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7/29/2012, 09:02 AM


7/29/2012, 10:39 AM

7/29/2012, 10:51 AM
I think thats the first time I've heard Kenny stills talk.

7/29/2012, 01:28 PM
And he impressed me as a 'normal' person. I'd expected a bit of dumbass attitude. Happy to have been wrong.

7/29/2012, 01:33 PM
I'm sorry, I must be high, but what are we looking at?

7/29/2012, 01:46 PM
IM BLIND..........IM BLIND !!!!!

7/29/2012, 09:12 PM
Haven't any of you ever seen one of his interviews before?

My Son got an autograph and a pic with him before the mob started pushing little kids out of the way so they could get him to sign an autograph ball they were going to sell on EBAY.
He's a really nice guy. I really hope he gets over the nerves of being our #1 WR so he can help out our offense this year. IMO he just wasn't prepared to fill Ryan's shoes after he blew out his knee last year.

Since he's had some time and experience in the Bowl Game against Iowa...I surely hope he's ready to light up the Teams we play this year and be Landry's #1 guy.

7/29/2012, 09:15 PM
Haven't any of you ever seen one of his interviews before?

I can honestly say I haven't. Weird probably.

7/30/2012, 07:22 AM
Thanks for the post, but I wish they would have spent more time discussing the D-Line and LB's.

7/30/2012, 08:38 AM
Ha...Stoops: "We lose two teams that aren't ranked, and gain two teams that are at the end of the year." Succinct, rational diss of MU and ATM.

7/30/2012, 10:39 AM
I agree, it was well done. On the other hand, it's just not very hard to heap scorn on Mizzery and the Collie Cult. I'm looking forward to watching them get prison raped this season.

7/30/2012, 08:47 PM
Oklahoma Sooner and US men olympic swimming team similarity:
- In with a big hype
- Out like a fart -- ka boom.