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View Full Version : Lofton Is Still Pissing Daniels Off

6/6/2012, 04:44 PM
I wonder if Chase still eats his boogers?

The New Orleans Saints had their first skirmish of minicamp Wednesday after quarterback Chase Daniel took exception to linebacker Curtis Lofton getting too close during practice.

Quarterback Chase Daniels calls wide receiver Lance Moore in for a consult during passing drills during the second day of the New Orleans Saints minicamp on Wednesday. Later in the practice Daniel and linebacker Curtis Lofton got involved in a little skirmish.
During team drills, Lofton blitzed and would have sacked Daniel on the play. But it became apparent, Daniel wanted the linebacker to stay clear during the non-contact drill.

After the play, Daniel flipped the ball in Lofton's direction with some choice words.

Lofton took issue to the gesture, and before long Saints right guard Jahri Evans came to Daniel's defense, setting off a skirmish among several offensive and defensive players.

"We really only have three quarterbacks right now. And we really don't like to get hit at all because the slightest of hits could cause a serious injury as we have seen," Daniel said. "It wasn't necessarily in frustration. I was just mad that he literally ran into me. We cleared it up, we're good. Everything is good to go.

"I think it was just hot and we were in the middle of practice, emotions flying everywhere and that's what happened."

In the midst of the scrum, Lofton was knocked the ground, as the players wrestled about the field.

"Out of the whole scrum and (fight) that happened, that was the best part that I saw was just guys sticking up,' Daniel said. "Jimmy Graham was in there and Jahri Evans, sooner or later there were like 30 people and I just said 'Hey I'm out of here. I'm going back to the huddle to ready for the next play."

6/6/2012, 04:57 PM
That's so vintage Chasey-pooh: cause a fight like a little girl and then run away.

The man's continued drawing of breath disgusts me.

6/6/2012, 09:16 PM
Chase is all in a snit.

6/6/2012, 10:25 PM
Chase is a pu@@*

6/6/2012, 11:58 PM
Not the first time Lofton knocked booger boy on his his a$$...!!

6/7/2012, 12:08 AM

6/7/2012, 01:25 AM
I really don't think anybody is concerned about Daniels getting injured. If Daniels is playing, they might as well hang it up.

6/7/2012, 08:51 AM
I really don't think anybody is concerned about Daniels getting injured. If Daniels is playing, they might as well hang it up.

Why didn't this come up sooner?

6/7/2012, 09:19 AM
Can't remember another qb that pouted as much Chase Daniels.

6/7/2012, 10:00 AM
I hate the NFL so this just fans the flames for me! Let me get this strait? This five and dime quarterback didn't like getting bumped so he starts **** with a top flight player that could have resulted in injury for Lofton? Chase Daniels is a little ninny bitch! I think the saints would be livid if Daniels had ended up hurting Lofton! Enjoy it while you can because even if DB doesn't get it done, they will go get someone else!

6/7/2012, 10:02 AM
Thanks for that video. I can't recall a game I enjoyed more. Whipped 'em like the family mule. Beat 'em like a red-headed step-child. I think Granger enjoyed that game more than anyone else, damn he was talking smack to Chase all night long.

Chase Daniel, Texan. Need more be said?

6/7/2012, 10:05 AM
I remember that game it it looked like Daniels was pouting for most of the second half, and then he looked like a 5 year old ready to throw a fit because he did not get his way. It sounds like he hasn't change any in the big easy.

starclassic tama
6/7/2012, 12:03 PM
i love how this guy was supposedly a top flight quarterback in the limelight for a few years and people STILL don't get his name right. it may not be intentional but it still shows how irrelevant this ********* really is and always will be

Bourbon St Sooner
6/7/2012, 12:08 PM
As a Saints fan the reaction is, What? Somebody got to the QB? If it's just Chase knock his dick in the dirt and let's celebrate.

If it's Drew that's a different story.

6/7/2012, 12:34 PM
Wasn't that the game where they announced his poor performance on air and it got broadcast through the stadium PA by mistake? Hilarious to see a close-up of him realizing it and then looking around.

6/7/2012, 01:36 PM
That was a great game. Even though we'd already beaten them once, Mizzou was talking a lot of smack about how that was a fluke and they were the better team. Then we HUMILIATE them on the field exposing their team and their supposed heisman contender QB as the whiny bitches they were.

6/7/2012, 06:38 PM
MO and Daniels considered being ahead after three quarters winning the game. Guess they forgot you play four quarters.

6/8/2012, 03:19 AM
Punk bitch

6/8/2012, 09:59 AM
I grew up playing football with Chase and this is exactly what you would expect from him. He was just a snobby rich kid who would cry if you hit him too hard in hitting drills. Still a puss.