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View Full Version : Snarky or Funny as hell?

6/22/2012, 04:56 PM
I think its funny as hell myself :kiwi-fruit:
Elizabeth Warren's Birthday Gift From GOP: An Ancestry.com Account


6/22/2012, 05:04 PM
well played GOP!

6/22/2012, 05:04 PM
clever...prolly better publicity for the pubs than some attack ad. She's a biatch anyway. I don't need a consumer advocate.....I need an individual liberty advocate.

6/22/2012, 07:07 PM
Snarky is a good way to approach her. If you ever want a good cringe, watch this interview some UC Berkeley prof does with her. It is so stereotypically liberal and snooty it could have come from SNL.

When asked where she grew up, her reaction seems to say "Can you believe this? Someone as smart as me..."


6/23/2012, 11:54 AM
snarky and funny as hell.

It's an interesting part of the country. Rock ribbed conservatism of the true variety (you live your life and I'll live mine) side-by-side with a paternalism that goes all the way to the bone.

You need look no futher than New Hampshire and Vermont to see how closely the two live to each other.

And Maine? Hells Bells, Maine might as well be nestled between Alabama and Mississippi.

East Coast Bias
6/23/2012, 08:40 PM
snarky and funny as hell.

It's an interesting part of the country. Rock ribbed conservatism of the true variety (you live your life and I'll live mine) side-by-side with a paternalism that goes all the way to the bone.

You need look no futher than New Hampshire and Vermont to see how closely the two live to each other.

And Maine? Hells Bells, Maine might as well be nestled between Alabama and Mississippi.

There are some back-woods hillbillies up here for sure, but the educated and enlightened seem more prevalent from my perspective. Live in New Hampshire, work in Maine....