Troops. I've dismissed your onions.

5-0Got the treble hooks out eh?...

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:38 PM
No Turd. If you re-read my posts on this thread I was actually trying to understand why Romney is getting a free ride.

Wasn't that the intent of this thread?


9/10/2012, 10:39 PM
Why do you think I keep after Romney about his signing a permanent ban on assault weapons?

You OK with that?

I'm not. There should not be a ban on assault weapons.

Now who's the Lib?


Who cares if there is a ban on assualt rifles?

I own four guns. An AR-15 (.223) rounds. I also a 12guage shotgun, a .40 glock, and a 30-06 rifle.

I don't care if they ban assualt rifles. Not everyone should own one.

But don't ban all guns or add more gun laws to an already over regulated right to own something, like guns!!!

Does this make me a flip flopper? Nope!!!

Let's put it this way. Just because the government bans a type of gun, doesn't mean people still won't buy or own then.

But what I find funny is the liberals want to ban assualt rifles, but want to sell them to people that can and will kill our own border patrol agents.

9/10/2012, 10:41 PM
You're on record as saying you don't care about the Troops. I've dismissed your onions.


Heh...On record eh? Dismissed? And you complain about Romney dodging....

9/10/2012, 10:46 PM
Why do you think I keep after Romney about his signing a permanent ban on assault weapons?

You OK with that?

I'm not. There should not be a ban on assault weapons.

Now who's the Lib?


I will admit that bothers me some
Yet it was in HIS state and it was Backed By the Gun owners of that state . so I dont know
Yer a Lib just cause you a Sissy

hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:46 PM
Who cares if there is a ban on assualt rifles?

Obviously Mitt Romney did/does. As governor of Mass. he signed a permanent ban on assault weapons.

Doesn't it concern you that he would do that? The ban has run out in other states but not Mass. It's permanent.

I guess if I was a Lib I should be happy. I'm not.


hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:47 PM
I will admit that bothers me some
Yet it was in HIS state and it was Backed By the Gun owners of that state . so I dont know
Yer a Lib just cause you a Sissy

True I'm in touch with my feminine side. Tomorrow I'll be wearing a coconut bra.


hawaii 5-0
9/10/2012, 10:52 PM

1) a sane person;

2) someone with a political belief that sits between the two extremes of liberal and conservative, usually combining aspects of both (example: liberal on social issues yet conservative on economic issues);

3) someone who seeks compromise on political issues and as such gets insulted by the two extremes who just don't get the idea that this form of government survives by compromise;


9/10/2012, 10:52 PM
True I'm in touch with my feminine side. Tomorrow I'll be wearing a coconut bra.


Well at least you admit it
Good jorb

9/10/2012, 10:54 PM

1) a sane person;

2) someone with a political belief that sits between the two extremes of liberal and conservative, usually combining aspects of both (example: liberal on social issues yet conservative on economic issues);

3) someone who seeks compromise on political issues and as such gets insulted by the two extremes who just don't get the idea that this form of government survives by compromise;


Ima call Bullshat on that there #1 dude
You aint Sane in any definition of the word

9/10/2012, 11:04 PM
Obviously Mitt Romney did/does. As governor of Mass. he signed a permanent ban on assault weapons.

Doesn't it concern you that he would do that? The ban has run out in other states but not Mass. It's permanent.

I guess if I was a Lib I should be happy. I'm not.


I'm not a very smart person. I don't have a doctorate nor am I a member of Mensa...but I can tell you this much. There is big time difference in running a state of about 5 million compared to running a nation of 300million.

Did the people of Mass want the permanent ban? Did they vote for it? Or did they support their state congress in passing it? If so, then that is on the state of Massechusettes (sp?) Population and a reflection of what they wanted. Not so much on Romney, doesn't matter if he introduced it or not.

Sometimes their is an obligation to the people that politicians need to be aware of. Sometimes those obligations are tough choices. Sometimes the people want things to happen. And sometimes those things are tough choices.

In otherwords, what he did for the people of Mass doesn't mean he will attempt to do for the people of the entire nation.

Surely even you and your liberal stance can see that!

9/10/2012, 11:07 PM
75 Yes it was backed By the popular vote and Most of the Sportsman
Again its just something Saltface/Spam breath. Uses to try to get every one riled up at Romney

9/10/2012, 11:13 PM
75 Yes it was backed By the popular vote and Most of the Sportsman
Again its just something Saltface/Spam breath. Uses to try to get every one riled up at Romney

Thanks vet for pointing that out. I wasn't sure if it was a vote of the state's people of congrss led.

But either way, the people had a say in it. And since it was a popular vote of the people, then the liberals trying to use that against romney really need to stop.

Hell anyone trying to use that against romney needs to just stop.

So 5-0 I ask you this...

What is your take on the people of Mass since they voted at the polls for that ban?

I mean you want to use that against Romney, but the people voted for it.

Take your stinkbait elsewhere, because this catfish isn't biting on it!

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2012, 12:47 AM
My take......

Romney is a Moderate Republican at best. He's never been a real Conservative. Remember Romneycare?

He was doing what the will of the people in Mass. wanted.

Romney won't stand up to what he believes in. He doesn't even know what he believes. He'll say and do whatever helps him politically at any given time.

I tried to simplify it for the simple minded.

Tell us.....why did Romney referring to socialized medicine, say, "If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.”

and then flip with......"What works in one state may not be the answer for another.”

Honestly this one tells the story: "I’m a strong believer in stating your position and not wavering.”

flipped with......"I changed my position.”

That right there is Romney actually speaking the truth.

The man doesn't know where he going but he wants the sheep to follow him. It's the blind leading the blind.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/11/2012, 01:02 AM
What do you think of Romney "evolving" on the health care issue? And,
his response to the military snub question by Fox News...his only regret
about not mentioning our military and Afghanistan was that "the media
keeps repeating that fact day in and day out"...(paraphrasing)...What a silly-as* thread. This election is about getting rid of the Obear. Romney will be VASTLY superior over obama, even if he stumbles and goes RINO some.

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2012, 01:08 AM
When Romney ran for Senate and for Governor he supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill's 5 day waiting period for gun purchases. He proudly said those positions wouldn't make him "the hero of the NRA." As governor, he made Massachusetts the first state to permanently ban assault weapons. He has even flip-flopped about whether he owns any guns. In New Hampshire,he was asked his view on the Second Amendment. He responded that he had been a hunter "pretty much all my life." Later, red-faced aides of Romney had to admit that Romney had never had a hunting license, and under further questioning, Romney acknowledged that his "lifetime of hunting" was having shot at some birds during a Republican governors meeting during a fund-raising event and maybe shooting at "small varmints" when he was seventeen with his cousin.
Source: Do The Right Thing, by Mike Huckabee, p. 17-18 , Nov 18, 2008

.....for your entertainment.

The purpose of this thread is for the Conservatives to explain why they trust this guy. I'm just pointing out a few pearls for further thought.

The "but but but Obama said blah blah blah" Thread is somewhere else.


hawaii 5-0
9/11/2012, 01:11 AM
What a silly-as* thread. This election is about getting rid of the Obear. Romney will be VASTLY superior over obama, even if he stumbles and goes RINO some.

Rush, you've made the most valid point. Romney isn't Obama, no matter how bad he is.

It still doesn't mean squat when no one knows what Romney believes.


hawaii 5-0
9/11/2012, 01:16 AM
I actually liked Romney's dad some. He was a real politician. And a businessman. That was when I was more Conservative.

I'm on record somewhere stating that I wish our next President had a business background. Or an Economist. I obviously wasn't referring to The Vulture.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/11/2012, 01:32 AM
...In otherwords, what he did for the people of Mass doesn't mean he will attempt to do for the people of the entire nation...Romney has promised to repeal Obamacare...Geez what a silly thread.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/11/2012, 01:36 AM
Rush, you've made the most valid point. Romney isn't Obama, no matter how bad he is...

5-0That might be about as close to reasonable a comment as you've made. We all know now what Obama is made of, and it's pure collectivist thought, proven over and over to be disastrous. He must be swept out.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/11/2012, 01:37 AM
I actually liked Romney's dad some. He was a real politician. And a businessman. That was when I was more Conservative.

I'm on record somewhere stating that I wish our next President had a business background. Or an Economist. I obviously wasn't referring to The Vulture.

5-0My how you've grown and matured. You now want a marxist.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/11/2012, 01:42 AM
When Romney ran for Senate and for Governor he supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill's 5 day waiting period for gun purchases. He proudly said those positions wouldn't make him "the hero of the NRA." As governor, he made Massachusetts the first state to permanently ban assault weapons. He has even flip-flopped about whether he owns any guns. In New Hampshire,he was asked his view on the Second Amendment. He responded that he had been a hunter "pretty much all my life." Later, red-faced aides of Romney had to admit that Romney had never had a hunting license, and under further questioning, Romney acknowledged that his "lifetime of hunting" was having shot at some birds during a Republican governors meeting during a fund-raising event and maybe shooting at "small varmints" when he was seventeen with his cousin.
Source: Do The Right Thing, by Mike Huckabee, p. 17-18 , Nov 18, 2008

.....for your entertainment.

The purpose of this thread is for the Conservatives to explain why they trust this guy. I'm just pointing out a few pearls for further thought.

The "but but but Obama said blah blah blah" Thread is somewhere else.

5-0Obama's a disgraceful collectivist, and seriously, ANYONE ELSE is worth giving a chance. This thread is worthless, and a waste of all of our time. We won't be dispirited by any attacks on Romney, to vote 3rd party or not vote. Barry is buh-bye.

9/11/2012, 06:05 AM
Romney early quote: “It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”

Romney recent quote: “I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”

Flip-Flop (two-faced lying baslard)


I don't really see that as a flip. I can totally see where one would want to serve their country on one hand, yet be prevented from doing so by religious conviction (which can be mitigated by CO status) or family obligations. If one is in a position to choose (unlike my FiL, who was drafted) I can see where both sides would be an internal conflict and then both of Romney's statements could also be true.

I can also guarantee you that going off to Vietnam was not a desire of the vast majority of men and women who went there. Have to be a damn fool to want to go get your *** shot at in a jungle where you can't even tell where the shots are coming from.

On my list of Reasons I Don't Like Romney, that one would be near the bottom, if it made the list at all.

Tell us.....why did Romney referring to socialized medicine, say, "If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.”

and then flip with......"What works in one state may not be the answer for another.”

Again, the two are not mutually exclusive. Just because something serves as a model doesn't mean that it would be implemented in exactly that form. Perhaps the Mass. plan is looked at as a model by another state. Then someone points out that part of it won't fly in their state or won't work due to other political or legal reasons. So they change that part. What worked in Mass. doesn't work in the second state, but the Mass. program was still used as a model to figure that out.

As stated, there are plenty of better reasons for me to dislike Romney.

9/11/2012, 06:09 AM
But what I find funny is the liberals want to ban assualt rifles, but want to sell them to people that can and will kill our own border patrol agents.

Now, I'm pretty liberal, and I thought that was a galactically stupid idea.

In otherwords, what he did for the people of Mass doesn't mean he will attempt to do for the people of the entire nation.

Unless they ask for it?

9/11/2012, 06:15 AM
Thanks vet for pointing that out. I wasn't sure if it was a vote of the state's people of congrss led.

But either way, the people had a say in it. And since it was a popular vote of the people, then the liberals trying to use that against romney really need to stop.

Hell anyone trying to use that against romney needs to just stop.

So 5-0 I ask you this...

What is your take on the people of Mass since they voted at the polls for that ban?

I mean you want to use that against Romney, but the people voted for it.

Take your stinkbait elsewhere, because this catfish isn't biting on it!

Good lord you guys are toooooooo much. Ever hear of the Second Amendment? Trying to justify what Romney did as okay is really funny. Especially coming from the so called conservatives on this board. Why can't you guys just admit he was wrong and you don't like it? The NRA sure as sh*t did not like it.

9/11/2012, 07:51 AM
You love quoting me don't you.

That said don't try to bring the second amendment into this, considering the liberals are very much against it.

Also, try following along kiddo...

If the measure is brought to the people for a vote. And it is voted and passed by a majority. Then it is not an issue you can lay at the feet of one person.

You liberals are so good at distraction from your own failures all one with half a brain can do is laugh any more. Because its comical!!!

The ignorance and stupidity in this country may be naive enough to follow, but that's all. The rest see rfight through the bull ****.

9/11/2012, 07:57 AM
You sir are a ****ing IDIOT
You keep hounding about Romneys Taxes you sound farther out there than The so called " Birthers"

Actually, Obama did release his birth certificate.

rock on sooner
9/11/2012, 07:59 AM
Oh come on bro, You must be tired because that makes No sense
Go to bed
we talk tomorrow

Well, after a couple more posts I did go ta bed. Woke up this
mornin' ta sum interstin readin..heh!

9/11/2012, 08:34 AM
Obviously everyone is sticking to the guns, and their candidate. To grossly oversimplify things: Obama is a leftie, supported by Al Sharpton, Sean Penn and groups with socialist ties.
Romney is a middle-rightie, supported by Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, and groups with entrepreneurial ties.

9/11/2012, 08:45 AM
They say Obama is a lefty, but everything he's accomplished in office has been center-right. That's probably Romney's biggest obstacle. Romney's actually to the left of Obama if you want to look at how he governed. Sure, 'ol etch-a-sketch will say whatever kid tested/mother approved B.S. he thinks will get him elected, but at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words and what we have here is a fatally flawed candidate who is running for the wrong party.

9/11/2012, 08:56 AM
They say Obama is a lefty, but everything he's accomplished in office has been center-right. That's probably Romney's biggest obstacle. Romney's actually to the left of Obama if you want to look at how he governed. Sure, 'ol etch-a-sketch will say whatever kid tested/mother approved B.S. he thinks will get him elected, but at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words and what we have here is a fatally flawed candidate who is running for the wrong party.

Come on mid, you're selling something no one is buying.

Obama is center right only if your center is somewhere in Nevada or California.

And please don't point to a bush as an example. No conservative considers them right wing. They both were moderates. Romney is also, but he is far far far preferable to Obama.

Just a the bushes were to dukakis, gore, and Kerry. You take what you can get. I seriously doubt the democrats have put out candidates that all democrats are always totally happy with, but they still vote for them.

As a radio personality so eloquently said, we can survive another four years of Obama, but we can't survive the morons that would elect him again. No offense to the moron vote.

9/11/2012, 09:15 AM
They say Obama is a lefty, but everything he's accomplished in office has been center-right. That's probably Romney's biggest obstacle. Romney's actually to the left of Obama if you want to look at how he governed. Sure, 'ol etch-a-sketch will say whatever kid tested/mother approved B.S. he thinks will get him elected, but at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words and what we have here is a fatally flawed candidate who is running for the wrong party.

There have been a few articles lately talking about Obama's less-than-liberal style. I agree he has not been the extreme liberal president some paint him to be. I do believe his past has been full of very left wing influences, though, and wonder if these might not manifest themselves in his second term.
Romney's not far-right enough for some, but I don't believe that he would be left of Obama as president. The NY times did a story about Obama's "moderate" approach, which seemed pretty even-handed. They included the charts for the DW-Nominate scaling of all presidents since 1910. (DW-Nominate stands for Dynamic, Weighted, Nominal Three-Step Estimation)
Obama is reflected as a little more liberal than Lyndon Johnson, less liberal than Clinton.


9/11/2012, 09:20 AM
Actually, Obama did release his birth certificate.

And that has WHAT exactly to do with my point?

9/11/2012, 09:20 AM
Not the same graph the NYT used, but useful.


9/11/2012, 05:05 PM
You love quoting me don't you.

That said don't try to bring the second amendment into this, considering the liberals are very much against it.

Also, try following along kiddo...

If the measure is brought to the people for a vote. And it is voted and passed by a majority. Then it is not an issue you can lay at the feet of one person.

You liberals are so good at distraction from your own failures all one with half a brain can do is laugh any more. Because its comical!!!

The ignorance and stupidity in this country may be naive enough to follow, but that's all. The rest see rfight through the bull ****.

I wasn't really directing my comments at you personally. However, everything you just said is intellectually dishonest. You are trying to duck for cover behind the electorate. The bottom line Romney signed this into law and supported it. End of story. Any conservative worth their salt would condemn this policy. Romney has proven he is anti-gun....ban on assault rifles, 5 day waiting period, support of Brady Bill. Shall I go on?

9/11/2012, 05:16 PM
And that has WHAT exactly to do with my point?

Yer gritchin about tax returns, Obama did release his birth certificate (long form).

And he killed Bin Laden.

--kind of a badass.

9/11/2012, 05:20 PM
Come on mid, you're selling something no one is buying.

Obama is center right only if your center is somewhere in Nevada or California.

Gun rights:
Obama--no anti gun laws, actually signed bills expanding gun rights.
Romney--ban on assault weapons, 5 day waiting period, etc.

They're exactly the same except Romney has been saying the opposite now of what he said when he was Governor.

Gay rights:

Same, except Romney has said he wants to do away with Obamacare and only keep the "good parts" (no further explanation because he thinks your stupid).

Romney: Would be a complete disaster. His forays into foreign policy amount to a blooper real.
Obama: Killed Obama, ended one of Bush's wars, toppled the Libyan dictator without a single U.S. casualtiy... a badass.

And please don't point to a bush as an example. No conservative considers them right wing. They both were moderates. Romney is also, but he is far far far preferable to Obama.

Just a the bushes were to dukakis, gore, and Kerry. You take what you can get. I seriously doubt the democrats have put out candidates that all democrats are always totally happy with, but they still vote for them.

As a radio personality so eloquently said, we can survive another four years of Obama, but we can't survive the morons that would elect him again. No offense to the moron vote.[/QUOTE]

9/11/2012, 05:21 PM
Yer gritchin about tax returns, Obama did release his birth certificate (long form).

And he killed Bin Laden.

--kind of a badass.

So Obama now killed Bin Laden?

Really? He pulled that trigger?

Face it, Obama killing Bin Laden is about as equal to me helping a friend make it to the NFL because I made him better in practice through High School!

9/11/2012, 05:31 PM
Gun rights:
Obama--no anti gun laws, actually signed bills expanding gun rights.
Romney--ban on assault weapons, 5 day waiting period, etc.

Mass passed a law that was voted by the people. You cannot lay that on the feet of one person, but nice try.

They're exactly the same except Romney has been saying the opposite now of what he said when he was Governor.

Gay rights:

Same now or before? Obama flip flopped on this issue. Romney has always says he is against it, but also doesnt want to impede on a persons rights, nor discriminate against others.

Same, except Romney has said he wants to do away with Obamacare and only keep the "good parts" (no further explanation because he thinks your stupid).
So you think all of Obamacare is good? Or do you think it is intrusive?

Romney: Would be a complete disaster. His forays into foreign policy amount to a blooper real.
Obama: Killed Obama, ended one of Bush's wars, toppled the Libyan dictator without a single U.S. casualtiy... a badass.

Obama never fired a shot. And if he had his way, he would have much rather stayed away from any of it. Nice try though!

Gun rights:And please don't point to a bush as an example. No conservative considers them right wing. They both were moderates. Romney is also, but he is far far far preferable to Obama.

Just a the bushes were to dukakis, gore, and Kerry. You take what you can get. I seriously doubt the democrats have put out candidates that all democrats are always totally happy with, but they still vote for them.

As a radio personality so eloquently said, we can survive another four years of Obama, but we can't survive the morons that would elect him again. No offense to the moron vote.

What I find funny is you liberals are trying to say Romney is wrong on some issues that actually go along party lines of the democrat party. As long as a democrat uses it, then it is okay. If a republican uses it, then they are against human rights or against the bill of rights.

Seriously, get over yourselves and naive ways of thinking. Only the stupid and naive will believe the **** you all want to use as your platform!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/11/2012, 05:45 PM
..."Obama: ... a badass."-Midtowner

a very very very bad as* indeed. Good call! OJC/Obear 2012!!

9/11/2012, 05:58 PM
Yer gritchin about tax returns, Obama did release his birth certificate (long form).

And he killed Bin Laden.

--kind of a badass.

And as usual you saw only what you wanted to see.
I dont GAF if Obama did release it or not that has nothing to do with what I said
I said the way 5-0 keeps harping about Romneys taxes he sounds like a Birther bitchin about Obamas BC
Ya know the folks that you Obamites ridiculed so much? 5-0 is sounding just as ****in stupid as they did.

Show Me how Obama killed OBL
You are way off there. Seal Team 6 killed that MoFo. Obammy sat on his *** and watched , Yea thats Badassed all right .

9/11/2012, 06:38 PM

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2012, 07:50 PM
As easy as it would be to jump in here and abuse some of the Lunes on here I've spent most of the day thinking of the fallen heroes and victims of the 9-11 Attack.

Some other time.......

Update on the coconut bra......

The girl responsible for getting it didn't come thru so I wore a pink bikini top. Rather cute. I had a pink hat, pink lei and pink sunglasses as 10 cuties danced around me doing a hula and strumming ukuleles.

It was a promo to raise Breast Cancer Awareness.

I even got a coupla dollars in my shorts.


9/11/2012, 07:58 PM
Mass passed a law that was voted by the people. You cannot lay that on the feet of one person, but nice try.

LOL. Governor Romney (not Candidate Romney, those are two different people now) would disagree with you.

See this?

Romney wanted two things to appear in this portrait, a picture of his wife and a depiction of the healthcare bill which was his proudest achievement in office. Kind of tough to rewrite history on that count.

Same now or before? Obama flip flopped on this issue. Romney has always says he is against it, but also doesnt want to impede on a persons rights, nor discriminate against others.

Romney in 2006:

"Like the vast majority of Americans, I’ve opposed same-sex marriage, but I’ve also opposed unjust discrimination against anyone, for racial or religious reasons, or for sexual preference. Americans are a tolerant, generous, and kind people. We all oppose bigotry and disparagement. But the debate over same-sex marriage is not a debate over tolerance. It is a debate about the purpose of the institution of marriage and it is a debate about activist judges who make up the law rather than interpret the law." - Mitt Romney 12/14/06 National Review Online

Romney now:

Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
Supports a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman.
In favor of recognizing domestic partnerships that include the opportunity for shared health benefits and rights of survivorship.
Every child deserves a father and a mother.


So you think all of Obamacare is good? Or do you think it is intrusive?

I think it doesn't go far enough. It was a half *** compromise that'll give us a half *** fix. That said, the provisions Romney is likely talking about cutting (the "bad" or unpopular mandate) are the very provisions paying for the rest of the thing. Party of fiscal responsibility, eh?

Obama never fired a shot. And if he had his way, he would have much rather stayed away from any of it. Nice try though!

Bush had his shot, so did Clinton. Obama got Bin Ladin. Without his order as Commander in Chief, Bid Ladin would still be hanging out in the Pakistani 'burbs. I'm sure that just rubs you raw.

What I find funny is you liberals are trying to say Romney is wrong on some issues that actually go along party lines of the democrat party. As long as a democrat uses it, then it is okay. If a republican uses it, then they are against human rights or against the bill of rights.

Seriously, get over yourselves and naive ways of thinking. Only the stupid and naive will believe the **** you all want to use as your platform!

Nah, I'm saying that Romney is a bill of goods. He'll say absolutely anything to get elected. There is no way of actually knowing what he'll do once elected and considering his fundraising advantage, if he's elected, he's going to owe a lot of debts. Given that, Obama all the way.

rock on sooner
9/11/2012, 08:03 PM
And as usual you saw only what you wanted to see.
I dont GAF if Obama did release it or not that has nothing to do with what I said
I said the way 5-0 keeps harping about Romneys taxes he sounds like a Birther bitchin about Obamas BC
Ya know the folks that you Obamites ridiculed so much? 5-0 is sounding just as ****in stupid as they did.

Show Me how Obama killed OBL
You are way off there. Seal Team 6 killed that MoFo. Obammy sat on his *** and watched , Yea thats Badassed all right .

Ummmm, Vet, he DID give the order, after a briefing of all the issues,
at least that's what I've read. It does take the CIC to give the go ahead..
jus sayin...

9/11/2012, 08:44 PM
Ummmm, Vet, he DID give the order, after a briefing of all the issues,
at least that's what I've read. It does take the CIC to give the go ahead..
jus sayin...

Thats Fine I have no argument there
But Mid is talkin Like Obama went all Rambo and **** and went over and did the Deed himself

9/11/2012, 08:51 PM
Ummmm, Vet, he DID give the order, after a briefing of all the issues,
at least that's what I've read. It does take the CIC to give the go ahead..
jus sayin...

And it was a huge political gamble. What he did could be seen as an act of war by Pakistan. Things could have gone FUBAR really fast.

9/11/2012, 09:35 PM
This whole Bin Laden debate is getting a little overdone.

US Intelligence personnel: We know where Bin Laden is, can we go kill him?

Obama: This must be the most unprecedented and audacious decision ever laid before a president....

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/12/2012, 02:16 AM
Nah, I'm saying that Romney is a bill of goods. He'll say absolutely anything to get elected. There is no way of actually knowing what he'll do once elected and considering his fundraising advantage, if he's elected, he's going to owe a lot of debts. Given that, Obama all the way.That's some koolaid drinking logic. We KNOW what Obama does and says as president. If a person was deliberately trying to damage or ruin the USA, their actions wouldn't be much different than what your beloved Obear has done, and would like to continue to do. To even entertain a thought about voting for Him again is madness. You know that. But you're a Leftist, so you think it's the proper thing to do.

9/12/2012, 09:43 AM
That's some koolaid drinking logic. We KNOW what Obama does and says as president. If a person was deliberately trying to damage or ruin the USA, their actions wouldn't be much different than what your beloved Obear has done, and would like to continue to do. To even entertain a thought about voting for Him again is madness. You know that. But you're a Leftist, so you think it's the proper thing to do.

Show your work.

(and who is Obear?)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/12/2012, 12:43 PM
Show your work.

(and who is Obear?)haha. What will you do if Romney wins the election?


9/12/2012, 04:59 PM
haha. What will you do if Romney wins the election?


Ask you to show your work.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/12/2012, 05:12 PM
Ask you to show your work.I know you did. I'm just saying you don't GAS. You're going to vote Leftist/Obama and aren't about to change. The MO of you guys is the politics of personal destruction, and with the complicit media, it oftentimes works. It prolly won't this time, but if it does, you'll be part of the downsizing of the economy, just like everyone else. (how many times do you intend to read or hear about Obama's mockery of America before you will understand what He's doing?)

I contend you know full well, and are part of the problem. What I don't understand is why you have decided to do that) But hey, I don't expect you to answer that, either.

9/12/2012, 07:22 PM
We'll see how much a man The Socialist is on our response to the murder of the ambassdor. So far The response to that and the ****ing Egypt overrunning has been pretty limp dick. Let's see if he can order some strikes without Valerie Jarret's opinion and after several attempts.