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8/23/2012, 11:16 PM

I think we will see the middle linebackers dropping deeper in middle zone coverage and not having to cover wrs, but what comes across their zone.

The corners jam at the line and play spot coverage with the rest of the dbs. They will have a zone they are responsible for and that's it. They will also keep everything in front of them.

Safeties, just like always in the tampa two will have deep half zones. Everything stays infront of them. They will slide when corner blitzes occur.

The dl will play natural. In otherwords, we will see that their assignments are gaps and not keeping the ol off linebackers.

Just like last time mike stoops was on our sidelines, this defense will be assignment football. It will look like a bend but don't break defense that will tighten up further down field it goes.

We won't see so many blitzes this year and rely on the dl to get pressure, which they should since they won't have to worry about keeping the big uglies off the linebackers.

I may be way off base here, but that is essentially the defense we should be seeing this year, especially if the past is any indication.

8/23/2012, 11:35 PM
The CB's were quoted in the paper today talking about how they shant be switching sides during the game and how much they like that.
I still love the Stoops' bros quote on defense when they first came here. They more or less said that scoring defense was the stat they cared the most about.

8/23/2012, 11:46 PM
And scoring defense is all that does matter.

I remember a few times under mike stoops that leach and tech gained a ton of yards, only to lose by double digits.

Minimize the big play and keep everything in front of the deepest man and things will be great. And on the dl, if a dl is worried about keeping the ol off the backers, then they are essentially blockers. And by doing that you take 4 guys away from your defense.

Free them up and let them make plays, not be protectors of the backers.

8/24/2012, 06:40 AM
With all the new spread offenses in the league, a Tampa 2 (safeties each having half the field) is kind of outdated. The reason being is that a) opposing offenses will quickly realize what you're doing and b) will flood your safety while keeping your corner out of the picture with some kind of flat personnel and the second safety being taken care of. Will be a lot of busted plays with a safety trying to cover 2 people by himself.

My guess would be a modified Cover 2 / Cover 3 hybrid that's becoming more popular. Cover 2 on the weak side, Cover 3 on the strong side.

D-Line? When Mike was here the d-line was still used to occupy the o-line so they couldn't get to the next level (i.e. take out linebackers, safeties) and we ended up with some guys with monster stats.

But honestly, in the offense of today, the #1 key is can you get some pressure. If you can't even the bad qbs can move the ball.

8/24/2012, 07:38 AM
If the defensive line isn't the strength of this defense then it's going to be difficult to improve, IMO. It looks like there's potential for good defensive line play, but until the preseason turns into regular season, all I can say is "let's see".

The secondary and linebackers are always better off when the D-line is winning up front.

8/24/2012, 07:47 AM
I think it will be like taking candy from a gorilla.

8/24/2012, 08:15 AM
Well, there's a Mike Stoops thread floating around somewhere. If you listen to a couple of the knuckleheads, our D will shut everyone out, and will end the season allowing 0 yards, 0 points, and have every offense in the country wearing Depends from pissing themselves thinking about playing us.

8/24/2012, 08:32 AM
:eagerness:Mike is the man!!

8/24/2012, 08:57 AM
Same players basically that gave up 600+ yds to Baylor....BAYLOR

I hope its better, but I've got doubts.

8/24/2012, 09:19 AM
Not sure I agree with the LB's dropping deeper into middle zone. I guess it depends on who we're playing. But I do agree with the modified cover 2/3 hybrid comment. It might look like a classic cover 2 when the QB gets to the line, but if they're smart, that's just a disguise, and it really becomes a cover 3 with the CB bailing to cover the deep 3rd. And you also shift leverage points in the secondary, which confuses a QB expecting (often inside to out).
Even though the BIG12 is a pass happy league, we have to be able to stuff the run. If we stuff the run (like Alabama), it sets up everything else.

8/24/2012, 09:33 AM
Interviewer: "What's your prediction on what the Sooner defense will do to the opposition this year?"

Mike Stoops: "My prediction?"

Interviewer: "Yes, your prediction."

[Mike Stoops looks into camera]

Mike Stoops: "Pain!"

8/24/2012, 09:39 AM
Nobody will ever score on this defense again. EVER!!!!

8/24/2012, 09:42 AM
Same players basically that gave up 600+ yds to Baylor....BAYLOR

I hope its better, but I've got doubts.

Our D will be much improved. They worked hard in the off season to put RG3 and K. Wright onto NFL rosters.

8/24/2012, 10:32 AM
If the defensive line isn't the strength of this defense then it's going to be difficult to improve, IMO. It looks like there's potential for good defensive line play, but until the preseason turns into regular season, all I can say is "let's see".

The secondary and linebackers are always better off when the D-line is winning up front.

THIS^^^^^^^^ I think they'll be better than last year, which isn't saying much. BUT they WILL NOT BE Mike Stoops first time around good. I just don't think he can snap his fingers and repair the swiss cheese defense of last year.

8/24/2012, 10:43 AM
THIS^^^^^^^^ I think they'll be better than last year, which isn't saying much. BUT they WILL NOT BE Mike Stoops first time around good. I just don't think he can snap his fingers and repair the swiss cheese defense of last year.

Of course not - there is no magic in finger snapping. But if there is any power in yelling, our D will dominate.

8/24/2012, 10:50 AM
THIS^^^^^^^^ I think they'll be better than last year, which isn't saying much. BUT they WILL NOT BE Mike Stoops first time around good. I just don't think he can snap his fingers and repair the swiss cheese defense of last year.

NOT THIS^^^^^^^You scheme around defensive line short-comings whether it be through philosophy or personnel at other positions if you're a competent defensive coordinator. Oklahoma had a pretty mean play-making defense in the 2000 season with VERY average defensive lineman and not just at the DT spots, but the DE spots as well.

8/24/2012, 11:12 AM
Yes BAYLOR...the same BAYLOR that was a top-5 offense last year. Methinks we weren't the only defense that gave up a buttload of yards to them.

8/24/2012, 11:13 AM
not one more yard

8/24/2012, 11:33 AM
NOT THIS^^^^^^^You scheme around defensive line short-comings whether it be through philosophy or personnel at other positions if you're a competent defensive coordinator. Oklahoma had a pretty mean play-making defense in the 2000 season with VERY average defensive lineman and not just at the DT spots, but the DE spots as well.

True and I agree. But how good will this set of Linebackers be WITHOUT BV coaching them? Are you sold 100% on Kish, Bob trust Mike and Mike trust Kish. I trust in Bob, so by default I have to trust in Kish. Just saying that for the starters we have coming back there are still too many unknowns for me to feel giddy as a school girl about this defense after what we seen down the stretch last year. I love me some Wort, Nelson, and Ibby( no homo). But I don't know that this group as a whole is as good as the 2000 group of backers, secondary I think is better as a group this year. Do we have a game changing playmaker on this defense that can take a pick back on the road down half way through the 4th, like Marshall did in Collie Station in 2000? Yet to be seen TJ had 3 picks against Ball State last year, two on their side of the 50 and didn't sniff the endzone. Just saying. :boxing:

8/24/2012, 11:42 AM
not one more yard


8/24/2012, 12:18 PM
True and I agree. But how good will this set of Linebackers be WITHOUT BV coaching them? Are you sold 100% on Kish, Bob trust Mike and Mike trust Kish. I trust in Bob, so by default I have to trust in Kish. Just saying that for the starters we have coming back there are still too many unknowns for me to feel giddy as a school girl about this defense after what we seen down the stretch last year. I love me some Wort, Nelson, and Ibby( no homo). But I don't know that this group as a whole is as good as the 2000 group of backers, secondary I think is better as a group this year. Do we have a game changing playmaker on this defense that can take a pick back on the road down half way through the 4th, like Marshall did in Collie Station in 2000? Yet to be seen TJ had 3 picks against Ball State last year, two on their side of the 50 and didn't sniff the endzone. Just saying. :boxing:

I'm not 100% sold on Kish, because unlike my feelings in Mike Stoops as a defensive coordinator, Kish has something to prove that he is a capable linebackers coach when he has talent in hand. It's a hard to judge Arizona because outside of the Desert Swarm defense of the early 90s with a completely different staff, Arizona has never been a defensive stalwart or being known for landing star linebackers. It could go one way or the other wish Kish, the linebackers could be worse and they could be better.

I think Oklahoma's linebacking corps were overall in better in the first half of the 2000s than they were in the second half of the 2000s. Now was that because Brent Venables was able to spend more time with them when he was the co-defensive coordinator/linebackers coach, but not the defensive play-caller or was that because Mike Stoops was around at that time and managed the Sooner defense better as a whole? My gut feeling is the latter, but we'll know this pretty confidently as we go through this season.

One thing I do feel better about the linebackers this year is while Travis Lewis was a heck of a linebacker, he wasn't last year, he was actually a liability just as much as Adrian Taylor was a liability trying to play DT in the 2010. But of these were due to unfortunate injuries of course. There were several plays the old healthy Travis Lewis wouldn't have blown last season, but because of his injury, he blew several. Travis Lews' lateral speed was blown due to the injury. I think the linebacking corps will actually be better this year as long (knock on wood) that Wort and Nelson don't get injured. Things "could" get alarming real quick if something happens to Wort, which isn't out of the realm of impossibility given his history and how he throws his body around. We just have to hope nothing happens here.

I think Tony Jefferson will most certainly be that game-changing play-maker now that he is at the position he should have been at his entire career instead of just part of it. I honestly expect TJ to have a Roy Williams junior year type of year with Superman highlight real and everything. I am really looking forward to him tearing things up and he is much better in pass coverage than Roy Williams. I'm not saying TJ is better than Roy Williams, because he isn't since he hasn't proven that yet; I am just saying that he "could" be and this is the year to do it.

8/24/2012, 12:18 PM
NOT THIS^^^^^^^You scheme around defensive line short-comings whether it be through philosophy or personnel at other positions if you're a competent defensive coordinator. Oklahoma had a pretty mean play-making defense in the 2000 season with VERY average defensive lineman and not just at the DT spots, but the DE spots as well.

I have to disagree a bit. In the present pass happy big 12 it is very difficult to scheme around D-line weakness. The only way you help a d-line is by lending secondary/linebacker support and that creates coverage problems. I agree you can mitigate with your scheme and good play calling but your not going to be dominant until you command the line of scimmage. I don't think we will have a dominant D until we we have have at least one dominant tackle. We'll see if someone steps up.

8/24/2012, 12:50 PM
I have to disagree a bit. In the present pass happy big 12 it is very difficult to scheme around D-line weakness. The only way you help a d-line is by lending secondary/linebacker support and that creates coverage problems. I agree you can mitigate with your scheme and good play calling but your not going to be dominant until you command the line of scimmage. I don't think we will have a dominant D until we we have have at least one dominant tackle. We'll see if someone steps up.

Well, we're certainly going to find out. It's a shame that we probably won't know until the second half of the season as far as if they can do it consistely, but at least Texas Tech will provide a good test early on with Doege and what happened last season. I don't have high hopes for any of Oklahoma's senior tackles making noise, since they really haven't up to this point, so I am placing my virtual money on Jordan Phillips making us very optimistic about the Sooners at the DT position. We have been missing a quality DT that draws double teams for two years too long now. Hopefully, he will be the answer.

8/24/2012, 01:31 PM
I think Tony Jefferson will most certainly be that game-changing play-maker now that he is at the position he should have been at his entire career instead of just part of it. I honestly expect TJ to have a Roy Williams junior year type of year with Superman highlight real and everything. I am really looking forward to him tearing things up and he is much better in pass coverage than Roy Williams. I'm not saying TJ is better than Roy Williams, because he isn't since he hasn't proven that yet; I am just saying that he "could" be and this is the year to do it.

I agree TJ COULD be that kinda player, but we haven't seen it. Maybe due to him being played in the wrong place? Time will tell. I do think the secondary will end up being the strength of this year's d, assuming Mike has Javon straight. To me it ALL hinges on the dline.

Landthief 1972
8/24/2012, 01:31 PM
According to this Tulsa World article, (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/OU/article.aspx?subjectid=92&articleid=20120824_92_B1_ULNSea203532) Stoops is going back to the nickel package, he's putting Gabe Lynn in as a nickelback, and Lynn is actually flourishing there. Interesting part of that story to me is that Mike recognized that Lynn didn't have the acceleration to catch receivers who got ahead of him, so he moved him to a position that utilized the talents he has. The more I read about what Mike has been doing the last few months to change things up, the less impressed I am with Brent Venebles as a DC - especially if this D comes out and ends up ranked in the top 10-15 or so.

8/24/2012, 06:29 PM
What so many of you keep forgetting is that Mike can't put on pads. Players still gotta make plays. Players haven't been making the plays. I hope to hell they make the plays this year. You know, to vindicate a couple of dildos on this board and all. Sheez.

8/24/2012, 09:10 PM
What so many of you keep forgetting is that Mike can't put on pads. Players still gotta make plays. Players haven't been making the plays. I hope to hell they make the plays this year. You know, to vindicate a couple of dildos on this board and all. Sheez.

That would make a good inspirational T-shirt the players on D could wear under the pads: "Vindicate the Dildos"

8/24/2012, 10:30 PM
I can actually remember when I looked fwd to the Oklahoma D taking the field. <shrug> I figured to see smart, aggressive defense played by players that looked like they enjoyed knocking heads around... not like they were afraid of making a mistake, not constantly checking the sidelines...

Oh, how I hope those days will return.

8/25/2012, 07:30 AM
That would make a good inspirational T-shirt the players on D could wear under the pads: "Vindicate the Dildos"

How about a fist with VTD in the middle?

8/25/2012, 08:58 AM
To me it ALL hinges on the dline.

I think a lot of it does. It all starts there for the defense. We need a big year from R.J. Washington and Jordan Phillips could emerge even as a freshman.

8/25/2012, 09:12 AM
That would make a good inspirational T-shirt the players on D could wear under the pads: "Vindicate the Dildos"

How about a fist with VTD in the middle?

Perfect - I've already contacted the T-shirt manufacturer.