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View Full Version : Enough With The Stable Analogy!

5/16/2012, 03:15 PM
For one, it's older than dirt. Two, the analogy is kinda demeaning. If I were a black guy I'd be insulted if someone referred to me as a thorougbred and I belonged in a stable. I'm not an animal! It congers up images of slavery.

There! I said it!

OK. Maybe I have an overactive imagination, but I can't believe I'm the only one. And it's the off season and there's not enough rumors, inuendos and half-truths on this board to keep me entertained during my lunch hour.

5/16/2012, 03:17 PM
Yer having lunch at 3PM WTF?

5/16/2012, 03:21 PM

5/16/2012, 03:30 PM
Swing shift, late shift, grave yard shift ...

5/16/2012, 04:00 PM
Great, now I'm going to have to change the whole way I talk to my husband.

5/16/2012, 04:07 PM
If stable has been ruled out, what is the proper term for a strong group of players at a certain position?

Is it herd? covey? herd? pack? array? pod? horde? colony? flock? pride? colony? swarm?

What is it? I am lost.

5/16/2012, 04:10 PM
If stable has been ruled out, what is the proper term for a strong group of players at a certain position?

Is it herd? covey? herd? pack? array? pod? horde? colony? flock? pride? colony? swarm?

What is it? I am lost.


5/16/2012, 04:10 PM
Please stop.

5/16/2012, 04:27 PM

5/16/2012, 04:33 PM
If stable has been ruled out, what is the proper term for a strong group of players at a certain position?

Is it herd? covey? herd? pack? array? pod? horde? colony? flock? pride? colony? swarm?

What is it? I am lost.


5/16/2012, 04:52 PM

5/16/2012, 04:53 PM
Crew. Tha Boyz. My Niggas.

5/16/2012, 04:53 PM
How does one conger an image?

5/16/2012, 05:00 PM

5/16/2012, 05:17 PM
How does one conger an image?

It's a complicated process, see the link below.

Link: Congering an Image

5/16/2012, 05:25 PM
Mule train?

Jack T.
5/16/2012, 07:22 PM

As long as they are not an autonomous collective.

5/16/2012, 07:38 PM
Yer an igiot. Waz u?? U be a culered perzon? Iz likes ta be a "thoroughbred" meenz iz gots a big unit u dig? Bro!?

5/16/2012, 08:00 PM
Here's a word. No.

5/16/2012, 08:01 PM

5/16/2012, 08:19 PM
Racisim exists cause op tries to make something into nothing.

5/16/2012, 09:51 PM
I prefer jigs and "the jig house."

Neath a Western Sky
5/17/2012, 10:17 AM
For one, it's older than dirt. Two, the analogy is kinda demeaning. If I were a black guy I'd be insulted if someone referred to me as a thorougbred and I belonged in a stable. I'm not an animal! It congers up images of slavery.

There! I said it!

OK. Maybe I have an overactive imagination, but I can't believe I'm the only one. And it's the off season and there's not enough rumors, inuendos and half-truths on this board to keep me entertained during my lunch hour.

So what's your analysis of our fine stable of quarterbacks heading into the 2012 season?

starclassic tama
5/17/2012, 11:09 AM
it has nothing to do with race, if anything it has to do with the fact that running backs run long distances. i wonder how toby gerhart felt about being referred to as part of a "stable" of backs

WA. Sooner
5/18/2012, 03:15 AM
If that is the worst thing to happen to him, he has led a very charmed life and will get over it or not.

5/18/2012, 07:11 AM
"Watermelon Patch". What do I win?

5/18/2012, 07:18 AM
"Watermelon Patch". What do I win?

You just went there...! Hilarious!

5/18/2012, 07:26 AM
Steed will be a nice addition to our stable of punters.

5/18/2012, 08:18 AM
I would not mind one bit being referred to as a thoroughbred. Have you looked closely at those things? Beautiful, muscular perfection. Majestic.

If it is intended as a compliment, its a compliment.

We also have a fine stable of quarterbacks.

5/18/2012, 08:31 AM
Meh. This thread is going nowhere good.