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7/27/2012, 09:12 PM
SMU linebacker’s home burglarized by prostitute he wouldn’t pay

By Jeff Eisenberg | Dr. Saturday

:stupid:On the night of SMU's end-of-the-year football banquet last April, three players returned to their off-campus home after dinner and discovered $3,000 worth of TVs, laptops and video games were missing.

Sophomore linebacker Uchenna Nwabuike sounds like he has a pretty good idea who the thief might have been.

According to a police report obtained this week by CBS 11 News in Dallas, Nwabuike told police he believes the culprit was an escort whom he agreed to have sex with for $50 but never paid for the acts she performed. Nwabuike left the woman at the home he and his two teammates share while they attended the banquet. Detectives have yet to find the alleged thief or recover the stolen goods.

CBS 11 News reported that SMU was aware of the theft but not of the connection to the prostitute. An SMU spokesman told the station, "We're investigating the facts of the matter and will deal with it appropriately according to university guidelines."

Regardless of whether SMU hands down further punishment or not, the lesson here for Nwabuike is three-fold.

Don't hire a prostitute. Don't invite a prostitute into your home. And most importantly, whatever you do don't leave that prostitute in your home alone.

7/27/2012, 10:04 PM
Craig James will take care of her. Once one develops the taste, well......

7/27/2012, 10:29 PM
Craig James will take care of her. Once one develops the taste, well......

That'a some pretty risky business