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View Full Version : OPEN CARRY GUN LAWS IN OKLAHOMA (the answer to how you control people)

5/15/2012, 01:48 PM
Gov. Fallin just signed it.

Link (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=336&articleid=20120515_336_0_OKLAHO418463)

Senate Bill 1733 by Sen. Anthony Sykes, R-Moore, would allow those with a conceal-carry permit to openly carry weapons.

The measure takes effect Nov. 1.

5/15/2012, 01:51 PM
Good deal

5/15/2012, 01:58 PM
smoke rising from the White House...Obama and Holder just steaming about now.

5/15/2012, 02:40 PM
I am a gun owner (moderate: four rifles, a pistol, three shotties). I like my 2nd amendment rights.
How many of us feel it necessary to carry a gun? Concealed or otherwise? How many of us feel that we'd have the wherewithal, if being threatened with deadly force, to draw, ready a weapon and fire without running a very high risk of hitting a) ourselves, b)an innocent bystander, c) a kid in the daycare behind the attacker (and would you think to check your backstop?)
How often have you been threatened to the extent that you neeeeeeeeeeed to carry lethal force with you?
Maybe you ex-cops and ex-combat military feel pretty sure of what you'd do in that moment. I know for a fact that I don't know about myself. Because I've never been in that circumstance. Partially because I try to exercise a modicum of common sense and avoid doing things like bar hopping in North Tulsa at 4 a.m. with my family's jewelry stash around my neck. Partially because....well, it is just so completely rare. Rare as in: statistically, it doesn't happen to middle class people minding their own business. Yes, your house could be invaded (less likely if you lock the damn doors), but the other 1,000,000 homes in Oklahoma wouldn't be.

I guess I'm in favor of the right, but good lord people, we're getting mighty afraid of daily life when we have to strap on iron to leave the front door. Alternatively, it smacks a bit of people who are overcompensating something fierce. Switch to boxers, it might solve that problem more cheaply than going out and buying a gun.

5/15/2012, 02:49 PM
I don't really understand the need to carry one openly. I was a police officer for 25 years and rarely ever carried a gun off duty then, almost never carry one now.
I felt the concealed carry would cause some mix ups, stolen guns, etc that would just make things worse. That never really happened. This deal? Kinda worry some gomers will want to strut around with that Glock, etc to feel important. Hopefully most folks will conclude carrying a gun around all the time is just an uncomfortable hassle.

Hey, if some of these guys happen to shoot up a few turds, fine. They can deal with all the courts and and a few cowardly DAs.

5/15/2012, 02:58 PM
I want to pack heat mainly as a penis extension and overweight divorced mom attractant.

That and I'm totally stoked about throwing down in an alley cowboy-style.

5/15/2012, 03:28 PM
Strap one to your forehead for all I care. I'd rather know you are carrying to be honest, not that it's anyvof my business.

Lott's Bandana
5/15/2012, 03:47 PM
I'm not sure what the point of all this is.

It's a Concealed Carry License. I for one have no intention of walking around with a holster for the same reason I won't carry one of those cell phone holders on my belt.

Not fashionable.

5/15/2012, 04:05 PM
I very seldom ever Carry
Usually only if Im traveling and Not sure what kinda place ima be in

Mississippi Sooner
5/15/2012, 04:07 PM
I wanna carry a Desert Eagle in a shoulder holster, Dirty Harry style. Eff Yeah!

5/15/2012, 05:09 PM
Now the term "whippin' out your hog" has TWO meanings!

I Am Right
5/15/2012, 05:33 PM
Good Deal!

5/15/2012, 06:11 PM
Now the bad guys know who to shoot first.

To those of you who plan to open carry, that's your right, but Darwin.

5/15/2012, 06:29 PM
Concealed seems more prudent, but I'm glad a person could open carry if they want. It might make you worry less about printing or your jacket coming open for a moment.

Lott's Bandana
5/15/2012, 08:39 PM
Concealed seems more prudent, but I'm glad a person could open carry if they want. It might make you worry less about printing or your jacket coming open for a moment.


I Am Right
5/15/2012, 08:52 PM
I love those, "Hog head on the hip"

5/15/2012, 08:59 PM
"Hey big 'un whatcha packin' there? Looks like a 6incher. Me, I got the ole hog leg strapped on. 8 Inches of hot molded shootin' iron."

5/15/2012, 09:59 PM
Gov. Fallin just signed it.

Link (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=336&articleid=20120515_336_0_OKLAHO418463)

Now, I can come out of the "closet"!

5/15/2012, 10:02 PM
I am a gun owner (moderate: four rifles, a pistol, three shotties). I like my 2nd amendment rights.
How many of us feel it necessary to carry a gun? Concealed or otherwise? How many of us feel that we'd have the wherewithal, if being threatened with deadly force, to draw, ready a weapon and fire without running a very high risk of hitting a) ourselves, b)an innocent bystander, c) a kid in the daycare behind the attacker (and would you think to check your backstop?)
How often have you been threatened to the extent that you neeeeeeeeeeed to carry lethal force with you?
Maybe you ex-cops and ex-combat military feel pretty sure of what you'd do in that moment. I know for a fact that I don't know about myself. Because I've never been in that circumstance. Partially because I try to exercise a modicum of common sense and avoid doing things like bar hopping in North Tulsa at 4 a.m. with my family's jewelry stash around my neck. Partially because....well, it is just so completely rare. Rare as in: statistically, it doesn't happen to middle class people minding their own business. Yes, your house could be invaded (less likely if you lock the damn doors), but the other 1,000,000 homes in Oklahoma wouldn't be.

I guess I'm in favor of the right, but good lord people, we're getting mighty afraid of daily life when we have to strap on iron to leave the front door. Alternatively, it smacks a bit of people who are overcompensating something fierce. Switch to boxers, it might solve that problem more cheaply than going out and buying a gun.

NW OKlahoma City....great neighborhood. (even some black families that I know...)
But, we've had 3 home invasions within the last year. One while the family was at home!

The reason for the open carry law is.....one provision included - if the gun is accidentally seen, it is no longer a misdemeanor offense.....and you won't loose your CCpermit.