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5/12/2012, 08:23 PM
Just for the sake of conversation, if you were to devise a strategy to control a sizable portion of the population without the use of force or violence, how would you go about it?

5/12/2012, 08:32 PM
Just for the sake of conversation, if you were to devise a strategy to control a sizable portion of the population without the use of force or violence, how would you go about it?Pander to the ones that want something for nothing, give them something for nothing, keep them under my thumb and tell them my opposition are a bunch of racist...

5/12/2012, 08:33 PM
You make them dependent upon you.

Democrats = smart

This is what they have been doing for over a genration now.

5/12/2012, 08:57 PM
i'd make up this story about the afterlife, and threaten then with eternal suffering, while dangling paradise in front of them as well

i'd keep them from learning science as much as possible too ;)

5/12/2012, 09:01 PM
i'd make up this story about the afterlife, and threaten then with eternal suffering, while dangling paradise in front of them as well

i'd keep them from learning science as much as possible too ;)I don't think your way would work very well...especially since the majority of the "controlled" populace believe in the afterlife, eternal suffering and paradise in the end.

5/12/2012, 09:04 PM
i think one of us didn't understand the assignment

5/12/2012, 09:04 PM
I don't think your way would work very well...especially since the majority of the "controlled" populace believe in the afterlife, eternal suffering and paradise in the end.

Sorry but Yermom pretty much nailed it.

5/12/2012, 09:08 PM
i think one of us didn't understand the assignmentEh...I think you're right...too much OVJ tonight.

5/12/2012, 09:09 PM
I just aim right between their eyes and tell em to get the **** off my hill

Chuck Bao
5/12/2012, 09:18 PM
i think one of us didn't understand the assignment

Just have to sit back and watch a couple replays of this yermom slam dunk.

5/12/2012, 09:32 PM
Just have to sit back and watch a couple replays of this yermom slam dunk.Nope.

5/12/2012, 09:32 PM
religion, currency control, encourage specialization to the point that no one person or small group can be self-reliant.

I dunno

5/12/2012, 09:44 PM
i'd make up this story about the afterlife, and threaten then with eternal suffering, while dangling paradise in front of them as well

i'd keep them from learning science as much as possible too ;)

Islam? Hasn't religion been one of the most destabilizing influences upon governing regimes for centuries?

Chuck Bao
5/12/2012, 09:49 PM

5/12/2012, 09:52 PM
Just for the sake of conversation, if you were to devise a strategy to control a sizable portion of the population without the use of force or violence, how would you go about it?

Propaganda, how else? You appeal to something noble, but on the other hand your have a sinister motive. For example, you don't say "let's fight Iraq because of geopolitical advantages," instead you say "Saddam is a brutal dictator who murders his own people, so let's give them freedom."

Any movement that has Hollywood on their side, pretty much is guaranteed a win.

5/12/2012, 09:52 PM


5/12/2012, 10:50 PM

by Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston

Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past (from '1984') George Orwell


From the moment our senses first register the presence of our parents we are being shown the way that life apparently is. Through no fault of ours or theirs, our parents begin the programming process as their views of life, shaped by their education, employment and the media are imposed on us. Formal education through schools, colleges and universities continues the systematic indoctrination where the 'correct' views and interpretations of science, history and society result in exam passes and the ability to 'get on' in life. Alternative views and the rejection of establishment education lead to supposedly lesser jobs and a struggle against economic poverty. Our entire understanding of the world and current affairs is filtered through the mass media, interpreted by journalists and so-called experts. Their views become our views simply because we are not offered any alternatives. To overcome daily problems within society we turn to elected representatives of our community. We give our decision-making abilities to these few people who are increasingly remote, as local council power is removed to national government and ever more to Europe.

Our experience of life is determined by the framework around our society. The basic premise is that the goal of each individual should be to become a minute part in the global machine of consumerism led by Western multinational corporations and banks. Every other consideration is subordinate to the prime motivation of profit. Obviously, those in the positions of influence – politicians, bankers, corporate executives, media moguls – have been, according to their own definition, 'successful' within the System, so have an interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs. This framework shapes every aspect of our life through education, the media, health care, cultural and sporting events, religion etc.

With these framing conditions in place, the System regulates itself: individuals with attitudes that suit the perpetuation of the System achieve status and influence within it; those who accept the establishment rules soon find ways to impose those rules; those who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism attain positions to promote it. Regardless of how the framework came to be imposed, the truth is that the same attitudes control education, media, governments and banks and therefore exert an irrepressible influence over every aspect of our lives, our thoughts and opinions.

The vast majority of the world's population are merely sheep happily following the herd. Whatever is broadcast in the media as being desirable to the masses suddenly and miraculously becomes desired by the masses. Whatever our neighbour owns or achieves becomes the object of great envy and we lust to acquire what we believe to be ours by right. Thus, when we are shown a solution to a problem, any old solution to anything which interferes with our need to follow the latest trends, we accept it without question and cease to seek any further for ourselves. Problems abound and so do solutions; but it is the easiest and most profitable proffered option which is seized by the majority whilst the minority are trampled underfoot in the stampede to acquire the latest object of idolatry. And just like sheep who follow blindly and without question the direction of the herd, we are led through the gates of a pen to be confined at the shepherds convenience until it is time for the final journey, once again without hesitation and happy in the knowledge that we are with the 'in-crowd', through the gates of the slaughterhouse

However, this framework has not been constructed by chance or appeared by accident. It is a deliberate policy which has been implemented over the centuries and continues with ever more sinister repercussions today. It is the identities of these shepherds, their methods and motivation with which the following chapter is concerned.

Since Biblical times, the esoteric knowledge, outlined briefly in this book, has been largely withheld from the majority of people throughout the world. Initially, this information was the remnant of Atlantean knowledge but was gradually dispersed and further diluted by cataclysmic events such as the Great Flood. Throughout the ages, lost information has been returned to the collective consciousness of mankind via prophets and channellers. Great Mystery Schools, such as the Essene order, set themselves apart in order to carry forward this knowledge via carefully selected initiates. These initiates were the mystics and magi as well as the scholars, healers and philosophers, such as Pythagoras, who, it is said, was very much influenced by the Druid culture.

Secrecy was maintained by these orders to avoid persecution and to prevent the very powerful information from falling into the hands of those who would use it for imbalanced reasons. Knowledge was concealed within myth and fable, often passed between generations by word of mouth alone, as in the case of the Celtic Druids. Any written documents were careful ciphered, with the keys to the code known only to selected initiates. Covens formed throughout the world and maintained secrecy through secret signals and codes which would reveal their meeting places. This practice persists today amongst secret orders such as occultists and Freemasons etc..

5/12/2012, 10:56 PM
Religion, propaganda, etc. Most people are sheep. Sad part is that they don't know they are sheep, and they react to outside stimuli. I'm convinced nobody is immune totally (certainly not me). I just think we need to understand what affects us. Religion doesn't anymore for me since I realized that my "Christian" morality was innate and not dictated by what I was taught in church (which basically said to run).

Chuck Bao
5/12/2012, 11:00 PM

Can I make tax deductions on tithing to that church? I mean, seriously.

5/13/2012, 07:27 AM
Class division/racism, hire for race/gender not competency, pass legislation to control (ie Obamacare, Patriot Act, TSA, etc), increase size and scope of the federal government to where it refuses to answer to the people, increase numbers using entitlement/welfare programs, teach socialism/marxism/communism is good and capitalism is bad to our children (rewrite history), have a complicit instead of honorable investigative media, have a department to print all the money I needed that wasn't in the constitution so it had no checks or balances (could bail out all my constituents corporations and unions), have a cabinet full of czars not accountible to the people and try to subvert the constitution, be able to legally insider trade etc and become a multi-millionaire while in congress, and allow politicians to fight our wars instead of the warfighters. Wait I think those are already in place. Have I left anything out?

5/13/2012, 07:30 AM
I didn't expect such deep thinking on this.

My thought was very basic. Money.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/13/2012, 11:54 AM
Islam? Hasn't religion been one of the most destabilizing influences upon governing regimes for centuries?True! I regretfully think that Yermom was trying to convince that Christianity is dangerous, but Islam is the religious culprit in modern times. Also, the religion of the Left(Statism), as described by Soonerscoop in post #20, is hard at work in what's left of the USA.

5/13/2012, 06:56 PM
i'm not sure how you think i'm promoting Islam vs. Christianity in my post. i think they are both crazy in their own ways

point your finger at Islam and you have 3 pointing back at you ;)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/13/2012, 08:30 PM
I didn't intend to say that by chastizing Christianity you were defending Islam or any other religion. It just appears that you think Christianity is as (potentially)problematical nowadays as it was during the Crusades

5/13/2012, 09:56 PM
1. A close collobaration between the media (including news and entertainment) and government.
2. A compulsory government-run education system.
3. Using public money to manipulate and "buy off" public opinion.

5/13/2012, 11:35 PM
I didn't intend to say that by chastizing Christianity you were defending Islam or any other religion. It just appears that you think Christianity is as (potentially)problematical nowadays as it was during the Crusades

if i lived in a muslim country, i'd probably bitch about them more

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2012, 03:00 AM
if i lived in a muslim country, i'd probably bitch about them moreThen, you might be a real stoner!(stonee)

jk the sooner fan
5/14/2012, 07:15 AM
Just for the sake of conversation, if you were to devise a strategy to control a sizable portion of the population without the use of force or violence, how would you go about it?

make them a moderator?

5/14/2012, 08:21 AM
Glad to see Socialism recognized as a religion.

5/14/2012, 12:31 PM
Glad to see Socialism recognized as a religion.

And Capitalism isn't? Both purist seem pretty fanatical to me.

5/14/2012, 12:36 PM
You are getting sleepy....sleepy...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2012, 01:21 PM
And Capitalism isn't? Both purist seem pretty fanatical to me.Freedom is fanatical to you! We know that already.

5/14/2012, 01:23 PM
Get some guy/woman dressed up in a dorky Cowboy cosume decked out all in some god-awful orange color and have them wave their hands back and forth during football games....

5/14/2012, 01:51 PM
And Capitalism isn't? Both purist seem pretty fanatical to me.

The fanatical part is pretty similar. Where I think a distinction can be drawn is in that Socialism attempts to answer all questions and correct all wrongs through its mechanism of centralized control of the economy. Read carefully and even human nature is open to 'correction' in a Socialist society (very similar to the Abrahamic religions and Buddhism on that score).

Capitalism, on the other hand, doesn't pretend to be more than a body of philosophical precepts governing the organization and operation of the economy. And the vast majority of those are restraining or restrictive upon the central authority rather than prescriptive.

That's why you will often hear the currently dominant societal form described as something like 'representative democracy with a market economy'. The 'market economy' part restricts itself to a small portion of the society's life; and the supporters of such a system understand that there is more to life than money and its control.

5/14/2012, 03:27 PM

How do you kill 11 million people?
How do you control people?
How do you get them to do what you want them to do?

You do what our politicians do to us, lie.

5/14/2012, 05:21 PM
The fanatical part is pretty similar. Where I think a distinction can be drawn is in that Socialism attempts to answer all questions and correct all wrongs through its mechanism of centralized control of the economy. Read carefully and even human nature is open to 'correction' in a Socialist society (very similar to the Abrahamic religions and Buddhism on that score). Capitalism, on the other hand, doesn't pretend to be more than a body of philosophical precepts governing the organization and operation of the economy. And the vast majority of those are restraining or restrictive upon the central authority rather than prescriptive. That's why you will often hear the currently dominant societal form described as something like 'representative democracy with a market economy'. The 'market economy' part restricts itself to a small portion of the society's life; and the supporters of such a system understand that there is more to life than money and its control.That is pretty deep.What I mean is both worship at the table of the almighty dollar and political power.

5/14/2012, 05:23 PM
Freedom is fanatical to you! We know that already. I thought you had me on the iggy thingy.Capatilism and freedom are two different ideas.

5/14/2012, 06:40 PM
Instill in the people a sense of:

Give the people:
Bread and Circus

Keep the people in a pretty much constant state of:

It's been working pretty well for several thousand years so far.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2012, 07:01 PM
That is pretty deep.What I mean is both worship at the table of the almighty dollar and political power.One is all about political power, and the other about the individual's right to pursue economic betterment without the govt. prohibiting or controlling one's endeavors.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2012, 07:07 PM
I thought you had me on the iggy thingy.Capatilism and freedom are two different ideas.I DO have you on iggy, for good reason. Sometimes I look in to see if there's positive direction. Capitalism can't work without a reasonable degree of individual freedom. You HAVE TO know that, and know also that govt. unnecessarily meddling in economic behavior ends poorly. FDR, LBJ, Carter, Pelosi, Reid and Obeary, for example. Sad for America.

I Am Right
5/14/2012, 08:12 PM
Just for the sake of conversation, if you were to devise a strategy to control a sizable portion of the population without the use of force or violence, how would you go about it?

Easy, with cries of Islamaphoba, Homophobia, racism. Scream it loud and often regardless of facts, disparage Christians, Jews, the NRA, Boy Scouts and anybody who flies the American Flag!!!!!

I Am Right
5/14/2012, 08:14 PM
make them a moderator?


I Am Right
5/14/2012, 08:16 PM
And Capitalism isn't? Both purist seem pretty fanatical to me.

Difference is ---Capitalism feeds the poor, Socialism kills the poor!

5/14/2012, 10:13 PM
Difference is ---Capitalism feeds the poor, Socialism kills the poor!Right. Rolls eyes.

5/14/2012, 10:46 PM
Difference is ---Capitalism feeds the poor, Socialism kills the poor!

Right. Rolls eyes.

USSR, China, N Korea = starving people

USA = obese people on gov't welfare

If you really consider it, has there ever been a time in human history that humans have been able to grow obese without toiling, reaping, or being employed? Only the last 30-40 years in the USA.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/15/2012, 01:31 AM
USSR, China, N Korea = starving people

USA = obese people on gov't welfare

If you really consider it, has there ever been a time in human history that humans have been able to grow obese without toiling, reaping, or being employed? Only the last 30-40 years in the USA.Cut diverdog some slack. he was raised in a marxist boot camp.

5/15/2012, 06:10 AM
USSR, China, N Korea = starving peopleUSA = obese people on gov't welfareIf you really consider it, has there ever been a time in human history that humans have been able to grow obese without toiling, reaping, or being employed? Only the last 30-40 years in the USA.China, Russia and North Korea are communist. All affluent societies have had problems with obesity at some point.

5/15/2012, 07:23 AM
This capitalist/socialist false dichotomy is funny.

You want real capitalism? Great. Go check out the United States or England in mid to late 19th centuries. Enjoy your child labor. Enjoy deeply entrenched class systems, unbridled pollution, etc.. It's true everyone was free, but at some point, as a collective 1st world society, we said eff that with regard to laissez-faire capitalism. What we have now is a regulated system which is a blended form of government.

No President is going to have much effect on our system one way or the other. One cannot simply dismantle the regulatory state.

5/15/2012, 08:23 AM
Suggest you read 'The Road To Serfdom' by Hayek. He was in favor of a regulated economy to ensure fairness of opportunity and prevention of fraud and abuse. He makes impassioned arguments in favor of capitalism from both the pure economists point of view as well as the political philosopher's.

You're use of the word 'collective' is something of a red flag (ahem) to Hayek followers. And I don't believe we truly have a collectivist government quite yet.

Mississippi Sooner
5/15/2012, 08:51 AM
People who still, 20 years later, refer to Russia as the USSR, the Soviets and communist are funny.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/15/2012, 12:05 PM
no shiite
Suggest you read 'The Road To Serfdom' by Hayek. He was in favor of a regulated economy to ensure fairness of opportunity and prevention of fraud and abuse. He makes impassioned arguments in favor of capitalism from both the pure economists point of view as well as the political philosopher's.

You're use of the word 'collective' is something of a red flag (ahem) to Hayek followers. And I don't believe we truly have a collectivist government quite yet.no shiite

Curly Bill
5/15/2012, 12:10 PM
People who still, 20 years later, refer to Russia as the USSR, the Soviets and communist are funny.

Thanks for that...comrade.

Mississippi Sooner
5/15/2012, 12:14 PM
Thanks for that...comrade.

You're welcome. Now, pass the vodka.

Curly Bill
5/15/2012, 12:17 PM
You're welcome. Now, pass the vodka.

I'm not big on that stuff, but I could go for some right now!

Mississippi Sooner
5/15/2012, 12:18 PM
I'm not big on that stuff, but I could go for some right now!

Considering what day it is, me too. That's a big no ****ter.

Curly Bill
5/15/2012, 12:22 PM
Considering what day it is, me too. That's a big no ****ter.

I gotta go over and read that thread.

5/15/2012, 12:26 PM
Cut diverdog some slack. he was raised in a marxist boot camp.

I was raised in a military home. You?

Curly Bill
5/15/2012, 12:30 PM
I was raised in a Soviet military home. You?

That's some honesty right there. Thanks for that diver. It helps us to understand you better.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/15/2012, 12:39 PM
my dad was a private sector guy. He owned and drove (formerly)private sector American cars.

5/15/2012, 01:02 PM
My dad beat up your dad. WITH COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA

5/15/2012, 01:27 PM
People who still, 20 years later, refer to Russia as the USSR, the Soviets and communist are funny.

USSR was used as an example of a socialist republic that was unable to adequately feed its population, in a historical context.

Mississippi Sooner
5/15/2012, 01:31 PM
USSR was used as an example of a socialist republic that was unable to adequately feed its population, in a historical context.

I know. I'm just in a grumpy mood today.

5/15/2012, 01:46 PM
I know. I'm just in a grumpy mood today.

You in da right place!