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View Full Version : DNC Denies Jesus Three Times! Will they really Repent?

9/7/2012, 08:12 PM
So, the very longly, complexly negotiated, and carefully worded DNC Party platform came to the floor for voting...
OOPS! We forgot one yet one more potentail constituency!
Would they dare Boo GOD??!!!
What does the Democratic Party really stand for...or do they stand for anything concrete at all?
Clearly the voice vote was 50-50. This vote is a clear indication that the Demoncratic Party has no clear moral compass!


Avtually this occurance at the DNC convention is vaguely familiar to how the Democrats rammed Obamacare through congress. The minority decides what they want...and shoves it down your throats.
I hope the democrats at the convention enjoyed the taste!

9/7/2012, 08:36 PM
I'll give you that the vote clearly sounded 50-50, but these exercises are nothing but yelling contests so who really knows what the vote was. But a question, how are they booing jesus on a question about Jerusalem when Jerusalem is a majority Jewish city...you know those people who don't think jesus was really that great of a guy

9/7/2012, 08:48 PM
Why should religion be interjected into politics in the first place?

9/7/2012, 09:00 PM
Why should religion be interjected into politics in the first place?
Because God promised Israel to the Jews right after he let 7 million of them be slaughtered, so they could get a little genocide practice of their own in against the A-rabs

9/7/2012, 09:12 PM
^He works in mysterious ways.

9/7/2012, 09:48 PM
Why should religion be interjected into politics in the first place?
Think about it, everyone interjects their own religious beliefs into their politics. The atheists and theists alike. It is impossible not to.
Both groups yelling on the convention floor are interjecting their own religious beliefs into what they feel the party platform should be.
As the democrat party becomes more and more secular, this will become a bigger and bigger issue for them to work through.

9/7/2012, 10:00 PM
They don't have the humility or ability to consider the existence of something greater than themselves, they're just being honest.

They'll gladly exploit a nun for their political purposes but not support her beliefs.

9/8/2012, 12:54 AM
I thought it was proof that dems fix elections. ;P

9/8/2012, 01:03 AM
Why should religion be interjected into politics in the first place?

Do you not agree that religion is a guiding force for many people? Is that very far from saying, why should personal beliefs be interjected into politics in the first place?

hawaii 5-0
9/8/2012, 01:42 AM
Why should religion be interjected into politics in the first place?

Why do preachers get up on the pulpit and tell you who to vote for?

I still remember mine telling the congregation for vote for Nixon.


9/8/2012, 05:12 AM
Do you not agree that religion is a guiding force for many people? Is that very far from saying, why should personal beliefs be interjected into politics in the first place?

Politics and religion should not mix. It is a bad combination. Just look at history and it will show you ample evidence that religion and politics gets people killed.

I also find it ironic on an issue that really matters, like the failure of Romney to mention Afghanistan in his acceptance speech, that you guys on the right are not upset.

Finally, i think it is pure political pandering that both parties have put in their platform that Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. Who cares. That is for the people in the ME to figure out, not us.

9/8/2012, 07:16 AM
Politics and religion should not mix. It is a bad combination. Just look at history and it will show you ample evidence that religion and politics gets people killed.

I also find it ironic on an issue that really matters, like the failure of Romney to mention Afghanistan in his acceptance speech, that you guys on the right are not upset.

Finally, i think it is pure political pandering that both parties have put in their platform that Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. Who cares. That is for the people in the ME to figure out, not us.

Well stated. I agree.

9/8/2012, 07:21 AM
Because God promised Israel to the Jews right after he let 7 million of them be slaughtered, so they could get a little genocide practice of their own in against the A-rabs

Did you have to put in a lot of practice time to become so ****ing stupid?

9/8/2012, 07:23 AM
Why do preachers get up on the pulpit and tell you who to vote for?

I still remember mine telling the congregation for vote for Nixon.


Im sure its happened, But I garentee MOST will just ask you to pray for guidance

9/8/2012, 07:53 AM
Politics and religion should not mix. It is a bad combination. Just look at history and it will show you ample evidence that religion and politics gets people killed.

I also find it ironic on an issue that really matters, like the failure of Romney to mention Afghanistan in his acceptance speech, that you guys on the right are not upset.

Finally, i think it is pure political pandering that both parties have put in their platform that Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. Who cares. That is for the people in the ME to figure out, not us.

Of course it shouldn't mix to you. You don't agree with the Christian political view.

If we were a predominately baal worshipping country and believed in the sacrifice of our babies, you wouldn't have a prob...

Never mind, carry on.

9/8/2012, 08:28 AM
Of course it shouldn't mix to you. You don't agree with the Christian political view.

If we were a predominately baal worshipping country and believed in the sacrifice of our babies, you wouldn't have a prob...

Never mind, carry on.

."The clergy...believe that any portion of power confided to me [as President] will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: and enough, too, in their opinion." --Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Rush, 1800."In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot ... they have perverted the purest religion ever preached to man into mystery and jargon, unintelligible to all mankind, and therefore the safer engine for their purpose." --- Thomas Jefferson, to Horatio Spafford, March 17, 1814
"Is uniformity attainable? Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth." --- Thomas Jefferson, from "Notes on Virginia"
"Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." --- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, Aug. 10, 1787

Well I am in good company.

Government should not promote one religion over another. The purpose of government in respect to religion is to create an atmosphere where everyone is free to worship without fear of punishment. The minute government picks one religion over another you got problems.

9/8/2012, 09:55 AM
Well I am in good company.

Government should not promote one religion over another. The purpose of government in respect to religion is to create an atmosphere where everyone is free to worship without fear of punishment. The minute government picks one religion over another you got problems.

And a usual, you build a strawman argument that doesn't exist. No Christian wants the government to promote a religion. We aren't for a theocracy and you know it. Wanting moral laws isn't promotion of a religion.

If we wanted a theocracy we wouldn't be supporting a Mormon. Billy Graham would have been our ruler for the last however long. The fact is, I don't care that Romney's a Mormon, at least he isn't a proponent of butchering babies at 9 months or causing born ones to die.

You won't convince most people that that's a theocratic or extreme position. Most people outside of left wing ideologues anyway.

9/8/2012, 10:02 AM
And a usual, you build a strawman argument that doesn't exist. No Christian wants the government to promote a religion. We aren't for a theocracy and you know it. Wanting moral laws isn't promotion of a religion.

If we wanted a theocracy we wouldn't be supporting a Mormon. Billy Graham would have been our ruler for the last however long. The fact is, I don't care that Romney's a Mormon, at least he isn't a proponent of butchering babies at 9 months or causing born ones to die.

You won't convince most people that that's a theocratic or extreme position. Most people outside of left wing ideologues anyway.

Then why put Jesus into a political platform? And yes there are members in the Republican Party who want to interject religion into everyones lives....like school prayer and the teaching of creationism. Your denying that is ridiculous.

I go to church and I firmly believe in God. What I do not believe in is the mixture of religion and politics. Go spend a few weeks in Saudi Arabia and you will see why I feel this way. You would be screaming bloody murder if the Republicans had put Allah or Mohammed into the platform.

9/8/2012, 11:35 AM
And a usual, you build a strawman argument that doesn't exist. No Christian wants the government to promote a religion. We aren't for a theocracy and you know it. Wanting moral laws isn't promotion of a religion.

If we wanted a theocracy we wouldn't be supporting a Mormon. Billy Graham would have been our ruler for the last however long. The fact is, I don't care that Romney's a Mormon, at least he isn't a proponent of butchering babies at 9 months or causing born ones to die.

You won't convince most people that that's a theocratic or extreme position. Most people outside of left wing ideologues anyway.
Kind of like the Baal strawman you just built

9/8/2012, 11:44 AM
that video is sickening

first off, why even call that vote? it's obvious they wanted to pass it regardless

and no they normally use a noise meter to detect votes? what kind of a farce was that?

9/8/2012, 02:51 PM
Then why put Jesus into a political platform? And yes there are members in the Republican Party who want to interject religion into everyones lives....like school prayer and the teaching of creationism. Your denying that is ridiculous.

I go to church and I firmly believe in God. What I do not believe in is the mixture of religion and politics. Go spend a few weeks in Saudi Arabia and you will see why I feel this way. You would be screaming bloody murder if the Republicans had put Allah or Mohammed into the platform.

A false comparison. We are nothing remotely close to being what islamists are. Their religion is also a political document. Ours is not. Still, we believe in moral laws, and we will continue to exercise our free rights to speak out on them.

"endowed by our creator", I don't think we really want to get in to what our founding fathers believed about the role of God in our countries creation do we? You won't win that argument. Not even close.

Suffice to say, they spoke quite openly about the providence of God on this country, the hand of God in our affairs, and on and on, and that includes Jefferson. The whole basis of our government is from those strong Judeo-Christian values.

They knew that men, being inherently sinful, were not to be trusted with the governance of each other without strong checks and balances. That stemmed exactly from the Bibles teaching. I could continue for the next two hours with examples of it's central role in our governments creation.

Wanting God completely out of our public life is a very recent trend in American politics. Our founders didn't want an established religion for the country. Neither do we. They didn't have a problem with God or Godly moral laws. Neither do we.

You're parties platform removed the reference for a specific reason. The attendants were outraged that Obama rammed through his will over theirs (not sure why, they love him doing it everywhere else). It was a sad, but not surprising sight. If our party recognizes God, and people don't like it, they can choose to not vote Republican. They can vote with those that boo'ed. A clear choice.

9/8/2012, 03:02 PM
Kind of like the Baal strawman you just built

Not even close to the same. I was being semi-humorous. Still let's explore that a bit.

Tertullian, a Roman from Carthage, came to Christ in his middle age. He was well educated and wrote about the early church very extensively.

Interestingly, in describing Christians in a letter, he noted that Christians did not sacrifice their babies as all of the pagans (Romans, Greeks, and others) did.

I have said in the past that we sacrifice our babies on the altar of convenience. Isn't it interesting that even that far back, the difference in the two sides was the sacrifice or not of our children.

There truly is nothing new under the sun.

9/8/2012, 03:14 PM
A false comparison. We are nothing remotely close to being what islamists are. Their religion is also a political document. Ours is not. Still, we believe in moral laws, and we will continue to exercise our free rights to speak out on them.

"endowed by our creator", I don't think we really want to get in to what our founding fathers believed about the role of God in our countries creation do we? You won't win that argument. Not even close.

Suffice to say, they spoke quite openly about the providence of God on this country, the hand of God in our affairs, and on and on, and that includes Jefferson. The whole basis of our government is from those strong Judeo-Christian values.

They knew that men, being inherently sinful, were not to be trusted with the governance of each other without strong checks and balances. That stemmed exactly from the Bibles teaching. I could continue for the next two hours with examples of it's central role in our governments creation.

Wanting God completely out of our public life is a very recent trend in American politics. Our founders didn't want an established religion for the country. Neither do we. They didn't have a problem with God or Godly moral laws. Neither do we.

You're parties platform removed the reference for a specific reason. The attendants were outraged that Obama rammed through his will over theirs (not sure why, they love him doing it everywhere else). It was a sad, but not surprising sight. If our party recognizes God, and people don't like it, they can choose to not vote Republican. They can vote with those that boo'ed. A clear choice.

First of all I am not a registered Democrat. Never have been and never will be.

Secondly this argument is not about god but the inclusion of Jesus in a political platform which is nothing more than political pandering by both parties.

9/8/2012, 03:21 PM
First of all I am not a registered Democrat. Never have been and never will be.

Secondly this argument is not about god but the inclusion of Jesus in a political platform which is nothing more than political pandering by both parties.

Actually, it was about the omission of God from the Democrat platform. You simply tried to switch the argument to be about Republicans.

I do agree that a certain amount of it is pandering. I also know that a large portion of the Republican delegates are very devout Christians and would want it in there for that reason alone.

Still, we should all be glad that this happened. It gives people a clear and distinct choice, if that matters to them.

9/8/2012, 06:23 PM
Not even close to the same. I was being semi-humorous. Still let's explore that a bit.

Tertullian, a Roman from Carthage, came to Christ in his middle age. He was well educated and wrote about the early church very extensively.

Interestingly, in describing Christians in a letter, he noted that Christians did not sacrifice their babies as all of the pagans (Romans, Greeks, and others) did.

I have said in the past that we sacrifice our babies on the altar of convenience. Isn't it interesting that even that far back, the difference in the two sides was the sacrifice or not of our children.

There truly is nothing new under the sun.
I'm pro life in all situations save rape or mothers life in danger, so you're barking up the wrong tree bud

9/8/2012, 08:49 PM
Take away all religion and the atheist in effect interject their 'religion' into politics.

9/8/2012, 09:28 PM
I guess what the DNC needs is a nice artillery barrage. The old atheists/foxholes thing.

9/8/2012, 09:33 PM
I'm pro life in all situations save rape or mothers life in danger, so you're barking up the wrong tree bud

Was directed to the whole Dem party, not you personally....bud.

9/8/2012, 10:13 PM
I thought it was proof that dems fix elections. ;P

THIS^^^^^^^...was my underlying feeling.
Obama told them to put it in, even if they didn't want it in!
"BACKWARDS"....towards the King.


9/8/2012, 10:16 PM
Politics and religion should not mix. It is a bad combination. Just look at history and it will show you ample evidence that religion and politics gets people killed.

I also find it ironic on an issue that really matters, like the failure of Romney to mention Afghanistan in his acceptance speech, that you guys on the right are not upset.

Finally, i think it is pure political pandering that both parties have put in their platform that Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. Who cares. That is for the people in the ME to figure out, not us.

Just in case you dind't notice, Diver.....because you weren't looking.
Our war casualty rates in Afghanistan are the highest of the war this past two months!
That's a sad commentary on Obama's plan for the war there.

9/8/2012, 10:23 PM
Then why put Jesus into a political platform? And yes there are members in the Republican Party who want to interject religion into everyones lives....like school prayer and the teaching of creationism. Your denying that is ridiculous.

I go to church and I firmly believe in God. What I do not believe in is the mixture of religion and politics. Go spend a few weeks in Saudi Arabia and you will see why I feel this way. You would be screaming bloody murder if the Republicans had put Allah or Mohammed into the platform.

This IS THE REASON that our nation is in big trouble. People who think like you, Diver!
Americans has lost sight of our Judeo-Christain roots. No moral center......only the left in the Democratic party.

We kill babies for convenience, and wonder why people go bezerk and shoot up a theater.

9/8/2012, 10:57 PM
yeah, because god is the only reason to not be an *******

9/8/2012, 11:20 PM
This IS THE REASON that our nation is in big trouble. People who think like you, Diver!
Americans has lost sight of our Judeo-Christain roots. No moral center......only the left in the Democratic party.

We kill babies for convenience, and wonder why people go bezerk and shoot up a theater.

So you are relating the Aurora shooting with abortion being the law of the land. You really need some help.

9/8/2012, 11:39 PM
I haven't read through this thread, but please tell me someone has pointed out the fact that the DNC did not "reject" Jesus -- they "rejected" God. I don't recall a mention of the J-Man.

9/9/2012, 01:55 AM
I haven't read through this thread, but please tell me someone has pointed out the fact that the DNC did not "reject" Jesus -- they "rejected" God. I don't recall a mention of the J-Man.
I don't think anyone claimed that. It was the G-man not the J-man.

9/9/2012, 07:33 AM
This IS THE REASON that our nation is in big trouble. People who think like you, Diver!
Americans has lost sight of our Judeo-Christain roots. No moral center......only the left in the Democratic party.

We kill babies for convenience, and wonder why people go bezerk and shoot up a theater.
Lets get back to our slaveholding roots asap

9/9/2012, 09:00 AM
I don't think anyone claimed that. It was the G-man not the J-man.

DNC Denies Jesus Three Times! Will they really Repent?


9/9/2012, 09:42 AM
I haven't read through this thread, but please tell me someone has pointed out the fact that the DNC did not "reject" Jesus -- they "rejected" God. I don't recall a mention of the J-Man.

Hell Sic
Did you THINK before you posted?
Jesus is the SON of GOD
So IF you reject God you rejecting his Son

9/9/2012, 10:17 AM
Lets get back to our slaveholding roots asap

Another straw man. No one is advocating that.

9/9/2012, 10:24 AM
[QUOTE=Skysooner;3509073]So you are relating the Aurora shooting with abortion being the law of the land. You really need some help.[/QUOTE

Christians have been speaking on the desensitization of killing the unborn for a very long time, and that it would lead to more killing outside the womb.

He doesn't need help. Those that think its ok to slaughter fully developed babies need the help.

The babies need help.

9/9/2012, 10:33 AM
Another straw man. No one is advocating that.
Don't worry, I was being semi-humorous.

9/9/2012, 10:41 AM
[QUOTE=Skysooner;3509073]So you are relating the Aurora shooting with abortion being the law of the land. You really need some help.[/QUOTE

Christians have been speaking on the desensitization of killing the unborn for a very long time, and that it would lead to more killing outside the womb.

He doesn't need help. Those that think its ok to slaughter fully developed babies need the help.

The babies need help.

You guys can have your opinions, deeply held beliefs, etc. However, it is a direct slap in my face and people who live around here when you mention Aurora (or the Edmond postal massacre) since I knew people that were in both places. There is a time for discussing your opinion and stupid rhetoric and that particular poster is way overstating what he needs to. I was a Christian for many years, and I never would have said that. It would be the same thing as me saying that gays and lesbians should go out and shoot those people that demonstrate against gay marriage since there is so much hate. Completely ridiculous statement by him overall as it would be the same if I said the gay/lesbian thing. You and I will never see eye to eye on this. Okie52 and I have the exact same opinion on that particular subject. We hold our beliefs just as deeply as you do, so you can expect full on attack mode back when something over the top is said.

9/9/2012, 11:04 AM
Lets get back to our slaveholding roots asap

Don't worry, I was being semi-humorous.

Dint werk.

9/9/2012, 11:16 AM
This IS THE REASON that our nation is in big trouble. People who think like you, Diver!
Americans has lost sight of our Judeo-Christain roots. No moral center......only the left in the Democratic party.

We kill babies for convenience, and wonder why people go bezerk and shoot up a theater.

And your faith is misplaced in politics. The Republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House. Did they vote to ban abortion? No and they never will. It gives them a wedge issue and if they outlawed abortions they would lose their number one issue. It is pure political pandering.

9/9/2012, 11:18 AM
I haven't read through this thread, but please tell me someone has pointed out the fact that the DNC did not "reject" Jesus -- they "rejected" God. I don't recall a mention of the J-Man.

Cruiser is just making a Peter joke

but really, i got the idea that some of the audience wasn't too thrilled with the Jerusalem part either

9/9/2012, 11:55 AM
Don't worry, I was being semi-humorous.

I thought it was hysterical.

9/9/2012, 01:13 PM

9/9/2012, 01:30 PM

She didn't mean for it to be GOD. It was meant to be DOG but she wanted to be able to read it when she looked in a mirror.

9/9/2012, 01:34 PM
I don't think anyone claimed that. It was the G-man not the J-man.

Uh...it's the thread title.

9/9/2012, 01:36 PM
Hell Sic
Did you THINK before you posted?
Jesus is the SON of GOD
So IF you reject God you rejecting his Son
This is only true if you're Christian. There are plenty of people who believe in God that don't accept Jesus. I happen to be one of them.

9/9/2012, 01:37 PM
Cruiser is just making a Peter joke

but really, i got the idea that some of the audience wasn't too thrilled with the Jerusalem part either
Ahhhh Okay...carry on then.

9/9/2012, 02:26 PM
This is only true if you're Christian. There are plenty of people who believe in God that don't accept Jesus. I happen to be one of them.

Hell bro, If yer a Christian You accept both so yer statement is fail
Like I said if you reject God you reject Jesus.

9/9/2012, 02:42 PM
Hell bro, If yer a Christian You accept both so yer statement is fail
Like I said if you reject God you reject Jesus.

Exactly my point. There are lots of people who believe in God that aren't Christian. The Democratic Platform, and the GOP platform for that matter, have always acknowledged God but not Jesus.

9/9/2012, 03:55 PM
Exactly my point. There are lots of people who believe in God that aren't Christian. The Democratic Platform, and the GOP platform for that matter, have always acknowledged God but not Jesus.
but how do yer belive in god if yer aint a kkkristian

9/9/2012, 06:54 PM
And your faith is misplaced in politics. The Republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House. Did they vote to ban abortion? No and they never will. It gives them a wedge issue and if they outlawed abortions they would lose their number one issue. It is pure political pandering.

Which convention focused on abortion like a laser beam?? Hint: It wasn't the Pubs.

Cokie Roberts: 'This Democratic Convention Was Really Over the Top in Terms of Abortion' (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/09/09/cokie-roberts-democratic-convention-was-really-over-top-terms-abortio)

9/9/2012, 10:19 PM

Somehow sounds like the 1960's "Unchained"......Oh, Joe, say it ain't so!