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6/5/2012, 02:34 PM
Quote from CNN:
"Abu Yahya al-Libi, the No. 2 man in al Qaeda and a longtime public face of the terror network, has been killed by a CIA drone strike in Pakistan launched Monday, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

Al-Libi was second-in-command behind al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who took the helm after bin Laden's death.

"There is no one who even comes close in terms of replacing the expertise (al Qaeda) has just lost," said the U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Monday strike was the third such deadly attack in as many days and the 21st suspected U.S. drone strike in Pakistan this year. At least six missiles were fired at a militant compound near the town of Mir Ali in the North Waziristan region near the Afghanistan border." Unquote

Dayum. Six. Hellfire Missiles. Somebody wanted al-Libi very thoroughly dead. must have been using those new heavy predator drones.

6/5/2012, 02:39 PM
If a R was in office all you libs would be "6 hellfire missiles? At a cost of umpteen brazillion $$ per? yeah, way to go. way to spend our tax paying dollars. way to celebrate the death of another human being."

Don't lie, you would.

Anyhow, Satanspeed Al libi. Libi. Heh.

rock on sooner
6/5/2012, 03:22 PM
If a R was in office all you libs would be "6 hellfire missiles? At a cost of umpteen brazillion $$ per? yeah, way to go. way to spend our tax paying dollars. way to celebrate the death of another human being."

Don't lie, you would.

Anyhow, Satanspeed Al libi. Libi. Heh.

I guess by definition I'm a lib since I sure as hell am not
very conservative, but, gotta say, given the chance I'd
sure pull the trigger, push the button or hit the keystroke
that means "fire" at every target, relishing the chance to
put more groups of 72 virgins to work, 'cause those sob's
do not deserve anything less...IMHO!

6/5/2012, 03:24 PM
I guess by definition I'm a lib since I sure as hell am not
very conservative, but, gotta say, given the chance I'd
sure pull the trigger, push the button or hit the keystroke
that means "fire" at every target, relishing the chance to
put more groups of 72 virgins to work, 'cause those sob's
do not deserve anything less...IMHO!

Would you "push the button" on a convicted child killer? A rapist/murderer sentenced to death?

rock on sooner
6/5/2012, 03:29 PM
Would you "push the button" on a convicted child killer? A rapist/murderer sentenced to death?

Not taking the law in my own hands...duly convicted and sentenced..
yep, especially a child killer.

6/5/2012, 04:10 PM
I have this image of some hideous demons, laughing and saying "Hellfire! Get it?"

6/5/2012, 05:28 PM
you'd think Pakistan would get tired of terrorists getting killed in their country

6/5/2012, 06:30 PM
Would you "push the button" on a convicted child killer? A rapist/murderer sentenced to death?

Would you given some of the lies our prosecution has made? I seem to remember a certain OSBI lab technician who put people on death row because she was either incompetent or lying. I'm not against the death penalty in an absolutely certain situation. Otherwise it isn't worth it.

Yes, I would send hellfire missile to take down Al Qaeda members. I think you are mistaking libs with left-center progressives who grew up in Oklahoma.

rock on sooner
6/5/2012, 08:48 PM
you'd think Pakistan would get tired of terrorists getting killed in their country

You'd think, 'cept the ISI has so much control over whoever is
paying the most and those at the top in Pakistan either don't
know or don't want to know, so they're letting the CIA/USAF
do their work for them. It is ALL about money, has been since
the late 50's, 60's and early 70's (then we closed Peshawar
Air Station and gave it to the ragheads.) It is still about the
1.5 billion or so each year. It is the money and the balance
of nuclear power in that region (India).

Nothing will give until 2014, then I'm thinking, all of a sudden,
these bad guys will be outed.

6/5/2012, 09:51 PM
Yes, it is a "good day"! :jaded:

I less terrorist on Planet Earth.
And, one less state (Wisconsin) under union control!