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View Full Version : Missouri AD Comments After SEC Spring Meetings...

6/2/2012, 07:37 PM
Interesting quotes from the Mizzou AD after the SEC meetings in Destin, FL, this past week.


6/2/2012, 08:58 PM

What I read: "We are not going to rock the boat just yet. So they are running a solid conference looking out for everyone else."

When in reality, Bama runs that conference....and they were the ones that insisted Missouri to be in the East.

6/2/2012, 08:58 PM
And I would like to request....

That you never post another SEC/Misery/A&M article on this board.....

K, thanks!

6/2/2012, 09:50 PM
Missouri is gone.


6/2/2012, 10:30 PM

What I read: "We are not going to rock the boat just yet. So they are running a solid conference looking out for everyone else."

When in reality, Bama runs that conference....and they were the ones that insisted Missouri to be in the East.

You are correct. We run the conference and send out the marching orders. That's why we scheduled an away game in Columbia against the Tigers for the 2012 season...;-)

6/2/2012, 10:37 PM
And I would like to request....

That you never post another SEC/Misery/A&M article on this board.....

K, thanks!


Sorry, I cannot make that committment.

6/2/2012, 10:40 PM

Sorry, I cannot make that committment.

Oh, I don't mind the casual SEC article...but I really do not care for any articles about Misery or eATMe.

Seriously man...we get it. You think the SEC is king....well we dont. And we also don't think there is a team in the SEC that even threatens our tradition or caliber.

6/2/2012, 10:58 PM
I have to say I don't see the point of posting that article. If it was to ruffle some feathers...we're way past caring what Missouri has to say about anything. They never could compete with us for championships, and now they're gone. File under who gives a ****.

6/3/2012, 03:37 AM
“It all became clear,” Alden said. “I don’t know why, but on that flight from St. Louis to Atlanta and from Atlanta to here, it did. We're about to get butt raped on the football field for the next 100 years.......”

At least he's honest

sooner n houston
6/3/2012, 08:03 AM
Another interesting statement by an SEC AD: "It's not because I'm opposed to playing Florida," LSU athletic director Joe Alleva said. "I just think it creates a competitive inequity in the whole league. In my opinion, people are voting for their own self-interests, not what's best for the whole league."


6/3/2012, 10:10 AM
You are correct. We run the conference and send out the marching orders. That's why we scheduled an away game in Columbia against the Tigers for the 2012 season...;-) saban ball = blow

6/3/2012, 10:41 AM
And you expect him to say that he misses the Big 12 and wishes he was still there?

6/3/2012, 11:13 AM
That's funny. They are praising the exact attitude that they failed to display in the Big XII.

6/3/2012, 12:51 PM
Clicking a link is more effort than I'm willing to make for the SEC, aTm or Mizzou.

Keller Sooner
6/3/2012, 02:00 PM
The man is two-faced. Missouri started the problems in the Big 12. They are non-existent to me.

6/3/2012, 09:42 PM

6/3/2012, 09:48 PM
We can slam the SEC, Missouri, A&M all we want...and we want to! But it sounds to me that the power teams in the SEC are not throwing their weight around to have everything their own way. What's the deal with this board? Do you guys all love Texas? That is exactly what the Mizzou AD is referring to...Texas and the way the horns try to run the Big 12.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/3/2012, 10:09 PM
Oh, I don't mind the casual SEC article...but I really do not care for any articles about Misery or eATMe.

Seriously man...we get it. You think the SEC is king....well we dont. And we also don't think there is a team in the SEC that even threatens our tradition or caliber.Sabansballs is under direct orders from the grave to pester Sooners. It's what gives him purpose.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/3/2012, 10:12 PM
Clicking a link is more effort than I'm willing to make for the SEC, aTm or Mizzou.No shiite. Somebody who cares oughta provide the summary, or the summary of the summary.

6/3/2012, 11:18 PM
“We’ve heard that from Florida, we’ve heard that from Alabama, we’ve heard that from Georgia, we’ve heard that from Kentucky,” Alden said. “Now that doesn’t mean Alabama isn’t going to try to beat your brains out when you play, but when they’re in that meeting and they’re saying ‘We’re willing to take less than maybe we’ll be able to earn on our own because it’s good for the league,’ it’s (something that’s) been built over time.”

Hard to imagine this concept ever even occurring to those caque-suckers in Austin.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/3/2012, 11:27 PM
‘We’re willing to take less than maybe we’ll be able to earn on our own because it’s good for the league,’

From some according to their means to others, according to their need.-recipe for__________.

6/4/2012, 11:27 AM
Clicking a link is more effort than I'm willing to make for the SEC, aTm or Mizzou.


Bourbon St Sooner
6/4/2012, 12:36 PM
I think we saw how much they value missouri when they stuck them in the East where every road trip is 1,000+ miles because bammer didn't want to go to the East.

bammer/fla to Mo: Here's your talking points to tell the newspapers. Now go over to the little boy table in the corner with ole miss / vandy while we take care of business.

6/4/2012, 02:27 PM
So a bitter ex is telling everyone how much better their new situation is?

Wow. That's new.

6/4/2012, 03:17 PM
Be nice. They got shivved at a nasty little fracas they started and now must face the unmitigated horror of having the living **** beaten out of them, in lonely stadiums, thousands of miles from home with only the inevitable shiny-at-the-elbows Mizzou local newspaper journalist (circulation 12,000!) as their fan for the rest of eternity.

When your choice from now 'til death is between looking into Nickie Saban's flat, expressionless, predator's eyes or listening to Les Miles babble incoherently and make vaguely orangutan-like gloating vocalizations over your most recent crushing defeat, well, the difference between an appointment with a rope out in the barn....or you and a short french kiss of your old .12 gauge might start to look like a toss up.

And that's not even counting the liklihood that they can swap the pleasures of losing to us for the joy of having Arkansas whip hell out of 'em.

Rarely has a school gotten what it so richly deserves.

6/4/2012, 05:46 PM
Here is my opinion on this crap....I really do not care one way or the other how Missouri does.

But so many of us have stated over and over that the Big 12 is just as good, some even say better, than the SEC.

If that is the case. If that is true, then Missouri will be just fine in the SEC. I don't see them winning the SEC, just like they never won the Big 12. But I do see them being competitive, IF what we think of the Big 12 is true.

Not wishing those *******s any luck or good tidings, but if people use logic on their own thoughts, Missouri will be just fine.

With that said, I hope their only wins are against Vandy and Ole Miss!

6/4/2012, 06:07 PM
Screw Missouri. I can't believe we're going to keep spending money there as a conference for our basketball tournaments.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/4/2012, 06:16 PM
Be nice. They got shivved at a nasty little fracas they started and now must face the unmitigated horror of having the living **** beaten out of them, in lonely stadiums, thousands of miles from home with only the inevitable shiny-at-the-elbows Mizzou local newspaper journalist (circulation 12,000!) as their fan for the rest of eternity.

When your choice from now 'til death is between looking into Nickie Saban's flat, expressionless, predator's eyes or listening to Les Miles babble incoherently and make vaguely orangutan-like gloating vocalizations over your most recent crushing defeat, well, the difference between an appointment with a rope out in the barn....or you and a short french kiss of your old .12 gauge might start to look like a toss up.

And that's not even counting the liklihood that they can swap the pleasures of losing to us for the joy of having Arkansas whip hell out of 'em.

Rarely has a school gotten what it so richly deserves.Nicely said.

6/4/2012, 06:17 PM
Screw Missouri. I can't believe we're going to keep spending money there as a conference for our basketball tournaments.

Kansas City has been Big 8/12 country for a very long time. The businesses there have been worried that the Big 12 was going to pull out of the KC area because Missouri left.

IMO, I am glad the Big 12 will continue to have a footprint in the Kansas City Area....especially since Lawrence and Manhattan are not too far away from there.

I am glad that the Big 12 is sticking with KC. It is fun to go up there for Big 12 championships, football and basketball.

6/4/2012, 06:33 PM
Screw KU and KSU too- its not the rest of the conference's fault Kansas built their biggest city in Methsouri

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/4/2012, 06:56 PM
Screw KU and KSU too- its not the rest of the conference's fault Kansas built their biggest city in Methsouriconference-schmonference. It's just about money, anyway, except for the dixie folks, who are still fighting that war.

6/5/2012, 01:29 AM
Screw KU and KSU too- its not the rest of the conference's fault Kansas built their biggest city in Methsouri

Funny you call Missouri (the state) that.

Oklahoma has the 3rd highest Meth use in the nation, 240% higher than the national average. Missouri is not in the top 10.

6/5/2012, 11:53 AM
Oh, stop bringing facts and logic into this!

Bourbon St Sooner
6/5/2012, 12:12 PM
Here is my opinion on this crap....I really do not care one way or the other how Missouri does.

But so many of us have stated over and over that the Big 12 is just as good, some even say better, than the SEC.

If that is the case. If that is true, then Missouri will be just fine in the SEC. I don't see them winning the SEC, just like they never won the Big 12. But I do see them being competitive, IF what we think of the Big 12 is true.

Not wishing those *******s any luck or good tidings, but if people use logic on their own thoughts, Missouri will be just fine.

With that said, I hope their only wins are against Vandy and Ole Miss!

Missouri was competitive because they were in the awful B12 North. If they had been in the B12 South, they wouldn't have sniffed a title game. Last year they were middle of the pack in conference when they had to play all of the South teams.

6/5/2012, 12:58 PM
Kansas City has been Big 8/12 country for a very long time. The businesses there have been worried that the Big 12 was going to pull out of the KC area because Missouri left.

IMO, I am glad the Big 12 will continue to have a footprint in the Kansas City Area....especially since Lawrence and Manhattan are not too far away from there.

I am glad that the Big 12 is sticking with KC. It is fun to go up there for Big 12 championships, football and basketball.

Screw KC. We should dump the city. If their businesses have a problem with it they should complain to the state legislature and point the finger right at MU.

With 3 of the original six Big 12 north teams gone, it really makes no sense to continue having a presence in KC.

6/5/2012, 01:22 PM
Funny you call Missouri (the state) that.

Oklahoma has the 3rd highest Meth use in the nation, 240% higher than the national average. Missouri is not in the top 10.

Funny where you get your sources. Those stats are from Quest Diagnostics which doesn't even test all 50 states. The test was on people who had meth in their systems when tested for work. The national average is .10%. So Oklahoma would be .24%. Oklahoma has 2 people per 1000 where the nation is just 1 per 1000. It's a pretty small number IMO. I believe Dio is more accurate in his statement. Here is an article from the St. Louis paper stating Missouri leads the nation in meth labs.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/5/2012, 01:28 PM
ha ha

6/5/2012, 01:46 PM
My state does more meth than your state!

6/5/2012, 02:26 PM
muscleflex should be 'toothgrind'.

6/5/2012, 03:32 PM
Meth smack! Gotta love it :)

6/5/2012, 08:04 PM
So a bitter ex is telling everyone how much better their new situation is?

Wow. That's new.


And it's not really that they seem to think they're gonna be sooo much happier in the SEC. You know, good for them, I hope they are, and they probably will be at least during the honeymoon phase.

What makes it so tough to stomach is their really dysfunctional, sad, pathetic little way of not only thumbing their nose and saying "neener-neener" on the way out, but the large base of fans (or at least their internet messageboard contingent) and their petty open wishes for bad things to happen to their exes, i.e. the Big XII.

I mean, have a little humility - and for God's sake - respect. These schools are what helped Mizzou (for over a century in most cases) establish their brand and make them what they are, to the point of being able to gain an invite to the perceived greener pastures in the SEC. Best thing to do? STFU, look forward to your future, and don't look back. If you think that joining a new conference is gonna make Columbia any less of a ****hole, if it's going to make your girls any more attractive, your sun to shine a little brighter....if you think that all of a sudden you're gonna have palmettos and kudzu everywhere, well guess what...it's not. You may now be in the SEC, but you are still and always will be Missouri.

Missouri always was a kind of middle-of-the-road player in the MVC/Big 6-7-8/Big XII and they will always be a middle-of-the-road player in the SEC. BFD.

But now you want out so bad? Great. GFY Mizzou...don't expect the rest of the Big XII to spend more than a passing thought about your success or failures elsewhere.......

......says the internet guy who just wrote about 5 too many paragraphs expressing his thoughts on Mizzou. :eddie:

6/5/2012, 09:19 PM
49r, you nailed it. And on top of all that, they lost their only meaningful rivalry.

WA. Sooner
6/7/2012, 03:20 AM
It wasn't them saying that sec was their first choice all a long and that their flirtation with the big ten was building a bargaining pitch for the sex/c

Bourbon St Sooner
6/7/2012, 12:15 PM

And it's not really that they seem to think they're gonna be sooo much happier in the SEC. You know, good for them, I hope they are, and they probably will be at least during the honeymoon phase.

What makes it so tough to stomach is their really dysfunctional, sad, pathetic little way of not only thumbing their nose and saying "neener-neener" on the way out, but the large base of fans (or at least their internet messageboard contingent) and their petty open wishes for bad things to happen to their exes, i.e. the Big XII.

I mean, have a little humility - and for God's sake - respect. These schools are what helped Mizzou (for over a century in most cases) establish their brand and make them what they are, to the point of being able to gain an invite to the perceived greener pastures in the SEC. Best thing to do? STFU, look forward to your future, and don't look back. If you think that joining a new conference is gonna make Columbia any less of a ****hole, if it's going to make your girls any more attractive, your sun to shine a little brighter....if you think that all of a sudden you're gonna have palmettos and kudzu everywhere, well guess what...it's not. You may now be in the SEC, but you are still and always will be Missouri.

Missouri always was a kind of middle-of-the-road player in the MVC/Big 6-7-8/Big XII and they will always be a middle-of-the-road player in the SEC. BFD.

But now you want out so bad? Great. GFY Mizzou...don't expect the rest of the Big XII to spend more than a passing thought about your success or failures elsewhere.......

......says the internet guy who just wrote about 5 too many paragraphs expressing his thoughts on Mizzou. :eddie:

Missouri's brand is being a step-child to the likes of OU, Neb and Tex. That's not why Mo got into the SEC. They got into the SEC because of the St Louis and KC tv markets. Their fans probably think they were invited because they have such a great team and great tradition, but anybody that thinks that is delusional because they are the height of mediocrity.

6/9/2012, 10:44 PM

And it's not really that they seem to think they're gonna be sooo much happier in the SEC. You know, good for them, I hope they are, and they probably will be at least during the honeymoon phase.

What makes it so tough to stomach is their really dysfunctional, sad, pathetic little way of not only thumbing their nose and saying "neener-neener" on the way out, but the large base of fans (or at least their internet messageboard contingent) and their petty open wishes for bad things to happen to their exes, i.e. the Big XII.

I mean, have a little humility - and for God's sake - respect. These schools are what helped Mizzou (for over a century in most cases) establish their brand and make them what they are, to the point of being able to gain an invite to the perceived greener pastures in the SEC. Best thing to do? STFU, look forward to your future, and don't look back. If you think that joining a new conference is gonna make Columbia any less of a ****hole, if it's going to make your girls any more attractive, your sun to shine a little brighter....if you think that all of a sudden you're gonna have palmettos and kudzu everywhere, well guess what...it's not. You may now be in the SEC, but you are still and always will be Missouri.

Missouri always was a kind of middle-of-the-road player in the MVC/Big 6-7-8/Big XII and they will always be a middle-of-the-road player in the SEC. BFD.

But now you want out so bad? Great. GFY Mizzou...don't expect the rest of the Big XII to spend more than a passing thought about your success or failures elsewhere.......

.....says the internet guy who just wrote about 5 too many paragraphs expressing his thoughts on Mizzou. :eddie:

Mizzou is like the guy in a group just before a fight breaks out. Talks a big game, disappears, then shows up after to talk about how they kicked ***.

6/10/2012, 11:36 PM
This is all very interesting. I agree, the decision by T**as to end the AM series is not good for college football. But they did not have to do that...my guess is that they will come to their senses soon and restore this rivalry.

I agree that Mizzou is a bit of a mixed bag--but I'm not sure that you guys are giving AM their due. First, they approached the SEC FIRST about joining our league, not the other way around. Also, have you checked the 2013 recruiting rankings lately? Sumlin is tearing it up and has the aggies in the top 5. With the SEC footprint now in the lonestar state, you guys now have more than the whorns to compete with for talent and sell TV prime time exposure to. If nothing else, we will make you work harder for all of what used to be low-hanging fruit. Case in point, we just got a committment from 4star CB Maurice Smith out of Sugarland whom you and Okie St had offered. Pre-realignment, I honestly and simply could not imagine any SEC team stealing a player of this calibre from this area, which correct me if I am wrong has been a stronghold for you guys over the years.

With realignment, I think that the SEC will now make serious recruiting inroads into T**as and it will be interesting to how you guys and the 'horns defend that turf.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/10/2012, 11:56 PM
You're selling yourself long, Sballs. Kevin Sumlin is apparently a good coach, AND IS BLACK. It comes as a surprise to no one that he can recruit well.

6/11/2012, 07:59 PM
This is all very interesting. I agree, the decision by T**as to end the AM series is not good for college football. But they did not have to do that...my guess is that they will come to their senses soon and restore this rivalry.

I agree that Mizzou is a bit of a mixed bag--but I'm not sure that you guys are giving AM their due. First, they approached the SEC FIRST about joining our league, not the other way around. Also, have you checked the 2013 recruiting rankings lately? Sumlin is tearing it up and has the aggies in the top 5. With the SEC footprint now in the lonestar state, you guys now have more than the whorns to compete with for talent and sell TV prime time exposure to. If nothing else, we will make you work harder for all of what used to be low-hanging fruit. Case in point, we just got a committment from 4star CB Maurice Smith out of Sugarland whom you and Okie St had offered. Pre-realignment, I honestly and simply could not imagine any SEC team stealing a player of this calibre from this area, which correct me if I am wrong has been a stronghold for you guys over the years.

With realignment, I think that the SEC will now make serious recruiting inroads into T**as and it will be interesting to how you guys and the 'horns defend that turf.

Trust me, nobody that's been a fan of a Big XII school (pre-realignment) is selling A&M short. The only thing I can tell you is wait a few years then get back to us.

Where to start with A&M...

A&M has always done well recruiting Texas. As much as most Longhorn fans don't want to admit it, A&M has been a thorn in their side in recruiting. Yet, what do they have to show for it? Zip. How many times did we hear that "this is the year that A&M will win the Big XII"...many. How many times did they win it? Once in 15 years. That's as many as KSU and Colorado. Nothing to hang your hat on.

As for recruiting, A&M's admission to the SEC has little to do with Bama landing a player like Maurice Smith. The reason Bama landed Smith is because of what Bama has done on the field in recent years. Not because A&M is in the SEC.

I'm really not worried about recruiting. We have gone moved toward Florida and California, and away from Texas. Of course we still target and sign Texas players (there are so many of them), but the days of OU making their living on Oklahoma and Texas players only are over. At the end of the day, there are plenty of top tier recruits for all the elite programs. It'll still come down to how they perform on gameday.

No body here is selling A&M short. A&M sold themselves short. Over, and over.

Of the two programs the SEC added, A&M makes the most sense. And will provide a better program over the long haul. But I won't miss them at all. And you'll hate them soon enough.

6/11/2012, 08:28 PM
This is all very interesting. I agree, the decision by T**as to end the AM series is not good for college football. But they did not have to do that...my guess is that they will come to their senses soon and restore this rivalry.

I agree that Mizzou is a bit of a mixed bag--but I'm not sure that you guys are giving AM their due. First, they approached the SEC FIRST about joining our league, not the other way around. Also, have you checked the 2013 recruiting rankings lately? Sumlin is tearing it up and has the aggies in the top 5. With the SEC footprint now in the lonestar state, you guys now have more than the whorns to compete with for talent and sell TV prime time exposure to. If nothing else, we will make you work harder for all of what used to be low-hanging fruit. Case in point, we just got a committment from 4star CB Maurice Smith out of Sugarland whom you and Okie St had offered. Pre-realignment, I honestly and simply could not imagine any SEC team stealing a player of this calibre from this area, which correct me if I am wrong has been a stronghold for you guys over the years.

With realignment, I think that the SEC will now make serious recruiting inroads into T**as and it will be interesting to how you guys and the 'horns defend that turf.
Good lord who gives a **** if aTm is recruiting well and if they "approached" the SEC first. Everyone and their dog knows they wanted to get away from Texas because they are simply their feeble, Gomer Pyle cousin.
Have fun with that.