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View Full Version : Romney is a birther

8/25/2012, 10:46 AM
Republicans are going to run a birther for president. It was not a joke, if he does not believe it, it shows he will pander to the mainstream of the republican party who more than half are either are not sure where The President was born or believe he was not born in the US.


8/25/2012, 10:48 AM
With out even reading this cause I cant see it I know you are simply proving beyound doubt that you are a Moran
This is the Football forum Numbnuts
Plus making a Joke about something dont mean you believe it .

It was not a joke. Watch it again....

8/25/2012, 10:49 AM
It's fair game, as long as you tards are calling for Romney to release tax records.

Personally, I'm over all this birther ****. But it gets your and Obama's panties all wadded up, so it's pretty ****in funny.

8/25/2012, 10:50 AM
It's fair game, as long as you tards are calling for Romney to release tax records.

Personally, I'm over all this birther ****. But it gets your and Obama's panties all wadded up, so it's pretty ****in funny.

Ole icky is so riled up hes made 2 threads about thi shat One on the Foot ball forum

8/25/2012, 10:52 AM
Ole icky is so riled up hes made 2 threads about thi shat One on the Foot ball forum

Just correct my mistake - unlike you. Ignorant *******.

8/25/2012, 10:53 AM
Shouldn't that earn him another time-out in his gerbil cage?

8/25/2012, 10:54 AM
Shouldn't that earn him another time-out in his gerbil cage?

Im ready fer him to take another Vacation
I got tired of his "Dribble" this morning so I put his ignorance on Iggy

8/25/2012, 10:55 AM
Shouldn't that earn him another time-out in his gerbil cage?


8/25/2012, 10:58 AM
Shouldn't that earn him another time-out in his gerbil cage?


Heard he had to wash his gerbil
It smelled like ****

8/25/2012, 10:59 AM

8/25/2012, 10:59 AM

Tastes good!

rock on sooner
8/25/2012, 11:57 AM
Ict does get a little worked up, but, Romney did stir the pot.
What was so funny was within 10 minutes or so of his saying
the BC joke, his campaign was spinning it with "Gov. Romney
strayed from his prepared remarks." He does seem to have
a problem remembering his lines...

8/25/2012, 12:00 PM
Ict does get a little worked up, but, Romney did stir the pot.
What was so funny was within 10 minutes or so of his saying
the BC joke, his campaign was spinning it with "Gov. Romney
strayed from his prepared remarks." He does seem to have
a problem remembering his lines...

He should be made to issue a written apology before he gets his diploma...whoops, wrong topic...

8/25/2012, 12:07 PM
Shouldn't that earn him another time-out in his gerbil cage?---That is an insult to Gerbils

8/25/2012, 07:12 PM
He's not a birther, he's a pisser offer of those that worship at the altar of dear leader the demigod.

He's getting more demi by the day. I love it.

Oh, and much milder than being accused of murder by Obama's former campaign staffers.

8/25/2012, 07:41 PM
You know what's weird? I'm 55, and I had to look up "what's a birther." Icky, you're fired.

8/25/2012, 07:52 PM
You know what's weird? I'm 55, and I had to look up "what's a birther." Icky, you're fired.

Even though I have him on ignore, I gotta ask: Is he really? For keeps?

I feel a chorus of We Are The World coming on.

8/25/2012, 07:57 PM
Even though I have him on ignore, I gotta ask: Is he really? For keeps?

I feel a chorus of We Are The World coming on.

Heh. I put his ignerant azz on Iggy this morning. Had to take a break from him
While hes fun to rile up , it comes a time when Ya just got to put the Puppy out side for awhile

8/25/2012, 08:15 PM
Heh. I put his ignerant azz on Iggy this morning. Had to take a break from him
While hes fun to rile up , it comes a time when Ya just got to put the Puppy out side for awhile

Well, I saw the clip on the news. I was clearly a joke based upon the fact that he was in Michigan, the state of his birth. A nothing deal.
Typical ridiculous news coverage while the country slips into a financial abyss.

8/25/2012, 08:16 PM
It was not a joke. Watch it again....


8/25/2012, 09:35 PM
Ole icky is so riled up hes made 2 threads about thi shat One on the Foot ball forum

Anybody with a brain that can receive sight and sound, and interpret it reasonably, has probably seen several Romney speeches were he says that he believe that Obama was born in Hawaii.
Shame this doesn't describe Icky!

But, Romeney has used that as joke material several times too.

8/25/2012, 09:39 PM
Maybe we should ask Icky to post his birth certificate.
Unless it was a test tube. In that case, a certificate of authenticity.

8/25/2012, 10:51 PM
Maybe we should ask Icky to post his birth certificate.
Unless it was a test tube. In that case, a certificate of authenticity.

Maybe if you showed having opinions beyond the one-liners and posting right wing blogs we would take you seriously. I may not agree with some of the far right wingers on here, but they at least have opinions backed up by something other than right wing talking points.

8/26/2012, 12:02 PM
Romney's comment was a good joke. Unlike the current administration which is nothing more than a terrible joke.

hawaii 5-0
8/26/2012, 10:17 PM
I saw it as a joke.

Kinda like travelling with the dog on top of the car or sports interests that include dancing horses.

My BS meter has been readjusted.


8/26/2012, 10:22 PM
It's a joke. Geeze. Some people need to take a break and get a life...

8/26/2012, 10:47 PM
It's a joke. Geeze. Some people need to take a break and get a life...

Of course it was a joke.

8/26/2012, 10:56 PM
Democrats are going to run a "Taxer" for president. It was not a joke, if he does not believe it, it shows he will pander to the mainstream of the democratic party who more than half are either are not sure what to make of Romney's tax records or that believe he is lying about them.

But to go back to the OP.

Anything to take the minds of the masses off the true issues, right? Point fingers about a subject that really does not matter one way or the other.

Who really gives a **** if Romney thinks he was or wasn't born in the US? I personally don't give a crap!

If you want my vote, then tell me what your plans are for the economy. What are your plans on getting the US back in the top 5 in the world when it comes to education? What are your plans to get the US less dependent on foreign energy? What are your plans to balancing the budget? What are your plans to overhauling the social programs like Medicare, Social Security, etc? What are your plans with ObamaCare?

Give me something idea what you want to do?

What I find funny is how the President is now thinking about opening up SPR just to lower the cost of oil? Seriously? Wow, how ironic he never thought about opening that til now when the American public is so fed up with the high gas and oil prices! Why hasn't he just gone ahead and allowed for more drilling? Why didn't he just go ahead and allow for the Keystone Pipeline to go through?

Im Sorry, but if that tool we have in the Oval Office wants my vote this time around, he should have been worried about this nation instead of worrying about pandering to those outside of this nation!

8/26/2012, 10:58 PM
Ict does get a little worked up, but, Romney did stir the pot.
What was so funny was within 10 minutes or so of his saying
the BC joke, his campaign was spinning it with "Gov. Romney
strayed from his prepared remarks." He does seem to have
a problem remembering his lines...

Maybe Obama should stop hogging all the teleprompters?

8/26/2012, 11:01 PM
Maybe if you showed having opinions beyond the one-liners and posting right wing blogs we would take you seriously. I may not agree with some of the far right wingers on here, but they at least have opinions backed up by something other than right wing talking points.

Whats wrong with one liners? hell Id be outta business with out em.

8/26/2012, 11:03 PM
Maybe if you showed having opinions beyond the one-liners and posting right wing blogs we would take you seriously. I may not agree with some of the far right wingers on here, but they at least have opinions backed up by something other than right wing talking points.

What a ridiculous statement.

You do realize that it doesnt matter which side of an issue one is on, the person (each and everyone of us) will use "talking points" that fit our point of view or point of preference.

So while you are sitting there pretty much insulting the guy, you are doing simply what people on the Left are good at....insulting others with differing views or morals.

It is what the democrat (liberals) do best. If you do not agree, attack and attack some more....it is called diversion...and they are pretty good at it.

8/26/2012, 11:21 PM
What a ridiculous statement.

You do realize that it doesnt matter which side of an issue one is on, the person (each and everyone of us) will use "talking points" that fit our point of view or point of preference.

So while you are sitting there pretty much insulting the guy, you are doing simply what people on the Left are good at....insulting others with differing views or morals.

It is what the democrat (liberals) do best. If you do not agree, attack and attack some more....it is called diversion...and they are pretty good at it.

The difference is this one guy only points to right wing blogs. I rarely post links to articles and when I do they are usually centrist and to the point. He adds nothing to the discussion and in fact is one of the reasons I would switch back to Obama.

Also it shows that you have never read my stuff. I'm not a "leftie" whatever the hell you think that is. I also don't buy into the "worst President in history" argument as that should be reserved for Hoover and Carter. You hardcore right wingers never stop to think that if you keep up the defeatist rhetoric that it always makes centrists look the other way. It is like being worked over by a timeshare salesman. Nothing has to be immediate. Chill out. Post your arguments and we can discuss. There are plenty of right-wingers on here that I get along with just fine. It is the ones that show nothing original and buy into the Jim Jones kook-aid (yes that was deliberate) that drive me crazy.

8/26/2012, 11:21 PM
Whats wrong with one liners? hell Id be outta business with out em.

Yes but yours are funny. His are just kind of sad.

Bourbon St Sooner
8/27/2012, 03:45 PM
One liner

8/27/2012, 04:01 PM
Yes but yours are funny. His are just kind of sad.

Heh, I do try to be a funny smartass

rock on sooner
8/27/2012, 04:14 PM
Heh, I do try to be a funny smartass

An ya succeed quite well....:smiley_simmons:

rock on sooner
8/27/2012, 04:15 PM
Maybe Obama should stop hogging all the teleprompters?

He tried, but I saw some at the RNC convention, so it dint work..

8/27/2012, 05:10 PM
The difference is this one guy only points to right wing blogs. I rarely post links to articles and when I do they are usually centrist and to the point. He adds nothing to the discussion and in fact is one of the reasons I would switch back to Obama.

Also it shows that you have never read my stuff. I'm not a "leftie" whatever the hell you think that is. I also don't buy into the "worst President in history" argument as that should be reserved for Hoover and Carter. You hardcore right wingers never stop to think that if you keep up the defeatist rhetoric that it always makes centrists look the other way. It is like being worked over by a timeshare salesman. Nothing has to be immediate. Chill out. Post your arguments and we can discuss. There are plenty of right-wingers on here that I get along with just fine. It is the ones that show nothing original and buy into the Jim Jones kook-aid (yes that was deliberate) that drive me crazy.

If anybody is fair in their posting it is this guy...

8/27/2012, 11:23 PM
If anybody is fair in their posting it is this guy...


8/28/2012, 08:41 AM
The difference is this one guy only points to right wing blogs. I rarely post links to articles and when I do they are usually centrist and to the point. He adds nothing to the discussion and in fact is one of the reasons I would switch back to Obama.

Also it shows that you have never read my stuff. I'm not a "leftie" whatever the hell you think that is. I also don't buy into the "worst President in history" argument as that should be reserved for Hoover and Carter. You hardcore right wingers never stop to think that if you keep up the defeatist rhetoric that it always makes centrists look the other way. It is like being worked over by a timeshare salesman. Nothing has to be immediate. Chill out. Post your arguments and we can discuss. There are plenty of right-wingers on here that I get along with just fine. It is the ones that show nothing original and buy into the Jim Jones kook-aid (yes that was deliberate) that drive me crazy.

First let me say this much just to give you better perspective of who I am... I am by no means a far right whatever.

I voted for Obama in 2008. I helped in Central Kansas with some of his campaign stuff. Stuff like signage and crap. It was the first and probably the only time ill do it.

That said, I am now a registered republican, for the fisrt time in my life. But that doesn't make me a far right thinking drone. Its called fed up with the democrat party in its current form.

Now then, Obama may not be the worst president ever, however, he can be seen in the same category as Hoover and Carter.

He has presided over the largest amount of government spending compared to GDP in history. He has created the largest amount of citizens dependent on goverment social programs. He has done very little (outside talking about things) to help kick start the economy. He has done veryy little to keep his 2008 campaign promise of steering us away from forgeign energy dependence. He has failed in 3 out of 4 major campaign promises.

In fact the only thing the guy has done he has promised seems to be his ridiculous health care reform bill.

The guy is a good talker (with the aid of a teleprompter), but he is a very weak leader, manager, CEO. He is a very weak president and terrible for this nation!

rock on sooner
8/28/2012, 08:49 AM
First let me say this much just to give you better perspective of who I am... I am by no means a far right whatever.

I voted for Obama in 2008. I helped in Central Kansas with some of his campaign stuff. Stuff like signage and crap. It was the first and probably the only time ill do it.

That said, I am now a registered republican, for the fisrt time in my life. But that doesn't make me a far right thinking drone. Its called fed up with the democrat party in its current form.

Now then, Obama may not be the worst president ever, however, he can be seen in the same category as Hoover and Carter.

He has presided over the largest amount of government spending compared to GDP in history. He has created the largest amount of citizens dependent on goverment social programs. He has done very little (outside talking about things) to help kick start the economy. He has done veryy little to keep his 2008 campaign promise of steering us away from forgeign energy dependence. He has failed in 3 out of 4 major campaign promises.

In fact the only thing the guy has done he has promised seems to be his ridiculous health care reform bill.

The guy is a good talker (with the aid of a teleprompter), but he is a very weak leader, manager, CEO. He is a very weak president and terrible for this nation!

75, a question for you, where do you think the country would be without
the help provided to the auto industry and his involvement with big banks?

8/28/2012, 08:56 AM
75, a question for you, where do you think the country would be without
the help provided to the auto industry and his involvement with big banks?

Why does this country need american automobile makers? The japanese automakers like honda, toyota, and mazda are here in this country making automobiles.

Ford didn't take a handout. And they are stronger.

Banks, isn't it unconstitutional to have a federally ran banking system?

My point. No one can reasonably tell if it would be better off or worse. But I can say this much, companies fail everyday. There shouldn't be a thing called too big to fail.

rock on sooner
8/28/2012, 09:01 AM
Why does this country need american automobile makers? The japanese automakers like honda, toyota, and mazda are here in this country making automobiles.

Ford didn't take a handout. And they are stronger.

Banks, isn't it unconstitutional to have a federally ran banking system?

My point. No one can reasonably tell if it would be better off or worse. But I can say this much, companies fail everyday. There shouldn't be a thing called too big to fail.

Oooookay, Ize jus askin'....

8/28/2012, 09:12 AM
Oooookay, Ize jus askin'....

Let me add this.

I was against it when President Bush gave almost a trillion in handouts and I am against it now. I was against it when Obama did it, and I'm against it now.

That said, there really is no way to know if it was good or bad. My personal opinion is that it made it worse in the point that it gives big business an excuse to make the wrong choices. because they now know they can make bad business decisions and get bailed out of them with big money backed by the federal government.

I also think it is good because it does keep hundreds even thousands of jobs going. So it eases the economic burden in the sense of employment.

Its a double edge sword.

IMO they shouldn't bail out any company or bank or insurance company. One will fail and another will ultimately step up and take the fallens place.

That's the beauty of pure capitalism. If there is a demand, then someone will step up and meet those demands.

8/28/2012, 09:34 AM
First let me say this much just to give you better perspective of who I am... I am by no means a far right whatever.

I voted for Obama in 2008. I helped in Central Kansas with some of his campaign stuff. Stuff like signage and crap. It was the first and probably the only time ill do it.

That said, I am now a registered republican, for the fisrt time in my life. But that doesn't make me a far right thinking drone. Its called fed up with the democrat party in its current form.

Now then, Obama may not be the worst president ever, however, he can be seen in the same category as Hoover and Carter.

He has presided over the largest amount of government spending compared to GDP in history. He has created the largest amount of citizens dependent on goverment social programs. He has done very little (outside talking about things) to help kick start the economy. He has done veryy little to keep his 2008 campaign promise of steering us away from forgeign energy dependence. He has failed in 3 out of 4 major campaign promises.

In fact the only thing the guy has done he has promised seems to be his ridiculous health care reform bill.

The guy is a good talker (with the aid of a teleprompter), but he is a very weak leader, manager, CEO. He is a very weak president and terrible for this nation!

I agree with all of that. I think he has been better the last year or so but much of it is overshadowed by the campaign rhetoric particularly against the oil and natural gas industry. I think his upside is limited. I have some concerns about Romney's statesmanship, but I think he probably has a good heart. I just hope he surrounds himself with good people and let's them do their thing. That was one thing about Reagan I really liked.

I took a different path. I was a registered Republican my whole life. I just saw some things in the party that I didn't like, so I switched to Democrat. I would honestly register Independent, but it doesn't give me access to the primaries.

I worked in central Kansas for a petroleum company there for almost 5 years. I know the area well.

Edit: I'm not sure how to answer the largest government spending (it is true) vs. the dependent people. He was handed a really bad economy. Spending went up. His budgets have been jokes but how much of that is politics. On government dependency, it is also a function of the economy. Not saying there isn't something to fix on that part but some of the news coming out of the Romney camp are just plain lies (Obama is lying as well on different things) which is just political hardball.

rock on sooner
8/28/2012, 02:53 PM
Let me add this.

I was against it when President Bush gave almost a trillion in handouts and I am against it now. I was against it when Obama did it, and I'm against it now.

That said, there really is no way to know if it was good or bad. My personal opinion is that it made it worse in the point that it gives big business an excuse to make the wrong choices. because they now know they can make bad business decisions and get bailed out of them with big money backed by the federal government.

I also think it is good because it does keep hundreds even thousands of jobs going. So it eases the economic burden in the sense of employment.

Its a double edge sword.

IMO they shouldn't bail out any company or bank or insurance company. One will fail and another will ultimately step up and take the fallens place.

That's the beauty of pure capitalism. If there is a demand, then someone will step up and meet those demands.

Since you added something, I will, also... GM and Chrysler employed 310,000 directly in the US
and there was an additional 1.5 million jobs involving suppliers, That's a total of 1.81 million jobs
Now, let's assume families of 4 for each of those jobs, that's 7,240,000 people affected if the two
auto companies had been allowed to fail. Realistically, if you think it is bad now, what would it have
like had that happened? Not only the jobs, but some of those businesses are the main employers in
small towns around the company. It is not unreasonable to say that more than a few TOWNS would
disappear. Let's carry that a little further,schools, construction, churches, even utilities wither and

You say that someone else will step up and take their place...here in Iowa, when Maytag was bought
by Whirlpool then shut it down. Newton, IA was almost a ghost town for 2-3 years then a race track
(Newton Raceway) came along and some wind energy related businesses came along. Is Newton all
the way back, nope, it is still struggling (and now faced with uncertainty in wind energy).

Why have American car manufacturers? Really? 100 year old businesses, generations of workers
in an industry and you advocate throwing it away because of poor management! Why not save it,
retool it, streamline it? 75, I couldn't believe my eyeballs when I read what you wrote! I respect
your opinion and respect the right you have to express it, but I couldn't disagree more. By extension,
your candidate for president essentially said what you said, so, obviously, I disagree with him as well.

8/28/2012, 03:56 PM
The discussion should not be about allowing the two companies to fail since they both did file bankruptcy...

The discussion should be about government intervention and huge money involved to keep them operating...

And Chrysler is no longer an American car company...

Let us not let facts get in the way....carry on....

8/28/2012, 10:28 PM
A lot of people confuse actual "birthers" who do not believe Obama was born here with those who think Obama is a drama seeking tool for refusing to provide indisputable proof that he was, in fact, born the USA.

8/28/2012, 11:00 PM
A lot of people confuse actual "birthers" who do not believe Obama was born here with those who think Obama is a drama seeking tool for refusing to provide indisputable proof that he was, in fact, born the USA.

Why should he have to? Because he's black?

8/28/2012, 11:10 PM
The same indisputable proof he supplied is the same any of us could supply.

8/29/2012, 02:37 AM
Why should he have to? Because he's black?

First let me say this... my son is half black, he was born in Ponca City, Ok. His mom is black and born in Oklahoma. So what does skin color have to do with this? Oh, nothing!

Maybe we should ask for his high school transcripts? Maybe we should ask to see his college transcripts?

I'm personally more concerned with Obama's education and how he got into havard and columbia seeing as how the guy thinks or thought we had 57 states, 7 more than we actually have. My 5 year old niece knows how many states there are.

I also think the fact the guy says he grew up with his mom rarely speaks of her. Rarely do you hear any news of him speaking of his white grand parents that live in Kansas. Rarely if ever has he produced photos of him with his mom or white grandparents while he was a teen or young adult.

Why isn't there any elementary photos he can produce?

I'm not saying he wasn't born in Hawaii. But what I'm saying its strange he doesn't or can't show us more of his past.

That said, ill leave the birther crap for others to discuss.

8/29/2012, 02:41 AM
Rock on sooner.

I appreciate your opinions and the debate back and forth.

But didn't dodge (an italian company now) and chevy ( government business now) file bankruptcy protection?

Yes, losing that many jobs would hurt, and I said as much, you should read all my posts in this thread. But I do not feel our government should be in the bailing out comapnies business.

8/29/2012, 02:58 AM
A lot of people confuse actual "birthers" who do not believe Obama was born here with those who think Obama is a drama seeking tool for refusing to provide indisputable proof that he was, in fact, born the USA.

Why should he have to? Because he's black?

Keep pulling the Race card out, the more you use it the weaker it becomes
Where in the world did Moms Post say anything about color?

rock on sooner
8/29/2012, 08:10 AM
Rock on sooner.

I appreciate your opinions and the debate back and forth.

But didn't dodge (an italian company now) and chevy ( government business now) file bankruptcy protection?

Yes, losing that many jobs would hurt, and I said as much, you should read all my posts in this thread. But I do not feel our government should be in the bailing out comapnies business.

Yup, they sure did, at the direction of the gov't, who helped manage
them through the mess. Your stance on gov't bailout is your stance.
I believe differently. ( I did read all your posts.)

8/29/2012, 09:45 PM
First let me say this... my son is half black, he was born in Ponca City, Ok. His mom is black and born in Oklahoma. So what does skin color have to do with this? Oh, nothing!

Maybe we should ask for his high school transcripts? Maybe we should ask to see his college transcripts?

I'm personally more concerned with Obama's education and how he got into havard and columbia seeing as how the guy thinks or thought we had 57 states, 7 more than we actually have. My 5 year old niece knows how many states there are.

I also think the fact the guy says he grew up with his mom rarely speaks of her. Rarely do you hear any news of him speaking of his white grand parents that live in Kansas. Rarely if ever has he produced photos of him with his mom or white grandparents while he was a teen or young adult.

Why isn't there any elementary photos he can produce?

I'm not saying he wasn't born in Hawaii. But what I'm saying its strange he doesn't or can't show us more of his past.

That said, ill leave the birther crap for others to discuss.

Mid is one of those brainless automotins that will use any angle to attack conservative ideas. Any angle he can find!
(Even if it is untrue!)
See the Movie 2016 - Obama's America to see where Obama is coming from.
After that, read his own biography...Dreams FROM My Father. When you understand what his father's dreams were, you will understand Obama.
That is enought to "turn" anyone with half a brain...black or white brain!