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View Full Version : How much a part, if at all, do you think

8/16/2012, 04:28 PM
playing football games in adverse weather conditions matter when it comes to a team suffering injuries on the playing and practice field?

8/16/2012, 05:27 PM
I can't ever recall seeing a bad injury due to rain, sleet or snow. The worst ones I've witnessed happened in good or decent weather. And I played Class A ball on some real humdinger fields in November.

8/16/2012, 06:02 PM
I can't ever recall seeing a bad injury due to rain, sleet or snow. The worst ones I've witnessed happened in good or decent weather. And I played Class A ball on some real humdinger fields in November.

I agree. Somewhere in the world of the internetz, there is a statistic that shows injuries occur at a higher rate in domed stadiums. Maybe that's just in the NFL, but I'm sure the surface has a lot to do with it.

8/16/2012, 06:18 PM
The surface has a lot to do with it. It was sort of conventional wisdom back in the day that rainy weather in particular usually meant no injuries...nobody could plant well enough to hit anybody solidly. Everybody slips.