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View Full Version : Obama joined a socialist party in the US while running for office

6/7/2012, 12:02 PM
We all know Obama is a committed socialists.
In spite of his democrat minions denying that they believe that is true, in their hearts, they know it is true.

And now, thanks to the ACORN relations, we have proof that he joined a socialist party here in the US and then blatantly lied about it on his propagandist web site fight the smears.

Why would he lie? To deceive those wiling to be deceived.


On the evening of January 11, 1996, while Mitt Romney was in the final years of his run as the head of Bain Capital, Barack Obama formally joined the New Party, which was deeply hostile to the mainstream of the Democratic party and even to American capitalism. In 2008, candidate Obama deceived the American public about his potentially damaging tie to this third party. The issue remains as fresh as today’s headlines, as Romney argues that Obama is trying to move the United States toward European-style social democracy, which was precisely the New Party’s goal.

In late October 2008, when I wrote here at National Review Online that Obama had been a member of the New Party, his campaign sharply denied it, calling my claim a “crackpot smear.” Fight the Smears, an official Obama-campaign website, staunchly maintained that “Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party.” I rebutted this, but the debate was never taken up by the mainstream press.

Recently obtained evidence from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society now definitively establishes that Obama was a member of the New Party. He also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:

Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

Consistent with this, a roster of the Chicago chapter of the New Party from early 1997 lists Obama as a member, with January 11, 1996, indicated as the date he joined.

Knowing that Obama disguised his New Party membership helps make sense of his questionable handling of the 2008 controversy over his ties to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). During his third debate with John McCain, Obama said that the “only” involvement he’d had with ACORN was to represent the group in a lawsuit seeking to compel Illinois to implement the National Voter Registration Act, or motor-voter law. The records of Illinois ACORN and its associated union clearly contradict that assertion, as I show in my political biography of the president, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism.

Why did Obama deny his ties to ACORN? The group was notorious in 2008 for thug tactics, fraudulent voter registrations, and its role in popularizing risky subprime lending. Admitting that he had helped to fund ACORN’s voter-registration efforts and train some of their organizers would doubtless have been an embarrassment but not likely a crippling blow to his campaign. So why not simply confess the tie and make light of it? The problem for Obama was ACORN’s political arm, the New Party.

The revelation in 2008 that Obama had joined an ACORN-controlled, leftist third party could have been damaging indeed, and coming clean about his broader work with ACORN might easily have exposed these New Party ties. Because the work of ACORN and the New Party often intersected with Obama’s other alliances, honesty about his ties to either could have laid bare the entire network of his leftist political partnerships.

Although Obama is ultimately responsible for deceiving the American people in 2008 about his political background, he got help from his old associates. Each of the two former political allies who helped him to deny his New Party membership during campaign ’08 was in a position to know better.

The Fight the Smears website quoted Carol Harwell, who managed Obama’s 1996 campaign for the Illinois senate: “Barack did not solicit or seek the New Party endorsement for state senator in 1995.” Drawing on her testimony, Fight the Smears conceded that the New Party did support Obama in 1996 but denied that Obama had ever joined, adding that “he was the only candidate on the ballot in his race and never solicited the endorsement.”

We’ve seen that this is false. Obama formally requested New Party endorsement, signed the candidate contract, and joined the party. Is it conceivable that Obama’s own campaign manager could have been unaware of this? The notion is implausible. And the documents make Harwell’s assertion more remarkable still.

6/7/2012, 12:14 PM
who would have thought?:distress:

6/7/2012, 12:32 PM
What nobody seems to get is that it just doesn't matter. Lying, cheating, whoremongering, murdering, communist, socialist, and muslim? Just admirable traits for many Americans. The POTUS gig ain't for good, honest folk. No way in hell could one get elected.

6/7/2012, 12:52 PM
What nobody seems to get is that it just doesn't matter. Lying, cheating, whoremongering, murdering, communist, socialist, and muslim? Just admirable traits for many Americans. The POTUS gig ain't for good, honest folk. No way in hell could one get elected.

True enough. He said himself when talking to Jeremiah Wright that Wright was too honest to be a good politician. Thereby implicating that since he was striving for the presidency at the time he must have considered himself to be the chief liar.

As for being a socialist, well, duh. I laugh every time someone on here tries to say he isn't with a supposedly straight face.

He doesn't get to govern as much like one as he would like. Thank God for the opposition to his dismantling of the greatest country the world has ever seen.

The question is, if he could have his way on everything with absolutely no consequences, what would our country look like today? I dare say, we wouldn't recognize it.

So him being a socialist is no surprise. His father was a communist, his grandfather was at least extremely sympathetic to communists, their family friend was a devoutly militant communist, his mom...well, who knows. She was one wack woman for sure.

It's in the guys DNA to be a socialist at the very least.

6/7/2012, 12:56 PM
Also, watch the defenders get on here and say, that party meant nothing. It was just his way of fitting in, and besides Bush/Cheney/Rove/Romney did far worse!

That article was from national review so of course its a lie. The New Party was a boy band that he belonged to.

Acorn isn't socialist.

Blah blah blah, deflect deflect deflect, change the subject, change the subject, change the subject.

6/7/2012, 01:06 PM
Also, watch the defenders get on here and say, "You all are a bunch of racist!!!".


6/7/2012, 01:24 PM
True enough.

The question is, if he could have his way on everything with absolutely no consequences, what would our country look like today? I dare say, we wouldn't recognize it.

So him being a socialist is no surprise. His father was a communist, his grandfather was at least extremely sympathetic to communists, their family friend was a devoutly militant communist, his mom...well, who knows. She was one wack woman for sure.

It's in the guys DNA to be a socialist at the very least.

This is what worries me most about Obama. So far, he seems to be trying not to make too many waves. Wonder if a second term would make him go tsunami?

His background and upbringing is downright off the left-field wall. The world he grew up in and was influenced by really has nothing in common with the "average" American. Grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia, never lived in the mainland US until college, the whole time immersed in an academic/socialist and slightly odd family.

I have to give him some credit. I'd expect someone raised this way to be a wild eyed revolutionary type. But that type of guy would never get elected.

6/7/2012, 07:17 PM
As for being a socialist, well, duh. I laugh every time someone on here tries to say he isn't with a supposedly straight face.

I don't think you even know what socialism is, then. By world standards, Obama remains a right winger, especially compared to Europe. Obamacare is definitely a step in the left direction, but far from socialized single-payer care. Making someone buy private insurance is...some bizarre authoritarian consumerist streak, not socialized medicine.

6/7/2012, 08:46 PM
I don't think you even know what socialism is, then. By world standards, Obama remains a right winger, especially compared to Europe. Obamacare is definitely a step in the left direction, but far from socialized single-payer care. Making someone buy private insurance is...some bizarre authoritarian consumerist streak, not socialized medicine.

Socialism isn't restricted to healthcare. I'm gonna have to side with olevet. You are one narrow-minded, blind little boy. Some day I hope you grow up a tad. Hopefully your parents will let you make a car payment or something sometime soon. Then, we'll see the righteous side of your narrow ***.

6/7/2012, 08:47 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot to say "with your own money that you actually earned doing real work." That'll be the day...

6/7/2012, 08:55 PM
Socialism isn't restricted to healthcare. I'm gonna have to side with olevet. You are one narrow-minded, blind little boy. Some day I hope you grow up a tad. Hopefully your parents will let you make a car payment or something sometime soon. Then, we'll see the righteous side of your narrow ***.
Ad hominem much?

Can you please site an example of Obama's socialist policies outside of healthcare, then?

I love how you pretend to know my life, and are apparently arrogant enough to judge who I am and am not responsible for based off of forum posts. Incredible clairvoyance...

6/7/2012, 08:59 PM
I don't think you even know what socialism is, then. By world standards, Obama remains a right winger, especially compared to Europe. Obamacare is definitely a step in the left direction, but far from socialized single-payer care. Making someone buy private insurance is...some bizarre authoritarian consumerist streak, not socialized medicine.

I don't think you even know how to use reading comprehension. I never said he has governed like a classical socialist. He would have been impeached had he. He isn't allowed to be by the opposition.

I am talking about in his heart of hearts he is a socialist, and he is. Just because he has been stymied from seeing that to fruition is good fortune for us, but it certainly isn't by design or desire by him.

Try and keep up, and try and address the topic. Did he join a socialist party? It certainly seems so. It also certainly seems the media (Ben Smith) covered it up for him in '08.

6/7/2012, 09:08 PM
I don't think you even know how to use reading comprehension. I never said he has governed like a classical socialist. He would have been impeached had he. He isn't allowed to be by the opposition.

I am talking about in his heart of hearts he is a socialist, and he is. Just because he has been stymied from seeing that to fruition is good fortune for us, but it certainly isn't by design or desire by him.

Try and keep up, and try and address the topic. Did he join a socialist party? It certainly seems so. It also certainly seems the media (Ben Smith) covered it up for him in '08.
I don't think anyone but Obama knows his heart of hearts. I don't think committed socialist would have continued to expand the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan...not really up on my socialist theory but I fail to see how such a conflict is in the workers interest, right?

He joined the party, ok. I don't see any socialist legislation he's pushed in, or any class revolution he's called for. He's just being a classic crooked politician, and pandering for votes where he can get them.

6/7/2012, 09:11 PM
Ad hominem much?

Can you please site an example of Obama's socialist policies outside of healthcare, then?

I love how you pretend to know my life, and are apparently arrogant enough to judge who I am and am not responsible for based off of forum posts. Incredible clairvoyance...

You larnin them there 50 cent werds In skool?

WE are not judging you by a few posts that you have made , But by your whole body of work over 6 idiotic years of reading your tripe.

6/7/2012, 09:18 PM
You larnin them there 50 cent werds In skool?

WE are not judging you by a few posts that you have made , But by your whole body of work over 6 idiotic years of reading your tripe.
I've learned your usual style when you have nothing to contribute to the discussion as well.

A. Some sort of personal attack

B. Another personal attack

C. Finish it off with an attack on education

Generally, you fear and belittle things you don't understand or comprehend

6/7/2012, 09:18 PM
He joined the party, ok. I don't see any socialist legislation he's pushed in, or any class revolution he's called for. He's just being a classic crooked politician, and pandering for votes where he can get them.
We could talk about his constant demand for the evil rich to pay more, but this exchange with Charlie Gibson is still my favorite.

GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down.
So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.

6/7/2012, 09:24 PM
We could talk about his constant demand for the evil rich to pay more, but this exchange with Charlie Gibson is still my favorite.

GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down.
So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.
Ok, we have a quote on taxing the rich. Some wealth redistribution, does not a committed socialist make. I thought from the OP "Obama is a committed socialist" that was the idea of many of you. I've heard nothing about public ownership of the means of production, nationalization, etc. He exhibits a few qualities of a moderate democratic socialist, at worst.

I'm really not defending Obama as a president, I can't stand him. Just trying to point out he ain't a real socialist...

6/7/2012, 09:32 PM
Ok, we have a quote on taxing the rich. Some wealth redistribution, does not a committed socialist make. I thought from the OP "Obama is a committed socialist" that was the idea of many of you. I've heard nothing about public ownership of the means of production, nationalization, etc. He exhibits a few qualities of a moderate democratic socialist, at worst.

I'm really not defending Obama as a president, I can't stand him. Just trying to point out he ain't a real socialist...
Well, I am not the OP. I was responding to your comment. I am not sure if I am included in "many of you." I was pointing out that class division has been a pretty strong theme so far. My quote from the Charlie Gibson interview was to demonstrate that his policies are not fiscally driven but and end to another means.

6/7/2012, 09:40 PM
I've learned your usual style when you have nothing to contribute to the discussion as well.

A. Some sort of personal attack

B. Another personal attack

C. Finish it off with an attack on education

Generally, you fear and belittle things you don't understand or comprehend

How is being convince that you are an idiot a personal attack? Making fun of you being a student an attack on education?

You find something that I fear for real and Ill buy you a new car of your choice. Unless daddy done did that fer ya

6/7/2012, 09:42 PM
Ok, we have a quote on taxing the rich. Some wealth redistribution, does not a committed socialist make. I thought from the OP "Obama is a committed socialist" that was the idea of many of you. I've heard nothing about public ownership of the means of production, nationalization, etc. He exhibits a few qualities of a moderate democratic socialist, at worst.

I'm really not defending Obama as a president, I can't stand him. Just trying to point out he ain't a real socialist...

He joined a freaking socialist party! Are we going to believe you or our lying eyes...and ears.

He could proclaim it from the mountain tops and you would deny it.

I'll take his word (in the form of joining a socialist party) for it, over yours.

6/7/2012, 09:43 PM
How is being convince that you are an idiot a personal attack? Making fun of you being a student an attack on education?

You find something that I fear for real and Ill buy you a new car of your choice. Unless daddy done did that fer ya
If you don't understand that hurling idiot insults is a personal attack...well nevermind.

:D If you know me as well as you claim, you'd know "daddy" is a public school teacher and mom stays home...lets just say we aren't rolling in the dough, or vehicles.

6/7/2012, 09:44 PM
He joined a freaking socialist party! Are we going to believe you or our lying eyes...and ears.

He could proclaim it from the mountain tops and you would deny it.

I'll take his word (in the form of joining a socialist party) for it, over yours.
Easy bro, He will end up trying to file felony Assault charges on you with those "Personal Attacks" :very_drunk:

6/7/2012, 09:45 PM
If you don't understand that hurling idiot insults is a personal attack...well nevermind.

:D If you know me as well as you claim, you'd know "daddy" is a public school teacher and mom stays home...lets just say we aren't rolling in the dough, or vehicles.

The only thing I claim to know about you is you are a ****ing Idiot
Oh and stating FACTs is NOT a Personal Attack.

6/7/2012, 09:47 PM
He joined a freaking socialist party! Are we going to believe you or our lying eyes...and ears.

He could proclaim it from the mountain tops and you would deny it.

I'll take his word (in the form of joining a socialist party) for it, over yours.
Double post.

Yes, I value his actions in the last 4 years in office over a party he likely joined for votes 16 years ago. Many believe his agenda will be more radical *if* he wins re-election...I don't really see it.

6/7/2012, 09:49 PM
The only thing I claim to know about you is you are a ****ing Idiot
Oh and stating FACTs is NOT a Personal Attack.
Facts generally include evidence outside of personal opinion

6/7/2012, 09:51 PM
Facts generally include evidence outside of personal opinion

Here ya go. Go back as far as you'd like :excitement:


6/7/2012, 09:55 PM
Double post.

Yes, I value his actions in the last 4 years in office over a party he likely joined for votes 16 years ago. Many believe his agenda will be more radical *if* he wins re-election...I don't really see it.

I don't see it either, because barring a miracle the Republicans will be the majority at least in the House, keeping him at bay.

Even if he gets majorities in both Houses, he can only go so far, because of the political constraints of the nation as a whole toward his Dem buddies.

That doesn't mean the man himself isn't a socialist. He is. He was raised by them, his family hung with them, he hangs with them now, he joined their party, he joined their organizations, he speaks in socialistic terms, he has governed as much as possible in a socialistic manner (whoever said that socialists dont use their militaries to kill people, btw?).

Keep on denying it if you choose. It just shows you're inability to admit what is right before your eyes.

Position Limit
6/8/2012, 09:57 AM
I don't see it either, because barring a miracle the Republicans will be the majority at least in the House, keeping him at bay.

Even if he gets majorities in both Houses, he can only go so far, because of the political constraints of the nation as a whole toward his Dem buddies.

That doesn't mean the man himself isn't a socialist. He is. He was raised by them, his family hung with them, he hangs with them now, he joined their party, he joined their organizations, he speaks in socialistic terms, he has governed as much as possible in a socialistic manner (whoever said that socialists dont use their militaries to kill people, btw?).

Keep on denying it if you choose. It just shows you're inability to admit what is right before your eyes.

what does 1+1= in you world? and what variety of lsd are you on this week? when you put a mirror under your nose does it fog up? please stop waxing socialism you hump. you are so far out of your league. stick with hating queers.

6/8/2012, 10:16 PM
what does 1+1= in you world? and what variety of lsd are you on this week? when you put a mirror under your nose does it fog up? please stop waxing socialism you hump. you are so far out of your league. stick with hating queers.

Very nice educated argument, doosh!

6/9/2012, 03:11 PM
Ad hominem much?

Can you please site an example of Obama's socialist policies outside of healthcare, then?

I love how you pretend to know my life, and are apparently arrogant enough to judge who I am and am not responsible for based off of forum posts. Incredible clairvoyance...

I am clairvoyant. I predict you're fixin' to get some time off. The "shootin' yellow people" comment - especially coming from a little cowardly **** like you who thinks it's below you to serve your country and has no clue about the harsh realities of life is over the top. WAY over the top.

6/9/2012, 03:36 PM
what does 1+1= in you world? and what variety of lsd are you on this week? when you put a mirror under your nose does it fog up? please stop waxing socialism you hump. you are so far out of your league. stick with hating queers.

I call that bold talk for a one eyed fat man.

Actually, I call that not talking about the subject at hand, but just attacking for no reason other than to attack. I've never done an illegal drug of any kind in my life, let alone LSD. What is a hump by the way?

Socialism /ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm/ is an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy,[1] and a political philosophy advocating such a system. "Social ownership" may refer to any one of, or a combination of, the following: cooperative enterprises, common ownership, direct public ownership or autonomous state enterprises.[2] There are many variations of socialism and as such there is no single definition encapsulating all of socialism.[3] They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets versus planning, how management is to be organised within economic enterprises, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.[4]

So government ownership like, Oh I don't know, auto companies or total control of health systems. The threat of taking over energy companies (as advocated by an Obama minion Maxine Waters), etc.

Sounds socialistic to me. Maybe it's you that should stop waxing socialism.

BTW, I don't hate queers. Find where I ever said I did. I hate burnt orange.

6/9/2012, 07:16 PM
.... Obamacare is definitely a step in the left direction, but far from socialized single-payer care.

He's gone on record saying he wants a single payer system.
He wants to spread the wealth around.
He wants to bankrupt oil companies.
He associates with the most left wing radicals in this country.

Just because he can't get what he wants because he's a nut even to the clear thinking democrats in this country doesn't mean he's not a socialist.

I've never joined a socialist party. Have you? No. Why... because we're not socialist.
He is. And to deny it is to ignore all objective evidence.

6/9/2012, 08:22 PM
I've never joined a socialist party. Have you? No. Why... because we're not socialist.
He is. And to deny it is to ignore all objective evidence.

Or you're just waxing a hump...or something.

6/9/2012, 10:36 PM
Don't forget social security.

6/11/2012, 09:42 AM
I wonder how this surprises anyone??? He is a closet socialist, no real radical "community organizer" would be nothing less.