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View Full Version : Gee, women can be predatory sex tourists too!

Chuck Bao
5/20/2012, 11:27 PM
I'm just curious about the response here to this film about female sex tourism since the reverse is a very resounding NO! And, it is not like the recent spate of teacher-high school student criminal cases since obviously those kids are underaged and vulnerable and entrusted to the supervision of a local/state education institution.

Paradise Love is about an older women hooking up with Kenyan beach boys - or in other words, sex tourism.


Graphic film about European women sex tourists and their encounters with Kenyan beachboys goes down a storm in Cannes


A graphic film featuring a middle-aged woman traveling to Africa for sex with male gigolos has been praised at Cannes Film Festival. In Paradise: Love, the first part of a trilogy, director Ulrich Seidl explores the subject of sex tourism among rich, European white women. The film had its gala premiere yesterday where it is one of 22 films competing for the Palme d'Or.

Margarethe Tiesel plays divorcee Teresa, who packs her teen daughter off to weight-loss camp and heads to Kenya where a friend has assured her that sex is plentiful. Soon she meets Munga (Peter Kazungu) and as their relationship develops Teresa believes he doesn't want money. But soon he starts asking for funds, claiming he needs cash for his sister’s baby, his father’s medical bills or his cousin’s school, but never for himself.

Yeah, I have to snicker at that description of this film. I've supported medical treatments of parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews and their education and just all around boon for the local village economy.

I learned to skip that whole thing and tell them that their mother is probably not feeling well and needs support to get a full medical checkup.

You'd think that women would catch on to that a little sooner than guys would.

5/21/2012, 12:13 AM
i don't see how it's predatory when you are talking about consenting adults

it seems when i have heard of the sex tourism thing to places like Thailand, it has mostly been about underage prostitutes

is Mandingo a minor?

Chuck Bao
5/21/2012, 12:35 AM
i don't see how it's predatory when you are talking about consenting adults

it seems when i have heard of the sex tourism thing to places like Thailand, it has mostly been about underage prostitutes

is Mandingo a minor?

No, sex tourism is not only about underage prostitutes. That is a pretty offensive idea. I've taken many of a client to patpong, nana plaza, soi cowboy, pattaya and elsewhere and I sure as hell took them to places that everyone is over the age of 18. I've traveled with my brokerage company's head of marketing, a 40 something year-old female, and the way she was treated overseas was shocking and disturbing. Okay, she was 40 years old and she was treated like a whore. It is hard to reconcile popular media/generalities and the fact.

5/21/2012, 12:58 AM
i guess i mean when i'm hearing about laws concerning it

who was treating her like a whore, that seems a little confusing...

Chuck Bao
5/21/2012, 03:42 AM
i guess i mean when i'm hearing about laws concerning it

who was treating her like a whore, that seems a little confusing...

Okay, I digressed with that last post. But, she did have a mountain-sized chip on her shoulder and she was a pain and stubborn as an *** whenever she felt slighted. I guess that a Thai business woman traveling around the world on one of our annual marketing trips could justifiably feel that way. I did see that people in Europe and the US automatically jumped to conclusions when they shouldn't have.

I get defensive about Thailand as well because I've seen some of these unfair prejudices. I get the "why are you living in Thailand?" thing all the time.

On the other hand, I've entertained a lot of clients over the years of living in Bangkok and I'm not one to judge because I also tend to try the local flavor whenever I travel.

I'm not one to judge, but I definitely will against anyone who wants to have sex with someone under the legal age. That is criminal and should be fully prosecuted.

I don't know the age of the Kenyan beach boys in that film. But I imagine that some of you are thinking "rich, white, horny women - lucky guys".

5/21/2012, 02:34 PM
Why is this different you ask Chuck.

Well, I would bet most older women looking for companionship with much younger men, even boys are in it for the SEX. Whereas most older men are in it for the sex and to rape, torture, murder, death, kill and dismember the sexual "victim".

5/21/2012, 02:46 PM
i'm not quite sure i follow

5/21/2012, 03:16 PM
I have a friend who was traveling somewhere in southeast asia and ran into such a situation. He was at a bar and an obviously wealthy middle-eastern guy comes in with his security entourage and a few very, very young boys and girls. It was obvious what the situation was and my friend and his traveling companion felt like they had to say something, so they asked the guy what his problem was. He very calmly replied, "So, you feel like dying today?"


I don't know how it fits into the discussion of Female Sex Tourism, but that's my only relevant knowledge. I will be traveling to Singapore and Manila later this year, but I don't expect to run into anything remotely close.