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View Full Version : Oklahoma Congressional District 1: Who should I vote for?

6/15/2012, 12:55 PM
John Sullivan:


Jim Bridenstine:

There is also a Democrat, but I'm talking about the primary a week from Tuesday (It's the same day as Game 7 of the Thunder NBA Finals).

Here's why I'm seeking your advice, ObamaFest 2012: Because while I know experience is key to Congressional members getting appointed to committees and getting bills heard (and pork, if that's your thing), I feel like Sully really hasn't done as much as he should have after 10 years in Congress. Is this the guy that should take his place, if anyone?

Gimme your thoughts.

6/15/2012, 06:04 PM
Billy Joe Clegg.

He won't pull your leg.

6/16/2012, 04:08 PM
Billy Joe Clegg.

He won't pull your leg.


6/17/2012, 02:35 PM

One of Oklahoma's proud sons.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/20/2012, 09:57 PM
John Sullivan:

Jim Bridenstine:

There is also a Democrat, but I'm talking about the primary a week from Tuesday (It's the same day as Game 7 of the Thunder NBA Finals).

Here's why I'm seeking your advice, ObamaFest 2012: Because while I know experience is key to Congressional members getting appointed to committees and getting bills heard (and pork, if that's your thing), I feel like Sully really hasn't done as much as he should have after 10 years in Congress. Is this the guy that should take his place, if anyone?

Gimme your thoughts.Whoever you perceive to be the most conservative, and pro private sector, combined with honest, but not conciliatory, should be your choice.

6/21/2012, 11:58 AM
Whoever you perceive to be the most conservative, and pro private sector, combined with honest, but not conciliatory, should be your choice.

I am getting really irritated with this race.

Link (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=688&articleid=20120621_16_A8_CUTLIN594315)

I got the mailer described in the above linked story. I also got another mailer that was something like OMG TAX CREDIT FOR LLAMA-LIKE BEAST FARM and SULLY DOESN'T SHOW UP TO VOTE OMGOMGOMG.

This is among the reasons I was seeking voting guidance at Obamafest here. Does anyone know anything about either candidate that would make me wanna vote for either over the other? Because right now, both campaigns are acting like ****s, and I don't like campaigns to turn into a ****fest. This campaign is nothing short of a ****fest with campaigns acting all ****y toward each other and it makes the candidates look like ****s themselves.

(fill in your own four-letter word, it probably fits)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/21/2012, 04:08 PM
who does Brent Bozelle(Media Research Center) recommend? Michael Baronne? Duncan Hunter?

6/26/2012, 08:13 AM
Eff it,I'm gonna vote for the new guy. Congress has pizzed everyone off lately so might as well oust the incumbents when you have a chance

6/26/2012, 10:05 AM

Sullivan is an alcoholic *********.

6/26/2012, 09:12 PM

Sullivan is an alcoholic *********.

Election board is having computer issues apparently, but in the few returns back he is winning. Slim margin, though

6/27/2012, 08:05 AM
Bridenstine claimed victory and Sullivan said he's going to work to oust Obama during his last few months in office.

We do have a Dem nominee for Dist. 1 so it's not a given that Bridenstine is the new Congressman. The only given is that we won't have Sully representing us anymore.

6/27/2012, 08:59 AM
We'll see if the Tea Party has legs or not...

6/27/2012, 09:26 AM
We'll see if the Tea Party has legs or not...

Remembering that Texas Gov. Aggie Yell Leader was once a Democrat and now is trying to tout how incredibly conservative he is, politicians will blow in whatever direction the winds go, whether it be right or left, just to stay in office. The real world away from government-provided healthcare, pension and a "lawmaker" job is just too scary :P

rock on sooner
6/27/2012, 03:40 PM
Interesting outcome...Sullivan had 4 times the money and still lost. I
think Badj nailed it with "Throw the bums out and start over." approach.

6/27/2012, 04:04 PM
Campaigns like this show why maybe Super PACs aren't the end-all be-all of elections.

1- Yard signs do not vote.
2- TV ads do not vote
3- Endorsements do not vote.
4- Endless paper mail that drive badger crazy DO. NOT. VOTE.

There was a state rep from Norman that was an incumbent who had like $100k to campaign with, but he was ousted by a Democrat and former incumbent... not because he didn't have enough yard signs around town (there were MANY), not because he didn't buy tons of ad space, but because he seemed to be too attached to the capitol and not to his local constituents.

That might have been what happened here as well. Incumbents, if they're in office for too long, stop looking out for the people that elected them and get more into the partisanship battles.

rock on sooner
6/27/2012, 04:30 PM
Good points, Badj, but long time incumbents look to remain in office
first and foremost. We've got an interesting battle here in Iowa's
3rd District...an eight term Pub and a seven term Dem. Redrawing
the district from the last census, Iowa loses a representative so there
is a LOT of interest (and PAC money, mostly Pub leaning) at play. The
Pub is best buddies with Boehner so I think the Dem's days are numbered.

6/27/2012, 04:33 PM
With all the media worry about Super PACs destroying our country, you might be in for a more competitive election.

Those poor ol' rusty belt states losing their representatives after years of being large and in charge. I heard that the Ohio Keebler elf was having troubles with redistricting also to the point of wanting to run in Washington state or something silly. I am of course referring to perennial Democratic presidential candidate loser, Dennis Kucinich.

rock on sooner
6/27/2012, 04:37 PM
I think he lost in the primary already..

rock on sooner
6/27/2012, 04:40 PM
I just googled him. He lost in March and "retired" from politics May 17.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/27/2012, 05:07 PM
Bridenstine claimed victory and Sullivan said he's going to work to oust Obama during his last few months in office.

We do have a Dem nominee for Dist. 1 so it's not a given that Bridenstine is the new Congressman. The only given is that we won't have Sully representing us anymore.Bridenstone was backed by the Tea Party. (I just saw that today on this thread) Shoulda been an easy choice for you Badg.