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View Full Version : Oklahoma Democrats treat blacks "like disposable diapers"

9/7/2012, 09:32 AM
If you're not familiar with Tulsa state Sen. Judy Eason-McIntyre, she's a fiery older woman who is about to be term-limited out of state Senate. She's always been outspoken and never afraid to share her opinion... and thus, is very fun to listen to, even if you're a Republican... ESPECIALLY if you're a Republican today:

Link (http://newsok.com/oklahoma-democrats-faulted-for-treatment-of-blacks-in-state-party/article/3707490)

We've seen the same hypocrisy play out in the game of football at the pro and college level that Sen. McIntyre pointed out --- blacks are free to play to the game (vote), but are usually not sought out to coach, be athletic directors, etc. (be nominated for higher office, like governor, Congress, Speaker of the House, etc).

Of note to Sooner fans and politicos alike:

A black state legislator said later that he agreed with Eason-McIntyre's remarks and pointed to the fact that Oklahoma Republicans had been willing to push J.C. Watts for statewide office and state Rep. T.W. Shannon for Speaker of the House.

When Watts went to the Democratic Party to get involved, the legislator said, Democrats wanted him to stuff envelopes. The Republican Party ran him for state Corporation Commission, he said. Watts went on to serve four terms in Congress.

Is that story true? If so, it's pretty telling. And sad :(

9/7/2012, 01:03 PM
Judy Eason-McIntyre is just a bitter, ineffective woman who holds her office due to apathetic retention of incumbents in some districts.

If truly concerned, she, as a member of the party, should go out and speak with black professionals and find out why they are not interested in the party. Its always someone else' fault.

9/7/2012, 07:36 PM
What's the problem?
Didn't Obama "make her rich"?

9/8/2012, 11:33 AM
A black state legislator said later that he agreed with Eason-McIntyre's remarks and pointed to the fact that Oklahoma Republicans had been willing to push J.C. Watts for statewide office and state Rep. T.W. Shannon for Speaker of the House.

When Watts went to the Democratic Party to get involved, the legislator said, Democrats wanted him to stuff envelopes. The Republican Party ran him for state Corporation Commission, he said. Watts went on to serve four terms in Congress.

Why did the pubs think he was qualified to be a state corp. commissioner?

9/8/2012, 12:23 PM
Why did the pubs think he was qualified to be a state corp. commissioner?

He was pretty good at football, so why not the corp comm'n?

I Am Right
9/8/2012, 12:42 PM
And People listen to this crap!

hawaii 5-0
9/8/2012, 12:50 PM
I doubt J C Watts was offered the job of stuffing envelopes for the Dems.

Maybe a valet for cars tho.


9/8/2012, 10:39 PM
I doubt J C Watts was offered the job of stuffing envelopes for the Dems.

Maybe a valet for cars tho.

