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View Full Version : Some good videos of the outcome of Obamacare

9/8/2012, 04:29 AM
Check out the video series by Dr. Jill Vecchio on You Tube which outline Obamacare, what it will do and won't do for people. Well done and insightful.

9/8/2012, 04:17 PM

9/8/2012, 04:28 PM
In part one, she makes a couple of good points:
"unreimbursed care" expenses due to non-insured currently huge problem. Under Obamacare the number of uninsured will be about the same, if everything goes according to plan.

She'll get called a know-nothing partisan hack pretty quick.

9/8/2012, 04:46 PM
She's a know-nothing partisan hack.

1st!!! What I win?

9/8/2012, 04:52 PM
A 95 tax in a couple of years
Increasing to a 695 tax in 2016
Feel like big winner ?

9/9/2012, 01:06 AM
Heres another deal. Reading today about nebraska Kerry running for his old seat, he said if the O'bummercare goes into effect in 2014, he will drop the health insurance for his employees and force them into single payer. He said its better to pay the $2000 penalty over the $7000 cost of insurance.

Anyone still saying that that wont happen under this POS program is either delusional or stupid.