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8/7/2012, 09:17 AM
Linked on the Drudge this morning. (http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/obama%E2%80%99s-college-classmate-the-obama-scandal-is-at-columbia/)

It is an interesting read, but considering this guy is a Libertarian, it's probably more partisan hackery.

8/7/2012, 09:30 AM
Gut instinct...

8/7/2012, 10:28 AM
I would tend to believe that there is something there. I have been wondering why Romney has not been asking for O'Bammy or El Soetoro to release his transcripts. I would be hammering that if I were running for Prez. There is something there, like I said long ago. I think he came to the U.S. as a "foreign" student and was milking the system illegally. I've got no proof, but then Harry doesn't either to put shi'ite out there...

I think El Soetoro is the real Manchurian candidate...

8/7/2012, 11:08 AM
I think that the campaigns are saving their best ammo for the debates and the RNC/DNC.

The DNC/RNC (I have to swap them so that nobody accuses me of favoring one over the other... oh wait I've said a billion times that I'm a registered Republican hehe) conventions will be a chance to repeat all of the running gags and triumphs of the first billion months of campaigning.

The debates will be the chance to confront each other when the cameras are rolling. However, my guess is that there's no secrets about what each will do (campaign spies???) and say, so that "gotcha!" moment will probably never happen.

8/7/2012, 11:14 AM
October surprise...

8/7/2012, 11:20 AM
That was just a bunch of wild speculation.

Funny how this guy acts like he should have known or heard of all 28k students who attended Columbia.

Are we taking a professional gambler's instincts seriously? Is this what politics has come to?

Mississippi Sooner
8/7/2012, 11:25 AM
I kept waiting for him to say, "and for just $24.95, you get my lead pipe lock, and my free teaser bet of the week!"

8/7/2012, 11:56 AM
That was just a bunch of wild speculation.

Funny how this guy acts like he should have known or heard of all 28k students who attended Columbia.

Are we taking a professional gambler's instincts seriously? Is this what politics has come to?

It does make sense for people in the same majors in the same graduating year to know each other. I knew most of the students that were in my college/graduating class just from all of the classes we had to take to graduate and other major-related activities.

However, I did see names I didn't recognize show up on graduation ceremony's program. My guess is they were washouts from OU's school of meteorology that needed to get some type of degree after spending 4, 5, 6 years at OU. :eek:

The Profit
8/7/2012, 01:14 PM
The right winged wacko blog, The Blaze, reports it, Matt Drudge runs with it and Republican sheep believe it. The Republicans better come up with something better than this. Our President leads in nearly every battleground state, including Ohio. If Romney cannot win Ohio, he cannot win the election.

8/7/2012, 01:25 PM
The right winged wacko blog, The Blaze, reports it, Matt Drudge runs with it and Republican sheep believe it. The Republicans better come up with something better than this. Our President leads in nearly every battleground state, including Ohio. If Romney cannot win Ohio, he cannot win the election.

Hello Profit.

If Romney doesn't win most battleground states he will lose.

I agree...I don't think Romney is leading....now.

The economy will tell the tale.

8/7/2012, 01:29 PM
It does make sense for people in the same majors in the same graduating year to know each other. I knew most of the students that were in my college/graduating class just from all of the classes we had to take to graduate and other major-related activities.

However, I did see names I didn't recognize show up on graduation ceremony's program. My guess is they were washouts from OU's school of meteorology that needed to get some type of degree after spending 4, 5, 6 years at OU. :eek:

I bet 95% of the EE majors I graduated with would have no clue who I was and I was there the whole time. The only ones who would have a clue who I was were the ones I either had as lab partners or senior project with (and I can't even remember any of their names). I didn't do the study group thing other than a couple of times and definitely didn't hang with EE guys outside of class.

Grad school was a little different even though I did it while working.

8/7/2012, 01:33 PM
The right winged wacko blog, The Blaze, reports it, Matt Drudge runs with it and Republican sheep believe it. The Republicans better come up with something better than this. Our President leads in nearly every battleground state, including Ohio. If Romney cannot win Ohio, he cannot win the election.

I don't know who leads here in NC but considering the outcome of the gay marriage amendment it makes me think Romney will win here. I guess one important thing is that minorities who would be Obama voters are strongly against gay marriage so maybe that issue can't be used as a barometer.

rock on sooner
8/7/2012, 01:44 PM
October surprise...

Obama releases his transcript and Romney STILL keeps
his tax records sealed or Obama doesn't and Romney
STILL won't.

Here's one theory..Romney's tax records will show that he
was still on payroll at Bain in '00, 01 & '02. Another is that
he paid little or no tax for more that 3 or 4 years, even more.

JMO, Romney better fess up 'cause the Dems aren't gonna
lighten up at all. Even a lot of Pubs are saying that he should.

8/7/2012, 01:47 PM
The right winged wacko blog, The Blaze, reports it, Matt Drudge runs with it and Republican sheep believe it. The Republicans better come up with something better than this. Our President leads in nearly every battleground state, including Ohio. If Romney cannot win Ohio, he cannot win the election.

Agree on the Drudge thing. It's a fun site to look at for the headlines, but most of the time I only click on links if they are truly bizarre.

I clicked on this one because I didn't know what it meant: "College Classmate: 'The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia'..."

And its funny that you say that, because Obama's admin called out Drudge apparently. (http://washingtonexaminer.com/white-house-disses-drudge-report-be-mindful-of-your-sources/article/2504233)

As for the voter thing, I don't think that a majority of voters are decided on who they are going to vote for yet.

Romney has something going against him in the swing states --- the voters got angry at Dems in 2010. Thus, states like Wisconsin have already voted in Republican leadership (in their case, Gov. Walker) and may have already gotten a chance to hate (or like) Republicans based on who they voted for in 2010.

If voter angst happened in 2012 instead of 2010 against the Dems, then Romney would probably win swing states in a landslide. However, the whole public union fight wasn't universally popular.

8/7/2012, 01:49 PM
JMO, Romney better fess up 'cause the Dems aren't gonna
lighten up at all. Even a lot of Pubs are saying that he should.

Romney should if he senses that he's losing the election. Right now, with the race even (it seems, because voters seem to hate both options at this point), there's not a strong reason to go this route.

8/7/2012, 01:56 PM
Obama releases his transcript and Romney STILL keeps
his tax records sealed or Obama doesn't and Romney
STILL won't.

Here's one theory..Romney's tax records will show that he
was still on payroll at Bain in '00, 01 & '02. Another is that
he paid little or no tax for more that 3 or 4 years, even more.

JMO, Romney better fess up 'cause the Dems aren't gonna
lighten up at all. Even a lot of Pubs are saying that he should.

I'm just ready for it to get dirty. For years I hated that the political discourse in this country had turned into a Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck routine, but now I just don't give a ****. I want the dirtiest fighting ever seen. I want them screaming at each other on television like it's a bad reality show. Because it doesn't matter who we elect. The only thing that will change is which side bitches and whines the loudest for the next four years.

If the world is going to hell then let's at least make it a fun ride.

8/7/2012, 02:00 PM
I bet 95% of the EE majors I graduated with would have no clue who I was and I was there the whole time. The only ones who would have a clue who I was were the ones I either had as lab partners or senior project with (and I can't even remember any of their names). I didn't do the study group thing other than a couple of times and definitely didn't hang with EE guys outside of class.

Grad school was a little different even though I did it while working.

You mean to say you tech-weenie geeks don't even like hanging around each other? Who knew?

8/7/2012, 02:10 PM
That was just a bunch of wild speculation.

Funny how this guy acts like he should have known or heard of all 28k students who attended Columbia.

Are we taking a professional gambler's instincts seriously? Is this what politics has come to?

JKJ - I don't know about you, but I sure as hell know my class mates in my undergrad major. I may not be able to recite every name, but I am familiar with everyone. Same thing with this guy, El Soetoro was in Poly Sci the same time as him, you would tend to take the same required courses - so don't discount him.

8/7/2012, 02:13 PM
My guess is they were washouts from OU's school of meteorology that needed to get some type of degree after spending 4, 5, 6 years at OU. :eek:

Back in my day, there were lots of people washing out of Meteorology. I think I started with a class of over 35 and we graduated 12. I graduated in 4 years, I think 10 took 5 years.

8/7/2012, 02:15 PM
Hello Profit.

If Romney doesn't win most battleground states he will lose.

I agree...I don't think Romney is leading....now.

The economy will tell the tale.

According to Dick Morris, he is doing very much better than the Lame Stream media is reporting. Down 1 in Florida and 2 (I believe) in Ohio. He is ahead in all states McCain won last time. I do agree that the LSM will likely not report poor El Soetoro polling data.

rock on sooner
8/7/2012, 02:22 PM
I'm just ready for it to get dirty. For years I hated that the political discourse in this country had turned into a Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck routine, but now I just don't give a ****. I want the dirtiest fighting ever seen. I want them screaming at each other on television like it's a bad reality show. Because it doesn't matter who we elect. The only thing that will change is which side bitches and whines the loudest for the next four years.

If the world is going to hell then let's at least make it a fun ride.

Well, You're gonna get your "wish", Wish. (Sorry, couldn't resist).
Seriously, this will be the nastiest, most expensive, nastiest bare-
knuckled election ever! Oh, did I mention nastiest?:excitement:

8/7/2012, 02:39 PM
Back in my day, there were lots of people washing out of Meteorology. I think I started with a class of over 35 and we graduated 12. I graduated in 4 years, I think 10 took 5 years.

So are you using your degree?

8/7/2012, 03:07 PM
According to Dick Morris ...

There's your problem right there. Has Dick Morris ever been right? About anything?

8/7/2012, 03:21 PM
Well, You're gonna get your "wish", Wish. (Sorry, couldn't resist).
Seriously, this will be the nastiest, most expensive, nastiest bare-
knuckled election ever! Oh, did I mention nastiest?:excitement:

Unless you're in Oklahoma. In which case, the worst that you'll witness is probably what you're seeing during the Olympics. After that, the candidates will ignore us, knowing that we are a red state through and through.

rock on sooner
8/7/2012, 03:26 PM
Unless you're in Oklahoma. In which case, the worst that you'll witness is probably what you're seeing during the Olympics. After that, the candidates will ignore us, knowing that we are a red state through and through.

Ya know, that's kinda too bad. Y'all will be denied the entertainment.
Here in Iowa, we're already being inundated with the ads...4 outa 5
are negative as can be...

rock on sooner
8/7/2012, 03:27 PM
There's your problem right there. Has Dick Morris ever been right? About anything?

^^^^This^^^^.....He's almost as big a flip flopper as is Romney!

8/7/2012, 03:30 PM
^^^^This^^^^.....He's almost as big a flip flopper as is Romney!

That's evolution to you dems.

8/7/2012, 03:38 PM
So are you using your degree? Nope. I did two years at The Weather Channel and then moved to engineering... Of my class, I believe about 5 or so are still in the field.

8/7/2012, 03:39 PM
There's your problem right there. Has Dick Morris ever been right? About anything?

I may not like him, but he is not that bad. He was instrumental in Clinton's victories as a pollster. I think his ideas on polling are insightful, helps to understand the nature of the polling samples and stats behind the answers.

Plus, he was into toe secks when Clinton was getting some as well in a famous phone conversation...

8/7/2012, 03:47 PM
Ya know, that's kinda too bad. Y'all will be denied the entertainment.
Here in Iowa, we're already being inundated with the ads...4 outa 5
are negative as can be...

I lived in Wisconsin once upon a time. It was fun being a swing state in 2000. We voted blue that year. There were unsubstantiated (but highly believable) rumors that uber-liberal campus UW-Madison had students voting multiple times. I was still too young to vote, and W. won overall, so I guess it really doesn't matter to me. Really, all Gore had to do was take his home state and he would have won.

Imagine if they say the same thing about Romney and Massy-chew-see.

8/7/2012, 03:51 PM
I lived in Wisconsin once upon a time. It was fun being a swing state in 2000. We voted blue that year. There were unsubstantiated (but highly believable) rumors that uber-liberal campus UW-Madison had students voting multiple times. I was still too young to vote, and W. won overall, so I guess it really doesn't matter to me. Really, all Gore had to do was take his home state and he would have won.

Imagine if they say the same thing about Romney and Massy-chew-see.

Strange that neither a senator from TN or a governor from Mass. can carry their home state in a prez election...seems like that would be the easier one of the two.

rock on sooner
8/7/2012, 03:52 PM
That's evolution to you dems.

I keep fergettin...

8/7/2012, 04:38 PM

This from the guy that wants Romney to release his tax returns

8/7/2012, 04:45 PM
I would tend to believe that there is something there. I have been wondering why Romney has not been asking for O'Bammy or El Soetoro to release his transcripts. I would be hammering that if I were running for Prez. There is something there, like I said long ago. I think he came to the U.S. as a "foreign" student and was milking the system illegally. I've got no proof, but then Harry doesn't either to put shi'ite out there...

I think El Soetoro is the real Manchurian candidate...

Romney will get some mileage in return for the Tax returns, I promise you that. Expect in the debates for Obama to once again hammer Romney for the tax returns, and expect Romney to tell Obama, sure, I would be glad to release my tax returns.....after you release all of your college records at Oxidental, Columbia and Harvard. After you release your real estate deal you made with Tony Rezco. Interesting that Obama has made sure these records never become public.

Romney will get something in return for the tax records. He won't just give them up gratis.

8/7/2012, 04:58 PM
This election will be decided on whether or not you eat at Chick-Fil-A or not...

8/7/2012, 05:34 PM
Gut instinct...

My "gut instinct" leads me to believe there must be something damaging or he would release the records...that would be a good guess he went to school as a foreigner...if it were bad grades he probably still releases everything...

8/7/2012, 05:53 PM
Well, You're gonna get your "wish", Wish. (Sorry, couldn't resist).
Seriously, this will be the nastiest, most expensive, nastiest bare-
knuckled election ever! Oh, did I mention nastiest?:excitement:

I'm getting the popcorn ready. I want it to be so bad that by the time this election is over their own families hate them. I want Ann Romney asking about the tax records, and Michelle Obama wondering why she's never seen Obama's birth certificate or college records.

8/7/2012, 08:41 PM
The right winged wacko blog, The Blaze, reports it, Matt Drudge runs with it and Republican sheep believe it. The Republicans better come up with something better than this. Our President leads in nearly every battleground state, including Ohio. If Romney cannot win Ohio, he cannot win the election.

And the LW wackos come up with the same type stuff....passed along by the Lame Stream media, MSNBS, Huff&Puff Post, and Pelloski shots out load "it's true"....I've heard the rumor....so it is a "true" rumor!

And today a Dem commercial trying to incinuate that Romney is responsible for the death of some laid-off workers wife......when it was years after Romney left Bane that the guy was laid off!!!
DUH! :smiley_simmons:

*I believe that if the Left can make that connection....then it is even a closer connection to blame Obama for every bad thing that has happen via the federal government, since he has been POTUS....all the green energy scandals; all the GAO and SS scandals; all the jobs loses in energy and the coal industry from reduced use of coal; all the auto deaths in smaller cars...due to the increase cafe standards...and on....and on!

8/7/2012, 08:58 PM
That's evolution to you dems.

...."evolving"....which direction for the Dems?

Chuck Bao
8/8/2012, 12:51 AM
I'm sorry, but I can't believe that any self-respecting journalist would dare write such blantant bull****. I guess that we don't have many self-respecting journalists these days.

For someone to be admitted as a foreign student in a US university, that student would have to supply a copy of his still current foreign national passport. For a foreign national passport to be issued, one would first have to be a citizen of that country. I'm no expert on Indonesia's naturalization policies in the 1960s, but I would be very surprised if a step-son (with not a drop of Indonesian blood) would be granted Indonesian citizenship in the brief four year period between the ages of 6 (1967) and 10 (1971). He didn't return to the country and I imagine that Indonesian nationals have citizen requirements such as conscription.

But this rehashing old things does highlight the fact that Barack Obama did travel to Indonesia at age six on a US passport.

8/8/2012, 05:24 AM
I'm sorry, but I can't believe that any self-respecting journalist would dare write such blantant bull****. I guess that we don't have many self-respecting journalists these days.

For someone to be admitted as a foreign student in a US university, that student would have to supply a copy of his still current foreign national passport. For a foreign national passport to be issued, one would first have to be a citizen of that country. I'm no expert on Indonesia's naturalization policies in the 1960s, but I would be very surprised if a step-son (with not a drop of Indonesian blood) would be granted Indonesian citizenship in the brief four year period between the ages of 6 (1967) and 10 (1971). He didn't return to the country and I imagine that Indonesian nationals have citizen requirements such as conscription.

But this rehashing old things does highlight the fact that Barack Obama did travel to Indonesia at age six on a US passport.

Probably where Obama developed his affinity for illegals....having been one himself.

8/8/2012, 06:19 AM
Why would you think that living in foreign country on your US passport would make you an illegal.
His mom was there, I am assuming now, on a spousal visa. I'm no expert in Indonesian immigration law, but typically minor children of a person legally present are also eligible for visas.

Have visa = legal resident. And still every bit an American.

In fact, you can have more than one passport and still be every bit an American. Thousands of French, Israeli, Japanese and others do this. Isn't Michelle Bachman in this category? Completely legally. If you're called to serve in the military, you've got a choice to make. But you can still serve in another country's military and retain your US citizenship. Didn't Rahm Emanuel do this?

8/8/2012, 06:23 AM
I can't believe anyone reads this ridiculous crap.

8/8/2012, 06:54 AM
Okay. It's a guilty pleasure. Kind of like talking to the 'truther' kids standing by the side of the road.

8/8/2012, 09:10 AM
Romney is gonna have that Deer in a headlights look come a debate with the POTUS.

Who knows, maybe that will get him Elected, it worked for GWB.

8/8/2012, 09:12 AM
I'm having my money washed clean by a Lithuainian Banker. If its good enough for Mitt, it's good enough for me.

rock on sooner
8/8/2012, 09:17 AM
I'm having my money washed clean by a Lithuainian Banker. If its good enough for Mitt, it's good enough for me.

Now, that's funny...:glee:

8/8/2012, 09:20 AM
Why would you think that living in foreign country on your US passport would make you an illegal.
His mom was there, I am assuming now, on a spousal visa. I'm no expert in Indonesian immigration law, but typically minor children of a person legally present are also eligible for visas.

Have visa = legal resident. And still every bit an American.

In fact, you can have more than one passport and still be every bit an American. Thousands of French, Israeli, Japanese and others do this. Isn't Michelle Bachman in this category? Completely legally. If you're called to serve in the military, you've got a choice to make. But you can still serve in another country's military and retain your US citizenship. Didn't Rahm Emanuel do this?

Heh, heh...I guess I needed a sarcasm emoticon.

8/8/2012, 09:42 AM
I'm sorry, but I can't believe that any self-respecting journalist would dare write such blantant bull****. I guess that we don't have many self-respecting journalists these days.

For someone to be admitted as a foreign student in a US university, that student would have to supply a copy of his still current foreign national passport. For a foreign national passport to be issued, one would first have to be a citizen of that country. I'm no expert on Indonesia's naturalization policies in the 1960s, but I would be very surprised if a step-son (with not a drop of Indonesian blood) would be granted Indonesian citizenship in the brief four year period between the ages of 6 (1967) and 10 (1971). He didn't return to the country and I imagine that Indonesian nationals have citizen requirements such as conscription.

But this rehashing old things does highlight the fact that Barack Obama did travel to Indonesia at age six on a US passport.

Chuck, He was supposedly adopted by Soetoro ffrom what I heard. That would get him an Indonesian passport. I think O'Bummer skirted the law all around... Not sure what or if it is "major" but he is hiding something.

8/8/2012, 09:43 AM
I'm having my money washed clean by a Lithuainian Banker. If its good enough for Mitt, it's good enough for me.

Anything is better than France's soon to be 75% income tax...

8/8/2012, 10:28 AM
I'm having my money washed clean by a Lithuainian Banker. If its good enough for Mitt, it's good enough for me.

Sure...now all you need is the money.

8/8/2012, 11:16 AM
I can't believe anyone reads this ridiculous crap.

Well! SOME only read the ridiculous crap on the LW web sites and news!
Can you believe it?????

Bourbon St Sooner
8/8/2012, 12:45 PM
I believe that children are the future

8/8/2012, 02:14 PM
I believe that children are the future

One thing for sure, they will be paying our national debt....one way or another.

Bourbon St Sooner
8/8/2012, 03:55 PM
cruiser's not very good at thread jacking.

of course, neither am I.

8/8/2012, 08:28 PM
I may not agree...
But, I don't know how to "jack"!

8/8/2012, 08:33 PM
Well! SOME only read the ridiculous crap on the LW web sites and news!
Can you believe it?????

Ridiculous crap is ridiculous crap, no matter where it comes from, but this is like something from The National Enquirer.

rock on sooner
8/8/2012, 08:36 PM
Ridiculous crap is ridiculous crap, no matter where it comes from, but this is like something from The National Enquirer.

Dint know The National Enquirer was in to politics...

8/8/2012, 08:45 PM
You mean the only magazine or media source with the guts to break the John Edwards scandal? Seems they've been doing a better job than the MSM lately.

rock on sooner
8/8/2012, 09:09 PM
You mean the only magazine or media source with the guts to break the John Edwards scandal? Seems they've been doing a better job than the MSM lately.

Fergot bout that...celeb foolin around.....

Chuck Bao
8/9/2012, 03:13 AM
Chuck, He was supposedly adopted by Soetoro ffrom what I heard. That would get him an Indonesian passport. I think O'Bummer skirted the law all around... Not sure what or if it is "major" but he is hiding something.

I still don't know. As I mentioned before, I am no expert on Indonesia immigration laws and I have no insights into this particular case. I can say for certain that it isn't like an American couple adopting an infant/child from Cambodia or Africa or elsewhere.

Barack Obama already had a US passport, the preferred passport. Bear in mind that 1967 would be only two years after Suharto overthrew the regime of President Sukarno in a bloody coup. The point is that Indonesia was still in considerable political turmoil and uncertainty. Getting the then 6-10 year old Barack Obama his Indonesian citizenship wouldn't seem like a high priority unless his step-dad was very nationalistic.

I can tell you what many of my friends in mixed US-Southeast Asian marriages currently do. They get their children a US passport first and then wait until their kids are old enough to decide if they want dual nationality. As Kanto and I mentioned previously, that may include mandatory military service among other things.

The 22-year old son of one of my best friends just decided that he'd rather serve his time in the Thai army to get dual citizenship since his parents are retired in Thailand.

Of course, the practice of leaving it up to the kids may be very different in Europe and elsewhere.

Concerning dual citizenship, I don't think US citizens are supposed to have two passports. It is a open secret though that many kids of mixed nationality parents do and it doesn't seem like significant issue.

8/9/2012, 09:53 AM

You are correct, we are not supposed to have two passports. Now the question is, did he game the system with 2 passports and use the Indonesian connection to get things not entitled to Americans. Or, did he "renounce" citizenship, become Indonesian and then became "American" again for pollitical reasons. There is something there, like I said, don't know if "major" or not, but why seal all the records he could from Hawaii on???

8/9/2012, 04:02 PM

You are correct, we are not supposed to have two passports. Now the question is, did he game the system with 2 passports and use the Indonesian connection to get things not entitled to Americans. Or, did he "renounce" citizenship, become Indonesian and then became "American" again for pollitical reasons. There is something there, like I said, don't know if "major" or not, but why seal all the records he could from Hawaii on???

How do you "seal" college records?

rock on sooner
8/9/2012, 04:10 PM
How do you "seal" college records?

DD, not certain but I think it is a privacy issue and each institution
has to have a signed release by the individual for anything to be made
public. But, hell, as I think about it, if someone can hack into the
Pentagon, shouldn't be too hard to get school records, or EVEN tax
records. There's prolly someone working on that as I type...:pirate:

8/9/2012, 07:57 PM
DD, not certain but I think it is a privacy issue and each institution
has to have a signed release by the individual for anything to be made
public. But, hell, as I think about it, if someone can hack into the
Pentagon, shouldn't be too hard to get school records, or EVEN tax
records. There's prolly someone working on that as I type...:pirate:

There is a huge difference between not giving permission to release information and sealing records. To seal records in most states requires a court order. You also need a court order to unseal them. I have never ever heard of selective service records being sealed or college grades being sealed. This all reeks of the usual Republican red meat propaganda to keep the sheep frothing at the mouth.

rock on sooner
8/9/2012, 08:37 PM
Understand about court orders..be interesting to see
if those exist. Oughta be a record, Pubs cain't stand

8/10/2012, 02:01 AM
You partisan hacks on both sides would be hilarious if the result of your back and forth sophomoric bickering weren't so disasterous for the country.

You want to know the simple truth? Neither party represents your interest? Don't believe me then tell me one person who worked on Wall Street in 2008 that has been held accountable for the fincial meltdown that happened that year? Just today the SEC annoinced they would not prosecute Goldman-Sachs for lying about and selling garbage derivatives to their customers.

Romney is a putz and has no leadership presence at all. Obama is a liar and is totally unqualified for the office he holds.

This country is screwed and I feel sorry for my kids that they are inheriting this cesspool.

8/10/2012, 07:16 AM
You partisan hacks on both sides would be hilarious if the result of your back and forth sophomoric bickering weren't so disasterous for the country.

You want to know the simple truth? Neither party represents your interest? Don't believe me then tell me one person who worked on Wall Street in 2008 that has been held accountable for the fincial meltdown that happened that year? Just today the SEC annoinced they would not prosecute Goldman-Sachs for lying about and selling garbage derivatives to their customers.

Romney is a putz and has no leadership presence at all. Obama is a liar and is totally unqualified for the office he holds.

This country is screwed and I feel sorry for my kids that they are inheriting this cesspool.

It is easy to throw stones at glass houses. Tell us how you would realistically like to see these problems fixed.

Your criticism of the SEC is spot on.

rock on sooner
8/10/2012, 07:47 AM
Yeah, let's hurry and take away MORE oversight of Wall
Street and the banks....

8/10/2012, 10:48 AM
There is a huge difference between not giving permission to release information and sealing records. To seal records in most states requires a court order. You also need a court order to unseal them. I have never ever heard of selective service records being sealed or college grades being sealed. This all reeks of the usual Republican red meat propaganda to keep the sheep frothing at the mouth.

Obama and his minions of lawyers have gone to court to prevent release of anything that may pertain to him from H.S. on. Now whether it meets your definition of "sealed" I don;t know, but your just obfuscating the issue here. What I mean and you know what I meant is that he is not letting anyone, the American public, see stuff about him. Why?

8/10/2012, 10:49 AM
Romney is a putz and has no leadership presence at all. Obama is a liar and is totally unqualified for the office he holds.

This country is screwed and I feel sorry for my kids that they are inheriting this cesspool.

I kinda agree with you. I fear for the future of the country (and not in the aluminum cap type of way).

rock on sooner
8/10/2012, 10:55 AM
I kinda agree with you. I fear for the future of the country (and not in the aluminum cap type of way).

We can only hope there are enough young people to get
informed and engaged in the process and turn it around,

A LOT of folks say to throw the bums out, but that doesn't
carry through at the voters booths....

8/10/2012, 11:03 AM
We can only hope there are enough young people to get
informed and engaged in the process and turn it around,

A LOT of folks say to throw the bums out, but that doesn't
carry through at the voters booths....

I blame the 2 party system as the lesser parties do not have enough clout to make a vote with them meaningful. Most people want their vote to have meaning, so keep going to the 2 majors. I don't have an answer, but I do know, I don't think a parlamentary system with multiple votes and many parties is the answer...

8/10/2012, 11:04 AM
I don't understand what the issue is. Columbia said he was there two years. The university clearinghouse said he was there two years.

The clearinghouse did originally say they only had records for one year. That was found to be a data glitch - something about having multiple records for Obama. I'm sure the nutcases are convinced that this is a big conspiracy involving Obama, Columbia, and the clearinghouse.

8/10/2012, 11:24 AM
He has "sealed" his course, transcript and any papers he wrote. No one can see them, or the name he enrolled under...

8/10/2012, 04:14 PM
He has "sealed" his course, transcript and any papers he wrote. No one can see them, or the name he enrolled under...

You got any proof?

8/10/2012, 04:23 PM
I don't understand this.

If Obama's detractors want to make him look bad they just need to bring up his record while in office. All of this Columbia business needed to be sorted out before he became president. Now it's too late. It's like crying over spilled milk.

I get the feeling the GOP knows they are going to lose again, because they didn't produce a worthy alternative to Obama, so they are grasping at anything. Karl Rove has started planning for 2016. This upcoming election was over when Romney became the nominee.

Assuming normal flow of events, I can make this 'prophetic" prediction: Mitt Romney will never be POTUS.

8/10/2012, 09:58 PM
Yeah, let's hurry and take away MORE oversight of Wall
Street and the banks....

Not to worry about the G-S folks.
Obama has some of them working in his administration.
I'm sure he's trying to keep a closer eye on them!

8/12/2012, 10:38 AM
He has "sealed" his course, transcript and any papers he wrote. No one can see them, or the name he enrolled under...

You have completely lost your mind. Do you believe every email you get? Why don't you google it and find out the truth. It took .25 of one second to find it.


Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

Posted on July 31, 2012

Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.


Is this true?

Subj: What?

…and they want 12 years of Romney’s tax returns? THIS should be on billboards all over our nation!

Forward this to others who are interested in re-claiming America and saving our future


This is an example of mostly old baloney in a new casing. It mainly recycles years-old falsehoods and insinuations, most of which we covered long ago, in connection with an earlier viral email.

But with President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign heating up, this new graphic has appeared on countless anti-Obama websites and in viral emails like the one we’ve reprinted here. Very little that it contains is new, and the old falsehoods have not improved with age.

Nothing ‘Sealed’

The idea that any Obama record is “sealed” is a falsehood, to start. The word “sealed” when applied to documents ordinarily refers to records that would normally be public, but that a judge has ruled cannot be released without the court’s permission. Common examples of truly “sealed” documents include records of crimes committed as a juvenile or records of adoptions. None of the claims in this message refers to records actually “sealed” in that usual sense.

In some cases, the records this screed claims are “sealed” are actually public, and open for anyone to see. Other supposedly “sealed” records are normally private documents that Obama hasn’t released — and that other presidential candidates haven’t released either.

So as with earlier versions, this is little more than an attempt to raise suspicions by asking for records that aren’t ordinarily made public, without any evidence that those records contain anything derogatory. We’ll take the claims and questions in the order they appear.
■ Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.
■Claim #3, thesis paper. Obama did write a paper on nuclear disarmament for an honors course in American foreign policy during his senior year, but it wasn’t the sort of “thesis” that some colleges require for graduation and keep on file in their libraries, like those that Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama released. During the 2008 campaign, reporters were told that Columbia had not retained a copy of Obama’s 1983 paper, and that Obama didn’t have a copy, either. NBC News contacted his former professor, Michael Baron, who said he looked for his copy but couldn’t find it, and thought he probably tossed it out eight years earlier in a move.
NBC quoted Baron as saying the paper likely would have disappointed Obama’s critics. “The course was not a polemical course, it was a course in decision making and how decisions got made,” Baron told NBC. “None of the papers in the class were controversial.”
■Claim #5, Selective Service registration. Obama’s Selective Service registration is public. A copy has been posted publicly, and the Selective Service confirmed that Obama registered for the draft on Sept. 4, 1980, and was given registration number 61-1125539-1.
Worth noting is that nobody in the U.S. has been drafted for military service since 1972, the year Obama turned 11. Obama, like other young men turning age 18 since then, was required to register on a standby basis, in case Congress ever resumes an active military draft. Failure to register is technically a crime, and disqualifies a man for federal student aid or from holding certain federal jobs.
■Claim #6, medical records. During the 2008 campaign, Obama released summary medical information from his personal physician, who pronounced him to be in “excellent health” with routine test results for such things as cholesterol all within normal levels. (McCain, who is a cancer survivor and was 71 at the time, let reporters see his records for three hours to show he was cancer-free.)
Since taking office, Obama has followed the practice of earlier presidents. He released results of his first “periodic” physical exam on Feb. 28, 2010. Results of his second “periodic” exam were released Oct. 31, 2011. His physician described him as being “in excellent health and ‘fit for duty.’”
■Claims #7 and 8, Illinois state Senate records. Obama’s voting record in the Illinois state Senate is a matter of public record, and about as far from being “sealed” as one can imagine. Reporters extensively went over his votes in 2008. Transcripts of Senate debates in which Obama took part while in office (1997 – 2004) can even be found online, at the website of the Illinois General Assembly.
Obama’s personal appointment calendar as a state senator may still be private — if it still exists — but we’ve seen nothing to suggest that would add much to what is already public. As president, Obama has released records of visitors to the White House (2.4 million so far). There are some exceptions. Personal information about visitors, such as Social Security numbers are not released. And there’s an exemption for “particularly sensitive” information, which might include a visit by a potential Supreme Court nominee, for example. But that’s still more disclosure than any previous president has made, by far.
■Claim #9, law firm clients. It’s true that Obama has not released a list of the 30 or so clients for whom he worked personally while he was a lawyer with the firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard in Illinois. He did routinely disclose the law firm’s entire client list while he was in the state Senate, however. And his campaign confirmed in 2008 several specific clients that Obama represented personally, when reporters asked about them. For example, he once represented the liberal group ACORN in a 1995 lawsuit against the state of Illinois, to make voter registration easier.
■Claims #10 and 11, birth certificates. The claim that Obama’s birth certificate is “sealed” is pure nonsense. Copies of both the so-called “short” and “long” certificates have been released, and state officials in Hawaii have said repeatedly that Obama was born there in 1961 and is a “natural born American citizen.”
■Claim #12, baptism record. If a paper record exists (and we’ve seen no evidence that it does), it would most likely show only what numerous, undisputed news accounts have stated: Obama was baptized in 1988 in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Obama was often seen in attendance at Wright’s church in the 20 years that followed. He was married there, and his two daughters were baptized there.
He remained a member even after some of Wright’s controversial sermons were given national attention in early 2008. When Obama reluctantly severed ties with Wright after weeks of controversy, it was a major news event. Obama and his family now attend St. John’s Episcopal Church, near the White House, though not on a regular basis.
■Claim #13: Michelle Obama’s law license. It’s simply not true that the first lady “can no longer practice law as an attorney.” She could resume the practice of law any time she chooses. Both the president and his wife have voluntarily inactivated their Illinois law licenses, thereby avoiding a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees, which is common for lawyers no longer actively practicing.
■Claim #14, first ladies’ assistants. It’s true that the first lady has more than 20 on her staff, but that’s roughly the same as other recent first ladies. The claim that “other first ladies had only one” might conceivably be true of Martha Washington or Dolley Madison, but it’s certainly not true of Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton. Bush had at least 18 that we could count, and probably more with job titles that didn’t make the link clear. The White House has said Michelle Obama’s staff is the same size as Laura Bush’s was.
■Claim #15, foreign student aid. The claim that Obama got “foreign student aid” is untrue. That wild falsehood began as an absurd April Fools’ Day hoax in 2009, which we quickly exposed.
■Claim #16, Obama’s passport. There’s no reason to think Obama used anything but the then-current version of his U.S. passport when he traveled to Pakistan as a student in 1981. Some who questioned Obama’s birthplace made baseless claims that Pakistan had banned U.S. citizens from visiting in 1981, and speculated that he must have used an Indonesian passport. But they were quite wrong. There was no such travel ban. In fact, the New York Times published a travel piece that year describing the author’s own visit to Lahore, and the U.S. consul later wrote a letter to the Times saying he would “welcome an influx of Americans” and giving advice on how to make the journey.

Other Claims

Besides the numbered claims, the graphic also states that Obama has been endorsed by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). It’s true that the Communist Party USA supports Obama. It claims to have about 2,000 members. Obama didn’t seek the CPUSA endorsement, nor has he endorsed that group.

The graphic also attributes three quotes to Obama, all of which are commonly offered on conservative websites. All the quotes are accurate. Here’s the background:
■Obama appeared at the Service Employees International Union Sept. 17, 2007, to seek the union’s endorsement for the Democratic nomination, and he said, “your agenda has been my agenda in the United States Senate.” (The words appear at about 3 minutes and 15 seconds into this video.) And the SEIU eventually endorsed Obama, but not until February 2008, helping him wrap up the nomination battle against Hillary Clinton. The union has endorsed him again for reelection.
■At the 2008 National Council of La Raza annual meeting in San Diego, Calif., on July 13, 2008, Obama concluded his remarks by saying, “And together, we won’t just win an election – we will transform this nation. Thank you, and God bless you.”
■And speaking to the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle on Jan. 17, 2008, Obama said electricity costs would “necessarily skyrocket” as a result of capping carbon emissions. However, the cap-and-trade legislation he endorsed provided allowances intended to protect consumers from higher bills.

In summary, there are bits here that are true. But most is wrong or misleading, and overall the graphic falls far short of getting our seal of approval for accuracy. Call it “unsealed.”

– Brooks Jackson

8/12/2012, 11:03 AM

This from the guy that wants Romney to release his tax returns

Anyone who gets their "facts" from emails should not be allowed to vote.

8/12/2012, 11:10 AM
Linked on the Drudge this morning. (http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/obama%E2%80%99s-college-classmate-the-obama-scandal-is-at-columbia/)

It is an interesting read, but considering this guy is a Libertarian, it's probably more partisan hackery.

I lived in Wisconsin once upon a time. It was fun being a swing state in 2000. We voted blue that year. There were unsubstantiated (but highly believable) rumors that uber-liberal campus UW-Madison had students voting multiple times. I was still too young to vote, and W. won overall, so I guess it really doesn't matter to me. Really, all Gore had to do was take his home state and he would have won.

Imagine if they say the same thing about Romney and Massy-chew-see.

Typical rightwingnut post, regurgitates some retread, tired, disproved birther crap from a Las Vegas bookie who has "A GUT FEELING" then claims that Wisconsin election was stolen. Isn't every election you lose stolen from you? UNSUBSTANTIATED is the key word here, just like Starr and Whitewater, we know they did something wrong, we just can't prove it.

8/12/2012, 12:17 PM
Typical rightwingnut post, regurgitates some retread, tired, disproved birther crap from a Las Vegas bookie who has "A GUT FEELING" then claims that Wisconsin election was stolen. Isn't every election you lose stolen from you? UNSUBSTANTIATED is the key word here, just like Starr and Whitewater, we know they did something wrong, we just can't prove it.
Icky you aint got no readin compression do ya?

Do you not see the disclaimers she attached to BOTH posts?

Talk about being an ignorant sonofabitch

8/12/2012, 12:37 PM
Anyone who gets their "facts" from emails should not be allowed to vote.

Nor should anyone who gets their "facts" from factcheck.org, for that matter.

8/12/2012, 03:46 PM
Icky you aint got no readin compression do ya?

Do you not see the disclaimers she attached to BOTH posts?

Talk about being an ignorant sonofabitch

It is an interesting read, but considering this guy is a Libertarian, it's probably more partisan hackery is a disclaimer?

They only one talking about being an ignorant sonofabitch is you. Just keep voting against your own best self-interests.

8/12/2012, 08:30 PM
Just keep voting against your own best self-interests.Yeah, and you just keep voting for the rest of us to take care of the rest of you *******s...

8/12/2012, 09:15 PM
Yeah, and you just keep voting for the rest of us to take care of the rest of you *******s...

No one takes care of me except for me. You know NOTHING about me. I am not some farmer who votes republican and hates the government then bitchs about not having a farm bill passed to get my disaster check, after i have been getting governemtn checks the whole year. Nor am I a vice-presidentail candidate who got social security until he was 18 to pay for my college!

Do not run your mouth about me unless you know what your talking about, a$$hole!

and by the way dipsh!t, blue state pay into the federal government while red states get from the feds!

8/12/2012, 09:23 PM
So ict, you're criticizing Ryan for receiving his dead father's social security, the same social security I am sure his father paid into most of his adult life as required by federal law?

Nice.....very nice.

BTW, using Western Europe as The example most progressives seem to want to use as a model would you suggest we not cut social spending and raise taxes to the 75% range on higher income earners like France or institute strict austerity measures that have been demanded of Greece?

You may not like Ryan's proposals but at least he has put them out there. Can you direct me to Obama's specific budget proposals so I can review them?

8/12/2012, 09:35 PM
So ict, you're criticizing Ryan for receiving his dead father's social security, the same social security I am sure his father paid into most of his adult life as required by federal law?

Nice.....very nice.

BTW, using Western Europe as The example most progressives seem to want to use as a model would you suggest we not cut social spending and raise taxes to the 75% range on higher income earners like France or institute strict austerity measures that have been demanded of Greece?

You may not like Ryan's proposals but at least he has put them out there. Can you direct me to Obama's specific budget proposals so I can review them?

YES I AM!! He got his, now he does not want anyone else to get it.

Lets use Europe as an example, austerity is a complete and total failure. Spain, Portugal are in a protracted recession that cutting government spending did not bring about an economic recovery and you want to impose more on them? The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Taxes in America are the lowest they have been since 1950.

If you don't realize obama has a budget proposal, you are too stupid to vote.

Here you go you dumba$$, it took me .28 of one second to find.


rock on sooner
8/12/2012, 09:53 PM
Hey Ict, c'mon Bud, you're smart enough to state your points
with a lot more civility than you're showing here! Ima left of
center and feel just as strongly about many things as you do
but it's not serving any good to to get in the gutter with some
of these folks. 'K

8/12/2012, 10:18 PM
Hey Ict, c'mon Bud, you're smart enough to state your points
with a lot more civility than you're showing here! Ima left of
center and feel just as strongly about many things as you do
but it's not serving any good to to get in the gutter with some
of these folks. 'K

Heh heh...now don't go ruining this board with civility Rock On.

8/12/2012, 10:20 PM
Hey Ict, c'mon Bud, you're smart enough to state your points
with a lot more civility than you're showing here! Ima left of
center and feel just as strongly about many things as you do
but it's not serving any good to to get in the gutter with some
of these folks. 'K

I came back and was met with insults, so screw 'em.

8/13/2012, 12:55 AM
I came back and was met with insults, so screw 'em.
Not so, You came back with your typical Smarter, Better, Know it all attitude . and got shot down real quick.

You are an Insult to the Human race

Chuck Bao
8/13/2012, 02:14 AM
They're not worth it, ict. You don't have be the last one to post to win an argument. You don't have to be the one using the most inappropriate language to win an argument. Just post what you want to say and then let it go. It isn't like you are going to change anyone's opinion anyway.

THA seems convinced that there is a scandal here somewhere. Even though I currently don't see it that way, his opinion is fine by me. I appreciate reading the views of skeptics and contrarian thinkers. Even if THA's motive is to tarnish the reputation of President Obama, it doesn't really matter because, again, nobody's opinion is likely to be changed by one of our message board posts.

With that last thought in mind, I'm not really sure why I making this post. Heh!

8/13/2012, 08:09 AM
They're not worth it, ict. You don't have be the last one to post to win an argument. You don't have to be the one using the most inappropriate language to win an argument. Just post what you want to say and then let it go. It isn't like you are going to change anyone's opinion anyway.

THA seems convinced that there is a scandal here somewhere. Even though I currently don't see it that way, his opinion is fine by me. I appreciate reading the views of skeptics and contrarian thinkers. Even if THA's motive is to tarnish the reputation of President Obama, it doesn't really matter because, again, nobody's opinion is likely to be changed by one of our message board posts.

With that last thought in mind, I'm not really sure why I making this post. Heh!
I agree, but I will not stand by and let them spread lies. If they want to have a real debate with actual truthful facts and data, they can bring it on because I can back up my positions with real facts and data, not made up ones like the one in the email. Once the right sees ANYTHING that confirms their beliefs is passed around their closed world, being confirmed by only those they agree with, not even bothering to google the most basic information to try to find out the truth. Of course what does it matter, when any evidence contrary to their beliefs or opinions is found, they simply disregard it as lame stream propaganda.

rock on sooner
8/13/2012, 08:10 AM
I came back and was met with insults, so screw 'em.

Well, I 'spose that civility left town, huh?!:glee:

rock on sooner
8/13/2012, 08:12 AM
Heh heh...now don't go ruining this board with civility Rock On.

Wha th hay, I tried..(Capital letters hurt my eyes!):glee:

8/13/2012, 09:42 AM
I agree, but I will not stand by and let them spread lies.

Then why won't he release the information? Are the Romney accusations lies? I see no proof that what is being said it true, so it must be lies. If Obama releases all his college transcript information and his college papers so we can view his thoughts, then I would say he is forthcoming. He hasn't been and has not released any information that may pertain to his current position. Regardless of whether it is "sealed" or not, it hasn't been released and you and anyone else knew from my posts that I meant he hasn't released them.

At least Chuck and I could have a discussion, we may not agree, but that is healthy. I just think there is something there, becuase he refuses to release the information.

If I were running, I would likely release that information, I have nothing to hide.

8/13/2012, 09:57 AM
Then why won't he release the information? Are the Romney accusations lies? I see no proof that what is being said it true, so it must be lies. If Obama releases all his college transcript information and his college papers so we can view his thoughts, then I would say he is forthcoming. He hasn't been and has not released any information that may pertain to his current position. Regardless of whether it is "sealed" or not, it hasn't been released and you and anyone else knew from my posts that I meant he hasn't released them.

At least Chuck and I could have a discussion, we may not agree, but that is healthy. I just think there is something there, becuase he refuses to release the information.

If I were running, I would likely release that information, I have nothing to hide.

First, there is no such thing as sealed for the records you keep demanding. There is nothing there. ALL of the accusations have no credibility. Look at where they came from, a Las Vegas bookie and an email. It has been shown time and again that The President is born in Hawaii NOT Kenya. There is no way to ever satisfy you or those like you who WANT there to be something there. Look at the birth certificate, “show me the long form!”, you got that shoved down your throat, now you have it’s a fake coming from the right.

You should be demanding that Romney release his no tax returns from more than 2 years ago! Where are Romney’s college papers? All this talk about releasing his college papers is total BS, it came from the drugster who got completely taken in by a fake term paper and when he got busted on it he said well we KNOW he thinks that way. What a load of BS, it’s laughable.

8/13/2012, 09:58 AM
Then why won't he release the information? Are the Romney accusations lies? I see no proof that what is being said it true, so it must be lies. If Obama releases all his college transcript information and his college papers so we can view his thoughts, then I would say he is forthcoming. He hasn't been and has not released any information that may pertain to his current position. Regardless of whether it is "sealed" or not, it hasn't been released and you and anyone else knew from my posts that I meant he hasn't released them.

At least Chuck and I could have a discussion, we may not agree, but that is healthy. I just think there is something there, becuase he refuses to release the information.

If I were running, I would likely release that information, I have nothing to hide.

what romney accuastions?

rock on sooner
8/13/2012, 10:03 AM
Then why won't he release the information? Are the Romney accusations lies? I see no proof that what is being said it true, so it must be lies. If Obama releases all his college transcript information and his college papers so we can view his thoughts, then I would say he is forthcoming. He hasn't been and has not released any information that may pertain to his current position. Regardless of whether it is "sealed" or not, it hasn't been released and you and anyone else knew from my posts that I meant he hasn't released them.

At least Chuck and I could have a discussion, we may not agree, but that is healthy. I just think there is something there, becuase he refuses to release the information.

If I were running, I would likely release that information, I have nothing to hide.

THA, I'd only release my first semester...3.8 GPA..went down
hill from there:glee:

8/13/2012, 10:09 AM
THA, I'd only release my first semester...3.8 GPA..went down
hill from there:glee:


8/13/2012, 10:31 AM
Well, I would like to "seal" my Meteorology grades...:)

what romney accuastions?
The one floating around that he didn't pay any taxes or 0% liability that have been offered by the opposition.

ICT: You don't get it. I want to see his school transcripts. Haven't seen them. I want to see his graduating thesis (as there has apparently been talk of one) - haven't seen it. Michele's senior thesis was quite telling, that was only released after the campaign.

I know nothing of what some drug guy has said nor of any email campaign. Haven't seen either.

8/13/2012, 12:08 PM
Well, I would like to "seal" my Meteorology grades...:)

The one floating around that he didn't pay any taxes or 0% liability that have been offered by the opposition.

ICT: You don't get it. I want to see his school transcripts. Haven't seen them. I want to see his graduating thesis (as there has apparently been talk of one) - haven't seen it. Michele's senior thesis was quite telling, that was only released after the campaign.

I know nothing of what some drug guy has said nor of any email campaign. Haven't seen either.

OK simple enough, prove it, release the taxes. IF he does we will not stand around and scream show me your long form!

I do get it. You want to see his transcript not because you want to check his grades, which was 3.7 btw, but to see if his name is barry soetoro on there, or if he was listed as a foreign exchange student, meaning he would have to have a foreign passport, IE not born in AMERICA. This it total birther crap.

It is you who does not get it, the whole point I am trying to make is this – it does not matter what is released you will not believe it and want more and more released. Look at your response, you want his college transcript AND his papers released. Where are romenys?

the drug guy is limbaugh and you've seen the email in this thread.

8/13/2012, 12:27 PM
I don't listen to Limbaugh and I first saw the email in this thread. My opinions predate long before this thread started. I am no birther, I personally guess he jacked with the system and probably took federal funds illegally by listing himself as a foreigner, for benefit other Americans cannot get, thus circumventing his Hawaiian birth.

I have no problem with Romney, I figure if the IRS isn't filing charges, then there is nothing there. I trust the IRS to go after scofflaws much better than I trust schools and universities to investigate whether someone is milking the system.

Additionally, the way the LMS works in this country, I figured if there is dirt on Romney or Ryan, it would be out by now. We ALL know how the LMS hides information on O'Bummer and the Progressives, but makes it up on their opponents.

rock on sooner
8/13/2012, 01:11 PM
I haven't heard any "dirt" on Romney or Ryan. From all appearances
both of these guys are as pure as the driven snow. Ima guessin, tho,
that there are research teams digging....personal stuff really wouldn't
be an issue. What will is Path to Prosperity. Hopefully, no one's eyes
will glaze over because this will get mind numbingly detailed...jus sayin..

8/13/2012, 01:34 PM
I personally guess he jacked with the system and probably took federal funds illegally by listing himself as a foreigner, for benefit other Americans cannot get, thus circumventing his Hawaiian birth.

What are these federal funds that are available only to foreigners? This makes no sense to me.

These private universities may (in the name of diversity and/or maintaining their status as international universities) give aid to foreigners and the foreign countries may give their students aid but the part about federal funding available to only foreign students just doesn't pass the smell test.

Most student aid is only available to US students...

8/13/2012, 01:41 PM
No I remember reading soemthing about some aid given to foreign students as an US AID or some other item. I don't specifically remember. I had the same derp moment as you, but read it was some program that catered to foreigners. I could be wrong, but pretty sure that is was FEDGOV driven.

8/13/2012, 01:42 PM
I haven't heard any "dirt" on Romney or Ryan. From all appearances
both of these guys are as pure as the driven snow. Ima guessin, tho,
that there are research teams digging....personal stuff really wouldn't
be an issue. What will is Path to Prosperity. Hopefully, no one's eyes
will glaze over because this will get mind numbingly detailed...jus sayin..

You know, if there is stuff out there, I want to know as well. But I am figuring that there is nothing on Ryan, I mean, what slacker names his dogs "Boomer" and "Sooner" ? ;)

8/13/2012, 02:02 PM
You know, if there is stuff out there, I want to know as well. But I am figuring that there is nothing on Ryan, I mean, what slacker names his dogs "Boomer" and "Sooner" ? ;)

well...........................me for one. My wife wanted a Great Dane and didn't want one. Being married and all I finally realized we were getting a Great Dane, so I decided I might as well get something out of it so I told her we will get one if we name it Boomer.

8/13/2012, 02:08 PM
How long will you last this time before you get the ban hammer.... :)

8/13/2012, 02:17 PM
I don't listen to Limbaugh and I first saw the email in this thread. My opinions predate long before this thread started. I am no birther, I personally guess he jacked with the system and probably took federal funds illegally by listing himself as a foreigner, for benefit other Americans cannot get, thus circumventing his Hawaiian birth.

I have no problem with Romney, I figure if the IRS isn't filing charges, then there is nothing there. I trust the IRS to go after scofflaws much better than I trust schools and universities to investigate whether someone is milking the system.

Additionally, the way the LMS works in this country, I figured if there is dirt on Romney or Ryan, it would be out by now. We ALL know how the LMS hides information on O'Bummer and the Progressives, but makes it up on their opponents.

What was that I was saying about getting your info from emails?


The AP Story About Occidental College Transcripts Release

Update May 5 2009: A new Obama citizenship story story claiming to be from the Associated Press saying that a group called "Americans for Freedom of Information" released copies of Occidental College transcripts showing that the "Fulbright Foundation" had awarded Barack Obama, under the name of Barry Soetoro, financial aid to attend Occidental College. This claims to be the "Smoking Gun" to the rumor about his natural born citizen status. The eRumor began circulating in April 2009 and by the end of the month reached critical mass. There is no such story by the Associated press and looking at the dateline this appears to be an April Fools joke.

An Occidental College spokesperson told TruthorFiction.com that President Obama's records are still sealed and no such transcripts have been released. When asked if the future President used the Obama or Soetoro name at the college, the spokesperson said that although he had not seen the sealed transcripts he had seen a 1981 photo book that was handed out to students and faculty at the beginning of the college year with student photos, names and hometown information. The 1981 photo book had "Barack Obama" under the student's photo and indicated a home state as Hawaii.

There is no "Fulbright Foundation" but there is a Fulbright program that is sponsored by the US Department of State and does award scholarship grants to students working towards higher degrees who already have a Bachelor of Arts degree. The program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by late Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and each year awards approximately 7,500 grants. The grants are for both American students who want to study abroad and foreign students who want to study in the US. To be eligible certain criteria must be met. Click for Fulbright information.

Your “guess” is an APRIL FOOLS JOKE…………………HAHAHAHAHAHA


8/13/2012, 02:20 PM
I don't listen to Limbaugh and I first saw the email in this thread. My opinions predate long before this thread started. I am no birther, I personally guess he jacked with the system and probably took federal funds illegally by listing himself as a foreigner, for benefit other Americans cannot get, thus circumventing his Hawaiian birth.

I have no problem with Romney, I figure if the IRS isn't filing charges, then there is nothing there. I trust the IRS to go after scofflaws much better than I trust schools and universities to investigate whether someone is milking the system.

Additionally, the way the LMS works in this country, I figured if there is dirt on Romney or Ryan, it would be out by now. We ALL know how the LMS hides information on O'Bummer and the Progressives, but makes it up on their opponents.

No one is saying Romney did anything illegal, we all say it is perfectly legal, but he still didn’t pay taxes through loopholes that ordinary citizens don’t have access too.

8/13/2012, 02:36 PM
No one is saying Romney did anything illegal, we all say it is perfectly legal, but he still didn’t pay taxes through loopholes that ordinary citizens don’t have access too.

Ordinary people tax loopholes:
- Getting paid in cash instead of check
- Buying things on the Internet


8/13/2012, 03:24 PM
ICT - the records according to OCC college are sealed - I've been told they aren't???

Pardon me, I must need to call the fire dept. I'm must be burning.... Ooo....

8/13/2012, 04:02 PM
Ordinary people tax loopholes:
- Getting paid in cash instead of check
- Buying things on the Internet


getting paid in cash instead of a check is not a loophole it's tax evasion.

Ordenary people don't spend tens of millions of dollars to buy things on the internet that it would take to not pay millions of dollars on the 5-9% sales tax.

Think about it before you type....................

8/13/2012, 04:05 PM
Think about it before you type....................

It's a message board. I joke around occasionally and will acknowledge that I'm joking with something like this:



or even


8/13/2012, 04:47 PM
ICT - the records according to OCC college are sealed - I've been told they aren't???

Pardon me, I must need to call the fire dept. I'm must be burning.... Ooo....

The idea that any Obama record is “sealed” is a falsehood, to start. The word “sealed” when applied to documents ordinarily refers to records that would normally be public, but that a judge has ruled cannot be released without the court’s permission. Common examples of truly “sealed” documents include records of crimes committed as a juvenile or records of adoptions. None of the claims in this message refers to records actually “sealed” in that usual sense.

In some cases, the records this screed claims are “sealed” are actually public, and open for anyone to see. Other supposedly “sealed” records are normally private documents that Obama hasn’t released — and that other presidential candidates haven’t released either.

So as with earlier versions, this is little more than an attempt to raise suspicions by asking for records that aren’t ordinarily made public, without any evidence that those records contain anything derogatory. We’ll take the claims and questions in the order they appear.

You are going to have to talk to the Occidental College spokesperson about his or her choice of words.

8/13/2012, 04:50 PM
ICT - the records according to OCC college are sealed - I've been told they aren't???

Pardon me, I must need to call the fire dept. I'm must be burning.... Ooo....

Myth: Obama’s College records are sealed from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard

Reality: Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, it would be illegal under federal law for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard to release the records of any student to reporters or member of the general public without specific written permission from said student. Obama has not released those records, but neither has any other presidential candidate in history.

8/13/2012, 05:02 PM
That's much worse. It's not that Obama is legally prevented from releasing his records, it's just that he refuses to, yet he sends out his lackeys to demand greater transparency from his opponent.

8/13/2012, 05:09 PM
That's much worse. It's not that Obama is legally prevented from releasing his records, it's just that he refuses to, yet he sends out his lackeys to demand greater transparency from his opponent.


8/13/2012, 05:15 PM
In other words you don't have time to refer to talkingpoints.com in a timely manner before responding, so a facepalm poster is the best you can muster.

Not surprised.

8/13/2012, 05:18 PM
In other words you don't have time to refer to talkingpoints.com in a timely manner before responding, so a facepalm poster is the best you can muster.

Not surprised.

The caption says it all................................you just wont ever be satisfied with whatever he puts out.




8/13/2012, 05:24 PM
That's much worse. It's not that Obama is legally prevented from releasing his records, it's just that he refuses to, yet he sends out his lackeys to demand greater transparency from his opponent.

Sounds very accurate. He's unsuccessfully trying to keep his hands clean while his cronies sling mud and accusations. I don't know if he's just embarrassed, hiding the fact he got into schools via special circumstance despite being academically unqualified, or something more.

8/13/2012, 05:31 PM
The caption says it all................................you just wont ever be satisfied with whatever he puts out.




I realize that you're infinitely better at printing meaningless diatribes than at responding to what other posters actually type.

Nevertheless, I'll take a few more precious moments out of my life to attempt (futilely, I'm sure) to explain to you that I wasn't demanding anyone release their records. I was merely and (I thought) simply and clearly pointing out what hypocrites Obama, Reid etc are to whine about tax returns.

8/13/2012, 06:18 PM
I realize that you're infinitely better at printing meaningless diatribes than at responding to what other posters actually type.

Nevertheless, I'll take a few more precious moments out of my life to attempt (futilely, I'm sure) to explain to you that I wasn't demanding anyone release their records. I was merely and (I thought) simply and clearly pointing out what hypocrites Obama, Reid etc are to whine about tax returns.

President Obama has released 12 years of taxes, Mitt Romney 2. Where is the hypocrisy on Obama and Ried? Has romeny released his college transcripts? NO!

Have we seen Romney's birth certificate? NO!

How about his long form? NO!

So..................show me again the hypocrisy on Obama and Ried's part.


8/13/2012, 06:45 PM
Romney should have the same amount of time that Obama took to release his birth certificate...

that is a joke, ict, a joke...

Rom should release more...I am guessing (and only a guess) there is some type of pay from Bain during the time he wasn't "employed" by them...could be deferred compensation...who knows...but the dems would jump all over it even if it was deferred...

8/13/2012, 06:58 PM
Romney should have the same amount of time that Obama took to release his birth certificate...

that is a joke, ict, a joke...

Rom should release more...I am guessing (and only a guess) there is some type of pay from Bain during the time he wasn't "employed" by them...could be deferred compensation...who knows...but the dems would jump all over it even if it was deferred...

Obama released his birth certificate on June 13, 2008. Where is Mitt's?

Obama released his taxes on March 25, 2008. Where are Mitt's?

He's behind.

You and yours are getting crushed on this thread - give up already.

8/13/2012, 07:22 PM
President Obama has released 12 years of taxes, Mitt Romney 2. Where is the hypocrisy on Obama and Ried? Has romeny released his college transcripts? NO!

Have we seen Romney's birth certificate? NO!

How about his long form? NO!

So..................show me again the hypocrisy on Obama and Ried's part.


Sorry, ich - Romney has released at least as many returns as he is legally bound to release. I'm glad that - so far, anyway - he hasn't knuckled under to what is nothing but a smokescreen intended to deflect from the sorry job the current administration has done in addressing the economy, and the way it has actively spoken and acted in ways that have hampered job recovery.

Don't worry though - the Dems will still get plenty of votes from enlisting their super PACs to try to tie their opponents to terminal cancer or granny being tossed off the cliff.

8/13/2012, 07:31 PM
Sorry, ich - Romney has released at least as many returns as he is legally bound to release. I'm glad that - so far, anyway - he hasn't knuckled under to what is nothing but a smokescreen intended to deflect from the sorry job the current administration has done in addressing the economy, and the way it has actively spoken and acted in ways that have hampered job recovery.

Don't worry though - the Dems will still get plenty of votes from enlisting their super PACs to try to tie their opponents to terminal cancer or granny being tossed off the cliff.

Legally bound to release? Where do you get this crap at? there is no requirement by law to release any taxes when you run for office. I really don't know what to say about you just making sh!t up. Kunckled under? He is hiding something! The only people who are acting in ways to hamper the job recovery are the republicans and it's treasonous.

It was unbelievable that you would claim that Dems will still get plenty of votes from enlisting their super PACs.


8/13/2012, 07:59 PM
Legally bound to release? Where do you get this crap at? there is no requirement by law to release any taxes when you run for office. I really don't know what to say about you just making sh!t up. Kunckled under? He is hiding something! The only people who are acting in ways to hamper the job recovery are the republicans and it's treasonous.

It was unbelievable that you would claim that Dems will still get plenty of votes from enlisting their super PACs.


Oh Icky....I was going to let your DNC regurgitation go until you stated " the only people who are acting in ways to hamper the job recovery are the republicans and it's treasonous."

Care to look at the "The energy president" thread? The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans totally shut down to exploration due only to Obama. The hundreds of billions of dollars that would go to the government and thousands of high paying jobs being denied solely by Obama.
2/3 of the trade deficit being totally ignored by Obama.

Treasonous...well you're right about that you just overlooked the biggest traitor.

But hey, hang onto his 2008 " millions of green jobs promises"...yeah, that's the ticket. How's that working?

8/13/2012, 08:52 PM
Oh Icky....I was going to let your DNC regurgitation go until you stated " the only people who are acting in ways to hamper the job recovery are the republicans and it's treasonous."

Care to look at the "The energy president" thread? The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans totally shut down to exploration due only to Obama. The hundreds of billions of dollars that would go to the government and thousands of high paying jobs being denied solely by Obama.
2/3 of the trade deficit being totally ignored by Obama.

Treasonous...well you're right about that you just overlooked the biggest traitor.

But hey, hang onto his 2008 " millions of green jobs promises"...yeah, that's the ticket. How's that working?

Oh okie......do you not understand that obama has more private industry jobs then when you took over, with 500k+ GOVERNMENT JOBS LOST. If the government jobs growth was the same as under reagan the unemployment rate would be under 7.5.

By this stage in the Reagan recovery, government employment had risen by 3.1 percent; this time around, it's down by 2.7 percent.


What is the republicans stated "top priority"? Was it jobs...NO Was it the economy.....NO it was..........“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”



8/13/2012, 09:01 PM
Obama released his birth certificate on June 13, 2008. Where is Mitt's?

Obama released his taxes on March 25, 2008. Where are Mitt's?

He's behind.

You and yours are getting crushed on this thread - give up already.

WTH? Can't you read?

I said it was a joke...I said he should release more...

Why did you get on my butt?

8/13/2012, 09:05 PM
Legally bound to release? Where do you get this crap at? there is no requirement by law to release any taxes when you run for office. I really don't know what to say about you just making sh!t up. Kunckled under? He is hiding something! The only people who are acting in ways to hamper the job recovery are the republicans and it's treasonous.

It was unbelievable that you would claim that Dems will still get plenty of votes from enlisting their super PACs.


If he released two years...and legally he is not required to release any...then he met the legal requirement...just sayin'....

btw I don't know if there is a legal requirement or not...and don't really care other than there should be a requirement for elected officials...

8/13/2012, 09:05 PM
WTH? Can't you read?

I said it was a joke...I said he should release more...

Why did you get on my butt?

No one is on your butt..................I'm just stating facts.

8/13/2012, 09:12 PM
Oh okie......do you not understand that obama has more private industry jobs then when you took over, with 500k+ GOVERNMENT JOBS LOST. If the government jobs growth was the same as under reagan the unemployment rate would be under 7.5.

By this stage in the Reagan recovery, government employment had risen by 3.1 percent; this time around, it's down by 2.7 percent.


What is the republicans stated "top priority"? Was it jobs...NO Was it the economy.....NO it was..........“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”



Now Icky....you're just dodging the issue. If repubs are "treasonous" for harming jobs bills then what is Obama doing by denying America access to its resources that would reduce the national debt and wipe out most of the trade deficit, employ thousands, and move the nation towards energy independence?

8/13/2012, 09:14 PM
Now Icky....you're just dodging the issue. If repubs are "treasonous" for harming jobs bills then what is Obama doing by denying America access to its resources that would reduce the national debt and wipe out most of the trade deficit, employ thousands, and move the nation towards energy independence?

just keep regurgitating RNC talking points. We have discussed this before and I showed you how states agreed with the decision.

8/13/2012, 09:16 PM
No one is on your butt..................I'm just stating facts.

Hell, I was agreeing with you and you came back with this...

"You and yours are getting crushed on this thread - give up already."

So go screw yourself

8/13/2012, 09:26 PM
just keep regurgitating RNC talking points. We have discussed this before and I showed you how states agreed with the decision.

No facts again Icky? States took a vote on offshore drilling? Polls show the nation supports it...guess you missed that. States also only have limited offshore rights of 3-10 miles. If a state doesn't want an offshore well drilled they can stop it within their territory.

Now please try to step through the DNC sheet and tell what other countries are refusing to develop their offshore reserves. Brazil? China? Cuba? Mexico? Venezuela? Columbia? Any?????

What you seem to have a hard time doing is admitting when your guy is wrong. I assure that if Romney came out against offshore drilling I would blast him just like I do Obama.

8/13/2012, 09:30 PM
No facts again Icky? States took a vote on offshore drilling? Polls show the nation supports it...guess you missed that. States also only have limited offshore rights of 3-10 miles. If a state doesn't want an offshore well drilled they can stop it within their territory.

Now please try to step through the DNC sheet and tell what other countries are refusing to develop their offshore reserves. Brazil? China? Cuba? Mexico? Venezuela? Columbia? Any?????


Your arguement is taken straight from rightwingnut website. Can't think for yourself?
Guess not..............

8/13/2012, 09:32 PM
Hell, I was agreeing with you and you came back with this...

"You and yours are getting crushed on this thread - give up already."

So go screw yourself

my appologies...............

8/13/2012, 09:35 PM

Your arguement is taken straight from rightwingnut website. Can't think for yourself?
Guess not..............

You mean that article was wrong Icky....Obama has reopened the Atlantic and pacific? Feel free to post your huffington post or whatever lefty site you rely on to refute it. For a free thinker like yourself I know you've researched it.

I'll be thrilled to see it.

PS Icky....if you'll bother to read the energy president thread you'll notice most of the articles are from Forbes.

8/13/2012, 09:56 PM
Let's see now. Poor Mr. Soptic was included in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign earlier this year. Now he's the central figure in an ad that an "independent, unrelated" PAC made up of Dem operatives aired the last week or so.

Pretty evident that there was coordination between the campaign and the "independent" PAC. Even if you don't have the honesty to admit it.

8/13/2012, 10:07 PM
Let's see now. Poor Mr. Soptic was included in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign earlier this year. Now he's the central figure in an ad that an "independent, unrelated" PAC made up of Dem operatives aired the last week or so.

Pretty evident that there was coordination between the campaign and the "independent" PAC. Even if you don't have the honesty to admit it.

Admit the party was wrong?

8/13/2012, 11:07 PM
Let's see now. Poor Mr. Soptic was included in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign earlier this year. Now he's the central figure in an ad that an "independent, unrelated" PAC made up of Dem operatives aired the last week or so.

Pretty evident that there was coordination between the campaign and the "independent" PAC. Even if you don't have the honesty to admit it.

What a deal. His employer goes belly up, then Bain gives them a few extra years yet to get their affairs together. Five years later his wife quits her job which had health care, gets cancer and now its all Romney's fault? Pure crap. Or as Anderson Cooper stated; "A factually bogus ad."

Lying scoundrels.

8/14/2012, 09:04 AM
That's much worse. It's not that Obama is legally prevented from releasing his records, it's just that he refuses to, yet he sends out his lackeys to demand greater transparency from his opponent.

If it's worse then why do the talking points and ads incorrectly use the term "sealed"? You can rationalize it all you want but they do this because it sounds so much worse as if Obama has abused his power to hide records that should be open to the public.

It is deception plain and simple.

8/14/2012, 09:28 AM
I just can't believe the conspiracy theories that some of you repeatedly believe.

There are many reasons why Barack Obama would not want to release his college transcripts. The same applies to Romney and his tax returns.

In both cases, no matter how benign the documents may be, it simply gives the opposition ammunition. It's almost impossible to predict what this might be. Maybe Obama had a political science professor with radical socialist leanings. You know darn well if that were the case that the opposition would use it against Obama. Maybe his grade in one course was less than stellar. There are a million ways the opposition could do the same to Romney.

The biggest reason for Obama is that time and time again it has been proven that releasing documents serves no purpose. Those who want to believe in some crazy conspiracy will continue to do so.

8/14/2012, 09:33 AM
I just can't believe the conspiracy theories that some of you repeatedly believe.

There are many reasons why Barack Obama would not want to release his college transcripts. The same applies to Romney and his tax returns.

In both cases, no matter how benign the documents may be, it simply gives the opposition ammunition. It's almost impossible to predict what this might be. Maybe Obama had a political science professor with radical socialist leanings. You know darn well if that were the case that the opposition would use it against Obama. Maybe his grade in one course was less than stellar. There are a million ways the opposition could do the same to Romney.

The biggest reason for Obama is that time and time again it has been proven that releasing documents serves no purpose. Those who want to believe in some crazy conspiracy will continue to do so.

So you agree that it is foolish for Romney to also release his records?

8/14/2012, 09:38 AM
Obama released his birth certificate on June 13, 2008. Where is Mitt's?

Obama released his taxes on March 25, 2008. Where are Mitt's?

He's behind.

You and yours are getting crushed on this thread - give up already.

I feel sad for you. The world must be terrible to you and you are frightened...

8/14/2012, 09:41 AM
Let's see now. Poor Mr. Soptic was included in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign earlier this year. Now he's the central figure in an ad that an "independent, unrelated" PAC made up of Dem operatives aired the last week or so.

Pretty evident that there was coordination between the campaign and the "independent" PAC. Even if you don't have the honesty to admit it.

Oooo, and Debbie - bud-fuggin' ugly Wasserman-Schulz does know that the Superpac Priorities USA is a dem operative...What an idiot...

8/14/2012, 09:42 AM
I just can't believe the conspiracy theories that some of you repeatedly believe.

There are many reasons why Barack Obama would not want to release his college transcripts. The same applies to Romney and his tax returns.

In both cases, no matter how benign the documents may be, it simply gives the opposition ammunition. It's almost impossible to predict what this might be. Maybe Obama had a political science professor with radical socialist leanings. You know darn well if that were the case that the opposition would use it against Obama. Maybe his grade in one course was less than stellar. There are a million ways the opposition could do the same to Romney.

The biggest reason for Obama is that time and time again it has been proven that releasing documents serves no purpose. Those who want to believe in some crazy conspiracy will continue to do so.

The reason O'Bummer doesn't want anything released is becuase that would pin him down and the people of the USA would be able to understand where he comes from and what his thinking is. He doesn't want to be pinned down by his opinions or thinking.

8/14/2012, 09:45 AM
I feel sad for you. The world must be terrible to you and you are frightened...

Icky just has the case of my party right or wrong...except he can't ever admit they are wrong.

When you follow that path objectivity goes out the window and you often paint yourself into a corner...and then you look very foolish trying to extricate yourself.

8/14/2012, 09:58 AM
If it's worse then why do the talking points and ads incorrectly use the term "sealed"? You can rationalize it all you want but they do this because it sounds so much worse as if Obama has abused his power to hide records that should be open to the public.

It is deception plain and simple.

I don't know. "Sealed" doesn't sound worse to me. But if they are "sealed," we still know who is refusing to release them, don't we?

And of course that's not an abuse of power. Just as choosing not to release a decade of tax returns isn't an abuse. Hence the reason I posted and pointed out what hypocrites those screaming for the tax returns are. And challenged the arguments of others before you on the thread who who seem to think that saying that the college records aren't actually sealed lends any weight to either side of the debate.

8/14/2012, 11:09 AM
So you agree that it is foolish for Romney to also release his records?

Yes, it probably would be.

8/14/2012, 11:23 AM
I don't know. "Sealed" doesn't sound worse to me. But if they are "sealed," we still know who is refusing to release them, don't we?

And of course that's not an abuse of power. Just as choosing not to release a decade of tax returns isn't an abuse. Hence the reason I posted and pointed out what hypocrites those screaming for the tax returns are. And challenged the arguments of others before you on the thread who who seem to think that saying that the college records aren't actually sealed lends any weight to either side of the debate.

They are both hypocrites but we reward hypocrisy so we get what we deserve.

I'll give the Republicans credit though. They love the birther crap but they keep their distance from it. Biden didn't exactly do that.

My biggest problem is the volume of conspiracy theories we see today. The goal is not to make the public believe in one specific conspiracy. It's not even about throwing a bunch and hoping one sticks. You don't have to have anyone believe any specific thing. Just get them believing that with so much smoke there must be fire somewhere.

That is the politics of the 21st century. It's disgusting.

8/14/2012, 11:33 AM
They are both hypocrites but we reward hypocrisy so we get what we deserve.

Excellent point.

(Rest of the post also was excellent)

8/14/2012, 12:49 PM
The reason O'Bummer doesn't want anything released is becuase that would pin him down and the people of the USA would be able to understand where he comes from and what his thinking is. He doesn't want to be pinned down by his opinions or thinking.

We know exactly where The President comes from - Hawaii. This is just more birther crap.

8/14/2012, 12:53 PM
I don't know. "Sealed" doesn't sound worse to me. But if they are "sealed," we still know who is refusing to release them, don't we?

And of course that's not an abuse of power. Just as choosing not to release a decade of tax returns isn't an abuse. Hence the reason I posted and pointed out what hypocrites those screaming for the tax returns are. And challenged the arguments of others before you on the thread who who seem to think that saying that the college records aren't actually sealed lends any weight to either side of the debate.

college records = tax returns?


8/14/2012, 02:01 PM
We know exactly where The President comes from - Hawaii. This is just more birther crap.

You are delusional. I said nothing about his birth, I did mention his writings and thinking and what makes him tick.

8/14/2012, 02:22 PM
college records = tax returns?


Well at least that's more pithy than your usual posts on here.

8/14/2012, 03:05 PM
You are delusional. I said nothing about his birth, I did mention his writings and thinking and what makes him tick.

The reason O'Bummer doesn't want anything released is becuase that would pin him down and the people of the USA would be able to understand where he comes from and what his thinking is. He doesn't want to be pinned down by his opinions or thinking.

Where he comes from.............................................. .I come from OKLAHOMA

8/14/2012, 03:08 PM
Well at least that's more pithy than your usual posts on here.

The President has released:

12 years of tax returns

birth certificate

long form birth certificate

Romeny has released

2 years of tax returns

So when Romney has released 12 years of taxes and 2 birth certificates ya'll can bitch about college records - then when romeny releases his college records - The President should release his.

game - set - match

8/14/2012, 03:21 PM
My beef isn't over college records. It's about the rank hypocrisy from so many like you on the left regarding disclosure.

Game - set - match - the hypocrisy trophy once again goes to icky and his fellow libs.

8/14/2012, 03:59 PM
Where he comes from.............................................. .I come from OKLAHOMA

Your quote in large letters was referring to his mindset, not a physical location on the map.

8/14/2012, 08:44 PM
Your quote in large letters was referring to his mindset, not a physical location on the map.

Just keep teilling yourself that, just keep telling yourself that..........................


8/14/2012, 08:50 PM
My beef isn't over college records. It's about the rank hypocrisy from so many like you on the left regarding disclosure.

Game - set - match - the hypocrisy trophy once again goes to icky and his fellow libs.

The President has released:

12 years of tax returns

birth certificate

long form birth certificate

Romeny has released

2 years of tax returns

AGAIN show me the hypocrisy.

8/14/2012, 10:01 PM
Both sides have done at least as much as they are required to. Why should Romney play into the Democrats' hands and give in to the shrill cries of those whose only objective is to continue deflecting from far more important issues, such as: Why has this administration worked overtime to demonize the achievers in this country and to create a climate considered by so many to be hostile to business growth? Especially since their vaunted stimulus plan has already proved to be taxpayers' money down the proverbial toilet?

I have yet to see John Boehner standing on the floor of the House accusing Obama of having been a foreign-born choom-smoking college slacker whose academic performance was mediocre, and insinuating that the president is as good as guilty until he acts to clear his own name. Harry Reid, on the other hand....

Gimme an H!
Gimme an Y!
Gimme a P!.....

8/14/2012, 10:19 PM
Just keep teilling yourself that, just keep telling yourself that..........................


You are just a sad person, again, I feel sorry for you.

8/15/2012, 06:26 AM
Both sides have done at least as much as they are required to. Why should Romney play into the Democrats' hands and give in to the shrill cries of those whose only objective is to continue deflecting from far more important issues, such as: Why has this administration worked overtime to demonize the achievers in this country and to create a climate considered by so many to be hostile to business growth? Especially since their vaunted stimulus plan has already proved to be taxpayers' money down the proverbial toilet?

I have yet to see John Boehner standing on the floor of the House accusing Obama of having been a foreign-born choom-smoking college slacker whose academic performance was mediocre, and insinuating that the president is as good as guilty until he acts to clear his own name. Harry Reid, on the other hand....

Gimme an H!
Gimme an Y!
Gimme a P!.....

What requirement? You just continue to make sh!t up. 12 years to 2 years.

Proved to be? You just keep regurgitating rightwingnut talking points. It has been proved time and time again the stimulas saved or created tons of jobs.

8/15/2012, 06:33 AM
You are just a sad person, again, I feel sorry for you.

I don't feel a bit sorry for someone who is so willfully ignorant that they cannot believe the truth when overwhelming evidence proves it. Look at your signature - Barry Soetoro - is nothing but birther crap. Stop showing your ignorance, you're just embarrassing yourself.

8/15/2012, 07:26 AM
The President has released:

12 years of tax returns

birth certificate

long form birth certificate

Romeny has released

2 years of tax returns

So when Romney has released 12 years of taxes and 2 birth certificates ya'll can bitch about college records - then when romeny releases his college records - The President should release his.

game - set - match

Obammy said to Romney"You put your dog on top of your Car"

Romney said to Obammy " You ate your's"

8/15/2012, 08:43 AM
Obammy said to Romney"You put your dog on top of your Car"

Romney said to Obammy " You ate your's"

ssssooooo......what does this have to do with releasing taxes?

Of course this is typical rightwingnut logic.............. what a dem does at 8 or 9 yrs old equates to what a repub does as a grown *** man………..typical

8/15/2012, 08:52 AM
ssssooooo......what does this have to do with releasing taxes?

Of course this is typical rightwingnut logic.............. what a dem does at 8 or 9 yrs old equates to what a repub does as a grown *** man………..typical

You are so much fun to screw with :chuncky:

rock on sooner
8/15/2012, 08:57 AM
You are so much fun to screw with :chuncky:

What's the phrase? "Sic 'em, boy!" (Not the one in Waco, tho)

8/15/2012, 08:59 AM
What's the phrase? "Sic 'em, boy!" (Not the one in Waco, tho)
He's so easy ya just have to dangle a shiny hook in front of him, No bait nor nothing :panda:

8/15/2012, 09:04 AM

Better than being just a nut.

Seriously, do you feel intellectually superior saying rightwingnut on every post?

you're a small small little man if you do.

8/15/2012, 09:59 AM
What requirement? You just continue to make sh!t up. 12 years to 2 years.

Proved to be? You just keep regurgitating rightwingnut talking points. It has been proved time and time again the stimulas saved or created tons of jobs.

So if as you claim there is no requirement, why release any?

And why bitch about it if you're stupid enough to release 12 years when you didn't have to?

Like I said, nothing but a desperate attempt to deflect from the current sorry excuse of an administration.

Gimme an O!

Gimme a C!

8/15/2012, 10:04 AM

8/15/2012, 10:36 AM

In an interview with NBC set to air Thursday, Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said her husband's campaign will not release any additional tax returns to the public ahead of the election.

"We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us," Romney told reporter Natalie Morales, according to excerpts from NBC News. "There's going to be no more tax releases given."

Defying a longstanding trend among presidential candidates, the Romney campaign has only released a single -- and likely incomplete -- tax return. Politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle have been pressuring Romney for weeks to disclose more of his tax history, culminating with a claim from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) two weeks ago that he'd heard from an early investor in Bain Capital that Romney didn’t pay any taxes for a decade. Romney has denied that claim.

Ann Romney said that releasing more details on the family's taxes would merely give the Obama campaign "more ammunition." The Romneys' wealth is rumored to be as much as $250 million, and since much of Mitt Romney's earnings come from investments, he would pay a lower effective tax rate than many lesser-off Americans. But as for whether the campaign is trying to withhold embarrassing information, Ann Romney told NBC "there's nothing we're hiding."

Elsewhere in the interview, Ann Romney said she believes her husband can "save" America during a time of economic hardship.

"We have a reason why we're running and it's because I believe in my heart that Mitt is going to save America, that economically we are in such difficult times and that he is the person that’s going to pull us through this," she said.

The interview is set to air Thursday night at 10 p.m. EST on NBC's Rock Center.

8/15/2012, 10:53 AM
Smoke an ****in mirrors from the left
Hells Bells if there was anything wrong with his Taxes the IRS would be all over him like anger is on Icky

8/15/2012, 12:15 PM

In an interview with NBC set to air Thursday, Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said her husband's campaign will not release any additional tax returns to the public ahead of the election.

"We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us," Romney told reporter Natalie Morales, according to excerpts from NBC News. "There's going to be no more tax releases given."

Defying a longstanding trend among presidential candidates, the Romney campaign has only released a single -- and likely incomplete -- tax return. Politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle have been pressuring Romney for weeks to disclose more of his tax history, culminating with a claim from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) two weeks ago that he'd heard from an early investor in Bain Capital that Romney didn’t pay any taxes for a decade. Romney has denied that claim.

Ann Romney said that releasing more details on the family's taxes would merely give the Obama campaign "more ammunition." The Romneys' wealth is rumored to be as much as $250 million, and since much of Mitt Romney's earnings come from investments, he would pay a lower effective tax rate than many lesser-off Americans. But as for whether the campaign is trying to withhold embarrassing information, Ann Romney told NBC "there's nothing we're hiding."

Elsewhere in the interview, Ann Romney said she believes her husband can "save" America during a time of economic hardship.

"We have a reason why we're running and it's because I believe in my heart that Mitt is going to save America, that economically we are in such difficult times and that he is the person that’s going to pull us through this," she said.

The interview is set to air Thursday night at 10 p.m. EST on NBC's Rock Center.

There is no legal requirement, just making sh!t up. There is a difference between doing what is legal and doing what is right. Mitt and Ann just don't get it.

8/15/2012, 12:17 PM
Smoke an ****in mirrors from the left
Hells Bells if there was anything wrong with his Taxes the IRS would be all over him like anger is on Icky

YYAAAWWWNNNNN you bore me with your ignorant dribble.

one thing i do keep forgetting is that i am not dealing with adults on here....................

8/15/2012, 12:28 PM
Nor do you get it either, icky...

8/15/2012, 12:28 PM
YYAAAWWWNNNNN you bore me with your ignorant dribble.

one thing i do keep forgetting is that i am not dealing with adults on here....................
Must not bore ya too bad, ya keep responding ya Dumas

Bourbon St Sooner
8/15/2012, 12:33 PM
vet, you'll nevar be a point guard with that ignorant dribble.

rock on sooner
8/15/2012, 01:19 PM
Ya know,if there is nothing to hide, why not just make the
controversy go away and match the prez's 12 years? All
this does is really deflect fron the real issues..the real
problems that we face as a country. The GOP would
cerainly gain ground if Romney did that. Not that I want
the GOP to gain ground, but I would much rather see
serious discussion and debate about the Romney/Ryan
budget versus the Prez's, much rather see the discussion/
debate about Romney/Ryan versus the Prez's vision/plan
on helping the middle class. Oh, wait a minute, Okie52
tolt me ta not bring civility to the board...my bad...go ahead
n argue some more.:apologetic:

8/16/2012, 08:31 AM
Romney and Obama have been involved in very different occupations the last twelve years, and come from very different backgrounds. Romney from the private sector (other than his Olympics work); Obama from the public sector.

Public. Private. Can that have something to do with why one doesn't want to air out his taxes, and the other does? I don't care about either one's taxes.

8/16/2012, 10:09 AM
Ya know,if there is nothing to hide, why not just make the
controversy go away and match the prez's 12 years? All
this does is really deflect fron the real issues..the real
problems that we face as a country. The GOP would
cerainly gain ground if Romney did that. Not that I want
the GOP to gain ground, but I would much rather see
serious discussion and debate about the Romney/Ryan
budget versus the Prez's, much rather see the discussion/
debate about Romney/Ryan versus the Prez's vision/plan
on helping the middle class. Oh, wait a minute, Okie52
tolt me ta not bring civility to the board...my bad...go ahead
n argue some more.:apologetic:

Same exact thing people said about Obama's BC. Yet he didn't release it for a very long time.

Romney is a rich rich guy. Obama is waging a class warfare.

Seeing just how rich Romney is, would fuel the fire. Is it something to hide? Not to me.

But in this upside down world we live in now, it would be a detriment. Obama would slam him on his wealth. Slam him for only paying at the Warren Buffet rate, and slam him for being an evil capitalist.

The President in office now is the most secretive one we have ever had in my lifetime. He wrote a book about himself that isn't even true, but it got him out in front of people investigating him.

Obama is doing everything he can to take the focus of this campaign off of him and his record and put it on Romney. This election is not about Romney. It's about Obama and HIS record.

8/16/2012, 12:32 PM
Romney and Obama have been involved in very different occupations the last twelve years, and come from very different backgrounds. Romney from the private sector (other than his Olympics work); Obama from the public sector.

Public. Private. Can that have something to do with why one doesn't want to air out his taxes, and the other does? I don't care about either one's taxes.

Probably because he is very wealthy...Obama rails on the wealthy...Rom knows that no matter how accurate and legal his return might be he is going to get slammed...then there is always the possibility that he has some income from Bain in a year when he was not working for them...it could be deferred but that wouldn't matter...he would get his *** blistered...

8/21/2012, 01:20 PM
There is no legal requirement, just making sh!t up. There is a difference between doing what is legal and doing what is right. Mitt and Ann just don't get it.

I really don't think he paid taxes on some of those returns. If I am right and the public find out both Romney and the Republican Party will be destroyed in the election.

rock on sooner
8/21/2012, 03:01 PM
I really don't think he paid taxes on some of those returns. If I am right and the public find out both Romney and the Republican Party will be destroyed in the election.

LLL must be a young pup if'n he fergot about Nixon and his secrets.

DD, I think yer right about some of those years but I also think that
'00, 01, and maybe '02 would all show Romney being paid by Bain,
maybe or maybe no legimate "buyouts" but no way he could defend
against the charges that would follow about Bain and the outsourcing
brouhaha. I just looked at one of Phil's posts and he mentioned that.

rock on sooner
8/21/2012, 03:06 PM
Probably because he is very wealthy...Obama rails on the wealthy...Rom knows that no matter how accurate and legal his return might be he is going to get slammed...then there is always the possibility that he has some income from Bain in a year when he was not working for them...it could be deferred but that wouldn't matter...he would get his *** blistered...

Phil, I don't think Obama would slam him about his wealth, but he
would carry on about off shore tax havens and the % of taxes that
he paid, quite possible that some of Romney's years' investments
didn't perform well and he might not have paid....but unless Romney
releases more this is going to continue and the Dems will continue
to pound on it...

8/21/2012, 03:11 PM
Phil, I don't think Obama would slam him about his wealth, but he
would carry on about off shore tax havens and the % of taxes that
he paid, quite possible that some of Romney's years' investments
didn't perform well and he might not have paid....but unless Romney
releases more this is going to continue and the Dems will continue
to pound on it...

Obama loves to pound on the wealthy as "out of touch".

Romney's not going to release his returns if something is there so Obama can beat it to death. If there is nothing there more than offshore investments Romney still may not release it.

I heard Romney state the other day he averaged about 13.6% on taxes...that's pretty low so I'm not sure why he bothered to even say it.

rock on sooner
8/21/2012, 03:18 PM
Obama loves to pound on the wealthy as "out of touch".

Romney's not going to release his returns if something is there so Obama can beat it to death. If there is nothing there more than offshore investments Romney still may not release it.

I heard Romney state the other day he averaged about 13.6% on taxes...that's pretty low so I'm not sure why he bothered to even say it.

Okie, think about it for a minute, Romney said it. It wasn't in a script
so Romney stuck his foot in his mouth! And, I agree about the "out of
touch" comment, just that Obama wouldn't beat him up because he's
wealthy, after all, Obama has a few bucks, too.

8/21/2012, 03:25 PM
Okie, think about it for a minute, Romney said it. It wasn't in a script
so Romney stuck his foot in his mouth! And, I agree about the "out of
touch" comment, just that Obama wouldn't beat him up because he's
wealthy, after all, Obama has a few bucks, too.

Heh, you're going to talk about someone talking without a script?...LOL.

7 or 8 million doesn't look like anything compared to 100 plus million.

rock on sooner
8/21/2012, 03:49 PM
Heh, you're going to talk about someone talking without a script?...LOL.

7 or 8 million doesn't look like anything compared to 100 plus million.

Well, just the other day in New Hampshire he was asked what he'd do about
Iran. His answer was to list three of four things he'd do, Know what they were?
Exactly what Obama is doing now...from diplomatic efforts to crippling sanctions,
even the news guy, Blitzer, I think, came back and asked the Pub consultant,
"Isn't that what is being done now?" Consultant had nothing.....

Script? Yeah, Obama said the "you didn't build that" (but look at the entire
statement.) And as to 7 or 8 million not looking like anything, well, I'd sure
take it! And, Romney's wealth is in the $250mm range! Romney not on script
is an everyday entertainment...

8/21/2012, 04:34 PM
Well, just the other day in New Hampshire he was asked what he'd do about
Iran. His answer was to list three of four things he'd do, Know what they were?
Exactly what Obama is doing now...from diplomatic efforts to crippling sanctions,
even the news guy, Blitzer, I think, came back and asked the Pub consultant,
"Isn't that what is being done now?" Consultant had nothing.....

Script? Yeah, Obama said the "you didn't build that" (but look at the entire
statement.) And as to 7 or 8 million not looking like anything, well, I'd sure
take it! And, Romney's wealth is in the $250mm range! Romney not on script
is an everyday entertainment...

I don't know that Obama was much different than Bush or Romney on foreign policy.

I'll take my chances with Romney scriptless vs Obama without the teleprompter any day.

(and I read Obama's "you didn't build it"...his 1 line caveat at the end of a 4 paragraph dissertation isn't going to fly with me). Now if we want to add 57 states, etc... we can go there.LOL

rock on sooner
8/21/2012, 04:41 PM
I don't know that Obama was much different than Bush or Romney on foreign policy.

I'll take my chances with Romney scriptless vs Obama without the teleprompter any day.

(and I read Obama's "you didn't build it"...his 1 line caveat at the end of a 4 paragraph dissertation isn't going to fly with me). Now if we want to add 57 states, etc... we can go there.LOL

I admire your willingness to take chances...:courage:

8/21/2012, 05:24 PM
Phil, I don't think Obama would slam him about his wealth, but he
would carry on about off shore tax havens and the % of taxes that
he paid, quite possible that some of Romney's years' investments
didn't perform well and he might not have paid....but unless Romney
releases more this is going to continue and the Dems will continue
to pound on it...

But if Rom was smart he would release his taxes and go down through them piece by piece...see this deduction, I would eliminate it...this one, gone...this deduction would be limited severely...my changes would have caused me to pay x% more in taxes...doing so would kick the crutch out from under his opponents...

So imo I say he has compensation from Bain showing on those tax returns...

8/21/2012, 06:14 PM
But if Rom was smart he would release his taxes and go down through them piece by piece...see this deduction, I would eliminate it...this one, gone...this deduction would be limited severely...my changes would have caused me to pay x% more in taxes...doing so would kick the crutch out from under his opponents...

So imo I say he has compensation from Bain showing on those tax returns...

You mean he was working at bain when he has said repeatedly he wasn't?

8/21/2012, 06:19 PM
You mean he was working at bain when he has said repeatedly he wasn't?

it could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment...it is just conjecture on my part...but there seems to be something that concerns him about the past taxes...he already said he paid a low percentage so it is not like he is hiding that fact...like I said he could turn a lemon into lemonade if he played his cards right...other than a Bain influence...

8/21/2012, 06:26 PM
it could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment...it is just conjecture on my part...but there seems to be something that concerns him about the past taxes...he already said he paid a low percentage so it is not like he is hiding that fact...like I said he could turn a lemon into lemonade if he played his cards right...other than a Bain influence...

Not according the SEC filings......


Did Romney's 2002 Bain Capital CEO Filing Violate The Exchange Act?

Mitt Romney insists that he retired from Bain Capital in February 1999 — in fact, his story has flip-flopped. But Bain Capital filed reports with the SEC claiming that Romney was its CEO and sole shareholder until 2002.

8/21/2012, 06:29 PM
it could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment...it is just conjecture on my part...but there seems to be something that concerns him about the past taxes...he already said he paid a low percentage so it is not like he is hiding that fact...like I said he could turn a lemon into lemonade if he played his cards right...other than a Bain influence...

OH thats right, he retired "Retroactively"

http://slatest.slate.com/posts/2012/07/12/romney_s_bain_capital_tenure_boston_globe_report_s ays_sec_filings_show_he_was_ceo_for_three_years_lo nger_than_he_has_claimed_.html

rock on sooner
8/21/2012, 08:48 PM
Truth of the matter is that Ann Romney said they weren't going
to release anymore, Ima guessin thats whats gonna happen. That
sort of mentality matches up with Tea Party belief. Stubbornness
like Akin's matches up, too, even though they told him to get out.
Talk about self destruction....Dems can only hope they don't sober up:excitement:

8/21/2012, 09:06 PM
Go ahead...... keep on trying to conservatives as stupid or evil as the Left!
That one is a "no contest" with the likes of Obama and Joe Bite Me.

8/22/2012, 09:58 AM
OH thats right, he retired "Retroactively"

http://slatest.slate.com/posts/2012/07/12/romney_s_bain_capital_tenure_boston_globe_report_s ays_sec_filings_show_he_was_ceo_for_three_years_lo nger_than_he_has_claimed_.html

Damn...what the hell is wrong with you...I agree with you...again...and you start spewing the same crap rhetoric at me...again...you are one of the biggest *******s I have ever seen in print...

8/22/2012, 10:00 AM
Truth of the matter is that Ann Romney said they weren't going
to release anymore, Ima guessin thats whats gonna happen. That
sort of mentality matches up with Tea Party belief. Stubbornness
like Akin's matches up, too, even though they told him to get out.
Talk about self destruction....Dems can only hope they don't sober up:excitement:

The best part of the whole deal was Ann making the statement...wtf is that? Momma taking the heat for Daddy?

8/22/2012, 10:13 AM
Damn...what the hell is wrong with you...I agree with you...again...and you start spewing the same crap rhetoric at me...again...you are one of the biggest *******s I have ever seen in print...

You agree with me he that he should release his taxes but that is it. There is no way it was deferred compensation or that he can turn this lemon into lemonade just buy “playing his cards right”. So quit calling me an *******s until you know what you're talking about. As “for spewing the same crap rhetoric” facts are not rhetoric.

8/22/2012, 10:14 AM
Truth of the matter is that Ann Romney said they weren't going
to release anymore, Ima guessin thats whats gonna happen. That
sort of mentality matches up with Tea Party belief. Stubbornness
like Akin's matches up, too, even though they told him to get out.
Talk about self destruction....Dems can only hope they don't sober up:excitement:

To "give in" is seen as a weakness, reminds me of the USSR.

8/22/2012, 10:46 AM
You agree with me he that he should release his taxes but that is it. There is no way it was deferred compensation or that he can turn this lemon into lemonade just buy “playing his cards right”. So quit calling me an *******s until you know what you're talking about. As “for spewing the same crap rhetoric” facts are not rhetoric.

I cherish the day you get permabanned...

8/22/2012, 10:51 AM
Listen, dip****, if you had any reading comprehension skills you would realize that the lemons to lemonade had nothing to do with Bain...it had everything to do with his deductions...I took this deduction since it was legal but if elected I would eliminate that deduction and my taxes would go up by x amount...

As far a Bain was concerned I said, and I quote:

So imo I say he has compensation from Bain showing on those tax returns...

It could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment...it is just conjecture on my part...but there seems to be something that concerns him about the past taxes...he already said he paid a low percentage so it is not like he is hiding that fact...

8/22/2012, 10:51 AM
I cherish the day you get permabanned...

Get rid of Icky? I love this guy. You don't have to go the DNC to find it's position.

8/22/2012, 10:53 AM
Get rid of Icky? I love this guy. You don't have to go the DNC to find it's position.

**** him..he is nothing but a dickwad with **** for brains that couldn't find his *** with both hands...

And those are his strong points... :)

8/22/2012, 11:01 AM
**** him..he is nothing but a dickwad with **** for brains that couldn't find his *** with both hands...

And those are his strong points... :)

I always enjoy Icky railing about someone using a rightwing talking point.

8/22/2012, 11:30 AM
Listen, dip****, if you had any reading comprehension skills you would realize that the lemons to lemonade had nothing to do with Bain...it had everything to do with his deductions...I took this deduction since it was legal but if elected I would eliminate that deduction and my taxes would go up by x amount...

As far a Bain was concerned I said, and I quote:

So imo I say he has compensation from Bain showing on those tax returns...

It could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment...it is just conjecture on my part...but there seems to be something that concerns him about the past taxes...he already said he paid a low percentage so it is not like he is hiding that fact...

Your quote "it could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment...it is just conjecture on my part...but there seems to be something that concerns him about the past taxes...he already said he paid a low percentage so it is not like he is hiding that fact...like I said he could turn a lemon into lemonade if he played his cards right...other than a Bain influence..."

You started out by talking about bain "it could be deferred compensation from his earlier employment", mitty has had one employer BAIN. ALL of his tax returns have to do with bain SINCE IT IS THE ONLY INCOME HE HAS ON HIS TAXES DIP****. If your head was not so far up your *** trying to claim that we think he did some illegal you could see I am talking about claiming over and over he left bail in '99 when he didn't.

Your first quote didn't mention deduction, only bain...................

8/22/2012, 11:36 AM
**** him..he is nothing but a dickwad with **** for brains that couldn't find his *** with both hands...

And those are his strong points... :)

Yea but hes OUR dickwad with **** for brains that can't find his *** with both hands...

rock on sooner
8/22/2012, 11:46 AM
The best part of the whole deal was Ann making the statement...wtf is that? Momma taking the heat for Daddy?

Nah, she's not taking the heat, she's running the show. She prolly
has sore eyeballs for all the rolling they have to do when Mitt opens
his mouth.:redface:

8/22/2012, 11:54 AM
Nah, she's not taking the heat, she's running the show. She prolly
has sore eyeballs for all the rolling they have to do when Mitt opens
his mouth.:redface:

I thought that was very weird too. mitty sending out his wife to do his dirty work.

8/22/2012, 09:33 PM
To "give in" is seen as a weakness, reminds me of the USSR.

Reminds me of your posts and positions.

8/22/2012, 11:09 PM
We can't get rid of ict. It is only a matter of time before his romantic escapades from his carpet cleaning company, "Attention to Detal", fill the room. I for one am looking forward to it.