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View Full Version : Tyler Evans injured?

8/6/2012, 10:14 AM
From Twitter:

Guerin Emig ‏@GuerinEmig

Uh oh. #Sooners RG Tyler Evans on crutches at practice. Had heard he sustained knee inj. Will check with Stoops this afternoon.

Stay tuned...

8/6/2012, 10:33 AM
More than likely because this only happens at Oklahoma each and every year as I have been watching other programs very closely the past 5 years to confirm this. It never just rains in the off-season, it freaking pours.

8/6/2012, 10:43 AM
More than likely because this only happens at Oklahoma each and every year as I have been watching other programs very closely the past 5 years to confirm this. It never just rains in the off-season, it freaking pours.

I wish it would literally rain and pour in Oklahoma. Thoughts and prayers to all those impacted by the fires :(

8/6/2012, 11:53 AM
Looks like OL John Michael McGee has left the team as well.


Wow. #Sooners #OU RT @SoonerScoop Freshman all American offensive guard John Michael McGee nowhere to be found at practice today as well.

His last two tweets:

Football isn't for everybody.

I love my mom. Texarkana in my future.

8/6/2012, 12:03 PM
Looks like OL John Michael McGee has left the team as well.

His last two tweets:


8/6/2012, 12:17 PM
Oh boy. :(

Jason White's Third Knee
8/6/2012, 12:23 PM
Damnit schmitty!

stoops the eternal pimp
8/6/2012, 12:33 PM
Tyler Evans is having an MRI done today..could be ligament or cartlidge

8/6/2012, 12:33 PM
The media tweets of this morning said that there were only 14 offensive linemen reporting to practice today. I think the ones I read that from were Jake Trotter (ESPN) Guerrin Emig (Tulsa World) and John Shinn (Norman Transcript) and probably others.

In any even, no shortage of playing time going around, but the o-line takes such a huge amount of sacrifice to make it that it is usually a high-quit position :(

8/6/2012, 12:40 PM
Emig and Trotter tweeting Evans has MRI scheduled today. Could be ligament or cartilage. Also, frosh McGee is taking the day to decide if he's staying or going home...apparently is very homesick.

Jason White's Third Knee
8/6/2012, 12:46 PM
The offense goes as the offensive line goes. This could really hurt. The o-line was one of our biggest assets this year. I am really disappointed in God right now.

8/6/2012, 12:51 PM
@Jake_Trotter: Stoops also said OG John Michael McGee is home sick, taking the day to decide if he wants to stay or go home

8/6/2012, 12:53 PM
Crap-tastic. O-line, please stay strong for us.

8/6/2012, 12:56 PM
Starting to look a different version of the 2009 O-line fiasco. 2009 we had 1 lineman worth a damn and then injuries destroyed it. 2012 we start off with the best group in the B12 and lose two starters by day 4 practice and now we wait for more bad news, great!

8/6/2012, 01:12 PM
I need soonerus to pipe in a reassure me that OU will go 13-0 and hoist the crystal this season.

8/6/2012, 01:33 PM
apparently is very homesick.

My best friend couldn't do overnight slumber parties anywhere but at home. She hated summer camp and spent the days counting down to when she could see her mom again. Lots of crying to get home faster whenever she left home.

So, I have tremendous sympathy with those who get homesick... as well as those who have to deal with those who are homesick.

8/6/2012, 01:42 PM
My best friend couldn't do overnight slumber parties anywhere but at home. She hated summer camp and spent the days counting down to when she could see her mom again. Lots of crying to get home faster whenever she left home.

So, I have tremendous sympathy with those who get homesick... as well as those who have to deal with those who are homesick.

Sympathy????? For an adult who cries when they are away from home. You should pity them.:mack:

8/6/2012, 01:50 PM
When you're 8, it's 'homesickness'. By the time you're 18, it's a mental health issue. Criminy, he can video chat 3-4 times a day if need be. Somebody really needs to deliver a Marine D.I. type rhthmic face slapping and tell him to get back to his business.
If he's unhappy, he can take it out on D-Linemen.

8/6/2012, 02:17 PM
The Sooners are out of bad luck, it's time to question the current methods utilized by Schmitty. There is just something not right. This happens every year at Oklahoma.

8/6/2012, 02:24 PM
Sympathy????? For an adult who cries when they are away from home. You should pity them.:mack:

Aren't they about the same thing, sympathy and pity?

The Sooners are out of bad luck, it's time to question the current methods utilized by Schmitty. There is just something not right. This happens every year at Oklahoma.

It's always been time here, heh. But really, football is a game where players get injured and have to work hard... if not this level, the next, and they were likely injured or had their feelings hurt a few times back in high school too.

When you're 8, it's 'homesickness'. By the time you're 18, it's a mental health issue.
Not sure. It got better for my friend as she got older, but it never went away entirely. I think it's fair to say that how you are raised impacts you the rest of your life. Some kids are raised to leave home. Some are raised to stay at home. My friend was definitely raised to stay home (farm)

8/6/2012, 02:39 PM
Badg, I don't mean to hijack this, but seriously, by the time you're 18, if you can't spend a semester away from home, especially coupled with phone calls, video chat, emails, care packs and perhaps visits from parents or sibs....then, yes, there's something seriously wrong emotionally.
Kids leave home all the time, spend a year or years away and have no issue. And they're good kids who love their families and hometowns. To be unable to deal with it is not a sign that all is well inside the noggin.

8/6/2012, 02:45 PM
Schmidty fault

Scott D
8/6/2012, 02:53 PM
Badg, I don't mean to hijack this, but seriously, by the time you're 18, if you can't spend a semester away from home, especially coupled with phone calls, video chat, emails, care packs and perhaps visits from parents or sibs....then, yes, there's something seriously wrong emotionally.
Kids leave home all the time, spend a year or years away and have no issue. And they're good kids who love their families and hometowns. To be unable to deal with it is not a sign that all is well inside the noggin.

so what does that make the kids who only go away for college (provided that college is more than 15 miles from home), and then move back into the same town, and in some cases the same neighborhood as their parents? Because quite frankly, that's a lot higher percentage of the overall population than you think. It's possible that the kid had really never been away from Texarkanna before for any sort of extended period of time. It's possible that he could be a mama's boy too. It doesn't really matter to be honest, different people deal with being away from family in different ways. I took to it like a fish to water, my two brothers on the other hand live 15 minutes away from our parents, while I live halfway across the country.

I'm no longer on the blame Schimitty bandwagon, I led that crusade years ago and I've given it up as a lost cause.

8/6/2012, 02:58 PM
I have never left the blame Schmitty bandwagon. This has happened way too often and I think he overworks them. Granted, they have been well physically prepared for the NFL, but at what cost if they are injured beforehand?

8/6/2012, 03:03 PM
scott, it makes many of them unemployed. I know a lot of people who live in the same town or even the same part of town as their folks. If you can't sleep away from the family house, though, there's an issue.

8/6/2012, 03:24 PM
Being homesick is pretty common for college freshman leaving home for the first time. The degree that it affects them varies widely, but it's not rare for kids to be unable to cope with college life because of this. My daughter was hit pretty hard when she left, but stuck with it. But about 1/3 of her freshman dorm flunked out and homesickness was often a contributing factor according to the counselors. It's hard for those of us who didn't experience this to relate, but it's real. Most kids get over it even if it takes a false start, but it's not a sign of mental illness.

8/6/2012, 03:37 PM
Okay. I guess I just don't relate. I left home the morning after high school graduation and went to work in a refinery 3,000 miles from home. I came back for a visit the next summer. Missed the hell out of my dog.

8/6/2012, 03:49 PM
John Michael McGee has said he quit the team.

That's according to Jake Trotter and JMM's twitter.

8/6/2012, 03:50 PM
surely his teammates and his momma will talk some sense in to him. it's freaking texarkana, it's not like there's a ton of options for a future there. at the very least, go play football and get a degree, go back after that.

I feel for the coaches that put in all the time and effort recruiting him, and giving up a spot that some other kid probably would've killed for.

Are there any OL left at Penn St? lol

8/6/2012, 03:52 PM
IF things stay the same, we're still solid on the O-line. We were pretty deep as late as last week, now we can't afford any more injuries.

What did Stoops do to **** off the football Gods?!

8/6/2012, 03:52 PM
People move back home because they can't find a bloody job that pays more than $10.00 an hour.

8/6/2012, 03:53 PM
I also left home immediately after HS and was self supported while getting my degree at OU, so I don't relate directly either. But watching my own kid and some of her peers go through it opened my eyes.

Having said all that, it could be that JMM just sees he is in over his head at an elite D1 football program.

8/6/2012, 03:55 PM
I have never left the blame Schmitty bandwagon. This has happened way too often and I think he overworks them. Granted, they have been well physically prepared for the NFL, but at what cost if they are injured beforehand?

I'm not knocking your logic, but I fail to understand how Schmidt is the cause of a torn acl (assuming that's what happened to Evans & what we know happened to Broyles), or a neck issue Habern has had since High school, or a broken ankle (Whaley). If we were seeing torn muscles, I could follow your logic, but not with the injuries we've seen.

8/6/2012, 03:58 PM
so what does that make the kids who only go away for college (provided that college is more than 15 miles from home), and then move back into the same town, and in some cases the same neighborhood as their parents? Because quite frankly, that's a lot higher percentage of the overall population than you think. It's possible that the kid had really never been away from Texarkanna before for any sort of extended period of time. It's possible that he could be a mama's boy too. It doesn't really matter to be honest, different people deal with being away from family in different ways. I took to it like a fish to water, my two brothers on the other hand live 15 minutes away from our parents, while I live halfway across the country.I'm no longer on the blame Schimitty bandwagon, I led that crusade years ago and I've given it up as a lost cause.

I was a little different, I still live in my parent's basement, but at least I have a computer.

8/6/2012, 04:23 PM
Probable Starters: Tyrus Thompson, Adam Shead, Gabe Ikard, Bronson Irwin, Daryl Williams

8/6/2012, 05:23 PM
Probable Starters: Tyrus Thompson, Adam Shead, Gabe Ikard, Bronson Irwin, Daryl Williams

Why? Lane Johnson hurt too? Nila and Austin are available for depth as the season gets closer. And if reports are to be believed Ty Darlington and Derek Farniok might have the ability to provide insurance as well... not to diminish the importance of the lost experience. We're still ok.

In the meantime we should just hope for the best for Tyler.

8/6/2012, 05:35 PM
Why? Lane Johnson hurt too? Nila and Austin are available for depth as the season gets closer. And if reports are to be believed Ty Darlington and Derek Farniok might have the ability to provide insurance as well... not to diminish the importance of the lost experience. We're still ok.

In the meantime we should just hope for the best for Tyler.

Right now, Lane Johnson is a back-up.

8/6/2012, 05:42 PM
Oh, and as for John Michael McGee.... who?

Honestly, I don't know how Stoops does it. That's a lot of patience to only say to the press that you gave him the day off to let him gather his thoughts as to whether or not he wants to play.

If it had been me the second I found out about his tweet I would have walked over to his dorm room, handed him a bus ticket and watched him pack to make sure he got everything.

8/6/2012, 05:51 PM
Right now, Lane Johnson is a back-up.

According to what source? Depth chart hasn't been established yet. I know Tyrus was pushing hard in the spring, but I hadn't seen where he had completely unseated Lane. Just curious... must have missed it somewhere.

Either way, that speaks to us still having some good depth to work with.

8/6/2012, 05:52 PM
I subscribe to the "he needs a kick in the arse" camp. He really wants to go back to his momma? Is his papa the Waterboy? Perhaps he was coddled too much early (and later) on in life... I hate to see a life not lived up to its potential.

-On another note. Does Trent Ratteree have any more eligibility?

8/6/2012, 05:54 PM
According to what source? Depth chart hasn't been established yet. I know Tyrus was pushing hard in the spring, but I hadn't seen where he had completely unseated Lane. Just curious... must have missed it somewhere.

Either way, that speaks to us still having some good depth to work with.

I'm not trying to sound like "that guy" that says he has a source. I'm getting this from twitter, mostly Jake Trotter. So, take that for what it's worth.

8/6/2012, 06:30 PM
I'm not trying to sound like "that guy" that says he has a source. I'm getting this from twitter, mostly Jake Trotter. So, take that for what it's worth.

It's all good. Thanks... was just curious where it was coming from. I just hope that a) Tyler's injury isn't severe and b) we don't have any more on the o-line (or anywhere for that matter.) If it isn't and we don't, we will be good.

8/6/2012, 07:31 PM
Torn Right ACL. :(

Jason White's Third Knee
8/6/2012, 07:33 PM
If you watch the sooner legends video, you'll find that many of them wanted to quit because they doubted themselves. It's natural to think you aren't good enough. Boz did. Billy sims did. They grow and learn. I hope this jmm kid does the same.

8/6/2012, 08:26 PM
Good news: He played as True Freshman, so he can redshirt this year.

8/6/2012, 08:35 PM
Maybe the McGee kid has a girlfriend at home that he is missing more than his parents; women are the debbil you know:)

8/6/2012, 09:02 PM
Done for the year, what a ****ing joke. I can't stand this ****ing **** anymore.

Two starting offensive linemen done before the season even came close to starting.


8/6/2012, 09:54 PM
Done for the year, what a ****ing joke. I can't stand this ****ing **** anymore.

Two starting offensive linemen done before the season even came close to starting.


Deep breath JLEW. We're still okay on the O-line. Just can't have any more season ending injuries there. Looks like a lot of young guys are going to have to be ready for duty sooner than expected. I think we have the talent on the roster to do just that.

8/6/2012, 10:30 PM
Bronson Irwin, Adam Shead, and Brennan Clay are still upbeat on the All-Access vids. As long as the guys that matter keep fighting the good fight, the guys that don't matter (us) should be fine.

8/6/2012, 10:55 PM
Good point. Losing 2 starting olinemen 4 days into practice hurts, but there's some quality depth there. Problem is, we can't have another one..

8/6/2012, 11:24 PM
If we are talking about guards, Nila for all intents and purposes sounds like he's healthy. And he's been a masher in practice. So we still have a little depth there. Does anyone know anything about walk-on Bob Hollis? He's humongous... haven't heard anything about him though.

Anyway, for quality starting depth (or indications of that ability) looks like we have:

3 OT: Daryl Williams, Tyrus Thompson, Lane Johnson
3 OG: Bronson Irwin, Adam Shead, Nila Kasitati
2 C: Gabe Ikard, Austin Woods

Pretty thin now. Need Ty Darlington to grow up fast. They keep talking about him like he is, and he's about the same size Habern was as a frosh, so he may be able to handle the load like Habern did. Same with Farniok. Good things said about him, he needs to crank it up.

But even with no further injuries I think we're at the point where we are going to see a lot of Millard and/or Ripkowski on the field... maybe even more than we would have. (Extra big back = extra protection for Landry.) Oh... and Moose Green becomes a very very important piece that we have to hope stays healthy.

8/6/2012, 11:42 PM
Bronson Irwin, Adam Shead, and Brennan Clay are still upbeat on the All-Access vids. As long as the guys that matter keep fighting the good fight, the guys that don't matter (us) should be fine.

Speaking of all-access, Stoops said Nathan Hughes is switching from DE to O-Line.

8/7/2012, 08:00 AM
Penn State have any OL's that wanna catch a flight with Justin Brown?

8/7/2012, 08:32 AM
Speaking of all-access, Stoops said Nathan Hughes is switching from DE to O-Line.

Somewhere else I said something similar was going to happen. I expect the same for Sam Grant. Both just need to put on some weight, and that is a problem I know a lot of people would like to have! That would give us a workable three deep now. We would have six other TE/FBs, and seven other DEs. I might expect another guy, maybe Damon Williams since he did it before, to get reps in at OL.

Anyway, for quality starting depth (or indications of that ability) looks like we have:

3 OT: Daryl Williams, Tyrus Thompson, Lane Johnson
3 OG: Bronson Irwin, Adam Shead, Nila Kasitati
2 C: Gabe Ikard, Austin Woods

You mentioned Ty Darlington, but you forgot Marrs and Farniok- OUr two biggest OL! The coaches rave about Farniok, and they say Marrs has came in and worked hard. I think Mt. Farniok and Planet Marrs will be just fine. Again, OUr coaches and players aren't panicking, and neither should we!

8/7/2012, 08:59 AM
Hoover in the Tulsa World called the season this morning. Basically said OU was done. Little harsh, I thought.

8/7/2012, 11:07 AM
Maybe the McGee kid has a girlfriend at home that he is missing more than his parents; women are the debbil you know:)

Reminds me of the pwhipped Gabe Toomey who followed his gf only to get dumped.

8/7/2012, 11:12 AM
Hoover in the Tulsa World called the season this morning. Basically said OU was done. Little harsh, I thought.

Interesting he says that when OSU has lost 2 starting linemen as well. He's an italics dick sucker.

8/7/2012, 12:10 PM
More bad news: Tom Wort is not 100%. He has back, shoulder, and ankle injuries to deal with right now. Still practicing, not out or anything.

8/7/2012, 01:21 PM
Has Tom Wort ever been healthy? Seriously.

8/7/2012, 05:16 PM
who is Moose Green?

8/7/2012, 05:22 PM
Somewhere else I said something similar was going to happen. I expect the same for Sam Grant. Both just need to put on some weight, and that is a problem I know a lot of people would like to have! That would give us a workable three deep now. We would have six other TE/FBs, and seven other DEs. I might expect another guy, maybe Damon Williams since he did it before, to get reps in at OL.

You mentioned Ty Darlington, but you forgot Marrs and Farniok- OUr two biggest OL! The coaches rave about Farniok, and they say Marrs has came in and worked hard. I think Mt. Farniok and Planet Marrs will be just fine. Again, OUr coaches and players aren't panicking, and neither should we!

Stoops mentioned Marrs could play guard if they needed him there. The last I heard on Farniok is that he's made huge leaps since last year, but still a little raw. When it finally clicks with that kid, we're going to have another Phil Loadholt.

8/7/2012, 05:22 PM
who is Moose Green?

New TE