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View Full Version : Hey Badger! What did you make of Ryan's Homecoming speech?

8/13/2012, 01:46 PM
He mentioned Leinie's!!! What a great Brewery.

8/13/2012, 01:53 PM
I dunno, let me watch it:

8/13/2012, 02:27 PM
OK, listened to it. Here's my thoughts on the whole Paul Ryan thing, not just the speech:

He is on this ticket for one reason: Midwestern state voters. Much like Sarah Palin was on the McCain ticket to match history (first black president) with history (first female vice president), Paul Ryan is on the ticket to court the battleground Midwestern states. Obama will get the blue coastal elitist states. Romney will get the red southern states. The election will be decided in the Midwest.

He was practically waving the MID-WEST! MID-WEST! flag during this Homecoming speech, not that all Homecoming speeches don't name-drop and location-drop and hobby-drop to cater to their audience. You'd never see a presidential candidate (or a representative) drop by Wisconsin without name-dropping the Packers, for example.

What Paul Ryan adds to the ticket is not the Tea Party vote. Hell, the Tea Party would be dead before they'd vote for Obama! What he adds is the fact that he is from Wisconsin, a state that is not only in the mighty Midwest, but also site of that crazy gubernatorial recall and union battle.

As for what Paul Ryan name-dropped, I think that anyone could have delivered the speech that he did by looking up "Wisconsin stereotypes." If you really wanna prove that you're from the Midwest, don't scream "bratwurst! bratwurst! bratwurst!"

1- Tell them what number you are on the season-ticket waiting list for the Packers. This not only makes you look less like a privileged trustfund boy and more like a commoner, it expands on the "Durr, I'm a Packer fan" stereotype.

2- Tell them that you're eating cheese curds before, during and after this speech. It's one thing to be all like "Durr, I love Wisconsin cheese," but the curds are something that much fewer outsiders know about. A few Oklahomans that I've mentioned them to are repulsed. They squeak? You put them in the microwave and eat them warm? Ewwwwwww

3- Tell them where your fishing lakes are and what you plan to catch there. "Durr, ice fishing" pretty much blew his cover --- he's just a poser that got a speech filled with stereotypes handed to him. You need to say sh!t like "I went fishing with my dad to our backyard Embarrass River bank and pulled in 30-inch northern pikes and we took them to our disabled World War II veteran neighbor who would have loved to have been out there fishing with us!

(yes, that is a true story and I plan to use it when I run for president someday)

Overall, I'd normally love to have a fellow Wisconsinite run for veep and make the state proud, but much like Hillary Clinton does not represent me as a fellow woman and some Swift Boat vets did not feel rep'd by John Kerry, I don't really feel any connection with Paul Ryan.

8/13/2012, 03:26 PM
What about the Leinie's?? I could care less about the speech, but he mentioned Leinenkugel!

8/13/2012, 05:49 PM
The Midwest is a vast expanse of corn-supported communities that don't want the cuts to start with them. Wrestling them away from the Democrats could be tough.
As Okies we are nobodies. The Republicans will carry the state anyway, so they ignore us. For the Democrats, we don't comprise enough swing/minority/urban/Starbucks/Phd types to worry with.

hawaii 5-0
8/14/2012, 02:57 PM
The Dems will now try to make it a referendum on Medicare.

The Repubs plan? I really dunno. They seems all over the place.

The Swing states are the key. Ryan might (or might not) get Wisconsin. He only represents 1/8th of the state. Florida is now Obama's once the Medicare issue is told to the oldies. Ohio? Obama's Bailout brought a lot of jobs back. Virginia? Their Republican governor touts the jobs issue but their unemployment rate is even lower than the rest of the country. North Carolina? Not sure. The Democratic Convention being held there is no coincidence. What's left? Colorado? New Mexico? I dunno about those.

IMO, Florida is THE KEY and I don't see Romney carrying it at this time.

It's still early.......


hawaii 5-0
8/14/2012, 02:58 PM
I prefer Spotted Cow.


8/14/2012, 03:14 PM
The Dems will now try to make it a referendum on Medicare.

The Repubs plan? I really dunno. They seems all over the place.

The Swing states are the key. Ryan might (or might not) get Wisconsin. He only represents 1/8th of the state. Florida is now Obama's once the Medicare issue is told to the oldies. Ohio? Obama's Bailout brought a lot of jobs back. Virginia? Their Republican governor touts the jobs issue but their unemployment rate is even lower than the rest of the country. North Carolina? Not sure. The Democratic Convention being held there is no coincidence. What's left? Colorado? New Mexico? I dunno about those.

IMO, Florida is THE KEY and I don't see Romney carrying it at this time.

It's still early.......


I am seeing a mixed reaction to the Ryan plan on Medicaid. Like you have said, a lot of people are worried that the government will just turn off the spigot (why do I only use that dated word when talking politics?) and the free flowing money train will end.

Others are seeing that Medicaid is in trouble and without changes to the system, it won't be there for future generations, so they are open to some changes now to ensure it's longevity.

It is a HUGE risk to suggest tampering with a program that many seniors (read: primary voter base) hold dear. A government-sponsored health program called "Obamacare" is baaaaaaaad. But call it "Medicare" and you better keep your paws off this important program that seniors rely on.

This election is very much undecided on many fronts. I think the debates might actually matter this year. A bad sign for Dems, and I think you'll agree with me on this 5-0, is that Obama/Biden is not drawing the size of crowds that Romnye/Ryan are. Are Republican voters more energized than Democratic ones at this point? Definitely.

rock on sooner
8/14/2012, 03:30 PM
Okay, Badg, Ima gonna bite on Wisconsin,,,cheese curds,
don't microwave 'em, put 'em in the sun on the flote boat
while you get your second or seventh Point Beer. In the
fall, get yur buns to LaCrosse for ur brat..with..and sit curb
side to watch the Oktoberfest parade with the UW alum band
bringin' up the rear of the parade and then go get 'nother brat..
with even more kraut and spicy brown mustard, wash it down
with really cold beer (brand don't matter).

There's a little cheese factory..Union Star..one of how many
in Wisconsin? that will ship cheese, but only in late fall and
early winter...Oh, and there's the corn roast at Chain O Lakes
in Waupaca....sweet corn, beer, polka, beer, sweet corn....

Not much of a fisherman and more of a Bronco or Cowboy
fan than the Pack....but Wisconsin has it goin' on!

Mississippi Sooner
8/14/2012, 03:52 PM
I like poutine, and I don't care who knows it.

hawaii 5-0
8/14/2012, 07:03 PM
I'm a bit suspicious of why Ryan/Romney want to change Medicare.

Do they suddenly care for the general populace?

or do they care for the health care companies/HMOs and the drug companies?

If Congress has the lowest confidence rating of any branch of government (<8 percent) and Paul Ryan is the bright star of the House of Representatives with his Budget, why oh why did Romney choose him?

5 Republican Senators backed away from voting for the Ryan Budget. Why did they cross Party lines? Were they afraid for their political future?

Ryan/Romney are getting a lot of buzz, but it's not all good.

Then, we can always expect Uncle Joe Biden to put his big foot in his mouth at least a few more times before November.

Fun times......


hawaii 5-0
8/14/2012, 07:06 PM
I luv me some cheese curds. The squeekier the better.

Anyone tried brats in Germany? Waaay too lean, making them much less flavorful IMO.


rock on sooner
8/14/2012, 08:17 PM
I'm a bit suspicious of why Ryan/Romney want to change Medicare.

Do they suddenly care for the general populace?

or do they care for the health care companies/HMOs and the drug companies?

If Congress has the lowest confidence rating of any branch of government (<8 percent) and Paul Ryan is the bright star of the House of Representatives with his Budget, why oh why did Romney choose him?

5 Republican Senators backed away from voting for the Ryan Budget. Why did they cross Party lines? Were they afraid for their political future?

Ryan/Romney are getting a lot of buzz, but it's not all good.

Then, we can always expect Uncle Joe Biden to put his big foot in his mouth at least a few more times before November.

Fun times......


Ryan/Romney want to change all entitlement (hate that word) programs.
Aint nothin more than stealing from the middle class/poor and giving to
the rich! Don't believe me? Read the "Path to Prosperity" and you'll
see what he wants to cut and who benefits.

hawaii 5-0
8/14/2012, 08:41 PM
Never heard of the "Path to Prosperity".

Is it like "How to Get Rich Quick" by I.P. Nichols?


rock on sooner
8/15/2012, 08:06 AM
Never heard of the "Path to Prosperity".

Is it like "How to Get Rich Quick" by I.P. Nichols?


5-0, google it or Ryan's Budget. That's what Ryan's budget is being called
by some...and Romney has embraced it.

8/15/2012, 10:01 AM
Never heard of the "Path to Prosperity".

Is it like "How to Get Rich Quick" by I.P. Nichols?


Or "The Yellow River" by I.P. .....?