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View Full Version : Former UTers in NFL update...

8/27/2012, 12:46 AM
Famous Kasey Studdard recruiting thread, he got cut by the Texans.

VY in danger at Buffalo. He is like 17 & 17 or so. That loan don't sound like a good idea now...

Oh, and greetings from Jakarta.

8/27/2012, 02:31 AM

8/27/2012, 02:01 PM
Yep. He's gone. What an incredible failure.


8/27/2012, 02:27 PM
The HORN in Austin went on a semi-rant about 'What kind of world do we live in where Tavaris Jackson is on an NFL roster, and Vince Young isn't?!' :texan:

8/27/2012, 02:44 PM
Quan Cosby got cut yesterday. I seem to remember him being of the whorn-ness.

8/27/2012, 02:45 PM
The HORN in Austin went on a semi-rant about 'What kind of world do we live in where Tavaris Jackson is on an NFL roster, and Vince Young isn't?!' :texan:

One where a QB has to have more than just athletic ability.

8/27/2012, 03:24 PM
One where a 6 wonderlic score implies that you're too stupid to run an offense.

8/27/2012, 03:29 PM
GD, now a lot of people are out their money for good. I guess he declares bankruptcy and goes back to school for a meaningful degree. Ya sure, yebetcha.

8/27/2012, 03:29 PM
One where a 6 wonderlic score implies that you're too stupid to run an offense.

He had a losing record as a Vick-replacement starter, with twice as many interceptions as TDs... ish. 9 to 4.

Who cares what he did in college if what he does in the NFL sucks

8/27/2012, 03:33 PM
Oh no, you misunderstand. I 100% think he's too stupid to run an NFL offense. I think his score on the test was actually a harbinger of things to come.

8/27/2012, 03:40 PM
Oh no, you misunderstand. I 100% think he's too stupid to run an NFL offense. I think his score on the test was actually a harbinger of things to come.

That's what the rumors outta Beefalo were a few months ago, that he was an outstanding athlete, but didn't have the intelligence and work ethic to learn the playbook.

If a team could risk just having him do whatever the hell he wanted to much like :mack: once did, he might be successful. Or, he might be Tim Tebow celebrating a meaningless first down scramble before throwing an interception directly into the hands of Reggie Smith :P