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View Full Version : Time to Move On...

5/17/2012, 12:54 PM
Well kids, it's finally that time. After about 13 years, we are officially shutting down the Soonerfans.com tailgate parties.

Why? Cause we want to. Momma and I have purchased a lake property at Texoma we plan on spending more time at, and we have decided we would like to do the normal thing - show up on Saturday, hang out and see the game, and then go home - instead of starting on Tuesday and ending on Sunday night. We'd like to attend more away games (away games gave us a weekend off), and there's also some potential liability issues that were additional straws on the camel's back. And frankly, the dang things have gotten so big they've taken on a life of their own.

It's a bittersweet pill though. We've met so many great people over the years (and a few dumb asses too), and it was a really cool thing to know so many of the posters personally. This alone made/makes this site unique, and it was always fun to watch new people nervously come up to their first SF.com tailgate and then figure out it was kinda silly to be nervous about it. I've heard that comment many, many times. Friendly, open folks who like to share was the norm. In case you don't know, about 90% of posters are nothing like their internet persona in real life.

Anyhow, I could go on and on about the great times we've had over the years. I remember our first one at the Sarkey's Center. My Sooner Harley with one ice chest, a Dick Butkus newspaper grill, and a card table and 4 folding chairs. From there to the Huston-Huffman area, then on to the house on Jenkins, and finally our uber-sweet spot at the Casa Blanca building. If anyone feels all nostalgic, feel free to post your favorite tailgate moments.

I will leave out a lot of folks here I'm sure, but I'd still like to try and thank those that contributed to make these parties what they were. Here goes:

Tailgate sponsors: Doug, Bryan and Shannon, Jim Tessio, Jim Aux, and a whole bunch more who've sponsored over the years deserve serious kudos.
Phil and Leslie for obvious reasons.
Oklahomey and Delane for their tireless fund raising efforts and contributions.
Jim Aux for the allsome Sooner wood carvings and financial support.
Phil and Peggy for tables, whole hogs, elk and antelope meat, advice, and other things.
BFS and Angela for the consistent help with every tailgate set up, and the cheap entertainment. Heh.
Doleo for the set up help and cheap entertainment.
Olevet for the OVJ. Nectar of the gods I tell you...
Boarder for the cooking help and financial support.
SSC, ST and Trina, and countless others for the help tearing down.

I'm gonna quit there. I just realized I can't possibly name all the folks who helped make these things what they were. Thanks to everyone.

Hope to run into some of you at future games, and we will be doing an away-game shindig or two this year. Thanks again y'all.

5/17/2012, 02:01 PM
I never got to make it out to one of the tailgates, but from what I read, it always seemed like as much fun as the games themselves. Congrats on the new property and good luck with the future shindigs. Any thoughts on your away games? I know I'm shooting to get out to the WVU game.

5/17/2012, 02:08 PM
Dean, though I only made it to a few...I really appreciated the work you and Lisa put into it.

You two are great people.

I met a lot of great folks at the few I did attend. Sad to see it go, but maybe we all can get together once or twice in the future.

Again, thanks! And I know a lot of what you have done to make them what they were goes unappreciated.

5/17/2012, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the Memory's

5/17/2012, 02:27 PM
It's "memories" ya ****ing hillbilly. Besides, you couldn't remember **** about most of them anyhow.

5/17/2012, 02:28 PM
It's "memories" ya ****ing hillbilly. Besides, you couldn't remember **** about most of them anyhow.

Heh, **** off dip **** :chuncky:

Curly Bill
5/17/2012, 02:30 PM
I never made it to one and I miss em...

...cause now I never can go to one.

Of course I do live pretty close to Texoma so Ima look ol Dean up there! ;)

5/17/2012, 02:33 PM
It's "memories" ya ****ing hillbilly. Besides, you couldn't remember **** about most of them anyhow.

Oh and oncet er twicet it was THANKS FER THE MAMMARY'S

Those were the wild TGs

5/17/2012, 02:44 PM

This is one of the saddest days ever...

You and everyone else who made the good times roll, cannot be thanked enough! I will miss all of the shenanigans, all of the drama, the great food, the good people and the even better times that were had at the SF.COM tailgates.

You guys made game days super special and I don't know what I am gonna do. Is their some kind of placement service you can provide to put some of us at other tailgates???

I will miss you guys and I am sorry I did not bring more crab salad!

I will see ya when I see ya and I wish you the best of luck the rest of the way!


P.S. screw all those who made it tough on Dean and Lisa by not being able to handle their ****!

5/17/2012, 02:46 PM
Hell Setem, I shoulda brot Mo OVJ

5/17/2012, 03:01 PM
Where's your place at Texoma? I'm at Soldier Creek and generally have large gatherings for away games.

5/17/2012, 03:08 PM
Where's your place at Texoma? I'm at Soldier Creek and generally have large gatherings for away games.

Over in the low-rent area around Newberry Creek. I'm officially trailer trash (hey, it's a 2010 model), but it's on the water. I've got my pontoon boat on a hydro-hoist in a slip close enough that I can hit it with a rock, my bass boat is in a storage unit right down the road, and I'm < 10 minutes from Durant if I need the walmarts or a restaurant or casino. I do have the tailgate 55" LED there and Dish HD all set up. Getting a deck built this month if the lazy sumbitch gets finished with the job he's on now. Really looking forward to spending more time down there.

5/17/2012, 03:17 PM

You are gonna miss out on this!
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/538550_10150714060318372_503543371_9774994_1822621 62_n.jpg
and this...
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/429032_560371501005_214400224_31431250_1125660032_ n.jpg

5/17/2012, 03:25 PM
Shes the Allsome , Purtier than a Garden Rabbit

5/17/2012, 03:27 PM
In case you don't know, about 90% of posters are nothing like their internet persona in real life.

I'm a girl :P

5/17/2012, 03:51 PM
I'm a girl :P


5/17/2012, 04:14 PM

Just tell me that joke isn't funny anymore, tell me that it's time to move on from that joke :D

But as soon as the season starts, you just know that some n00b's gonna come on here running their mouth and I'm going to type something back to them, and they're gonna be all like "Man up" or "Stop sounding like such a pansy girl" or questioning why I am oogling over a half-naked Adrian Peterson*.

*Actually happened. Someone responded with "Yeah, her husband might not like that" lulz.

5/17/2012, 04:35 PM
What's going on in Meade? A friend just bought a place on the south side of Meade this week.
We're on the west side of the bridge.

5/17/2012, 05:41 PM
What's going on in Meade? A friend just bought a place on the south side of Meade this week.
We're on the west side of the bridge.

Party on the lake!!

5/17/2012, 05:57 PM
Sigh...now I'll never get to meet the hot SF.com wimmen.

rock on sooner
5/17/2012, 08:28 PM

You are gonna miss out on this!
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/538550_10150714060318372_503543371_9774994_1822621 62_n.jpg
and this...
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/429032_560371501005_214400224_31431250_1125660032_ n.jpg

Wow, what a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5/18/2012, 10:43 AM
Well. One less reason to come down for games anymore.

Scratch that. Easily the biggest reason...

I've waited 13 long years for the Notre Dame rematch. So I'll probably make that one. Can't say beyond that.... Florida... or California... beckons. 4 more years of HS and it'll be time to blow this frozen tundra...

For me, it's not Oklahoma football without the opportunity to be around the people I care for. I hope we can arrange to get together sometime, with or without the football accompanying it.

I truly appreciate every moment with you and Lisa from scorching UTEP in 2000, to even more scorching North Carlina in 2001, to Papadeauxs, to good luck beat texas dip (thanks Walt and Eileen!), to you guys taking on my crew of teenage monkeys last year for the Tulsa opener.

To all you other guys and gals, Bryan, Shannon, Doug, Walt, Eileen, Phil, and Leslie.... this will make it tougher to get together and see you. But I look forward to then whenever it may be.

And though I am infrequent to the games, I hope over the years we've gotten to know each other well enough, that if you ever need anything... really need anything... all you have to do is holler. I can get down there for a stupid football game. I can more easily get down there for you both if you ever have a need.

...think I better sign off now...

Lott's Bandana
5/18/2012, 12:21 PM

Guess I'll sell my scooter now.

5/18/2012, 01:38 PM

Guess I'll sell my scooter now.

Heh, Ya know anyone who wants to buy an OVJ machine?:chuncky:

sluggo sooner
5/18/2012, 01:38 PM
My family and I enjoyed the tailgates we were able to make. Great hosts! Thanks for everything.

5/19/2012, 08:55 AM
Must've been the best tailgate(s) ever !!!!! came over there a couple times & met Dean, the GREAT host. used to park right across the alley, before some company (maybe Haliburton) took over the whole strip. really hate to see it go !!!

My wife & i own a lot there @ newberry creek, but have never used it. Not on the lake, but close.

5/20/2012, 02:14 PM
I first found out about these tailgates a couple seasons ago. Was amazed at the menus and obvious work and planning to make them a success. I go to a game or 2 each season now and never made it to one. But thanks for all your work!!

5/20/2012, 06:43 PM
Let me add that the time we had in Norman (not the game) was very memorable. Thank you for your hospitality! Sure we can't talk you out of it now that "we'll be in the Big 12"??

5/20/2012, 08:43 PM
Fun times.

5/20/2012, 09:13 PM
Sorry to hear that Dean but I can't imagine the work that y'all put in to it. Thanks for years of good times.

5/21/2012, 11:02 AM
Deano, a million thanks to you and Lisa for all the work and planning that have gone into these tailgates. I remember that first one 13 years ago and who-da thunk it would have turned into what it has. It has been a great ride and I have enjoyed them all. You and Momma enjoy your more relaxing gameday Saturdays and don't be strangers, let's hook up on some of the road trips. Thanks again to the both of you, BFS & my lovely bride Ms. A.

5/21/2012, 01:19 PM
I never made a tailgate either, but congrats to you and wife on property and getting more quality time with each other, enjoy!

5/21/2012, 01:28 PM
Thanks for all the hard work you and Lisa put in to them Dean. Always had a good time.

5/22/2012, 11:59 PM
I just got to enjoy one season with everyone it was great hope to see you guys around next year

5/24/2012, 01:19 PM
Tailgates? There were tailgate's?

5/26/2012, 10:12 AM
Dean and Lisa,
I'm happy for you both. You deserve some relaxing down time pre and post games. Good for you!
Thank you for the kind words and rememberances. I will always remember the Crown Royal pre-game shots which became "another, OK, one more....damn that was good...one more!"...wiggling the TV antenna.....moving the trucks....Beyonces....cheering the team bus as we stood on the curb...dealing with KState drunks in Manhatten. But the memory I will most cherish is, during a particularly sad time in my life, Dean's genuine welcoming handshake and Lisa's charming smile and "encouraging" words as I (the new guy) first showed up and began setting up chairs. You two are special folks that God has blessed to all us SoonerFans.
Be safe on the water.

5/26/2012, 08:50 PM
Well said Jaux! If I ever run into you at Westport in KC again, the first one is on me.

5/26/2012, 09:22 PM
It is now time to move to Lloyd Noble area for tailgates, no question the prior spot was superior but it is now gone...

5/28/2012, 05:22 PM
I'm really going to miss this, I attended most of the tailgates the past several years. There are several of us from BA that travel together to the games. The tailgate was top notch and we always had a great time. Thanks for all you have done, and enjoy your new weekend freedom.

5/28/2012, 05:45 PM
SSC, ST and Trina, and countless others for the help tearing down.

No problem Dean...I just wish I had been there for the past two seasons to TG with y'all...oh well, it's the nature of my job. And this fall, looks like we might be PCS'ing...so I guess 2009 was it. Anyways, all my thanks to you and Lisa for the outstanding effort and for pouring your hearts, souls and wallets into this endeavor for the past however-many years.

5/29/2012, 03:14 PM
Fittingly, I heard Stoops saw this thread posted and has now decided to call it a career.

5/29/2012, 08:04 PM
Only one I made it to was the Oregon game, can't remember the year, maybe 2004. It was the day after Dusty got suspended. It was so hot that day I got sick.

6/1/2012, 02:04 PM

Please pass along to Lisa my sincerest thanks for all your hard work for so long. I sure had a good time every tailgate and appreciate your guys for putting it on. I will admit that OU games will not be quite the same.


Scott D
6/1/2012, 08:24 PM
Glad I got to make it to one.....or maybe everyone can blame me since I went to the last official regular season one ;)

6/2/2012, 11:41 AM
****ing Scott D...

6/21/2012, 11:48 AM
well.... Lisa needs to get a user name and start posting!

7/5/2012, 02:23 PM
Wow guys, just saw this. My dad and I have been attending since over on the south side.
We can't thank you enough for all your efforts, hospitality n friendship. You have definitely earned some ”you” time.

7/16/2012, 01:30 PM
Wow...I logged on to tell u I was sending my money for the sponsorship this year...I sure am gonna miss u guys. It was a pleasure meeting each and everyone of you who made it to the tailgate. You guys became my sooner family. Thank you all for the great memories! Congrats on your property. Take care, emily

8/7/2012, 12:48 PM
My families tailgate is on the corner of the Northeast parking lot, Last trailer at the every end of the N.E. corner . Y'all are very welcomed. Lots of booze, beer, food, TVs, canopies, footballs, Frisbees and fun to be had . :)

8/9/2012, 07:28 AM
For those of you who are going to be stopping by, just peem me that Thursday so I can give you my cell in case you get lost. You can bring a folding chair and either stay and watch the game at the tailgate or leave it there while you go into the stadium for safe keeping. Come early before the food dwindles down. :)

8/9/2012, 07:52 PM
NE parking lot? Which parking lot? North or south of stadium? Sounds like fun!

Lott's Bandana
8/11/2012, 10:18 AM
Mama, that is a very generous invitation and I thank you for it.

8/20/2012, 02:00 AM
NE parking lot? Which parking lot? North or south of stadium? Sounds like fun!RV parking lot, last row to the east and on the corner lot.

8/20/2012, 02:51 AM
RV parking lot, last row to the east and on the corner lot.

So the Loyd Nobel?

8/22/2012, 02:23 PM
I'm a girl :P

ya know Badg...nothin proven without pics! :eagerness:

(didn't feel like scrolling through the whole thread to see if someone else commented...apologies if so!)

9/11/2012, 04:22 PM
So the Loyd Nobel?

No. Ours is in the RV parking area, just northeast of the stadium. Last row to the east. Its the N.E. corner lot. Blue and white RV, lots of people. 5 TVs. You cant miss it. Lots of soonerfans came last week. I was late getting there though because the traffic on Flood was so crazy, it cost us an hour or more, so I only met a few. I got a couple of calls I never returned because of that. I plan to call them back here shortly so they will know where to go next game.

9/11/2012, 06:42 PM
Cool thing you're doing Glen. We'll swing by one of these games.

9/11/2012, 07:36 PM
Cool thing you're doing Glen. We'll swing by one of these games.

Comin' up for ISU? (Amy and I will be down for Notre Dame and I am taking Michael down for the LoSuR game for his 17th b-day.)

9/12/2012, 08:47 AM
Comin' up for ISU? (Amy and I will be down for Notre Dame and I am taking Michael down for the LoSuR game for his 17th b-day.)

We're kicking ISU around. The only problem is we've got kin in Des Moines, and we'd be expected to stay with them...and I'd rather crawl across broken molten glass on my bare knees than stay with these folks.

9/12/2012, 11:33 PM
We're kicking ISU around. The only problem is we've got kin in Des Moines, and we'd be expected to stay with them...and I'd rather crawl across broken molten glass on my bare knees than stay with these folks.

Sounds like it would be about as much fun as having a bunch of K-State students honking and yelling all night while you're trying to sleep. 

9/13/2012, 06:53 AM
Deano, give a brother a holler if you make the trip, we be stayin at the Gateway

9/13/2012, 09:27 AM
If you are going to ISU game, the RV camping is in the Vet Med lot.